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    12 January 2013, Volume 39 Issue 01
      Properties of the Test Statistic under Null Hypothesis and the Calculation of LOD Threshold in Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping
      SUN Zi-Qi,LI Hui-Hui,ZHANG Lu-Yan,WANG Jian-Kang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  1-11.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00001
      Abstract ( 1566 )   RICH HTML    PDF (338KB) ( 1945 )   Save
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      Selecting an appropriate LOD threshold is of great interest in QTL mapping studies. Many approaches can be considered to calculate the critical value throughout a genome, such as simulation-based method, analytical approximation, and empirical method based on permutation test. Many tests are conducted in QTL mapping, which are not mutually independent because the linkage relationship of adjacent markers on chromosomes. In order to declare a significant QTL at a genome-wide significance level, it is necessary to understand the behavior of test statistic under null hypothesis in QTL mapping and to deal with the dependent multiple-test problem arising in the genome-wide test. Our objectives in this study were (1) to investigate the properties of LRT (likelihood ratio test) statistic of one-point scanning under null hypothesis in QTL mapping, (2) to determine the factors affecting the cumulative distribution of maximum LOD score, and (3) to identify the relationship between the effective number of independent tests and the length of chromosome by simulation method. Results indicated that the LRT test statistic in one-dimensional scanning of additive-dominant QTL and two-dimensional scanning of epistatic QTL followed chi-square distributions, and the degree of freedom (df) was equal to the number of genetic parameters to be estimated. For example, degree of freedom in recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population was equal to 1 in one dimensional or two dimensional scanning. Degree of freedom in F2 populations was equal to 2 in one-dimensional scanning and 4 in two-dimensional scanning. Number of chromosome, population size and phenotyping error variance did not have any effect on the distribution of LRT under null hypothesis, and therefore will not affect the selection of LOD threshold. On the contrary, population type, genome size and marker density had significant impacts. For BC1, RIL and F2 populations, the threshold was the smallest in BC1 population and the highest in F2 population. Higher marker density  and longer chromosome resulted in higher LOD threshold. It was identified that the effective number of independent tests (Meff) was proportional to the length of chromosome in one-dimensional scanning of additive-dominant QTL. In two-dimensional scanning of epistatic QTL, it was identified that Meffwas in a squared relationship to the length of chromosome. With the help of Bonferroni correction, we could acquire the relationship between point-wise and genome-wide significance levels. Therefore, it is convenient to calculate the threshold LOD in QTL mapping, given the genome-wide significance level, the population type, marker density and genome size.

      QTL Mapping of Pubescence Density and Length on Leaf Surface of Soybean
      XING Guang-Nan,LIU Ze-Xi-Nan,TAN Lian-Mei,YUE Han,WANG Yu-Feng,KIM Hyun-Jee,ZHAO Tuan-Jie,GAI Jun-Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  12-20.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00012
      Abstract ( 1229 )   RICH HTML    PDF (393KB) ( 1676 )   Save
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      Soybean pubescences are known to play important roles in resistance to pests and tolerance to drought stress. QTL mapping of leaf pubescence density and length was conducted in recombinant inbred line populations of NJRIKY (KY) and NJRIXG (XG). The results obtained were as follows: (1) There existed great variation and certain transgressive segregation in leaf pubescence density and length among lines; highly significant negative correlations (r= −0.49 and −0.62, respectively) between the two traits were observed; the heritability values for pubescence density ranged from 75.7% to 76.8%, higher than that for pubescence length ranged from 45.2% to 62.9% in the two populations. (2) Two major QTL for pubescence density detected were PD1-1 accounted for 20.7% of phenotypic variation in XG, and PD12-1 contributed 21.7% of phenotypic variation in KY. The genetic constitution of pubescence density was composed of additive QTL (20.7−36.2% of phenotypic variation), epistatic QTL pairs (0−1.4%) and collective unmapped minor QTL (38.1−56.1%) in the two populations. Here the unmapped minor QTL was the most important part for the trait, which was not recognized if only using mapping procedures without the consideration of the total genetic variation among the lines. (3) The phenotypic variation of pubescence length in KY was accounted for by epistatic QTL pairs (4.2%) and collective unmapped minor QTL (58.7%) without additive QTL (0%), while that in XG mainly by additive QTL, including Pl1-1 and Pl12-1 on chromosomes 1 and 12 accounting for 18.3% and 22.5% of phenotypic variation, respectively, with very small contribution by epistatic QTL pair and collective unmapped minor QTL. Therefore, the genetic constitutions of pubescence length in the two populations were different from each other. The genetic mechanisms of leaf pubescence density and length in soybean are complicated and involve many genes/QTL with different effects.

      Development of Gossypium barbadense Chromosome 18 Segment Substitution Lines in the Genetic Standard Line TM-1 of Gossypium hirsutum and Mapping of QTLs Related to Agronomic Traits
      FU Yang,YUAN Dong-Dong,HU Wen-Jing,CAI Cai-Ping,GUO Wang-Zhen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  21-28.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00021
      Abstract ( 1059 )   RICH HTML    PDF (262KB) ( 1815 )   Save
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      Substitution line 18 (Sub18) has the background of genetic standard line of G. hirsutum acc. TM-1 with the 18th chromosome of G. barbadense accession 3-79. In the study, a set of G. barbadense accession 3-79 chromosome 18 segment substitution lines (CSSL18) were developed via molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS), with TM-1 as a recipient parent and Sub18 as a donor. The developed CSSLs consisted of 45 lines and 78 introgressed segments in total. Of them, 27 were introgressed with single segment, accounting for 60% of the total lines; 9 were introgressed with two segments, accounting for 20%; and 9 were introgressed with three or more segments, accounting for 20%. The total length of introgression segments was 467.6 cM, which is 4 times of the genetic length of the chromosome 18. The substituted segment length varied in each line, ranging from the shortest of 0.9 cM to the longest of 20.35 cM, with an average length of 5.99 cM. Further, the opening bud trait was detected in 13 substitution lines, with the shortest introgressed segment of 5.05 cM. Using TM-1, Sub18 and 45 substituted lines as materials, we investigated agronomic traits and carried out QTL tagging by joint positioning analysis. Seven additive effect QTLs for fiber strength (qFS-C18-1), uniformity (qFU-C18-1), micronaire (qFMi-C18-1), maturity (qFMa-C18-1), lint weight (qLW-C18-1), seed index (qSI-C18-1), and lint percentage (qLP-C18-1) and five epistatic effect QTLs were identified, respectively. The results will lay a foundation for the fine mapping and cloning of target QTLs, and the molecular breeding by design for pyramiding multi-traits in cotton.
      Inheritance and Mapping of Gene Controlling Four-Rowed Spike in Tetraploid Wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)
      ZHANG Rui-Qi,WANG Xiu-E,CHEN Pei-Du
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  29-33.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00029
      Abstract ( 1178 )   RICH HTML    PDF (303KB) ( 1379 )   Save
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      In hexaploid wheat and tetraploid wheat the spike normally bears one spikelet per rachis node, and the appearance of supernumerary spikelets is rare. The morphological character of four-rowed spikes (FRS) is one type of the supernumerary spikelets traits, presenting as two spikelets per rachis node. Thus, the grain yield of FRS plants can be enhanced because the numbers of spikelets and seeds of FRS are increased. To understand the genetic basis of FRS trait, the tetraploid FRS cultivar 0880 was crossed reciprocally to normal-spike (NS) cultivar 0879. The phenotypic evaluation of F1, F2, and F2:3 generations was conducted under greenhouse condition. The results indicated that all F1 plants of the reciprocal crosses showed normal spike, indicating that the FRS trait was recessive to normal spike. In the reciprocal F2 populations, the ratios of normal spike to four-rowed spike were 3:1 according to Chi-square test. This indicates that FRS trait is controlled by a recessive allele without cytoplasm effect, and the data from reciprocal crosses could be pooled. This single recessive allele of the FRS trait was designated frs1. A total of 600 SSR markers located on A and B genomes of common wheat were used to amplify the 0880, 0879, four-rowed pool, and normal-spike pool. Among them, 32 SSR markers showed polymorphism between the four-rowed-spike pool and the normal-spike pool. Eleven markers were identified to be linked with the frs1 locus in a genetic map of chromosome 2A. Markers Xwmc598 and Xwmc522 were located on both sides of frs1 with genetic distances of 4.0 cM and 2.4 cM, respectively. The placement of flanking microsatellite loci into chromosome deletion bin 2AS5 (FL 0.00–0.78) delimited the physical location of frs1 to this region. This map provides a basis for fine mapping of frs1 and marker-assisted selection of FRS trait.

      Isolation and Functional Analysis of GarCIPK8 Gene from Gossypium aridum
      FENG Juan,FAN Xin-Qi,XU Peng,ZHANG Xiang-Gui,SHEN Xin-Lian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  34-42.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00034
      Abstract ( 1088 )   RICH HTML    PDF (389KB) ( 1407 )   Save
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      CIPK (calcineurin B-like calcium sensor interacting protein kinase) is a typical group of serine / threonine protein kinase targeting calcium sensor calcineurin B-like protein-specific. In a previous study, we obtained the transcriptome of Gossypium aridum with a pooled RNA sample from root and leaf of G. aridum under salt stress. From the transcriptome data, we founded that a CIPK related gene had high level of expression abundance. Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis showed its relative expression level was up-regulated in root induced by salt stress, indicating this CIPK related gene might be involved in response to salt stress during cotton seedling stage. By in silico cloning and RT-PCR technology, a full-length cDNA encoding a CIPKs homologue (GarCIPK8) was isolated from G. aridum. The deduced GarCIPK8 protein had 449 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 51.12 kD and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.13. The kinase N-terminal catalytic domain of GarCIPK8 exhibited a typica1 serine / threonine protein kinase domain. The conserved 24 amino acid motif existed in C-terminal non-kinase regions of GarCIPK8 protein. Alignment of amino acid sequence showed that GarCIPK8 was 73.95% identical to Oryza sativa OsCIPK8 protein. In order to characterize its putative function, the GarCIPK8 gene driven by CaMV35S promoter and stress-specific promoter rd29A respectively were transformed into tobacco by Agrobacterium-mediated transgenic technology. PCR and RT-PCR detection confirmed that GarCIPK8 gene was integrated into tobacco genome and expressed normally. The growth of transgenic plants of T1 generation was observed under salinity and drought stresses, showing that transgenic plants enhance tolerance to both high salt and osmotic stresses.

      Genetic Diversity of Waxy Gene in Chinese Glutinous Maize
      YAO Jian-Qiang,BAO Jian-Dong,ZHU Jin-Qing,GUI Yi-Jie,SHEN Qiu-Fang,HU Wei-Min,FAN Long-Jiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  43-49.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00043
      Abstract ( 2351 )   RICH HTML    PDF (416KB) ( 1712 )   Save
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      Waxy (Wx) gene is the key gene for glutinous trait in many waxy crops including waxy maize. Wx diversity investigation in maize population has important significance for quality breeding and germplasm utility of Chinese waxy maize. In this study, 325 waxy maize germplasm accessions (309 from China, 11 from Thailand and five from South Korea) were used to investigate their wx genotypes and determine their apparent amylose content (AAC). Our results demonstrated that genetic diversity of wx gene in Chinese waxy maize was low, and two mutation types, wx-D7 andwx-D10, account for 96.9% of the 325 accessions. Among these accessions, those from North of China and South Korea were the type of wx-D7 while others from South of China and Thailand were the type of wx-D10; most of landraces were the type of wx-D10 (78.9%) while most commercial hybrids and inbred lines were the type of wx-D7 (88.7% and 86.6%, respectively). AAC estimations indicated that mean values of AAC in commercial hybrids and inbred lines in China were lower than 2.2% while that in landraces was relatively high. Comparing with wx-D7, wx-D10 waxy corn had higher AAC with larger changing range. Geographical distribution and origins of two main wx genotypes and other wx genotypes were discussed also.

      DNA Methylation Site Analysis of Haploid, Diploid and Hybrids in Twin-Seedling Rice
      WU Shao-Hua,ZHANG Hong-Yu,XUE Jing-Jing,XU Pei-Zhou,WU Xian-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  50-59.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00050
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      Whole-genome duplication or polyploidy, followed by gene loss and diploidization has long been recognized as an important evolutionary force in plants. Epigenetic mechanism, such as DNA methylation and miRNA, plays an important role in plant growth and development, and may also change its regulation pattern to adapt genomic duplication in new species. In this study, the DNA cytosine methylation at the 5'-CpCpGpG sites was analyzed by MSAP (methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism) method in haploid, diploid and their hybrids derived from twin-seedling rice. And also, the relationships between DNA methylation and miRNA were investigated by sequencing the methylated DNA fragments and predicting the targets of miRNA. A total of 462 DNA methylated sites were detected. The hybrid’s methylation level was 43.20% and a little different from that of its parents (haploid, 46.75%; diploid, 41.99%). TargetFinder was used to find that seven methylated genes matched in sequence of rice database had 1-4 binding sites of miRNAs. The annotation indicated that the genes might include retrotransposon protein, ras-related protein and core histone H2A/H2B/H3/H4 domain containing protein. Most of the genes were annotated as retrotransposons and their functions in evolution were discussed. The results might help us to understand the relationships between DNA methylation and miRNA in rice genome duplication.

      Optimization of Key Bombardment Parameters in Biolistic Mediated Transformation in Wheat
      MIN Dong-Hong,HE Sha,ZHANG Yan,XIA Lan-Qin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  60-67.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00060
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      Biolistic mediated method is an important approach in wheat genetic transformation. The objective of this study was to optimize the bombardment parameters and establish an efficient and stable biolistic transformation system using common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Kenong 199with 12 treatments of parameter combinations composed of gold particle size, target distance, and acceleration pressure. The results indicated that different combinations of parameters had different effects on the transient expression of GUS gene encoding β-glucuronidase, regeneration of calli, and final transformation efficiency. The parameter combination of 0.6 μm gold, 5.5 cm target distance, and 650 psi acceleration pressure exhibited good regeneration and the highest level GUS transient expression. Furthermore, stable expression of GUS gene in transgenic lines was confirmed by histochemical staining assay. Of the 28 transgenic T0 plants obtained, 12 were from the treatment with the above optimized parameter combination, with an average transformation efficiency of 2.66%.

      Transgenic Alfalfa with GsPPCK1 and Its Alkaline Tolerance Analysis
      WEI Zheng-Wei,ZHU Yan-Ming,HUA Ye,CAI Hua,JI Wei,BAI Xi,WANG Zhen-Yu,WEN Yi-Dong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  68-75.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00068
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      Environmental stresses, such as drought, high salty and alkali, adversely affect plant growth and productivity. Plants adapt to these environmental stresses by inducing numerous genes at the transcriptional level and by protein phosphorylation. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase (PPCK) is a Ca2+ independent kinase in response to a range of signals in different plant tissues which plays a key role in the control of plant metabolism. As an important extension of our earlier studies summarized above on global transcriptome profiling of wild soybean under NaHCO3 treatment, an alkaline (NaHCO3) related gene GsPPCK1 was identified and subsequently cloned from Glycine soja, which has 99% similarity with PPCK1 of Glycine max (AY374445), named as GsPPCK1. Expression of GsPPCK1mRNA was induced by NaHCO3 stress in roots and leaves. GsPPCK1transcripts increased during 3 hour exposures to NaHCO3 stress. These results indicated that wild soybean PPCK1 was an early responded gene to alkaline stress. We transformed GsPPCK1 gene into alfalfa using a developed method, and transgenic alfalfa showed observably enhanced tolerance to NaHCO3 stress compared with wild-type plants. Transgenic alfalfa grew well in the conditions of 100 mmol L–1 NaHCO3, while wild type plants exhibited discoloration and stunted growth, or even death. There were significantly changes in malondialdehyde content and relative membrane permeability caused by saline-alkaline stress in non-transgenic lines compared to transgenic lines (P<0.05). Moreover, compared with non-transgenic, transgenic alfalfa had higher levels of chlorophyll content and root activity under alkali stress conditions. The result indicated that over-expression of GsPPCK1 in alfalfa could enhance alkaline tolerance. All results showed that GsPPCK1 gene could improve the tolerance of transgenic alfalfa to alkali stress; therefore, the study on this field is of significance not only in theory but also in practice.

      Isolation and Expression Analysis of Gm TIP1;1 in Soybean (Glycine max L.)
      ZHANG Da-Yong,HU Guo-Min,YI Jin-Xin,XU Ling,Ali ZULFIQAR,LIU Xiao-Qing,YUAN Ling-Ling,XU Zhao-Long, HE Xiao-Lan, HUANG Yi-Hong,MA Hong-Xiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  76-83.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00076
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      The full length open reading frame (ORF) of gene named Glyma03g34310.1 was amplified from the soybean root tissues by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Sequencing, Blast and homology analyses showed that the amino acids encoded by this gene had the higher similarity with the TIP1;1 from other species, so designated Gm TIP1;1 (GenBank accession number: AK285481), its ORF was 753 bp, encoded a polypeptide with 250 amino acids, and contained a 94 bp intron at the site of the 381th nucleotide complying with the ↓GT--AG↓ mode of splicing. Gm TIP1;1 had two copies in the soybean genome, with the other one of Glyma19g37000.1. Multiple ali MEGA5.05gnment using protein indicated that GmTIP1;1 contained six conserved transmembrane domains and two higher conserved NPA motifs. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Gm TIP1;1 was indeed grouped into the legumes clade and several different clades which belonged to the different plant coleus were regularly separated based on the TIP1;1 protein sequences, which implied that TIP1;1 sequence probably could be regard as a proof of plant taxonomy. Semi-quantity RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the Gm TIP1;1 gene constitutively expressed in soybean organs including root, stem, leaf, flower and pod, and the expression levels were no obvious difference in different tissues at the different developmental stages, which implied Gm TIP1;1 gene plays important roles in plant growth. The expression of Gm TIP1;1 appeared a declined  trend at the different time points under the treatment of salt solution (200 mmol L–1 NaCl), although still showing the abundant transcript. In addition, the recombinant plasmid pYES2-Gm TIP1;1 was constructed by inserting the Gm TIP1;1 gene into the yeast expression vector pYES2. The recombinant plasmid pYES2-Gm TIP1;1 was transformed into yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae INVScl, then treated with salt and drought stresses, respectively. The results showed that the survival rate of the recombinant yeast INVScl (pYES2-Gm TIP1;1) was higher than that of the control strain under the salinity condition, but no difference under the drought. These results indicated that the heterologous expression of Gm TIP1;1 could effectively improve the tolerance of yeast to salinity stress.

      Effect of Interaction between Nitrogen Rates and Irrigation Regimes on Grain Yield and Quality of Rice
      ZHANG Zi-Chang, LI Hong-Wei, CAO Zhuan-Qin, WANG Zhi-Qin, YANG Jian-Chang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2013, 39(01):  84-92.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00084
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      This study investigated how nitrogen rates and irrigation regimes and their interactions affect grain yield and quality of rice, which would have great significance in conducting the cultivation for high yielding, good quality and high efficiency. Two rice cultivars, Liangyoupeijiu (indica) and Yangjing 4038 (japonica), were grown in the tanks filled with soil. Three irrigation regimes, conventional irrigation (CI), alternate irrigation with wetting and moderate drying (WMD) and alternate irrigation with wetting and severe drying (WSD), and three nitrogen (N) rates, 0N (0 kg ha-1), medium amount of N (MN, 240 kg ha-1), and high amount of N (HN, 360 kg ha-1), were used during the whole growing season. The results showed that, at either MN or HN rate, grain yield, head rice, appearant quality, and breakdown were significantly higher or better under the WMD regime than under the CI regime. At the MN rate, the WSD regime significantly decreased grain yield and quality as compared with the CI regime. At the HN rate, however, the grain yield was higher under the WSD regime than under the CI regime and grain quality showed no significant difference between the two irrigation regimes. The WMD regime significantly increased photosynthetic rate of the flag leaf, activity of adenosine triphosphate enzyme (ATPase) in grains and contents of indole-3-acetic acid, zeatin + zeatin riboside, and abscisic acid in roots during grain filling. All the data indicate that interactions between nitrogen rates and irrigation regimes mediate the grain yield and quality of rice. Stronger root activity, greater leaf photosynthetic rate and larger sink strength contribute to higher grain yield and better grain quality of rice under the MN rate and WMD regime.

      Changes of Photochemistry Activity during Senescence of Leaves in Stay Green and Quick-Leaf-Senescence Inbred Lines of Maize
      ZHANG Zi-Shan,LI Geng,GAO Hui-Yuan,LIU Peng,YANG Cheng,MENG Xiang-Long
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  93-100.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00093
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      In order to explore the changes of photochemistry activity and the contribution of photochemistry activity to the maintenance of photosynthetic capacity in maize leaves during senescence, the chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, PSI and PSII activities during senescence of leaves in the stay green maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line Qi 319 and the quick-leaf-senescence maize inbred line Huangzaosi were investigated by analyzing chlorophyll a fluorescence transient and 820 nm transmission. This study showed that both the chlorophyll content and the photosynthetic capacity in leaves decreased later and slower in Qi 319 than in Huangzaosi, indicating that Qi 319 is a functional stay-green inbred line. The L, K, J, I steps of chlorophyll a fluorescence transient (OJIP transient) increased during senescence, which accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of 820 nm transmission. Compared with Qi 319, the changes of OJIP transient and 820 nm transmission were more prominent in Huangzaosi. The results indicated that the quicker decrease in PSI and PSII photochemistry activities and severer deterioration of electron transfer activity are two of the most important reasons to cause earlier senescence in quick-leaf-senescence maize inbred line Huangzaosi; and the synthetic capacity of photosynthesis related protein, especially the fast turn-over protein in leaves may be one of the factors in maintenance of the photosynthetic capacity.

      Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation and Translocation in Rice Cultivars with High Yield and High Nitrogen Use Efficiency
      LI Min,ZHANG Hong-Cheng,YANG Xiong,GE Meng-Jie,MA Qun,WEI Hai-Yan,DAI Qi-Gen,HUO Zhong-Yang,XU Ke
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  101-109.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00101
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      The difference of dry matter production and translocation characteristics in low-yielding and low N-efficiency, high-yielding and medium N-efficiency, high-yielding and high N-efficiency rice cultivars was investigated using six representative japonica varieties under their optimum N supply levels, respectively. The results indicated that: with the increase of rice productivity, the total dry matter production amount significantly increased by 20.29% on average, and the dry matter accumulation amount and population growth rate increased on average by 15.05%, 27.04%, 24.75% and 15.05%, 28.38%, 23.00%, during the period before N-n (critical stage of productive tillering),from jointing to heading, and from heading to maturing, respectively, and decreased during the period from N-n to the jointing. Among the high-yielding varieties, with the nitrogen use efficiency increased, the tiller number per unit area at each growth stage showed a downward trend, and significantly reduced on average by 5.76%, 11.61%, 7.01%, and 5.70% at N-n, jointing, heading and maturing, respectively, but ratio of productive tillers to total tillers significantly increased. At each growth stage, the dry matter accumulation amount showed a declined tendency, and reduced on average by 12.18%, 10.54%, 8.29%, and 5.01% at N-n, jointing, heading and maturity, respectively, but harvest index significantly increased. During the period from heading to maturing, dry matter accumulation rate increased on average by 5.40%, the population growth rate increased on average by 5.19%. The results above showed that proper control for population growth before heading, maintaining a high growth rate after heading and a higher harvest index were the important dry matter accumulation characteristics of the cultivars with high-yielding and high nitrogen use efficiency.
      Effects of SA Induction on Leaf Cuticular Wax and Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorurn in Brassica napus
      NI Yu,WANG Jing,SONG Chao,XIA Rui-E,SUN Zheng-Yuan,GUO Yan-Jun,LI Jia-Na
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  110-117.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00110
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      Cuticular wax on the surfaces of higher plants is believed to be the initial defense system to various pathogens. However, whether or how wax deposition in Brassica napus is involved in the resistant mechanism of infecting Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is still unclear. In the current experiment, two Brassica napus cultivars with different disease resistances, Zhongshuang 9 (resistant) and Yuyou 19 (susceptible), were selected to analyze the dynamics of disease indices, contents and crystal structure of leaf cuticular wax, activities of defense enzymes, and gas exchange indices under the conditions of SA induction and Sclerotinia sclerotiorurn inoculation. The results showed that SA induction significantly reduced the disease index of Zhongshuang 9, increased its resistance, while SA had no significant influence on disease index of Yuyou 19. When the plants were inoculated with S. sclerotiorurn, the activity of PAL in leaf of Zhongshuang 9 increased while that of Yuyou 19 decreased. The activities of PAL and POD in plants with SA induction were significantly higher than those in plants treated with only S. sclerotiorurn inoculation for both cultivars. The content of total wax in leaf of Zhongshuang 9 was significantly lower than that of Yuyou 19. SA induction increased the contents of total wax and wax constituents for Zhongshuang 9, reduced the amounts of rod crystalloid and increased the amounts of plate crystalloid, and increased the leaf area covered with waxes. The contents of waxes for Yuyou 19 were changed insignificantly by SA induction. However, the changes of the wax crystalloid structure of Yuyou 19 by SA induction were similar with those of Zhongshuang 9, except for a lower leaf area covered with waxes. Conclusion is that both defense enzymes and leaf cuticular waxes are involved in the process of increasing resistance induced by SA for resistant cultivar Zhongshuang 9.
      Enhancing the Heterosis of Spring Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica napus L.) by Using Semi-Winter Rapeseed Varieties as Parents
      YAO Yan-Mei,LIU Hai-Dong,XU Liang,DU De-Zhi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  118-125.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00118
      Abstract ( 1028 )   RICH HTML    PDF (183KB) ( 1039 )   Save
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      Several B. napus varieties (lines) including two semi-winter rapeseed varieties, two spring restorer lines, two spring male-sterile lines and 16 spring restorer lines (derived from the spring restorer lines and semi-winter rapeseed varieties) were analyzed using SSR, SRAP and AFLP. Twenty-six combinations were produced according to the North Carolina mating design (NCII) by hand-pollinating 12 new restorer lines and one parental restorer line (Ag-5) with two spring male-sterile lines. The hybrid performance values were also determined. Among the 16 restorer lines, except for 931 and Zhang 23, the genetic distances were greater between the new restorer lines and two male-sterile lines than between the corresponding parental restorer line (Ag-5) and the two male-sterile lines, showing that introgressing semi-winter varieties into spring restorer lines could increase the genetic distance between spring restorer lines and spring male-sterile lines. The yield per plant for the maintainer lines of 15 combinations, which corresponded to the sterile lines showed high-parent values in 26 combinations, and 13 combinations showed stronger high-parent heterosis of yield per plant compared to combinations produced by the corresponding male-sterile and parental restorer lines (CMSL×Ag-5), suggesting that introgressing semi-winter varieties into spring restorer lines could enhance the heterosis of spring B. napus varieties Eighteen hybrids among the 24 combinations showed higher yield per plant compared to the combinations of CMSL× Ag-5, indicating introgressing semi-winter varieties into spring restorer lines might improve the spring B. napus hybrids yield. The results also showed that introgressing semi-winter varieties into spring restorer lines could improve the resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum of spring B. napus hybrids. This study indicates that semi-winter B. napus rapeseed may be a valuable source of germplasm for spring hybrid breeding.
      Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation and Effect of Fertilizer Application in Cassava
      HUANG Qiao-Yi,TANG Shuan-Hu,CHEN Jian-Sheng,ZHANG Fa-Bao,XIE Kai-Zhi,HUANG Xu,JIANG Rui-Ping,LI Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  126-132.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00126
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      The field trials were conducted at two sites nearby the Tropical of Cancer to investigate the influence of variety and fertilization on dry matter formation and accumulation of cassava. Two varieties of newly developed SC5 and conventional SC205 were used with five fertilization treatments including NP (1.0:0.4:0), NK (1:0:1), PK (0:0.4:1.0), NPK (1.0:0.4:1.0) and CK (no fertilizer application). Results indicated that the dry matter accumulation patterns were similar for both varieties. From transplanting to early August, dry matter accumulation mainly allocated in above-ground parts. When tubes started rapidly growing from mid August, the allocation of dry matter accumulation was shifted from above-ground to underground parts, and there was a difference between two varieties in accumulating velocity and distributing proportion of biomass. SC5 had larger crown with many earlier developing branches and leaves compared with SC205, resulting in more biomass accumulation in above-ground parts, thus reducing harvesting index. For fertilizer application, N was the most significant factor to increase dry matter, following K and P. Combining application of NPK (1.0:0.4:1.0) significantly enhanced accumulating velocity of dry matter and tube yields of cassava. There were some difference between two varieties in dry matter accumulation depended on NPK fertilizer application, and probably related to their nutrient demands and root developing level.

      Effect of Drought Stresses at Different Growth Stages on Peanut Leaf Protective Enzyme Activities and Osmoregulation Substances Content
      ZHANG Zhi-Meng,DAI Liang-Xiang,SONG Wen-Wu,DING Hong,CI Dun-Wei,KANG Tao,NING Tang-Yuan,WAN Shu-Bo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  133-141.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00133
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      UsingHuayu 22 and Huayu 25 as experimental materials, the physiological and biochemical parameters at seedling stage, flowering-pining stage, and podding stage in peanut leaf were investigated under drought stress in pool cultivation with rainproof. The result showed that, the changes of antioxidant systems and the components of osmoregulation substances of two varieties were not entirely consistent during early drought stress stage. Leaf superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities, soluble protein (Pr), free amino acid (AA) and proline (Pro) contents were significantly increased and then decreased under drought stress. With the prolonged stress, the protective enzyme activities and osmoregulation substances content decreased at the same time. The POD activity and soluble sugar content weakly responded to drought stress. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly increased and then decreased with the stress prolonged, but its time lagged behind those of the protective enzyme activities. The MDA content in Huayu 22 leaf was higher than that in Huayu 25. After the drought stress, the activities of SOD, CAT, and soluble protein, free amino acid and proline contents were obviously increased at the end of drought stress at different growth stages. Among those stages, all the parameters were markedly increased at the flowering-pining stage, which is sensitive to water supply. The effects of drought stress on protective enzyme activities and osmoregulation substances of peanuts were weaker at seedling stage than at late growth stages. SOD and CAT were the key antioxidant enzymes to adapt dr ought stress in peanut. The ability of osmoregulation substances contributed to the regulation of drought stress in turn was: soluble sucrose > free amino acid > soluble protein > proline. The drought tolerance of Huayu 25 was higher than that of Huayu 22.

      Analysis of Yield and Quality Traits in Sugarcane Varieties (Lines) with GGE-Biplot
      LUO Jun,ZHANG Hua,DENG Zu-Hu,XU Li-Ping,XU Liang-Nian,YUAN Zhao-Nian,QUE You-Xiong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  142-152.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00142
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      GGE (genotype main effect plus genotype-environment interaction) biplot analysis, based on principal component analysis (PCA), is an effective method to assess the multi-environment trials (METs). It allows a full exploration of G×E interaction, variety yield stability, and test-site suitability. In the present study, we applied GGE biplot to evaluate the genotype effects and G×E interaction of sugarcane main characters and at the same time, analyze the stability of yield and quality traits, and representativeness and discrimination of testing site, with seven sugarcane varieties planted in seven different testing sites. The results showed that YZ05-51 had high yield per stalk and better yield stability than the other varieties, while FN39 and LC03-1137 had high yield per stalk but low stability. FN38, YG35, and ROC22 had high stalk numbers but low stability. FN39 and YZ05-51 had high cane yield and good stability, while FN38 and LC03-1137 had high cane yield but low stability. FN39 and GN02-70 had high sucrose content and good stability, while YZ05-51 and FN38 had high sucrose content but low stability. FN39 had higher sucrose content and better yield stability, while FN38, YZ05-51, and LC03-1137 had high sucrose yield but low stability. Ruili City and Lincang City in Yunnan Province had better representativeness and discrimination in yield per stalk, while Baosan City in Yunnan Province and Laibing City in Guangxi Province had better representativeness and discrimination in stalk numbers; Chongzuo City in Guangxi Province and Lincang City in Yunnan Province had better discrimination in cane yield, while Baise City and Liuzhou City in Guangxi Province had better discrimination in sucrose content; Baise City in Guangxi Province and Lincang City in Yunnan Province had better discrimination in sucrose yield. This study demonstrates a simple and effective method for analyzing data, and evaluating the yield stability and adaptability of sugarcane varieties involved in national regional trials and favorite test sites.
      Difference of Bleeding Intensity in Different Parts of Rice Plant and Its Relationship with Grain Plumpness
      YIN Chun-Yuan,YANG Hai-Xia,DU Yan-Xiu,ZHANG Jing,LI Jun-Zhou,SUN Hong-Zheng,PENG Ting,ZHAO Quan-Zhi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  153-163.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00153
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      This study aimed to illustrate the mechanism of inferior grain plumpness in rice. A field experiment with 0, 90 and 180 kg ha-1 N spike fertilizer application in the stage of rice young ear differentiation was carried out in 2005 and 2006 on the farm of Henan Agricultural University, Henan province, China. Two varieties (indica and japonica rice) were used to study the periodical changes of basal and neck internode bleeding intensity, soluble sugars in bleeding, daily change of bleeding intensity and the relationship between the bleeding intensity and soluble sugars of neck internode with grain plumpness in the grain filling stage. The results showed that the changes of bleeding intensity between the basal and neck internodes were obviously different. The bleeding intensity in the basal internode reached the maximum value in the fifth day after anthesis and presented the drop tendency afterwards. The bleeding intensity of the neck internode appeared two peak values in the fifth and seventeenth days after anthesis. There was a valley value in the eleventh day after anthesis on average. The average bleeding intensity in the neck internode was higher under zero N lever than high N level. The daily change of bleeding intensity in the neck internode was low in the daytime and high at night, which reduced with rising N fertilizer application. Correlation analysis showed that there existed significantly positive correlation or highly signification between inferior grain plumpness and the bleeding intensity of neck internode in the 10, 15, 25, and 35 days after anthesis for the japonica, but not for the indica rice. The relationship between soluble sugars in the bleeding of neck internode and inferior grain plumpness showed highly significantly positive correlation, while that of the basal internode was not notable. It indicated that the relationship between bleeding in the neck internode and the inferior grain plumpness is close. The bleeding intensity of neck internode can be used as a index for measuring inferior grain plumpness. Therefore, increasing the bleeding intensity of neck internode by regulating N application can improve the inferior grain plumpness.
      Cloning and Expression Analysis of Serine Carboxypeptidases in Maize (Zea mays L.)
      LIU Li,WANG Jing,ZHANG Zhi-Ming,ZHAO Mao-Jun,PAN Guang-Tang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  164-171.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00164
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      Serine carboxypeptidases play important roles in regulating the growth, development and disease resistance in plants. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) were applied to clone the serine carboxypeptidase gene named ZmSCP using cDNA of the high resistant maize inbred line R15 induced by Rhizoctonia solani. The cDNA full length of serine carboxypeptidase gene is 1874 bp (GenBank accession number: JF682634) containing a 999 bp complete open reading frame, encode 333 amino acids, with the molecular weight of 36.505 kD for the expected encoded proteins, and the isoelectric point of 4.75. The homology analysis indicated that the homology percentage were from 42% to 81% between the deduced amino acids from Zea mays L. and those from other plants. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ZmSCP showed closer kinship with that of Oryza satiua and sorghum, indicating that they belong to the same evolutionary branch. ZmSCP protein has S10 conserved domain and belongs to S10 superfamily. The ZmSCP mRNA expression was analyzed by semi-quantitative and quantitative methods under different stress conditions. It is showed that the ZmSCP gene expression was basically up-regulated after ABA, JA, low temperature and salt treatments, and showed two-step trend under induction of Rhizoctonia solani, with the first peak at 24 h after inoculation, and the second peak at 60 h, showing significant differences compared with the case of non-inoculated. In addition, the expression level of ZmSCP gene increased under the ABA, JA, low temperature and salt stresses with an expression peak at 48 h.

      Biochemical Indicators for Storability of Eight Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Tuberous Roots in Postharvest Storage Process
      WEN Ming-Fu,HU Mei-Zhen,CHEN Xin,WANG Hai-Yan,LU Cheng,WANG Wen-Quan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  172-176.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00172
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      Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food and bio-energy crop, which grows in marginal land by subsistent farmers in tropics and subtropics. Cassava contains abundant starch in its tuberous roots, but easily turns rot after harvest, which greatly affects storage life and subsequent starch processing. In this study, tuberous roots of eight varieties (lines) were evaluated at 3, 7, 12, 17, and 27 days after harvest. The results showed that storability of tuberous roots was SMH>BRA755>SC205>SC5> BRA440>7G-2>T1>BRA258. The association between the storability and each of dry matter, starch content, and HCN content was evaluated by a linear regression analysis. There were negative correlation of storability with dry matter (r=0.687, P=0.05) and starch content (r=0.696, P=0.05), and no correlation between the storability and HCN content. In addition, SMH showed the higher storability, lower dry matter and starch content, but BRA258 and T1 showed lower storability, higher dry matter and starch content. These special genotypes should be useful for cassava breeding in the future.
      Effect of High Temperature Stress on Physiological Characteristics of Anther and Pollen Traits of Rice at Flowering Stage
      ZHANG Gui-Lian,ZHANG Shun-Tang,XIAO Lang-Tao,WU Xiao-Jin,XIAO Ying-Hui,CHEN Li-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  177-183.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00177
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      To ascertain the mechanism affecting flower organ of rice by high temperature stress at flowering stage, we treated heat tolerant line 996 and heat-sensitive line 4628 with hightemperature (8:00–17:00, 37°C; 17:00–8:00, 30°C) and optimal temperature (8:00–17:00, 30°C; 17:00–8:00, 25°C) in the growth chambers. The antioxidant enzyme activities, membrane permeability and MDA content in anther and pollen characters of rice were studied. The results showed the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbic acid-peroxidase (AsA-POD) activities in anther of rice increased obviously at early stage of high temperature stress, then decreased rapidly, and higher in heat tolerant line 996 than in line 4628, malonyldialdehyde (MDA) content and membrane permeability in heat-sensitive line 4628 were greater than those in heat tolerant line 996. The anther dehiscence coefficient, pollen germination rate and pollen grains number on the stigma significantly decreased, pollen diameter increased under high temperature stress. Anther dehiscence coefficient, pollen germination rate and pollen grains number on the stigma in heat tolerant line 996 were significantly higher than those in heat-sensitive line 4628 under high temperature stress. Under high temperature stress, higher antioxidant enzyme activities, better pollen grain pollination and germination character, as well as lower membrane permeability and MDA content of anther in rice could be the physiological basis of high-temperature tolerance.
      Effect on Stresses of 18°C and Different Relative Humidities on Bt Protein Expression at Squaring Stage in Bt Cotton
      CHEN Yuan,GU Chao,WANG Gui-Xia,Lü Chun-Hua,LIU Xiao-Fei,ZHANG Xiang,CHEN De-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2013, 39(01):  184-189.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.00184
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      The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of stresses of 18°C and different relative humidities on the leaf resistance to the insect at squaring stage in Bt cotton. The two conventional cultivars (DP410B and Sikang 1) and two hybrids (Daiza 1 and Sikang 3) from the US and China, respectively, were used. The potted cotton plants were stressed at 18°C and different relative humidities (90%, 70%, and 50%) for 6 hours and 48 hours, respectively, then we determined leaf Bt protein contents. The results showed that the short period (6 hours) stresses of 18°C and different relative humidities obviously had no effect on the leaf Bt protein contents. but the leaf Bt protein contents sharply reduced in the two Bt conventional cultivars after the longer period (48 hours) stresses of 18°C and different relative humidities compared with the control, with the reduction from 6.8% to 7.2%. The leaf Bt protein content of hybrid Sikang 3 markedly decreased while that of hybrid Daiza 1 remained unchanged. There was no difference in the effect between the high relative humidity and low relative humidity at 18°C, so the low temperature duration may affect the Bt cotton resistance to insect at squaring stage, which is closely related to cultivars.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
