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作物学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 494-506.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.04070

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


项洪涛1, 李琬1, 郑殿峰2,3,*(), 王诗雅3, 何宁1, 王曼力1, 杨纯杰1   

  1. 1黑龙江省农业科学院耕作栽培研究所, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150086
    2广东海洋大学滨海农业学院, 广东湛江 524088
    3黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江大庆 163319
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-17 接受日期:2020-10-14 出版日期:2021-03-12 网络出版日期:2020-11-06
  • 通讯作者: 郑殿峰
  • 作者简介:E-mail: xianght@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of uniconazole and waterlogging stress in seedling stage on the physio logy and yield in adzuki bean

XIANG Hong-Tao1, LI Wan1, ZHENG Dian-Feng2,3,*(), WANG Shi-Ya3, HE Ning1, WANG Man-Li1, YANG Chun-Jie1   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Cultivation and Tillage, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China
    2College of Coastal Agriculture Sciences, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, Guangdong, China
    3College of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2020-03-17 Accepted:2020-10-14 Published:2021-03-12 Published online:2020-11-06
  • Contact: ZHENG Dian-Feng
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31871576);China Agriculture Research System(CARS-08-04B)


为探究幼苗期淹水胁迫及喷施烯效唑(S3307)对小豆(Vigna angularis)生理代谢和产量的影响, 本研究于2018—2019年以龙小豆4号和天津红为试验材料, 盆栽条件下, 苗期进行预喷施S3307, 同时连续淹水处理5 d并每天取样, 测定分析相关生理指标。结果表明, 幼苗期淹水胁迫引起小豆叶片H2O2和MDA含量、脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量显著提高, ABA、IAA和SA含量显著提高, SOD、POD和CAT活性显著提高, 淹水处理5 d导致龙小豆4号单盆产量显著下降8.40%~12.61%, 天津红显著下降9.91%~10.01%。S3307具有抵御淹水胁迫的作用, 能有效增加小豆叶片脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量, 显著降低H2O2和MDA含量, 能够显著提高SOD和POD活性以及SOD/POD、SOD/CAT, 显著增加ABA和SA含量, 并显著抑制IAA含量的上升。喷施S3307使淹水4 d的龙小豆4号产量显著提高2.85%~6.18%, 使天津红淹水4 d的产量显著提高2.85%~3.95%。综上, 淹水胁迫下, 不同品种小豆在活性氧物质积累、膜质过氧化、抗氧化酶活性以及激素水平等方面的生理应激存在显著差异; 喷施S3307能够有效缓解淹水胁迫对小豆生理和产量的影响。本研究结果为进一步研究小豆苗期抵御淹水胁迫的生理机制及提高淹水胁迫下小豆的产量提供理论依据。

关键词: S3307, 小豆, 淹水胁迫, 叶片生理, 产量


In order to explore the difference on the resistance physiology and yield and the mitigation effect of uniconazole (S3307) pretreatment under waterlogging stress, the pot experiment was conducted using Longxiaodou 4 (LXD 4) and Tianjinhong (TJH). The anti-stress physiological indexes and yield were measured on 5th day after waterlogging stress and foliar spraying S3307 at seedling stage, and samples were taken every day. The results showed that leaf physiological indexes in waterlogging stress were changed during seedling stage, the content of H2O2, MDA, proline and soluble protein were significantly increased, as the same as the content of ABA, IAA, and SA, and the activities of SOD, POD, and CAT. Waterlogging treatment for five days resulted in a significant decrease in the output of LXD 4 in a single pot by 8.40% to 12.61%, and that of TJH decreased by 9.91% to 10.01%. S3307 had the effect of resisting waterlogging stress, and could effectively increase the content of proline and soluble protein in the leaf of adzuki bean, significantly reduced the content of H2O2 and MDA, significantly increased the activity of SOD and POD, the value of SOD/POD and SOD/CAT, significantly increased the ABA and SA content, and significantly inhibited the increase in IAA content. Foliar spraying S3307 significantly increased the output of LXD 4 by 2.85% to 6.18% under waterlogging treatment for four days, and significantly increased the yield of TJH by 2.85% to 3.95%, respectively. This study concluded that there were significant differences under physiological stress in reactive oxygen species accumulation, membrane lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme activities and hormone levels among different varieties of adzuki bean under waterlogging stress. Spraying S3307 could effectively alleviate the effects of waterlogging stress on the physiology and yield in adzuki bean. The results provide a theoretical basis for further studying the physiological mechanism of adzuki bean resistance to waterlogging at the seedling stage and improving the yield of adzuki bean under waterlogging stress.

Key words: uniconazole (S3307), adzuki bean, waterlogging stress, leaf physiology, yield



Treatment code
Pesticide treatment
Water treatment
Longxiaodou 4
T1 蒸馏水喷施 Spray water 正常土壤水分 Suitable soil moisture
T2 蒸馏水喷施 Spray water 淹水胁迫 Waterlogging stress
T3 S3307喷施 Spray S3307 淹水胁迫 Waterlogging stress
T4 蒸馏水喷施 Spray water 正常土壤水分 Suitable soil moisture
T5 蒸馏水喷施 Spray water 淹水胁迫 Waterlogging stress
T6 S3307喷施 Spray S3307 淹水胁迫 Waterlogging stress


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片H2O2含量的影响 T1 or T4: 幼苗期正常土壤水分, 喷施蒸馏水, 即对照; T2 or T5: 幼苗期土壤淹水胁迫, 喷施蒸馏水; T3 or T6: 幼苗期土壤淹水胁迫, 喷施S3307。其中T1~T3对应龙小豆4号, T4~T6对应天津红。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片MDA含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片SOD活性的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片POD活性的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片CAT活性的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"



淹水天数 Waterlogging days
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 d
Longxiaodou 4
T1 71.43±3.70 a 76.65±5.62 a 70.91±1.37 a 70.97±1.49 a 70.88±2.33 a
T2 64.85±3.50 ab 59.38±1.44 b 57.22±0.60 b 46.99±1.72 b 69.44±4.17 a
T3 58.03±0.97 b 57.57±0.46 b 47.35±0.06 c 34.44±2.03 c 55.08±1.84 b
T4 110.40±0.69 a 114.73±5.30 a 110.45±7.66 a 104.55±6.06 a 105.39±3.77 a
T5 119.88±7.58 a 93.21±2.98 b 82.96±1.44 b 80.13±5.13 b 83.41±2.96 b
T6 101.79±5.16 a 86.03±2.10 b 79.49±3.72 b 58.10±1.13 c 80.90±3.51 b



淹水天数 Waterlogging days
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 d
Longxiaodou 4
T1 2.05±0.49 a 1.74±0.07 a 1.97±0.09 a 2.05±0.16 a 1.92±0.01 b
T2 1.95±0.23 a 1.88±0.04 a 1.95±0.05 a 2.14±0.11 a 2.43±0.07 a
T3 1.74±0.10 a 1.68±0.06 a 1.69±0.05 b 1.33±0.03 b 1.72±0.02 c
T4 1.59±0.06 a 1.61±0.09 a 1.49±0.08 a 1.57±0.05 a 1.49±0.11 a
T5 1.64±0.07 a 1.58±0.05 a 1.37±0.04 a 1.51±0.08 a 1.75±0.11 a
T6 1.47±0.03 a 1.36±0.02 b 1.40±0.03 a 1.22±0.03 b 1.43±0.06 a


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片脯氨酸含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片可溶性糖含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片可溶性蛋白含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片ABA含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片IAA含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"


淹水胁迫及喷施S3307对小豆幼苗叶片SA含量的影响 处理同图1。同天内标以不同字母的值在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。"



淹水天数 Waterlogging days
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 d
2018 龙小豆4号
Longxiaodou 4
T1 33.32±0.64 a 33.32±0.64 a 33.32±0.64 a 33.32±0.64 a 33.32±0.64 a
T2 32.31±0.32 a 31.83±0.41 a 30.54±0.32 b 29.78±0.29 b 29.12±0.18 b
T3 32.78±0.43 a 32.50±0.27 a 31.91±0.46 ab 31.62±0.48 a 30.56±0.35 b
T4 27.36±0.31 a 27.36±0.31 a 27.36±0.31 a 27.36±0.31 a 27.36±0.31 a
T5 26.65±0.27 a 26.63±0.11 a 26.00±0.11 b 25.57±0.18 b 24.62±0.18 c
T6 27.20±0.16 a 27.24±0.28 a 26.55±0.24 ab 26.58±0.18 a 25.52±0.19 b
2019 龙小豆4号
Longxiaodou 4
T1 30.37±0.22 a 30.37±0.22 a 30.37±0.22 a 30.37±0.22 a 30.37±0.22 a
T2 30.12±0.39 a 29.85±0.39 a 28.92±0.24 b 28.07±0.25 b 27.82±0.86 b
T3 30.27±0.16 a 29.97±0.32 a 29.73±0.17 a 28.87±0.13 a 28.32±0.25 b
T4 23.62±0.39 a 23.62±0.39 a 23.62±0.39 a 23.62±0.39 a 23.62±0.39 a
T5 22.57±1.07 a 22.70±0.50 a 22.30±0.20 b 21.73±0.22 b 21.28±0.15 c
T6 23.45±0.33 a 23.10±0.33 a 22.92±0.13 ab 22.88±0.12 a 22.40±0.16 b
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