
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (12): 3129-3143.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.41026

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


韦金贵(), 毛守发, 江俞欣, 樊志龙, 胡发龙, 柴强(), 殷文()   

  1. 干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-27 接受日期:2024-06-20 出版日期:2024-12-12 网络出版日期:2024-07-08
  • 通讯作者: *柴强, E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn; 殷文, E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: weijg17797691770@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Compensation mechanism of green manure on grain yield and nitrogen uptake of wheat with reduced nitrogen supply

WEI Jin-Gui(), MAO Shou-Fa, JIANG Yu-Xin, FAN Zhi-Long, HU Fa-Long, CHAI Qiang(), YIN Wen()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-03-27 Accepted:2024-06-20 Published:2024-12-12 Published online:2024-07-08
  • Contact: *E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn; E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A20218);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32372238);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-22-G-12);Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province(23JRRA704);Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province(23JRRA1407);Fostering Foundation for the Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation of Gansu Agricultural University(YB2024002)


针对西北绿洲灌区小麦连作普遍、化肥施用量较大及氮素利用率低等问题, 探究麦后复种绿肥对减量施氮小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用的补偿效应, 以期为构建减氮小麦高效生产技术提供理论依据。本研究依托始于2018年的定位试验进行, 2020—2022年期间采集数据。试验采用裂区设计, 主区设4种绿肥种植模式, 即麦后分别复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆(HCV)、箭筈豌豆(CV)、油菜(R)和麦后休闲(F); 副区为3种施氮水平: 试区习惯施氮量(N3, 180 kg hm-2)、习惯施氮减量20% (N2, 144 kg hm-2)、习惯施氮减量40% (N1, 108 kg hm-2)。研究表明, 习惯施氮减量20%和40%显著降低了小麦籽粒产量和氮素吸收, 但麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆可补偿因减量施氮40%造成的籽粒产量和氮素吸收损失, 且麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆结合减量施氮20%提高小麦籽粒产量21.4%和氮素吸收6.9% (P < 0.05)。麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆可补偿因减量施氮40%造成的氮素利用率损失, 且其结合减量施氮20%氮素利用率提高13.4% (P < 0.05)。其补偿机制归因于: (1) 麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆在减量施氮40%条件下可补偿小麦氮素吸收速率, 提高氮素净同化速率34.3% (P < 0.05), 维持穗部氮素分配, 增加茎氮素转运率6.6% (P < 0.05)。(2) 与麦后休闲传统施氮量相比, 麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆结合减量施氮20%提高氮素平均吸收速率和氮素净同化速率7.2%和34.1% (P < 0.05), 增加灌浆初期至成熟期穗氮素分配6.7% (P < 0.05), 提高叶、茎氮素对穗的转运贡献率17.8%、8.9% (P < 0.05)。因此, 在干旱绿洲灌区, 麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆是实现小麦减氮40%的可行措施, 麦后复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆结合减氮20%可通过提高小麦氮素吸收速率和氮素净同化率, 提高叶、茎对穗的转运贡献率从而促进穗部氮素分配, 实现小麦产量和氮素利用率双提升。

关键词: 麦后复种绿肥, 减量施氮, 籽粒产量, 氮素利用率, 补偿效应


Long-term continuous cropping, excessive nitrogen input, and low nitrogen use efficiency are prevalent issues in wheat production in the Northwest Oasis irrigation area. This study examined the compensatory mechanism on grain yield and nitrogen utilization by reducing nitrogen input in wheat and multi-cropping of green manure after wheat harvest. The goal was to provide a theoretical basis for developing efficient wheat production technologies with reduced nitrogen input. This long-term field experiment, initiated in 2018, collected data from 2020 to 2022. The main plot included four green manures: multi-cropped common vetch mixed with hairy vetch (HCV), common vetch (CV), rapeseed (R), and fallow (F) after the previous wheat harvest. Subplots applied three nitrogen rates: the local conventional rate (N3, 180 kg hm-2), reduced by 20% (N2, 144 kg hm-2), and reduced by 40% (N1, 108 kg hm-2). Our results indicated that reducing conventional nitrogen by 20% and 40% significantly decreased both grain yield and nitrogen uptake. However, multi-cropped hairy vetch mixed with common vetch after wheat harvest could compensate for the yield and nitrogen uptake losses caused by a 40% nitrogen reduction. When combined with a 20% nitrogen reduction, grain yield and nitrogen uptake increased by 21.4% and 6.9%, respectively (P < 0.05). Additionally, this cropping pattern compensated for the decreased nitrogen use efficiency resulting from a 40% nitrogen reduction and, when combined with a 20% nitrogen reduction, enhanced nitrogen use efficiency by 13.4% (P < 0.05). The compensation mechanism was attributed to: (1) Under a 40% nitrogen reduction, multi-cropped hairy vetch mixed with common vetch compensated for nitrogen uptake rate, increased net nitrogen assimilation rate by 34.3% (P < 0.05), maintained nitrogen distribution in the ear, and enhanced the nitrogen transportation rate from the stem by 6.6% (P < 0.05). (2) Compared with fallow after wheat harvest and the conventional nitrogen application rate, multi-cropped hairy vetch mixed with common vetch under a 20% nitrogen reduction increased mean nitrogen uptake efficiency and net nitrogen assimilation rate by 7.2% and 34.1%, respectively (P < 0.05). It also improved nitrogen distribution in the ear from early filling to maturity stages by 6.7% (P < 0.05) and enhanced the contribution rate of nitrogen transportation from stem and leaf to ear by 17.8% and 8.9%, respectively (P < 0.05). Therefore, multi-cropped hairy vetch mixed with common vetch after wheat harvest is a viable measure to reduce nitrogen fertilizer input. When combined with a 20% nitrogen reduction, it can increase grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat by improving nitrogen uptake rate, net nitrogen assimilation rate, and the contribution rate of nitrogen transportation from leaf and stem to ear, thereby promoting nitrogen distribution in the ear in arid oasis irrigated areas.

Key words: multiple cropped green manure after wheat harvest, nitrogen reduction, grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency, compensation effect



2019 2020 2021
Green manure biomass
(kg hm-2)
Green manure biomass
(kg hm-2)
Green manure biomass
(kg hm-2)
HCVN1 4413 cd HCVN1 4322 cd HCVN1 4238 de
HCVN2 5664 a HCVN2 5126 a HCVN2 5535 a
HCVN3 4907 b HCVN3 4874 ab HCVN3 5024 b
CVN1 4065 de CVN1 4103 de CVN1 3894 e
CVN2 4717 bc CVN2 4645 abc CVN2 4790 bc
CVN3 4559 bc CVN3 4394 bcd CVN3 4457 cd
RN1 3102 f RN1 2892 g RN1 3074 f
RN2 3767 e RN2 3462 f RN2 4159 de
RN3 3895 e RN3 3724 ef RN3 4081 e


复种绿肥对减氮小麦籽粒产量的影响 F、HCV、CV和R分别代表麦后休闲、复种毛叶苕子混播箭筈豌豆、箭筈豌豆和油菜, N3、N2和N1依次为试区习惯施氮量、习惯施氮减量20%和40%。同一年份不同字母表示处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。"


复种绿肥条件下减氮小麦氮素积累动态 图中不同小写字母表示同一年不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。处理同图1。"




不同复种模式及减氮下小麦氮素利用率和氮肥偏生产力差异 图中不同小写字母表示同一年不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。处理同图1。"



Green manure
Nitrogen level
Regression equation
R2 氮素最大吸收速率
Maximum uptake
rate of nitrogen
(Vmax, kg hm‒2 d‒1)
速率出现天数 Days of NMUR
(Tm, d)
Mean uptake rate of nitrogen
(Vmean, kg N hm‒2 d‒1)
Net assimilation rate of nitrogen (NNAR, g m‒2 d‒1)
2020 F N1 Y=152/(1+e2.066-0.052t) 0.990 1.91 f 35.5 bcd 1.34 d 0.366 e
N2 Y=153/(1+e1.830-0.056t) 0.991 2.14 def 34.2 cd 1.31 d 0.331 f
N3 Y=181/(1+e1.926-0.053t) 0.994 2.41 cd 35.6 bcd 1.56 bc 0.377 e
HCV N1 Y=171/(1+e1.797-0.052t) 0.999 2.22 cde 37.0 ab 1.59 b 0.484 a
N2 Y=192/(1+e2.283-0.061t) 0.957 2.94 a 37.8 a 1.55 bc 0.439 b
N3 Y=188/(1+e2.242-0.062t) 0.994 2.93 a 34.8 cd 1.70 a 0.465 ab
CV N1 Y=152/(1+e1.625-0.039t) 0.998 1.49 g 37.8 a 1.36 d 0.379 de
N2 Y=195/(1+e2.079-0.060t) 0.998 2.94 a 34.8 bcd 1.55 bc 0.421 c
N3 Y=188/(1+e1.876-0.058t) 0.989 2.73 ab 32.7 d 1.54 bc 0.401 d
R N1 Y=149/(1+e1.964-0.052t) 0.982 1.93 ef 37.1 ab 1.29 d 0.350 ef
N2 Y=174/(1+e1.868-0.057t) 0.998 2.50 bc 35.0 cd 1.48 c 0.385 de
N3 Y=181/(1+e1.934-0.060t) 0.930 2.73 ab 34.9 cd 1.56 bc 0.387 de
2021 F N1 Y=150/(1+e2.090-0.052t) 0.992 1.95 g 40.2 a 1.33 f 0.390 g
N2 Y=162/(1+e2.385-0.067t) 0.999 2.72 cd 35.6 bcd 1.54 de 0.426 fg
2021 F N3 Y=183/(1+e1.931-0.056t) 0.953 2.56 de 35.0 cde 1.58 cd 0.422 fg
HCV N1 Y=178/(1+e2.056-0.051t) 0.998 2.26 f 40.6 a 1.61 cd 0.602 ab
N2 Y=197/(1+e2.356-0.060t) 0.992 2.95 b 40.1 a 1.82 a 0.634 a
N3 Y=194/(1+e1.823-0.056t) 0.995 2.73 c 32.4 e 1.64 c 0.522 cd
CV N1 Y=156/(1+e2.157-0.062t) 0.990 2.40 ef 35.2 cde 1.41 ef 0.459 ef
N2 Y=192/(1+e2.267-0.062t) 0.998 2.95 b 37.2 bc 1.77 ab 0.551 bc
N3 Y=191/(1+e2.212-0.067t) 0.995 3.18 a 33.1 de 1.75 ab 0.505 cde
R N1 Y=156/(1+e2.162-0.056t) 0.984 2.18 fg 38.4 ab 1.40 ef 0.430 fg
N2 Y=177/(1+e2.083-0.063t) 0.994 2.77 c 33.3 de 1.59 cd 0.450 efg
N3 Y=187/(1+e2.193-0.065t) 0.987 3.03 ab 34.1 de 1.70 b 0.464 def
2022 F N1 Y=154/(1+e2.130-0.060t) 0.992 2.35 de 35.8 abc 1.31 e 0.376 e
N2 Y=151/(1+e2.020-0.056t) 0.967 2.12 ef 35.9 abc 1.41 de 0.379 e
N3 Y=173/(1+e2.153-0.059t) 0.967 2.57 cd 36.2 abc 1.56 b 0.397 de
HCV N1 Y=166/(1+e1.617-0.067t) 0.992 2.78 bc 24.7 d 1.49 c 0.519 a
N2 Y=189/(1+e2.441-0.072t) 0.993 3.39 a 34.1 abc 1.67 a 0.530 a
N3 Y=184/(1+e2.278-0.056t) 0.997 3.01 b 35.5 abc 1.68 a 0.497 ab
CV N1 Y=166/(1+e2.470-0.065t) 0.927 2.70 bcd 38.1 a 1.35 e 0.422 cde
N2 Y=182/(1+e2.350-0.063t) 0.992 2.84 bc 38.3 a 1.56 b 0.460 bc
N3 Y=180/(1+e2.326-0.062t) 0.998 2.83 bc 38.2 a 1.57 ab 0.439 cd
R N1 Y=145/(1+e1.871-0.053t) 0.983 1.94 f 36.6 ab 1.43 d 0.426 cde
N2 Y=172/(1+e1.858-0.058t) 0.992 2.48 cd 32.2 c 1.56 b 0.426 cde
N3 Y=181/(1+e1.917-0.059t) 0.937 2.68 bcd 32.7 bc 1.67 a 0.440 cd
显著性(P值) Significance (P-value)
绿肥 Green manure (G) * * ** **
施氮Nitrogen application (N) ** ** ** **
绿肥×施氮G×N NS ** ** **





Green manure
Nitrogen level
叶 Leaf 茎 Stem
(kg hm‒2)
(kg hm‒2)
2020 F N1 20.9 h 45.4 f 22.3 e 17.9 f 48.7 f 19.3 e
N2 36.5 e 64.5 bc 24.9 de 27.3 de 63.4 e 25.9 c
N3 40.3 c 65.8 b 30.7 b 33.0 c 71.1 c 25.2 c
HCV N1 32.1 f 49.6 ef 29.0 c 29.9 d 72.9 b 27.0 c
N2 43.2 b 70.9 ab 33.9 ab 32.2 cd 67.1 d 27.7 b
N3 48.8 a 76.3 a 35.5 a 38.9 a 80.2 a 30.7 a
CV N1 29.6 g 52.4 e 30.4 b 26.0 e 64.4 de 26.6 c
N2 32.5 f 54.2 de 34.7 a 34.4 b 77.5 ab 26.4 c
N3 45.2 b 68.3 ab 32.7 b 37.9 ab 80.1 a 27.5 b
R N1 30.2 fg 63.4 c 27.5 cd 26.2 e 71.7 c 24.0 cd
N2 38.5 d 60.5 cd 31.4 b 31.5 cd 66.4 d 23.4 d
N3 44.2 b 63.8 bc 34.0 ab 38.1 ab 76.4 ab 27.2 b
2021 F N1 23.9 g 53.7 d 24.1 e 20.4 f 46.4 e 20.7 g
N2 37.8 cd 65.3 bc 33.4 ab 31.9 d 56.4 d 28.1 d
N3 34.6 de 60.5 cd 26.1 d 33.6 d 61.4 d 25.2 ef
HCV N1 30.5 ef 54.2 d 31.2 bc 30.1 de 58.2 d 28.1 d
N2 36.8 cd 63.5 c 33.5 ab 36.8 bc 64.1 cd 29.6 c
N3 47.7 ab 71.5 ab 32.7 b 47.7 a 80.8 a 32.7 a
CV N1 35.5 de 66.1 bc 25.4 de 32.0 d 62.8 cd 25.0 ef
N2 40.3 cd 62.7 c 30.5 c 35.9 cd 64.4 cd 27.2 e
N3 49.7 a 77.3 a 34.2 a 45.9 a 71.4 bc 31.6 ab
R N1 28.9 fg 63.8 c 25.7 de 27.4 e 56.7 d 24.4 f
N2 42.3 bc 69.3 b 27.0 cd 37.3 bc 63.0 cd 26.9 e
N3 47.2 ab 69.8 b 33.7ab 42.7 ab 75.4 ab 32.7 a
2022 F N1 33.3 d 63.6 f 24.2 f 28.4 e 52.9 e 23.0 d
N2 37.2 cd 66.1 ef 29.1 d 29.7 de 52.5 e 25.2 cd
N3 36.1 d 61.1 f 32.4 c 32.2 d 55.7 de 29.2 b
2022 HCV N1 37.2 cd 64.4 f 27.7 ef 35.6 c 69.5 ab 23.5 d
N2 51.4 a 86.3 a 36.9 a 44.5 a 72.7 a 29.4 b
N3 49.5 a 81.2 ab 31.6 cd 44.4 a 76.7 a 28.2 bc
CV N1 37.2 cd 67.9 e 28.3 e 32.9 d 63.0 c 24.9 cd
N2 46.6 ab 72.5 d 33.0 b 45.3 a 75.7 a 32.0 a
N3 50.9 a 82.1 ab 35.0 ab 44.8 a 73.4 a 31.0 ab
R N1 36.1 d 68.7 e 31.6 cd 32.8 d 59.4 d 28.9 b
N2 42.5 bc 78.0 bc 31.1 cd 36.1 bc 67.0 b 26.4 c
N3 46.1 ab 74.5 c 32.9 bc 40.7 ab 73.1 a 29.0 b
显著性(P值) Significance (P-value)
绿肥 Green manure (G) ** ** ** ** ** **
施氮Nitrogen application (N) ** ** ** ** ** **
绿肥×施氮G×N * ** ** ** NS NS



Nitrogen use
籽粒产量 Grain yield 0.678 6
氮素积累量 Nitrogen accumulation 0.786 3
氮肥偏生产力 Nitrogen partial factor productivity 0.552 9
花前叶器官氮素向穗的转运量 Nitrogen transportation quantity from leaf to ear before flowering 0.604 8
花前茎器官氮素向穗的转运量 Nitrogen transportation quantity from stem to ear before flowering 0.609 7
穗氮素分配 Nitrogen distribution in ear 0.854 1
氮素最大吸收速率 Maximum uptake rate of nitrogen 0.733 5
氮素平均吸收速率 Mean uptake rate of nitrogen 0.810 2
氮素净同化速率 Net assimilation rate of nitrogen 0.745 4


小麦籽粒产量和氮素吸收及分配转运与氮素利用率的主成分分析 NUE、NA、GY、NPFP、NDE、TQL、TQS、NVmean、NVmax和NNAR分别表示氮素利用率、氮素积累量、籽粒产量、氮肥偏生产力、穗氮素分配、花前叶器官氮素向穗的转运量、花前茎器官氮素向穗的转运量、氮素最大吸收速率、氮素平均吸收速率和氮素净同化速率。"

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