
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (12): 3096-3106.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.42017

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


江达仁1(), 熊若愚1, 吴家青1, 毛付琴1, 冯俊杰1, 陶磊1, 谢小兵1, 潘晓华1, 曾勇军1, 王亚梁2, 曾研华1,*()   

  1. 1江西农业大学 / 作物生理生态与遗传育种教育部重点实验室 / 作物生物育种与高效生产江西省重点实验室, 江西南昌 330045
    2中国水稻研究所, 浙江杭州 311401
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-18 接受日期:2024-08-15 出版日期:2024-12-12 网络出版日期:2024-09-03
  • 通讯作者: *曾研华, E-mail: zyh74049501@163.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: jiangdaren20210901@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of side-deep fertilization on yield formation and nitrogen absorption of high-quality early indica rice under precision sowing in line and machine planting

JIANG Da-Ren1(), XIONG Ruo-Yu1, WU Jia-Qing1, MAO Fu-Qin1, FENG Jun-Jie1, TAO Lei1, XIE Xiao-Bing1, PAN Xiao-Hua1, ZENG Yong-Jun1, WANG Ya-Liang2, ZENG Yan-Hua1,*()   

  1. 1Jiangxi Agricultural University / Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Jiangxi Agricultural University / Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Bio-breeding and High-Efficient Production, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China
    2China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 311401, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2024-03-18 Accepted:2024-08-15 Published:2024-12-12 Published online:2024-09-03
  • Contact: *E-mail: zyh74049501@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFD2301303);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32272212);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(20232ACB205011);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(20202ACBL215004);Jiangxi Agricultural University Young Research and Innovation Team(JXAUCXTD004)


水稻作为中国的主要粮食作物, 通过高效栽培技术增产对保障国家粮食安全至关重要。侧深施肥和精准条播育秧技术是提高水稻机械化高效种植的关键措施。明确精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥对水稻产量形成、稻米品质及氮素吸收的影响, 以期为南方稻区水稻机械化优质栽培提供理论依据。于2022—2023年连续进行2年大田试验, 以五丰优286为供试材料, 设置精准条播(PS)、传统撒播(BS) 2种机械播种育秧方式与侧深施肥(SF)、常规施肥(CK)两种施肥方式的二因素试验, 研究了不同处理对优质早籼稻秧苗素质、机插质量、产量形成、氮素吸收与稻米品质的影响。(1) 侧深施肥精准条播的产量显著最高, 与常规施肥相比, 侧深施肥处理产量增幅9.97%~19.62%; 相比传统撒播处理, 精准条播处理增产4.32%~6.29%, 主要得益于提高机插群体的有效穗数和均匀度。(2) 与传统撒播相比, 精准条播显著提高秧苗素质, 降低漏秧率5.6%~6.0%, 同时提高机插苗数均匀度22.0%~33.0%。(3) 精准条播与侧深施肥均提高水稻分蘖高峰苗数, 且增加生长期干物质积累量和叶面积指数, 与常规施肥相比, 侧深施肥显著提高成熟期干物质积累量15.71%~18.08%、叶面积指数19.15%~20.78%; 相较传统撒播, 精准条播显著提高成熟期干物质积累量4.56%~7.42%、叶面积指数8.08%~9.88%。(4) 在生育中后期(穗分化期—成熟期), 侧深施肥精准条播提高植株氮素积累量, 与常规施肥相比, 侧深施肥显著提高成熟期氮素积累量22.66%~28.24%; 相较传统撒播, 精准条播显著提高成熟期氮素积累量7.97%~11.76%。(5) 与常规施肥相比, 侧深施肥显著降低稻米垩白粒率10.63%~20.41%、垩白度13.63%~19.62%和直链淀粉含量8.08%~10.42%, 但提高蛋白质含量10.98%~11.25%。精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥能提高秧苗素质, 改善机插质量, 提高水稻分蘖成穗与生长发育特性, 以及氮素吸收量, 从而增加优质早籼稻产量; 同时, 改善稻米外观品质, 但增加稻米蛋白质含量。

关键词: 机械化插秧, 侧深施肥, 精准条播育秧, 早籼稻, 产量, 氮素吸收


As a major grain crop in China, the efficient cultivation of rice is essential to ensure national food security. Side-deep fertilization and precision drill sowing technology are key measures to improve the efficiency of mechanized rice cultivation. This study aims to elucidate the effects of side-deep fertilization on rice yield formation, rice quality, and nitrogen absorption under precision drill sowing and machine planting, providing a theoretical basis for mechanized high-quality rice cultivation in the southern rice region. In 2022-2023, field experiments were conducted using the Wufengyou 286 rice cultivar. The experiments included two factors: mechanical seeding and raising (precision drill sowing (PS) and broadcast sowing (BS)), and fertilization method (side-deep fertilization (SF) and conventional surface fertilization (CK)). The effects of different treatments on seedling quality, machine transplanting quality, yield formation, nitrogen absorption, and rice quality of high-quality early indica rice were investigated. (1) The yield of precision drill sowing with side-deep fertilization was significantly the highest. Compared with conventional surface fertilization, side-deep fertilization increased rice grain yield by 9.97%-19.62%. Compared with broadcast sowing, precision drill sowing increased rice grain yield by 4.32%-6.29%, primarily due to improvements in the effective panicle number and uniformity of the machine-transplanted population. (2) Precision drill sowing significantly improved the quality of seedlings, reducing the missing hill percentage of machine transplanting by 5.6%-6.0%, and improving the uniformity of seedling number transplanted per hill by 22.0%-33.0%. (3) Both side-deep fertilization and precision drill sowing improved the number of tillers at the tillering peak stage. These methods also increased dry matter accumulation and leaf area index during the rice growing period.Side-deep fertilization, compared with conventional fertilization, increased dry matter accumulation at maturity by 15.71%-18.08% and leaf area index by 19.15%-20.78%. Precision drill sowing, compared with broadcast sowing, increased dry matter accumulation at maturity by 4.56%-7.42% and leaf area index by 8.08%-9.88%. (4) During the middle and late rice growth stages (panicle initiation to maturity), precision drill sowing with side-deep fertilization increased nitrogen accumulation. Side-deep fertilization, compared with conventional fertilization, increased nitrogen accumulation at maturity by 22.66%-28.24%. Precision drill sowing, compared with broadcast sowing, increased nitrogen accumulation at maturity by 7.97%-11.76%. (5) Compared with conventional fertilization, side-deep fertilization significantly reduced the chalky grain rate by 10.63%-20.41%, chalkiness by 13.63%-19.62%, and amylose content by 8.08%-10.42%, but increased protein content by 10.98%-11.25%. In conclusion, side-deep fertilization under precision drill sowing and machine planting can improve seedling quality, machine transplanting quality, rice tillering and panicle formation, growth and development, and nitrogen absorption, thereby increasing the yield of high-quality early indica rice. Additionally, while the appearance quality of rice was improved, the protein content of rice was also increased.

Key words: mechanized transplanting, side deep fertilization, precision drilling sowing, early indica rice, yield, nitrogen absorption


精准条播和传统撒播的种子分布 PS: 精准条播; BS: 传统撒播。"



施肥方式Fertilization method 播种育秧方式
Sowing method
Effective panicle
(×104 hm-2)
Grains per
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight (g)
(t hm-2)
2022 SF PS 398.1 a 133.3 a 75.7 a 24.7 a 9.45 a
BS 379.6 b 135.7 a 77.0 a 24.6 a 9.08 b
CK PS 351.9 c 129.0 a 77.2 a 24.9 a 7.92 c
BS 333.3 d 131.9 a 75.5 a 24.8 a 7.57 d
2023 SF PS 407.4 a 129.3 a 80.5 a 24.4 a 9.55 a
BS 385.8 b 130.0 a 79.7 a 24.5 a 9.09 b
CK PS 367.3 c 130.1 a 79.5 a 24.5 a 8.18 c
BS 336.4 d 130.3 a 79.2 a 24.6 a 7.59 d
Y * * ** * *
F ** ns ns ns **
S ** ns ns ns **
Y×F ns * ns ns ns
Y×S ns ns ns ns ns
F×S ns ns ns ns ns
Y×F×S ns ns ns ns ns



Sowing method
Leaf age
Plant height
Average root
(cm plant-1)
Root number
Stem and leaf
dry weight
(g plant-1)
Root dry weight
(g plant-1)
Stem base width
2022 PS 3.5 a 18.1 a 5.9 a 10.1 a 0.4 a 0.06 a 0.32 a
BS 3.3 b 16.1 b 5.0 b 9.7 b 0.3 b 0.04 b 0.24 b
2023 PS 3.6 a 17.7 a 6.8 a 11.7 a 0.5 a 0.07 a 0.34 a
BS 3.4 b 16.4 b 5.6 b 10.3 b 0.4 b 0.06 b 0.27 b
方差分析ANOVA Y ** ns ** ** * * **
S ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Y×S ns ns ns ** ns ns ns



Sowing method
Missing hill percent (%)
2022 PS 4.7 b 54.3 a
BS 10.3 a 44.5 b
2023 PS 5.3 b 60.2 b
BS 11.3 a 45.1 a
Y ns ns
S ** **
Y×S ns ns


精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥对分蘖动态及成穗率的影响 处理同表1。A, B分别为2022年和2023年不同处理的分蘖动态; C, D分别为2022年和2023年不同处理的成穗率。数据为平均数±标准差(n = 3)。不同小写字母表示不同处理同一生育时期在0.05概率水平差异显著。"


精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥对叶面积指数的影响 处理同表1。A, B分别为2022年和2023年不同处理的叶面积指数。TS: 分蘖期; PI: 幼穗分化期; HS: 抽穗期; MS: 成熟期。数据为平均数±标准差(n = 3)。不同小写字母表示不同处理同一生育时期在0.05概率水平差异显著。"


精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥对干物质积累量的影响 缩写同图3; 处理同表1。A, B分别为2022年和2023年不同处理的干物质积累量。数据为平均数±标准差(n = 3)。不同小写字母表示不同处理同一生育时期在0.05概率水平差异显著。"


精准条播育秧机插下侧深施肥对氮素吸收的影响 缩写同图3; 处理同表1。A, B分别为2022年和2023年不同处理的氮素积累量。数据为平均数±标准差(n = 3)。不同小写字母表示不同处理同一生育时期在0.05概率水平差异显著。"



施肥方式Fertilization method 播种育秧
Sowing method
2022 SF PS 80.1 a 64.4 a 51.1 a 13.1 b 4.1 b 13.5 b 8.66 a
BS 80.2 a 64.3 a 52.9 a 13.8 b 4.5 b 13.8 b 8.46 a
CK PS 79.8 a 65.1 a 50.1 a 15.0 a 5.3 a 14.7 a 7.67 b
BS 79.9 a 64.9 a 51.4 a 15.1 a 5.4 a 15.0 a 7.56 b
2023 SF PS 78.4 a 66.2 a 53.1 a 9.3 b 2.9 b 14.0 b 8.77 a
BS 79.1 a 64.6 a 52.3 a 9.8 b 2.8 b 13.5 b 8.54 a
CK PS 78.2 a 65.1 a 52.6 a 11.7 a 3.2 a 15.2 a 7.89 b
BS 77.6 a 65.8 a 53.7 a 12.3 a 3.4 a 15.5 a 7.67 b
Y ** ns ns ** ** * ns
F ns ns ns ** ** ** **
S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Y×F ns ns ns ns * ns ns
Y×S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
F×S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Y×F×S ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
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