
作物学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 755-770.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.43033

所属专题: 玉米耕作栽培·生理生化

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


王岩(), 白春生, 李波, 范虹, 何蔚, 杨莉莉, 曹悦, 赵财()   

  1. 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-24 接受日期:2024-10-25 出版日期:2025-03-12 网络出版日期:2024-10-30
  • 通讯作者: *赵财, E-mail: zhaoc@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: wangyan20240518@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of no-tillage with plastic film and the amount of irrigation water on yield and photosynthetic characteristics of maize in oasis irrigation area of Northwest China

WANG Yan(), BAI Chun-Sheng, LI Bo, FAN Hong, HE Wei, YANG Li-Li, CAO Yue, ZHAO Cai()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-07-24 Accepted:2024-10-25 Published:2025-03-12 Published online:2024-10-30
  • Contact: *E-mail: zhaoc@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFD2301104);Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Major Project(23ZDNA008)


探究不同耕作措施及灌水量对玉米产量及光合特性的影响, 为绿洲灌区玉米覆膜节水管理技术提供理论支撑和实践指导。本研究基于2014年在甘肃农业大学武威绿洲农业综合试验站布设的长期定位试验, 采用裂区试验设计, 主区设覆膜免耕(NT)和传统覆膜耕作(CT) 2种耕作措施; 副区设低灌水量(I1, 4500 m3 hm-2)、中灌水量(I2, 4950 m3 hm-2)和高灌水量(I3, 5400 m3 hm-2) 3种灌水量, 于2022年和2023年测定了玉米籽粒产量、叶片光合参数及光合关键酶活性。结果表明: NT较CT玉米籽粒产量显著增加7.9%; 玉米籽粒产量随灌水量降低呈减少趋势, 但覆膜免耕中灌水量处理(NTI2)可保持与覆膜免耕高灌水量处理(NTI3)相当的玉米籽粒产量, 较传统覆膜耕作中灌水量处理(CTI2)显著增加8.0%。吐丝期至蜡熟期, 与CT相比, NT处理中玉米叶面积指数(LAI)、叶绿素含量(SPAD)和净光合速率(Pn)分别提高6.7%~9.5%、5.8%~7.0%和5.6%~9.9%; 与I3相比, I1处理中玉米LAI、SPAD和Pn显著降低, 但I2与I3处理之间差异不显著; NTI2处理中LAI、SPAD和Pn与NTI3差异不显著, 但较CTI2分别显著提高9.1%~10.5%、7.5%~9.5%和7.1%~12.4%。吐丝期至灌浆期, NT较CT玉米叶片磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)活性和1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶(Rubisco)活性分别显著提高5.4%~8.0%和5.6%~8.8%; 不同灌水量之间, I1较I3处理玉米叶片PEPC和Rubisco活性显著降低, 但I2和I3间差异不显著; NTI2玉米叶片PEPC活性最高, 较CTI2显著提高5.8%~8.8%; NTI2玉米叶片Rubisco活性较CTI2显著提高6.3%~11.6%。结构方程模型(SEM)综合表明, 在中灌水量条件下, 覆膜免耕较传统覆膜耕作可有效改善玉米生育中后期的光合性能, 增加单位面积穗数及千粒重, 进而提高籽粒产量。因此, 覆膜免耕结合中灌水量(4950 m3 hm-2)可推荐为西北绿洲灌区的玉米农田覆膜节水管理技术。

关键词: 玉米, 覆膜免耕, 灌水量, 光合特性, 产量


This study investigates the effects of different tillage practices and the amounts of irrigation water on maize yield and photosynthetic characteristics, aiming to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for water-saving management in maize cultivation using plastic film mulching in oasis irrigation areas. The research is based on a long-term field experiment conducted at the Wuwei Oasis Agricultural Comprehensive Experimental Station of Gansu Agricultural University, starting in 2014. A split-plot experimental design was employed, with two tillage practices in the main plots: no-tillage with plastic film (NT) and conventional tillage with plastic film (CT). The sub-plots were assigned three amounts of irrigation water: low (I1, 4500 m3 hm-2), medium (I2, 4950 m3 hm-2) and high (I3, 5400 m3 hm-2). Grain yield, leaf photosynthetic parameters, and key photosynthetic enzyme activities in maize were measured in 2022 and 2023. The results showed that grain yield under NT was significantly higher than CT by 7.9%. Although maize yield decreased with reduced the amounts of irrigation water, the NTI2 treatment yielded similarly to NTI3 and was 8.0% higher than CTI2. From the silking to dough stage, the leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll content (SPAD), and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in NT increased by 6.7%-9.5%, 5.8%-7.0%, and 5.6%-9.9%, respectively, compared to CT. While LAI, SPAD, and Pn were significantly lower in the I1 treatment compared to I3, there were no significant differences between I2 and I3. Similarly, no significant differences were observed between NTI2 and NTI3 for these parameters, but they were 9.1%-10.5%, 7.5%-9.5%, and 7.1%-12.4% higher, respectively, than CTI2. The activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) in NT were 5.4%-8.0% and 5.6%-8.8% higher, respectively, than in CT from the silking to filling stages. Among the amounts of irrigation water, PEPC and Rubisco activities were significantly lower in I1 than in I3, but no significant differences were found between I2 and I3. The highest PEPC activity was observed in NTI2, which was 5.8%-8.8% higher than CTI2, while Rubisco activity in NTI2 was 6.3%-11.6% higher than in CTI2. A structural equation model (SEM) indicated that under the medium amount of irrigation water, no-tillage with plastic film significantly improved maize photosynthetic performance during the middle and late growth stages compared to conventional tillage. This improvement led to an increase in the number of ears per unit area and 1000-grain weight, ultimately enhancing grain yield. Therefore, no-tillage with plastic film combined with the medium amount of irrigation water (4950 m3 hm-2) is recommended as an effective water-saving management practice for plastic film mulching in oasis irrigation areas of northwest China.

Key words: maize, no-tillage with plastic film, the amount of irrigation water, photosynthetic characteristics, yield





Tillage measure
Amounts of irrigation water (m3 hm-2)
No-tillage with plastic film (NT)
I1 (4500) NTI1
I2 (4950) NTI2
I3 (5400) NTI3
Conventional tillage with plastic film (CT)
I1 (4500) CTI1
I2 (4950) CTI2
I3 (5400) CTI3



Amounts of
irrigation water
灌水定额Irrigation quota (m3 hm-2)
Big flare
Irrigation quota
I1 900 900 900 900 900 4500
I2 900 1050 1050 1050 900 4950
I3 900 1200 1200 1200 900 5400



Amounts of irrigation water
Grain yield
(kg hm-2)
Ear numbers
(ear m-2)
Kernel number per spike
1000-kernel weight (g)
2022 NT I1 12,097.9 c 8.2 c 552.2 b 417.3 c
I2 13,935.3 a 9.4 a 613.3 a 470.8 a
I3 14,165.0 a 9.5 a 627.4 a 476.4 a
CT I1 10,808.7 d 7.5 d 511.8 c 381.9 d
I2 12,845.4 bc 8.7 b 570.4 b 432.5 bc
I3 13,584.2 ab 9.3 a 589.5 ab 448.6 b
2023 NT I1 12,654.8 c 8.6 c 543.5 b 415.1 c
I2 14,461.4 a 9.3 a 606.3 a 478.0 a
I3 14,650.7 a 9.4 a 620.7 a 481.6 a
CT I1 11,381.1 d 7.9 d 512.0 c 385.9 d
I2 13,448.3 b 8.7 b 565.6 a 438.8 b
I3 13,883.9 ab 9.3 a 581.3 a 441.1 b
年份Year (Y) ** ** NS NS
耕作措施Tillage initiatives (T) ** ** NS **
灌水量Amounts of irrigation water (I) ** ** ** **
T×I * ** NS *


不同处理下玉米全生育期叶面积指数动态及平均叶面积指数 NT、CT分别表示覆膜免耕、传统覆膜耕作, I1、I2、I3分别表示低灌水量、中灌水量、高灌水量。V1、V6、V12、R1、R2、R5、R6分别表示苗期、拔节期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期、灌浆期、蜡熟期、完熟期。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理下玉米全生育期光合势动态 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期SPAD的影响 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期Pn的影响 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期Gs的影响 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期Tr的影响 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期Ci的影响 处理同图2。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期PEPC酶活性的影响 处理同图2。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。NS表示参试因子对指标无显著影响。"


不同处理对玉米主要生育时期Rubisco酶活性的影响 处理同图2。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。**和*分别代表参试因子对指标的影响在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。NS表示参试因子对指标无显著影响。"


叶片光合生理参数影响产量及产量构成因素的结构方程模型和各参数间关系 LAI、SPAD、PEPC、Rubisco、Pn、Tr、EN、TKW、KNS和GY分别表示叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶、1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、单位面积穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和籽粒产量, 实线表示显著的路径, 实线的粗细表示通径系数绝对值的大小, 虚线表示该路径不显著。线旁的数值为标准化通径系数。**与*分别表示在0.01和0.05概率水平差异显著。"

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