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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11): 2786-2796.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.14190


Genetic diversity and its association analysis of SSR markers with starch content in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

LIU Yu-Ling1(), ZHANG Hong-Yan1, TENG Chang-Cai1,2, ZHOU Xian-Li1, HOU Wan-Wei1,2,3,*()   

  1. 1Qinghai University, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    2Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
    3Creation of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Qinghai Scientific Observation and Experimental Station / National Crop Germplasm Complex, Xining 810016, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2021-10-18 Accepted:2022-01-05 Online:2022-11-12 Published:2022-03-02
  • Contact: HOU Wan-Wei E-mail:liuyulingL6@163.com;houwanwei333@163.com
  • Supported by:
    The China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(食用豆);The China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-08-G06);The National Key Research and Development Program(2019YFD1001300);The National Key Research and Development Program(2019YFD1001302)


Starch is the most abundant type of carbohydrate in faba bean grain. In general, starch content affects its physical and chemical properties, thereby affecting the quality and the use of faba bean. Understanding the genetic diversity of faba bean varieties and finding molecular markers closely linked to faba bean starch content are of great significance to the molecular marker-assisted (MAS) breeding of faba bean. In this study, 260 accessions of faba bean germplasm were used as test materials to determine the total starch content, amylose content and amylopectin content in 2019 and 2020. To analyze the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of 260 accessions of faba bean materials, the GLM and MLM models of Tassel 2.1 software were used to analyze the association between markers and starch content using 132 pairs of SSR markers with significant polymorphism. The results showed that the coefficient of phenotypic variation ranged from 13.21% to 20.52% with an average value of 14.85%, indicating that the test population had a certain phenotypic diversity. A total of 629 polymorphic locus were detected by 132 markers in 260 accessions of faba bean materials. The average number of alleles at each site was 4.77, and the range of variation was 2-11. The value of polymorphism information (PIC) was between 0.0385 and 0.7772, with an average of 0.4935. About 50% of the PIC values were greater than the average, indicating that the diversity of markers used in this study was relatively high. Cluster analysis divided 260 materials into three groups. Group I included 42 materials, Group II included 59 materials, and Group III included 159 materials. The classification results reflected the genetic relationship between faba bean varieties. The population genetic structure analysis divided 260 materials into two subgroups, indicating that the test population structure was relatively simple, which was conducive to association analysis. Based on the GLM model and the MLM model, eight markers significantly (P < 0.01) associated with the content of total starch, amylose and amylopectin were detected in two years respectively. The explanation rates of single markers for phenotypic variation were 4.54%-9.04% and 2.69%-10.39%, respectively. The SSR-10927 marker was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with amylopectin content in two years and in both models, and was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with the total starch content in the two models in 2019 and the MLM model in 2020 with the highest detection rate. The results of this study laid a theoretical foundation for faba bean MAS breeding and the selection of parental materials.

Key words: faba bean, SSR marker, starch content, genetic diversity, association analysis

Table S1

Variety information of 260 faba bean materials"

Serial number
Unified national numbering
Variety name
Source place
1 H0000002 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国山西 Shanxi, China
2 H0000006 大马牙 Damaya 中国山西 Shanxi, China
3 H0000015 洋蚕豆Yang faba bean 中国山西 Shanxi, China
4 H0000016 家蚕豆Jia faba bean 中国山西 Shanxi, China
5 H0000039 白马牙 Baimaya 中国山西 Shanxi, China
6 H0000090 栗豆 Chestnut beans 中国内蒙古 Inner Mongolia, China
7 H0000091 红蚕豆 Red faba bean 中国内蒙古 Inner Mongolia, China
8 H0000095 当地树豆 Local tree beans 中国内蒙古 Inner Mongolia, China
9 H0000109 牛踏扁 Niutabian 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
10 H0000110 青皮 Green husk 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
11 H0000113 牛踏扁 Niutabian 中国浙江 Zhejiang, China
12 H0000116 小粒长荚 Small seeds and long pods 中国浙江 Zhejiang, China
13 H0000117 翠湾白皮豆 Cuiwanbaipi bean 中国浙江 Zhejiang, China
14 H0000138 川黄小粒种 Chuanhuan Small grain species 中国浙江 Zhejiang, China
15 H0000152 青皮大脚板 Qingpidajiaoban 中国湖北 Hubei, China
16 Q15 湟源马牙 HuangyuanMaya 中国青海 Qinghai, China
17 H0000158 胡豆 faba bean 中国湖北 Hubei, China
18 H0000167 白蚕豆 White faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
19 H0000172 拉市豆 Lashi bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
20 H0000184 绿皮豆 Green-skinned bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
21 H0000189 宝峰蚕豆 Baofeng faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
22 H0000190 新街蚕豆 Xinjie faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
23 H0000191 夕阳大蚕豆 Sunset big faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
24 H0000193 小红皮蚕豆 Little red-skinned faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
25 H0000195 莲峰蚕豆 Lianfeng faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
26 H0000200 马街蚕豆 Majie faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
27 H0000201 三岔河蚕豆 Sanchahe faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
28 H0000203 绿叶豆 Green leaves bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
29 H0000207 大同甫豆 Datongfu bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
30 H0000216 中粒豆 Medium grain bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
31 H0000218 细蚕豆 Fine faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
32 H0000242 洱源豆 Eryuan bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
33 H0000244 大蚕豆 Big faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
34 H0000245 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
35 H0000248 大红豆 Big red bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
36 H0000285 青海五号 Qinghai No.5 中国青海 Qinghai, China
37 H0000308 高产地大粒 High yield and large grain 叙利亚 Syria
38 H0000334 74TA.12 叙利亚 Syria
39 H0000341 23856 叙利亚 Syria
40 H0000360 Syr.L.L 叙利亚 Syria
41 H0000363 高产地 High yield 叙利亚 Syria
42 H0000364 Syr.L.M 叙利亚 Syria
43 H0000365 Syr.L.M 叙利亚 Syria
44 H0000376 23794 叙利亚 Syria
45 H0000389 23705 叙利亚 Syria
46 H0000423 23925 叙利亚 Syria
47 Q13 透心绿 Through Heart Green 中国青海 Qinghai, China
48 H0000432 79S 97514 伊拉克 Iraq
49 H0000435 76TA56297 伊拉克 Iraq
50 H0000438 74TA374 黎巴Lebanon
51 Q12 羊眼豆 Sheep Eyed Peas 中国青海 Qinghai, China
52 H0000456 New Mammoth 英国 UK
53 H0000460 78S 33120×75TA43 英国 UK
54 H0000492 8062 叙利亚 Syria
55 H0000508 8008 伊拉克 Iraq
56 H0000509 7011 伊拉克 Iraq
57 H0000513 7016 伊拉克 Iraq
58 H0000518 8060 黎巴嫩 Lebanon
59 H0000539 8077 埃及 Egypt
60 H0000541 7033 阿尔及利亚 Algeria
61 H0000549 7045 西班牙 Spain
62 H0000552 8055 西班牙 Spain
63 H0000570 7047 英国 Britain
64 H0000577 8033 乌拉圭 Uruguay
65 H0000578 7003 约旦 Jordan
66 H0000605 M5179 民主德国 Former German Democratic Republic
67 H0000607 63180 民主德国 Former German Democratic Republic
68 H0000693 237 土耳其 Turkey
69 H0000698 944 阿富汗Afghanistan
70 H0000701 23 伊拉克 Iraq
71 H0000782 427 苏丹 The Sudan
72 H0000802 369 阿尔及利亚 Algeria
73 H0000805 372 阿尔及利亚 Algeria
74 H0000807 816 阿尔及利亚 Algeria
75 H0000809 402 突尼斯 Tunisia
76 H0000811 922 突尼斯 Tunisia
77 H0000813 926 突尼斯 Tunisia
78 H0000815 928 突尼斯 Tunisia
79 H0000825 100 西班牙 Spain
80 H0000876 972 波兰 Poland
81 H0000918 大豆 soybean 中国山西 Shanxi, China
82 H0000930 大马牙 Damaya 中国山西 Shanxi, China
83 H0001019 句容蚕豆 Jurong faba bean 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
84 H0001033 海安白皮 Haian white skin 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
85 H0001034 丹徒大粒 Dantu big grain 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
86 H0001035 丹徒小粒 Dantu small grain 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
87 H0001037 句容白皮 Jurong white skin 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
88 H0001039 南郭豆 Nanguo bean 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
89 H0001075 黄皮田鸡青 Yellow skin Tianjiqing 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
90 H0001080 黄皮细叶青 Yellow skin Xiyeqing 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
91 H0001082 本地种 Native species 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
92 H0001085 宁波川 Ningbochuan 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
93 H0001086 中籽 Zhongzi 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
94 H0001091 池槐豆 Chihuai bean 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
95 H0001105 石门青 Shimenqing 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
96 H0001108 小粒豆 Small grain bean 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
97 H0001109 新塘青豆 Qingtang green beans 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
98 H0001112 本地三月黄 Local March yellow 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
99 H0001114 阔板青 Kuobanqing 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
100 H0001290 小粒佛豆 Small grain Buddha bean 中国浙江Zhejiang, China
101 H0001346 大青片 Daqingpian 中国安徽 Anhui, China
102 H0001381 青稞蚕豆 Highland barley faba bean 中国湖北 Hubei, China
103 H0001392 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国江西 Jiangxi, China
104 H0001402 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国江西 Jiangxi, China
105 H0001407 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国江西 Jiangxi, China
106 H0001431 大棵蚕豆 Dake faba bean 中国湖北 Hubei, China
107 H0001432 鞋板豆 Xieban bean 中国湖北 Hubei, China
108 H0001433 小板粒蚕豆 Small plate grain faba bean 中国湖北 Hubei, China
109 H0001438 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国湖南 Hunan, China
110 H0001600 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国湖南 Hunan, China
111 H0001602 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国广西 Guangxi, China
112 H0001624 大白胡豆 Dabai faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
113 H0001629 大胡豆 Big faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
114 H0001633 二板豆 Erban bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
115 H0001635 大白胡豆 Dabai faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
116 H0001637 二饭早 Erfanzao 中国四川 Sichuan, China
117 H0001645 二青胡豆 Erqing faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
118 H0001652 青胡豆 Qing faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
119 H0001667 二白胡豆 Erbai faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
120 H0001668 大白胡豆 Dabai faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
121 H0001669 铁夹胡豆 Tiejia faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
122 H0001671 大白胡豆 Dabai faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
123 H0001693 水胡豆 Water faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
124 H0001706 红胡豆 Red faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
125 H0001718 棉花胡豆 Cotton faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
126 H0001722 细米胡豆 Fine-grained faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
127 H0001724 大胡豆 Big faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
128 H0001731 二胡豆 Er faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
129 H0001737 大胡豆 Big faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
130 H0001758 细米胡豆 Fine-grained faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
131 H0001760 大白胡豆 Dabai faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
132 H0001761 山宝白皮 Shanbao White skin 中国云南 Yunnan, China
133 H0001773 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
134 H0001775 清河蚕豆 Qinghe faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
135 H0001776 研和蚕豆 Yanhe faba bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
136 H0001777 葫芦冲豆 Huluchong bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
137 H0001780 撮科豆 Cuoke bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
138 H0001781 草庆豆 Caoqing bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
139 H0001784 龙子大白豆LongziDabai bean 中国云南 Yunnan China
140 H0001791 江川绿叶豆 Jiangchuan green leaves bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
141 H0001796 半大豆 Semi-soybean 中国云南Yunnan, China
142 H0001797 腊古蚕豆 Nagu faba bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
143 H0001802 胡豆 faba bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
144 H0001805 胡豆 faba bean 中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
145 H0001806 老胡豆 Old faba bean 中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
146 H0001808 米胡豆 Mi faba bean 中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
147 H0001854 康乐牛踏扁KangleNiutabian 中国陕西 Shaanxi, China
148 H0001855 临潭蚕豆 Lintan faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
149 H0001859 文县蚕豆 Wenxian faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
150 H0001863 岷县蚕豆 Minxian faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
151 H0001864 武山蚕豆 Wushan faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
152 H0001865 漳县老大豆ZhangxianLao soybean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
153 H0001877 民勤蚕豆 Minqin faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
154 H0001881 民乐洪水蚕豆 Minle flood faba Bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
155 H0001884 临洮红蚕豆 Lintao red faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
156 H0001897 马牙蚕豆 Maya faba bean 中国青海 Qinghai, China
157 H0001900 红大豆 Red soybean 中国青海 Qinghai, China
158 H0001935 西皮尕大豆 Xipiga soybean 中国青海 Qinghai, China
159 H0001939 曹家堡尕大豆 Caojiabaoga soybean 中国青海 Qinghai, China
160 H0001940 尕马牙 Gamaya 中国青海 Qinghai, China
161 H0001947 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国宁夏 Ningxia, China
162 H0001953 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国宁夏 Ningxia, China
163 H0001955 25 伊拉克 Iraq
164 H0002297 281 黎巴嫩 Lebanon
165 H0002308 285 黎巴嫩 Lebanon
166 H0002311 323 约旦 Jordan
167 H0002314 638 加拿大 Canada
168 H0002332 590 加拿大 Canada
169 H0002368 616 加拿大 Canada
170 H0002375 617 加拿大 Canada
171 H0002376 508 加拿大 Canada
172 H0002382 817 法国 France
173 H0002409 800469 德国 Germany
174 H0002414 MNRISBEAGUE 德国 Germany
175 H0002431 780011 德国 Germany
176 H0002432 STRUBE 德国 Germany
177 H0002437 159 希腊 Greece
178 H0002469 171 荷兰 Netherlands
179 H0002470 166 荷兰 Netherlands
180 H0002473 247 匈牙利 Hungary
181 H0002474 259 匈牙利 Hungary
182 H0002475 876 黎巴嫩 Lebanon
183 H0002492 493 阿富汗 Afghanistan
184 H0002503 595 加拿大 Canada
185 H0002505 615 加拿大 Canada
186 H0002515 150 前苏联 Former Soviet Union
187 H0002516 804 阿富汗 Afghanistan
188 H0002517 成胡1号 Chenghu No.1 中国四川 Sichuan, China
189 H0002527 成胡10号 Chenghu No.10 中国四川 Sichuan, China
190 H0002531 大青皮蚕豆 Big green husk faba bean 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
191 H0002542 绿蚕豆 Green faba bean 中国宁夏 Ningxia, China
192 H0002621 紫蚕豆 Purple faba bean 中国宁夏 Ningxia, China
193 H0002622 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国宁夏 Ningxia, China
194 H0002693 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国新疆 Xinjiang, China
195 H0003027 青海6号 Qinghai No.6 中国青海 Qinghai, China
196 H0003030 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国河北 Hebei, China
197 H0003109 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国河北 Hebei, China
198 H0003112 白马牙蚕豆 Baimaya faba bean 中国内蒙古 Inner Mongolia, China
199 H0003126 马牙蚕豆 Maya faba bean 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China
200 H0003128 泰县青皮 Taixian green husk 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
201 H0003186 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国江苏 Jiangsu China
202 H0003191 昆山青皮 Kunshan green husk 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
203 H0003192 浦口蚕豆 Pukou faba bean 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
204 H0003195 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国湖南 Hunan, China
205 H0003210 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国湖南 Hunan, China
206 H0003305 小胡豆 small faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
207 H0003333 桐绵胡豆 Tongmian faba bean 中国贵州 Guizhou, China
208 H0003362 大蚕豆 Big faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan China
209 H0003370 甸中大白豆 Dianzhong big white bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
210 H0003375 小粒豆 Small faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
211 H0003404 漾田蚕豆 Yangtian faba bean 中国云南 Yunnan China
212 H0003430 马料豆 Maliao bean 中国云南 Yunnan, China
213 H0003431 云豆83-324 Yun bean 83-324 中国云南 Yunnan, China
214 H0003433 青海3 Qinghai No.3 中国青海 Qinghai, China
215 H0003761 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国江西 Jiangxi, China
216 H0003897 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国湖南 Hunan, China
217 H0003937 纳足胡豆 Nazu faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
218 H0003950 大金本地种 Daikin native species 中国四川 Sichuan, China
219 H0004015 小胡豆 small faba bean 中国陕西 Shanxi, China
220 H0004033 糠胡豆 Kang faba bean 中国陕西 Shanxi, China
221 H0004113 7029 11 德国 Germany
222 H0004288 白塔青皮 Baita green husk 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
223 H0004291 钟庄小青皮 Zhongzhuang small green husk 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
224 H0004297 小黄山青皮 Xiaohuangshan green husk 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
225 H0004304 钟庄白皮 Zhongzhuang white skin 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
226 H0004311 窑湾白皮 Yaowan white skin 中国江苏Jiangsu, China
227 H0004360 南坡小蚕豆 South slope small faba bean 中国广西 Guangxi China
228 H0004363 小狗豆 Puppy beans 中国广西Guangxi, China
229 H0004518 清邑大粒豆 Qingyi Large grain faba bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
230 H0004558 Alfud 法国 France
231 H0004564 引98-22 Yin 98-22 日本 Japan
232 H0004805 金钟豆 Jinzhong bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
233 H0004812 金钟豆 Jinzhong bean 中国云南Yunnan, China
234 H0004957 L1443 法国 France
235 H0005075 蚕豆 faba bean 中国青海 Qinghai, China
236 H0005088 陈桥白皮蚕豆 ChenqiaoBaipi faba bean 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
237 H0005089 南通三白 NantongSanbai 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
238 H0005091 通蚕5号 Tongcan No.5 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
239 H0005094 苏89027 Su 89027 中国江苏 Jiangsu, China
240 H0005277 北塬尕蚕 Beiyuanga faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
241 H0005345 法国410-1 France 410-1 法国 France
242 H0005349 伊拉克45-1 Iraq 45-1 伊拉克 Iraq
243 H0005351 渭源马牙蚕 WeiyuanMaya faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
244 H0005353 加拿大60H Canada 60H 加拿大 Canada
245 H0005355 法国410 France 410 法国 France
246 H0005383 康马牙选(红皮) Kangmayaxuan (Redskins) 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
247 H0005388 岷县羊眼蚕豆 MinxianYangyan faba bean 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
248 H0005389 民和尕豆126 Minhega bean 126 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
249 H0005680 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国河北张家口 Zhangjiakou, Hebei, China
250 H0005837 胡豆 Faba bean 中国重庆 Chongqing, China
251 H0005839 胡豆 faba bean 中国重庆 Chongqing, China
252 H0005852 临蚕2号 Lincan No.2 中国甘肃 Gansu, China
253 H0005867 蚕豆 Faba bean 中国重庆 Chongqing, China
254 H0005913 中品CD-09 Zhongpin CD-09 俄罗斯 Russia
255 H0006305 涡阳大青花 Guoyangdaqinghua 中国安徽 Anhui, China
256 H0006306 合肥蚕豆 Hefei faba bean 中国安徽 Anhui, China
257 H0006309 达县福寿本地胡豆
DaxianFushou Local faba bean
中国四川 Sichuan, China
258 H0006312 金川本地胡豆Jinchuan local faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
259 H0006313 峨眉胡豆 Emei faba bean 中国四川 Sichuan, China
260 Q2 青海12 Qinghai No.2 中国青海 Qinghai, China

Table S2

Original data of starch content in 260 faba bean materials for two years"

Serial number
Unified national numbering
Total starch content (%)
Amylose content (%)
Amylopectin content (%)
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
1 H0000002 52.35 38.06 12.81 12.05 39.54 26.01
2 H0000006 40.35 26.69 9.36 7.36 30.99 19.33
3 H0000015 35.55 36.06 7.24 10.8 28.31 25.26
4 H0000016 45.2 31.76 10 9.84 35.21 21.91
5 H0000039 46.44 36.15 10.56 10.68 35.88 25.48
6 H0000090 33.87 49.87 8.61 15.42 25.27 34.45
7 H0000091 47.89 42.96 14.29 11.93 33.6 31.03
8 H0000095 34.53 43.67 6.65 13.15 27.88 30.52
9 H0000109 49.31 48.2 12.79 14.77 36.52 33.44
10 H0000110 41.1 40.36 9.05 11.43 32.04 28.92
11 H0000113 46.49 51.78 11.02 14.8 35.47 36.98
12 H0000116 52.44 45.18 13.71 12.17 38.74 33.01
13 H0000117 39.87 39.24 9.3 12.09 30.57 27.15
14 H0000138 48 45.6 11.18 12.59 36.82 33.01
15 H0000152 44 42.81 9 11.23 34.99 31.58
16 Q15 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
17 H0000158 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
18 H0000167 43.23 54.32 10.23 16.16 33 38.16
19 H0000172 48.98 44.73 14.16 14.35 34.83 30.38
20 H0000184 42.43 50.43 9.16 12.82 33.26 37.61
21 H0000189 38.94 48.26 7.53 14.82 31.41 33.44
22 H0000190 40.45 44.26 12.27 11.92 28.18 32.34
23 H0000191 33.68 37.8 6.22 10.93 27.46 26.86
24 H0000193 47.69 41.88 11.82 11.28 35.87 30.6
25 H0000195 39.13 42.72 10.89 11.56 28.23 31.17
26 H0000200 49.41 45.23 10.76 12.95 38.66 32.28
27 H0000201 40.33 42.74 9.06 10.74 31.27 32
28 H0000203 37.93 40.47 8.27 11.57 29.66 28.91
29 H0000207 43 40.83 8.87 12.46 34.13 28.37
30 H0000216 43.34 55.12 9.19 15.93 34.15 39.19
31 H0000218 43.15 42.1 8.26 11.81 34.89 30.29
32 H0000242 46.11 50.85 11.41 12.44 34.7 38.4
33 H0000244 34.26 51.72 7.31 10.93 26.95 40.79
34 H0000245 47.44 51.93 11.42 15 36.02 36.93
35 H0000248 38.13 38.92 8.41 11.54 29.71 27.38
36 H0000285 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
37 H0000308 45.58 45.79 8.15 12.19 37.43 33.6
38 H0000334 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
39 H0000341 42.38 44.03 8.87 10.79 33.51 33.24
40 H0000360 37.92 54.79 8.37 15.38 29.55 39.41
41 H0000363 45.14 48.23 8.6 11.49 36.54 36.74
42 H0000364 49.23 50.29 15.71 14.11 33.52 36.18
43 H0000365 37.83 57.47 8.25 15.4 29.58 42.07
44 H0000376 35.09 47.29 6.28 11.75 28.81 35.54
45 H0000389 42.07 31.88 10.01 7.46 32.06 24.42
46 H0000423 39.13 46.78 8.55 12.47 30.58 34.31
47 Q13 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
48 H0000432 33 52.52 7.86 11.85 25.14 40.67
49 H0000435 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
50 H0000438 48.87 36.34 12.41 9.77 36.47 26.57
51 Q12 36.11 42.03 9.01 10.6 27.1 31.43
52 H0000456 41.23 50.63 9.04 13.17 32.19 37.46
53 H0000460 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
54 H0000492 36.45 53.49 8.18 13.73 28.27 39.76
55 H0000508 28.18 31.15 8.46 8.73 19.72 22.42
56 H0000509 47.46 40.96 11.23 10.38 36.22 30.58
57 H0000513 39.32 42.37 7.82 11.87 31.5 30.49
58 H0000518 33.49 48.29 5.56 11.72 27.93 36.57
59 H0000539 42.64 39.25 9 10.45 33.65 28.8
60 H0000541 45.42 42.88 10.78 11.12 34.64 31.76
61 H0000549 44.21 43.58 10 9.57 34.2 34.01
62 H0000552 46.2 44.71 9.61 11.28 36.59 33.42
63 H0000570 39.64 46.8 9.04 11.23 30.59 35.57
64 H0000577 36.99 36.08 9.54 10.65 27.46 25.43
65 H0000578 41.73 37.3 8.25 9.06 33.48 28.25
66 H0000605 47.01 37.72 15.55 10.71 31.46 27.01
67 H0000607 48.33 51.23 10.91 14.59 37.43 36.64
68 H0000693 49.41 53.89 10.79 14.97 38.62 38.92
69 H0000698 45.45 39.19 10.74 10.94 34.71 28.25
70 H0000701 47.87 50.34 11.62 12.37 36.25 37.97
71 H0000782 44.12 54.27 10.79 16.1 33.33 38.17
72 H0000802 45.74 48.25 11.17 14.29 34.58 33.96
73 H0000805 54.27 45.55 14.08 13.65 40.19 31.9
74 H0000807 43.62 44.15 7.92 11.24 35.71 32.91
75 H0000809 43.83 49.31 9.09 13.23 34.74 36.08
76 H0000811 41.02 39.05 8.16 10.36 32.85 28.69
77 H0000813 35.68 43.97 6.1 12.98 29.58 30.99
78 H0000815 37.89 46.54 8.8 14.08 29.08 32.46
79 H0000825 49.62 51.14 10.73 12.33 38.89 38.81
80 H0000876 49.92 40.4 7.4 10.22 42.52 30.19
81 H0000918 33.54 52.07 8.42 10.89 25.12 41.19
82 H0000930 34.87 39.88 8.36 8.6 26.51 31.28
83 H0001019 38.15 49.67 14.4 11.17 23.75 38.5
84 H0001033 37.88 45.2 8.3 10.4 29.58 34.8
85 H0001034 42.62 42.8 8.47 9.32 34.15 33.48
86 H0001035 42.64 41.8 9.51 8.13 33.13 33.67
87 H0001037 29.71 40.24 6.81 13.17 22.9 27.07
88 H0001039 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
89 H0001075 45.78 45.04 11.11 9.22 34.67 35.82
90 H0001080 45.94 44.89 9.99 8.74 35.94 36.15
91 H0001082 36.07 45.09 7.19 8.92 28.88 36.18
92 H0001085 46.22 40.66 11.03 9.42 35.19 31.25
93 H0001086 37.88 43.29 8.91 15.16 28.97 28.13
94 H0001091 44.59 40.77 10.57 8.11 34.02 32.66
95 H0001105 33.96 45.66 10.1 9.7 23.86 35.95
96 H0001108 38.5 45.77 11.95 8.63 26.54 37.14
97 H0001109 37.11 47.88 9.6 10.42 27.51 37.46
98 H0001112 37.01 51.35 7.08 12.75 29.93 38.6
99 H0001114 28.2 46.08 6.02 12.38 22.19 33.7
100 H0001290 41.41 41.72 8.33 9.56 33.08 32.16
101 H0001346 49.03 46.11 11.27 15.45 37.76 30.66
102 H0001381 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
103 H0001392 39.58 38.94 9.31 9.99 30.28 28.94
104 H0001402 45.16 40.71 10.2 9.27 34.96 31.44
105 H0001407 56 46.22 12.79 12.43 43.21 33.78
106 H0001431 35.71 43.56 6.59 11.77 29.11 31.79
107 H0001432 39.07 44.88 9.85 11.38 29.22 33.5
108 H0001433 44.81 28.99 12.8 8.35 32.01 20.64
109 H0001438 47.87 48.48 8.97 12.35 38.89 36.13
110 H0001600 34.38 51.36 7.27 12.82 27.11 38.54
111 H0001602 36.84 45.76 10.43 11.06 26.4 34.7
112 H0001624 43.11 48.41 7.61 10.8 35.5 37.61
113 H0001629 45.04 49.33 10.88 9.67 34.17 39.66
114 H0001633 46.04 49.45 9.17 10.81 36.87 38.64
115 H0001635 37.19 47.24 8.05 10.79 29.13 36.45
116 H0001637 38.74 38.76 9.13 7.63 29.61 31.13
117 H0001645 49.88 44.11 11.5 10.05 38.38 34.05
118 H0001652 43.12 44.56 10.2 9.74 32.92 34.83
119 H0001667 52.16 49.2 9.8 10.06 42.37 39.14
120 H0001668 43.46 40.36 7.47 9.69 35.99 30.68
121 H0001669 41.41 41.16 8.65 8.68 32.76 32.48
122 H0001671 38.99 55.3 8.47 12.83 30.52 42.47
123 H0001693 56.34 42.68 13.42 9.52 42.92 33.17
124 H0001706 48.45 49.92 10.19 12.21 38.26 37.71
125 H0001718 42.99 48.33 9.7 14.63 33.29 33.7
126 H0001722 35.79 53.87 5.89 15.75 29.89 38.12
127 H0001724 50.34 51.67 9.93 12.36 40.41 39.31
128 H0001731 50.92 48.65 14.13 11.96 36.79 36.69
129 H0001737 46.39 44.77 12.99 11.81 33.4 32.96
130 H0001758 48.22 47.56 11.45 13.28 36.77 34.28
131 H0001760 43.91 34.39 8.28 10.15 35.63 24.23
132 H0001761 43.66 34.92 10.73 9.18 32.93 25.75
133 H0001773 48.71 21.14 10.01 6.13 38.7 15.01
134 H0001775 47.86 38.08 8.57 10.34 39.3 27.74
135 H0001776 35.61 33.96 8.37 9.75 27.25 24.21
136 H0001777 45.24 29.99 10.25 8.19 34.98 21.8
137 H0001780 48.12 29.1 10.73 7.85 37.39 21.25
138 H0001781 47.82 33.02 12.46 7.67 35.35 25.34
139 H0001784 50.69 31.78 13.06 9 37.63 22.78
140 H0001791 44.56 34.11 9.51 9.22 35.05 24.89
141 H0001796 19.21 35.35 4.15 8.83 15.06 26.53
142 H0001797 36.14 36.34 9.07 8.78 27.07 27.57
143 H0001802 40.19 39.73 8.45 10.17 31.74 29.56
144 H0001805 38.93 32.07 6.77 8.1 32.16 23.98
145 H0001806 48.76 34.76 11.13 9.4 37.63 25.37
146 H0001808 38.89 31.06 7.86 7.71 31.03 23.36
147 H0001854 44.5 35.57 8.77 9.23 35.73 26.34
148 H0001855 49.45 35.61 15.07 8.44 34.38 27.17
149 H0001859 38.61 45.69 7.45 10.58 31.16 35.11
150 H0001863 50.61 38.5 9 9.15 41.61 29.35
151 H0001864 37.33 50.25 9.8 12.01 27.53 38.24
152 H0001865 34.1 44.24 7.39 12.53 26.71 31.71
153 H0001877 42.62 33.97 10.95 8.41 31.67 25.56
154 H0001881 36.46 47.88 8.01 15.26 28.46 32.62
155 H0001884 42.31 33.94 12.45 10.19 29.86 23.74
156 H0001897 50.35 42.78 11.74 10.87 38.61 31.91
157 H0001900 45.27 40.2 10.35 12.79 34.92 27.41
158 H0001935 52.77 36.7 12.44 9.08 40.33 27.61
159 H0001939 37.21 34.82 9.55 9.92 27.67 24.9
160 H0001940 50.09 44.2 11.39 12.91 38.7 31.29
161 H0001947 46.11 37.91 10.48 11.23 35.63 26.68
162 H0001953 45.14 44.66 11.55 14.25 33.59 30.41
163 H0001955 40.47 52.37 13.28 13.46 27.19 38.91
164 H0002297 33.9 38.85 8.55 7.69 25.35 31.16
165 H0002308 51.26 41.91 11.5 10.61 39.77 31.3
166 H0002311 45.46 50.89 10.04 12.23 35.43 38.66
167 H0002314 42.85 48.67 11.98 11.75 30.87 36.92
168 H0002332 43.79 47.56 10.36 12.76 33.43 34.81
169 H0002368 45.24 50.98 10.03 17.18 35.2 33.8
170 H0002375 42.73 42.15 10.1 13.23 32.63 28.92
171 H0002376 50.05 42.5 11.89 10.3 38.16 32.2
172 H0002382 42.12 52.7 10.8 12.61 31.32 40.09
173 H0002409 44.19 46.5 9.43 11.19 34.75 35.32
174 H0002414 47.78 50.17 14.87 12.97 32.9 37.21
175 H0002431 41.81 38.05 7.51 9.37 34.3 28.68
176 H0002432 47.87 46.66 11.5 10.92 36.37 35.74
177 H0002437 38.88 49.12 9.05 13.43 29.83 35.69
178 H0002469 44.12 49.86 10.58 13.66 33.54 36.2
179 H0002470 46.89 49.32 12.3 13.51 34.58 35.81
180 H0002473 47.42 36.94 10.32 9.99 37.1 26.95
181 H0002474 42.93 43.64 7.91 12.65 35.02 30.99
182 H0002475 55.44 42.14 11.74 10.79 43.7 31.35
183 H0002492 40.36 41.88 10.48 12.05 29.88 29.83
184 H0002503 49.63 45.04 11.12 13.42 38.51 31.62
185 H0002505 50.47 39.53 10.03 10.86 40.44 28.66
186 H0002515 41.76 39.53 9.85 10.61 31.91 28.92
187 H0002516 44.6 40.99 12.42 12.28 32.18 28.7
188 H0002517 45.7 48.06 9.48 12.08 36.22 35.98
189 H0002527 38.92 37.05 9.84 9.5 29.08 27.55
190 H0002531 37.61 38.99 8.62 10.75 28.99 28.23
191 H0002542 37.05 38.36 7 11.75 30.06 26.61
192 H0002621 55.06 45.9 12.96 13.92 42.1 31.98
193 H0002622 42.11 41.07 12.9 11.19 29.21 29.88
194 H0002693 45.39 42.93 14.55 10.18 30.84 32.75
195 H0003027 39.51 40.9 7.99 11.35 31.52 29.54
196 H0003030 45.93 50.03 9.59 13.2 36.34 36.83
197 H0003109 42 47.96 8.8 14.15 33.2 33.81
198 H0003112 43.24 42.27 9.27 13.52 33.97 28.75
199 H0003126 44.53 50.29 8.84 14.62 35.69 35.67
200 H0003128 49.52 42.6 11.85 11.49 37.67 31.12
201 H0003186 43.48 39.56 9.06 9.83 34.41 29.74
202 H0003191 48.82 40.74 10.99 9.79 37.83 30.94
203 H0003192 47.56 43.62 10.54 11.22 37.02 32.4
204 H0003195 48.41 46.19 12.86 10.85 35.55 35.34
205 H0003210 35.32 31.89 8.71 6.98 26.61 24.91
206 H0003305 41.79 43.42 8.83 11.57 32.96 31.85
207 H0003333 39.88 35.48 8.78 7.84 31.11 27.64
208 H0003362 44.62 47.6 9.59 13.45 35.03 34.15
209 H0003370 40.14 50.02 5.98 14.45 34.16 35.57
210 H0003375 39.41 37.44 10 10.79 29.41 26.66
211 H0003404 45.12 42.54 10.64 14.66 34.47 27.88
212 H0003430 41.51 37.92 10.38 8.13 31.12 29.79
213 H0003431 38.22 43.37 8.34 9.57 29.87 33.8
214 H0003433 52.55 44.47 13.12 10.56 39.44 33.9
215 H0003761 46.4 31.72 11.37 7.07 35.03 24.65
216 H0003897 39.97 47.81 10.76 11.38 29.21 36.43
217 H0003937 43.5 46.28 10.11 10.76 33.38 35.52
218 H0003950 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
219 H0004015 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89
220 H0004033 48.05 48.07 12.54 8.1 35.52 39.96
221 H0004113 34.54 47.46 8.14 12.41 26.39 35.04
222 H0004288 40.55 37.49 9.52 10.03 31.03 27.46
223 H0004291 47.14 40.7 9.25 10.83 37.89 29.87
224 H0004297 47.12 41.34 11.4 11.1 35.71 30.24
225 H0004304 33.8 39.4 7.71 9.15 26.09 30.25
226 H0004311 37.49 37.3 9.1 8.92 28.39 28.38
227 H0004360 42.38 43.88 9.36 11.26 33.01 32.62
228 H0004363 34.94 44.47 9.57 11.44 25.37 33.04
229 H0004518 47.78 46.95 11.07 12.15 36.71 34.8
230 H0004558 41.96 46.01 9.78 11.71 32.18 34.3
231 H0004564 46.7 48.48 9.76 12.3 36.94 36.18
232 H0004805 40.7 37.25 8.5 8.73 32.19 28.52
233 H0004812 40.2 43.39 8.07 11.44 32.13 31.95
234 H0004957 46.32 37.29 9.55 8.66 36.77 28.63
235 H0005075 49.77 34.63 10.37 8.65 39.41 25.98
236 H0005088 45.16 40.71 12.29 10.68 32.88 30.03
237 H0005089 46.77 44.92 11.92 12.22 34.85 32.7
238 H0005091 42.73 41.27 10.76 9.61 31.97 31.67
239 H0005094 43.4 34.64 11.37 7.84 32.03 26.8
240 H0005277 50.48 52.54 13.9 14.12 36.58 38.42
241 H0005345 37.18 50.62 7.58 12.82 29.6 37.8
242 H0005349 45.15 43.76 9.87 12.68 35.28 31.08
243 H0005351 54.69 49.87 12.2 14.26 42.48 35.6
244 H0005353 53.52 37.65 14.41 9.15 39.11 28.5
245 H0005355 47.93 43.34 11.27 11.25 36.65 32.09
246 H0005383 50.23 46.46 11.71 11.06 38.52 35.41
247 H0005388 51.08 40.12 13.22 10.53 37.86 29.59
248 H0005389 46.64 44.74 11.51 11.94 35.13 32.8
249 H0005680 52.12 48.74 12.04 11.26 40.08 37.48
250 H0005837 41.41 41.76 9.67 10.55 31.73 31.21
251 H0005839 45.39 40.83 12.97 11.67 32.42 29.16
252 H0005852 41.08 35.43 8.27 10.46 32.81 24.97
253 H0005867 46.51 44.41 9.4 13 37.1 31.41
254 H0005913 47.07 48.06 9.21 12.98 37.87 35.08
255 H0006305 37.31 38.53 7.49 10.01 29.82 28.52
256 H0006306 39.67 24.7 7.21 6.76 32.47 17.94
257 H0006309 37.18 37.11 8.01 9.18 29.17 27.93
258 H0006312 35.93 38.28 6.74 10.12 29.19 28.16
259 H0006313 52.85 51.13 13.75 14.31 39.1 36.82
260 Q2 43.19 43.18 9.97 11.28 33.22 31.89

Table 1

Statistic analysis of phenotypic traits in faba bean materials"

Range of variation
CV (%)
2019 总淀粉含量 Total starch content 43.19±5.71 19.21-56.34 -0.351 0.522 13.21
直链淀粉含量 Amylose content 9.97±2.05 4.15-15.71 0.317 0.001 20.52
支链淀粉含量 Amylopectin content 33.22±4.48 15.06-43.70 -0.365 0.583 13.47
2020 总淀粉含量 Total starch content 43.18±6.19 21.14-57.47 -0.406 0.150 14.33
直链淀粉含量 Amylose content 11.28±2.08 6.13-17.18 0.188 -0.285 18.47
支链淀粉含量 Amylopectin content 31.89±4.81 15.01-42.47 -0.342 0.016 15.09

Table 2

Diversity statistics of 132 SSR markers"

SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
SSR-14430 5 0.546004366 SSR-10832 4 0.367983408
T135 8 0.638809510 SSR-12586 7 0.688982215
CAASES-V2109 5 0.398398789 SSR-12332 5 0.536771755
CAASES-V2188 6 0.481120827 SSR-17507 6 0.672629597
CAASES-V2220 6 0.655452925 SSR-11885 6 0.468655886
CAASES-V2275 3 0.370899893 SSR-11448 5 0.674331257
CAASES-V2276 3 0.462231328 SSR-17506 4 0.434827275
CAASES-V2285 6 0.548163715 CAASES-V2888 3 0.174961802
CAASES-V3052 6 0.608552279 CAASES-V2900 7 0.696296052
Y67 6 0.544591908 SSR-11365 5 0.416189821
SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
Y240 5 0.646349940 SSR-11862 3 0.368540222
SSR-1914 2 0.366634918 SSR-10927 3 0.477998444
SSR-3581 7 0.393776875 SSR-17488 4 0.386326852
CAASES-V3027 3 0.353390469 SSR-12192 10 0.777168952
CAASES-V2970 3 0.339240345 SSR-12180 4 0.423140888
CAASES-V2268 3 0.555958839 SSR-11621 5 0.606260559
CAASES-V2138 5 0.505818789 EST-868 5 0.645056220
CAASES-V2253 3 0.357520958 SSR-12695 5 0.370319539
CAASES-V2986 7 0.582134815 CAASES-V2460 6 0.614920246
SSR-14765 6 0.686044392 SSR-12066 6 0.479818890
CAASES-V2873 6 0.626384886 CSSR-3165 4 0.436915836
CAASES-V2882 6 0.657917578 EST-657 4 0.418280290
CAASES-V3035 4 0.616186156 SSR-10757 3 0.428386499
SSR-14892 3 0.395098689 CAASES-V1761 4 0.408152627
CAASES-V3017 7 0.686841952 SSR-11342 7 0.597122677
SSR-13508 3 0.388112318 CAASES-V1929 6 0.477722129
CAASES-V3056 3 0.415987468 CAASES-V2542 6 0.481698866
CAASES-V3043 7 0.615888838 CAASES-V2574 2 0.322170691
CAASES-V2979 3 0.206205925 CAASES-V2073 4 0.617839636
CAASES-V2687 5 0.318851968 CAASES-V2493 5 0.491490441
CAASES-V2704 4 0.334290229 CAASES-V1846 2 0.350108424
CAASES-V2745 6 0.520118098 CAASES-V1702 3 0.377880223
CAASES-V2772 4 0.486101228 CAASES-V1693 4 0.562444226
CAASES-V2716 3 0.294313640 CRRS-3883 6 0.533506078
T179 7 0.619039383 SSR-16592 5 0.656288183
EST-475 2 0.208612127 CAASES-V2949 2 0.149403691
SSR-14109 7 0.591871872 CAASES-V2958 5 0.512034193
CAASES-V3012 8 0.559919609 FBFS0809 3 0.421741390
T19 11 0.659173983 SSR-18329 3 0.438471591
CAASES-V2991 5 0.652378908 CAASES-V1778 3 0.330519810
CAASES-V2277 6 0.266579674 CAASES-V1797 3 0.038506792
CAASES-V734 4 0.608583511 CAASES-V2653 5 0.509415514
CAASES-V3053 6 0.744375932 FBES0135 4 0.582209878
CAASES-V3051 4 0.593266116 SSR-12842 6 0.494012490
CAASES-V3058 10 0.644674708 SSR-13593 5 0.438436602
CAASES-V3031 9 0.737669010 CAASES-V1133 4 0.482122844
CAASES-V2720 5 0.351270737 CAASES-V2729 4 0.524157331
SSR-17892 4 0.339610677 SSR-14219 4 0.625374004
CAASES-V2731 4 0.480439927 SSR-12526 2 0.349950050
CAASES-V2733 3 0.484891353 SSR-13380 4 0.594564813
CAASES-V2698 9 0.644541260 SSR-12667 6 0.437876859
CAASES-V2937 4 0.333728761 CAASES-V2646 8 0.718458284
CAASES-V2930 3 0.459626286 CAASES-V1820 7 0.662853014
SSR-17611 4 0.443153884 CAASES-V1446 3 0.383681231
SSR-13844 3 0.387814774 EST-24 5 0.467347043
SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
SSR marker
Allele number
PIC value
SSR-11854 3 0.549082724 CAASES-V1916 2 0.348207710
SSR-13584 5 0.557078842 CAASES-V1836 5 0.624983881
SSR-14447 6 0.745824355 SSR-16885 4 0.516754205
SSR-11723 5 0.674373900 CAASES-V2228 4 0.284764706
SSR-13067 5 0.499203703 FBES0142 5 0.565272774
SSR-12751 4 0.654854111 CAASES-V2388 5 0.611937849
SSR-16047 5 0.412237622 CAASES-V2280 6 0.741593509
SSR-11967 2 0.219037825 CAASES-V2015 9 0.711608618
SSR-12911 4 0.324329424 SSR-10894 3 0.560535944
SSR-15868 3 0.337260650 SSR-18215 3 0.288429668
SSR-12503 4 0.388123048 CAASES-V2103 3 0.511196932

Fig. 1

Partial amplification results of broad bean SSR primer Y240 in natural population"

Fig. 2

An UPGMA dengrogram of 260 faba bean accessions based on SSR markers Fuchsia, red, and blue represent group I, group II, and group III, respectively."

Fig. 3

Lines chart of K-value with ΔK-value"

Fig. 4

Population structure of 260 faba bean materials For each individual, if the red part is more than 60% of the whole, it belongs to POP1 subgroup. If the green part is more than 60% of the whole, it belongs to POP2 subgroup. If the red or green part is between 40% and 60% of the whole, it belongs to the mixed group."

Table 3

Association analysis between SSR markers and agronomic traits"

GLM 标记
2019 2020 2019 2020
总淀粉含量 CAASES-V3017 0.0904 CAASES-V3017 0.0902
Total starch content (%) CAASES-V1836 0.0701 CAASES-V1836 0.0664
CAASES-V2900 0.0655 CAASES-V2900 0.0646
SSR-10927 0.0588 SSR-10927 0.0541 0.0366
SSR-1914 0.0363 SSR-1914 0.0269
CAASES-V2460 0.0691 CAASES-V2460 0.0560
CAASES-V1133 0.0524 CAASES-V1133 0.0404
GLM 标记
2019 2020 2019 2020
CAASES-V2228 0.0454 CAASES-V2228 0.0334
SSR-14447 0.0765 SSR-14447 0.0636
SSR-12667 0.0627 SSR-12667 0.0435
SSR-12842 0.0561 SSR-12842 0.0417
CAASES-V2888 0.0387 CAASES-V2888 0.0327
CAASES-V2277 0.0492 CAASES-V2188 0.0561
SSR-13844 0.0255
直链淀粉含量 CAASES-V2015 0.1146 CAASES-V2015 0.1142
Amylose content (%) SSR-11342 0.0828 SSR-11342 0.0525
SSR-12667 0.0641 SSR-12667 0.0333
CAASES-V2228 0.0382 CAASES-V2228 0.0246
CAASES-V3035 0.0431 CAASES-V3035 0.0337
SSR-13380 0.0661 SSR-13380 0.0412
CSSR-3165 0.0461 CAASES-V2277 0.0440
SSR-13593 0.0806
CAASES-V2188 0.0471
SSR-14447 0.0614
支链淀粉含量 CAASES-V3017 0.1045 CAASES-V3017 0.1039
Amylopectin content (%) CAASES-V1836 0.0776 CAASES-V1836 0.0715
CAASES-V2900 0.0655 CAASES-V2900 0.0609
FBFS0809 0.0308 FBFS0809 0.0277
CAASES-V3056 0.0682 CAASES-V3056 0.0410
CAASES-V1693 0.0351 CAASES-V1693 0.0310
SSR-10927 0.0493 0.0502 SSR-10927 0.0424 0.0450
CAASES-V2460 0.0862 CAASES-V2460 0.0731
CAASES-V1133 0.0700 CAASES-V1133 0.0560
SSR-12842 0.0793 SSR-12842 0.0659
SSR-1914 0.0406 SSR-1914 0.0322
CAASES-V2188 0.0719 CAASES-V2188 0.0600
CAASES-V2228 0.0386 CAASES-V2228 0.0328
SSR-14447 0.0703 SSR-14447 0.0651
SSR-12667 0.0529 SSR-12667 0.0433
CAASES-V2888 0.0391 CAASES-V2888 0.0358
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