Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11): 2953-2964.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.11107
• RESEARCH NOTES • Previous Articles
LIU Yan-Di1(), ZHAO Bao-Ping1,*(
), ZHANG Yu1, MI Jun-Zhen1, WU Jun-Ying2, LIU Jing-Hui1
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[1] | ZHOU Qun, YUAN Rui, ZHU Kuan-Yu, WANG Zhi-Qin, YANG Jian-Chang. Characteristics of grain yield and nitrogen absorption and utilization of indica/japonica hybrid rice Yongyou 2640 under different nitrogen application rates [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(9): 2285-2299. |
[2] | CHEN Zhi-Qing, FENG Yuan, WANG Rui, CUI Pei-Yuan, LU Hao, WEI Hai-Yan, ZHANG Hai-Peng, ZHANG Hong-Cheng. Effects of exogenous molybdenum on yield formation and nitrogen utilization in rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(9): 2325-2338. |
[3] | WANG Yun-Qi, GAO Fu-Li, LI Ao, GUO Tong-Ji, QI Liu-Ran, ZENG Huan-Yu, ZHAO Jian-Yun, WANG Xiao-Ge, GAO Guo-Ying, YANG Jia-Peng, BAI Jin-Ze, MA Ya-Huan, LIANG Yue-Xin, ZHANG Rui. Variation of ear temperature after anthesis and its relationship with yield in wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(9): 2400-2408. |
[4] | LIU Kun, HUANG Jian, ZHOU Shen-Qi, ZHANG Wei-Yang, ZHANG Hao, GU Jun-Fei, LIU Li-Jun, YANG Jian-Chang. Effects of panicle nitrogen fertilizer rates on grain yield in super rice varieties with different panicle sizes and their mechanism [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 2028-2040. |
[5] | LI Xin, WANG Jian, LI Ya-Bing, HAN Ying-Chun, WANG Zhan-Biao, FENG Lu, WANG Guo-Ping, XIONG Shi-Wu, LI Cun-Dong, LI Xiao-Fei. Effects of different intercropping systems on cotton yield, biomass accumulation, and allocation [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 2041-2052. |
[6] | YANG Fei, ZHANG Zheng-Feng, NAN Bo, XIAO Ben-Ze. Genome-wide association analysis and candidate gene selection of yield related traits in rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(7): 1813-1821. |
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[8] | WANG Dan, ZHOU Bao-Yuan, MA Wei, GE Jun-Zhu, DING Zai-Song, LI Cong-Feng, ZHAO Ming. Characteristics of the annual distribution and utilization of climate resource for double maize cropping system in the middle reaches of Yangtze River [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1437-1450. |
[9] | WANG Wang-Nian, GE Jun-Zhu, YANG Hai-Chang, YIN Fa-Ting, HUANG Tai-Li, KUAI Jie, WANG Jing, WANG Bo, ZHOU Guang-Sheng, FU Ting-Dong. Adaptation of feed crops to saline-alkali soil stress and effect of improving saline-alkali soil [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1451-1462. |
[10] | YAN Jia-Qian, GU Yi-Biao, XUE Zhang-Yi, ZHOU Tian-Yang, GE Qian-Qian, ZHANG Hao, LIU Li-Jun, WANG Zhi-Qin, GU Jun-Fei, YANG Jian-Chang, ZHOU Zhen-Ling, XU Da-Yong. Different responses of rice cultivars to salt stress and the underlying mechanisms [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1463-1475. |
[11] | YANG Huan, ZHOU Ying, CHEN Ping, DU Qing, ZHENG Ben-Chuan, PU Tian, WEN Jing, YANG Wen-Yu, YONG Tai-Wen. Effects of nutrient uptake and utilization on yield of maize-legume strip intercropping system [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1476-1487. |
[12] | CHEN Jing, REN Bai-Zhao, ZHAO Bin, LIU Peng, ZHANG Ji-Wang. Regulation of leaf-spraying glycine betaine on yield formation and antioxidation of summer maize sowed in different dates [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1502-1515. |
[13] | LI Yi-Jun, LYU Hou-Quan. Effect of agricultural meteorological disasters on the production corn in the Northeast China [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1537-1545. |
[14] | SHI Yan-Yan, MA Zhi-Hua, WU Chun-Hua, ZHOU Yong-Jin, LI Rong. Effects of ridge tillage with film mulching in furrow on photosynthetic characteristics of potato and yield formation in dryland farming [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1288-1297. |
[15] | YAN Xiao-Yu, GUO Wen-Jun, QIN Du-Lin, WANG Shuang-Lei, NIE Jun-Jun, ZHAO Na, QI Jie, SONG Xian-Liang, MAO Li-Li, SUN Xue-Zhen. Effects of cotton stubble return and subsoiling on dry matter accumulation, nutrient uptake, and yield of cotton in coastal saline-alkali soil [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1235-1247. |