
作物学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 962-974.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.13010

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


闫宇婷1(), 宋秋来2, 闫超1, 刘爽1, 张宇辉1, 田静芬1, 邓钰璇1, 马春梅1,*()   

  1. 1东北农业大学农学院, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150000
    2黑龙江省农业科学院耕作栽培研究所, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150000
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-31 接受日期:2021-07-12 出版日期:2022-04-12 网络出版日期:2021-08-09
  • 通讯作者: 马春梅
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 1290058648@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen substitution effect of maize under straw returning with continuous cropping

YAN Yu-Ting1(), SONG Qiu-Lai2, YAN Chao1, LIU Shuang1, ZHANG Yu-Hui1, TIAN Jing-Fen1, DENG Yu-Xuan1, MA Chun-Mei1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150000, Heilongjiang, China
    2Institute of cultivation, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150000, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2021-03-31 Accepted:2021-07-12 Published:2022-04-12 Published online:2021-08-09
  • Contact: MA Chun-Mei
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31901473)


针对东北地区农作物秸秆资源丰富, 然而焚烧弃置严重, 养分利用率较低等问题, 探讨常年玉米连作下还田秸秆的氮肥替代效应在松嫩平原玉米种植生产上的可行性。试验于2017—2019年在东北农业大学校内试验场进行, 采用框栽、连作方式, 采用再裂区试验设计, 主处理为秸秆不还田(S0)和秸秆还田(S1), 副处理为3个施尿素梯度0 (N0)、175 (N1)、350 (N2) kg hm-2, 再副处理为一次性施肥(基追比1∶0)和2次均匀施肥(基追比1∶1)。结果表明, 每公顷还12 t玉米秸秆可替代单质氮36.80 kg, 2017—2019年黑龙江省产生的玉米秸秆量平均为4650.05万吨, 秸秆还田可替代单质氮14.27万吨。在2次均匀施氮肥处理下, 秸秆氮肥替代量比一次性施氮肥处理高26.88%。秸秆还田与玉米氮肥利用率负相关, 在当地农业常用施尿素量350 kg hm-2 (纯氮161 kg hm-2)下, 玉米氮肥利用率3年平均S0较S1高6.09%, 产量S1较S0高4.66%, 且在秸秆还田、2次等量施氮肥处理玉米产量最高为268.22 g 框-1。综上所述, 东北地区玉米秸秆还田的氮肥替代效果显著, 将秸秆中残留养分有效转化为玉米生长所需氮素, 有利于秸秆资源的肥料化利用, 且作物秸秆与氮肥的长期配施能够显著提高玉米生物产量、产量和氮素累积, 是东北地区玉米增产增效的栽培模式。

关键词: 玉米, 氮肥, 秸秆还田, 氮肥替代量, 氮素积累, 结构方程模型


Crop straw resources in Northeast China are rich, but burning and discarding are serious, and nutrient utilization rate is very low. We explored the feasibility of the substitution of straw returning to nitrogen fertilizer and its effects on nitrogen accumulation under continuous cropping in cold region. A frame culture and continuous positioning experiment was carried out in the experimental site of Northeast Agricultural University from 2017 to 2019, with 15N labeled urea. A three-factor split-plot design was adopted in this experiment, the main plot was straw returning method with no straw returning (S0) and straw returning (S1), and the sub-plot was nitrogen application levels with 0 (N0), 175 (N1), and 350 (N2) kg hm-2. Two application methods were set for each fertilizer application amount, one ratio of base fertilizer and top dressing applied was 1:1, and the other ratio of base fertilizer and top dressing applied was 1:0. The results were as follows: When the straw returning amount was 12 t hm-2, the returning straw could replace 36.8 kg hm-2 pure nitrogen. The average amount of maize straw was 46.50 million tons in Heilongjiang Province from 2017 to 2019, and straw returning could replace 142,700 tons pure nitrogen. The replace amount of pure nitrogen in the ratio of base fertilizer and top dressing (1:1) was 26.88% higher than that in 1:0. Straw returning was negatively correlated with nitrogen use efficiency in maize. The average nitrogen use efficiency of maize in S0 treatment was 6.09% higher than S1 treatment, and the yield of S1 treatment was 4.66% higher than S0 treatment when the urea application amount was 350 kg hm-2 (161 kg hm-2 pure nitrogen). The highest yield of maize was 268.22 g frame-1 in the treatment of straw returning and topdressing with commonly fertilizer applied in local agriculture. In conclusion, the nitrogen substitution effect was remarkable under maize straw returning in Northeast China. Long-term combined application of crop straw and nitrogen fertilizer significantly improved the biomass, yield, and nitrogen accumulation of maize, which was a cultivation mode for increasing yield and efficiency of maize in Northeast China.

Key words: maize, nitrogen fertilizer, straw returning, nitrogen replacement amount, nitrogen accumulation, structural equation model



2017 2018 2019
茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain
N0 S1 187.58±8.61 a 201.65±3.20 a 146.56±2.13 a 202.20±5.97 a 136.85±6.56 a 193.23±5.77 a
S0 178.97±1.63 a 192.70±5.75 a 148.52±3.23 a 193.53±8.50 a 142.97±6.12 a 187.46±7.41 a
N1 N1-1S1 247.27±3.00 a 236.45±0.32 a 162.84±0.37 a 224.52±2.32 a 159.76±2.40 a 223.20±2.34 a
N1-1S0 220.08±2.63 b 220.40±1.11 b 155.84±0.68 b 215.74±2.61 b 157.36±0.14 a 201.77±2.39 c
N1-0S1 226.23±6.15 b 226.91±6.51 b 163.17±0.47 a 214.36±1.50 b 152.46±2.55 b 213.29±3.27 b
N1-0S0 213.53±1.85 c 215.98±0.47 c 165.99±3.15 a 213.13±1.48 b 149.91±3.58 b 198.53±3.24 c
N2 N2-1S1 266.40±3.52 a 247.94±1.04 a 181.43±1.56 a 244.11±0.17 a 178.32±1.77 a 249.55±4.78 a
N2-1S0 253.01±1.08 b 237.49±2.71 b 163.52±2.25 b 229.04±1.95 b 165.72±4.78 b 225.08±3.24 c
N2-0S1 251.93±1.22 b 234.78±0.29 b 183.68±4.10 a 232.07±3.03 b 165.63±2.04 b 233.95±1.51 b
N2-0S0 239.70±4.71 c 227.56±1.44 c 179.58±2.23 a 220.91±1.18 c 160.94±1.52 b 217.64±0.99 d
秸秆还田S ** ** ns ** ns **
施氮肥N ** ** ** ** ** **
S×N ** ** ** ** ns **


试验处理施肥量(g 框-1)"

基肥Base fertilizer 追肥尿素(15N标记)
Topdressing CH415N2O
N0 1.06 1.06 0 0
N1-1 1.06 1.06 0.62 0.62
N1-0 1.06 1.06 1.24 0
N2-1 1.06 1.06 1.24 1.24
N2-0 1.06 1.06 2.48 0



2017 2018 2019
茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain
N0 S1 7.40±0.20 a 14.41±0.76 a 8.11±0.19 a 13.93±0.49 a 6.10±0.08 a 12.91±0.28 a
S0 7.20±0.01 a 13.65±0.03 a 7.92±0.30 a 13.44±0.11 a 6.02±0.30 a 12.63±0.12 a
N1 N1-1S1 9.71±0.05 a 16.93±0.20 a 9.22±0.07 a 16.81±0.20 a 8.81±0.20 a 15.72±0.10 a
N1-1S0 9.42±0.07 b 16.04±0.12 b 8.71±0.01 c 15.92±0.08 b 8.17±0.03 b 15.04±0.13 c
N1-0S1 8.83±0.50 c 15.92±0.11 b 9.02±0.03 b 16.04±0.10 b 8.70±0.12 a 15.31±0.01 b
N1-0S0 8.33±0.35 c 15.02±0.31 c 9.03±0.01 b 15.43±0.03 c 8.61±0.14 a 14.72±0.03 d
N2 N2-1S1 11.13±0.04 a 18.92±0.07 a 9.72±0.03 a 17.72±0.02 a 9.80±0.20 a 16.81±0.11 a
N2-1S0 9.44±0.08 b 17.74±0.02 b 9.42±0.09 b 16.95±0.38 b 9.60±0.13 a 15.31±0.05 c
N2-0S1 9.45±0.01 b 17.03±0.21 c 9.33±0.06 b 16.57±0.22 b 9.20±0.05 b 15.71±0.11 b
N2-0S0 9.22±0.02 c 16.02±0.11 d 9.14±0.03 c 16.05±0.02 c 8.90±0.01 c 14.54±0.01 d
秸秆还田S ** ns ns * ns **
施氮肥N ** ** ** ** ** **
S×N ns ** ns ns ns **



2017 2018 2019
茎秆 Stalk 籽粒Grain 茎秆Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain
N0 S1 1.662±0.050 a 2.974±0.033 a 1.021±0.003 a 2.694±0.106 a 0.825±0.014 a 2.801±0.117 a
S0 1.612±0.003 a 2.773±0.201 a 1.059±0.038 a 2.588±0.095 a 0.845±0.020 a 2.684±0.059 a
N1 N1-1S1 2.564±0.031 a 3.967±0.035 a 1.959±0.002 a 3.592±0.061 a 1.372±0.042 a 3.766±0.027 a
N1-1S0 2.177±0.021 b 3.514±0.015 c 1.299±0.024 c 3.254±0.025 c 1.330±0.006 a 3.321±0.004 b
N1-0S1 2.288±0.111 b 3.701±0.051 b 1.684±0.102 b 3.422±0.042 b 1.331±0.011 a 3.166±0.033 c
N1-0S0 1.826±0.088 c 3.400±0.114 c 1.229±0.070 c 3.185±0.069 c 1.294±0.006 b 3.015±0.151 c
N2 N2-1S1 2.965±0.135 a 4.709±0.049 a 2.854±0.034 a 3.837±0.126 a 1.597±0.040 a 4.511±0.028 a
N2-1S0 2.434±0.034 b 4.058±0.246 b 2.388±0.107 b 3.481±0.087 b 1.557±0.013 a 3.910±0.044 b
N2-0S1 2.400±0.016 b 3.938±0.055 b 2.495±0.033 b 3.511±0.030 b 1.495±0.012 b 3.866±0.017 b
N2-0S0 2.257±0.040 c 3.812±0.071 b 1.956±0.035 c 3.290±0.008 c 1.483±0.008 b 3.265±0.028 c
秸秆还田S ** ** ** ** ns **
施氮肥N ** ** ** ** ** **
S×N ns ** ns ns ** **



2017 2018 2019
茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆 Stalk 籽粒 Grain 茎秆Stalk 籽粒 Grain
N1 N1-1S1 0.489±0.001 b 0.467±0.001 b 0.515±0.005 b 0.498±0.002 b 0.563±0.010 b 0.565±0.001 b
N1-1S0 0.503±0.001 a 0.456±0.002 c 0.557±0.003 a 0.535±0.002 a 0.632±0.026 a 0.578±0.001 a
N1-0S1 0.454±0.001 c 0.476±0.002 a 0.466±0.002 c 0.440±0.002 d 0.531±0.005 c 0.536±0.008 c
N1-0S0 0.502±0.002 a 0.466±0.002 b 0.506±0.004 b 0.471±0.003 c 0.566±0.017 b 0.544±0.001 c
N2 N2-1S1 0.596±0.003 a 0.580±0.002 a 0.656±0.001 c 0.633±0.001 b 0.761±0.007 b 0.742±0.008 b
N2-1S0 0.600±0.004 a 0.579±0.001 a 0.712±0.002 a 0.691±0.003 a 0.818±0.065 a 0.834±0.014 a
N2-0S1 0.552±0.001 c 0.535±0.001 b 0.595±0.008 d 0.536±0.002 d 0.653±0.028 c 0.658±0.012 c
N2-0S0 0.582±0.004 b 0.521±0.001 c 0.671±0.001 b 0.595±0.003 c 0.799±0.024 a 0.752±0.010 b
秸秆还田S ** ** ** ** ** **
施氮肥N ** ** ** ** ** **
S×N ** ** ** ** ns **


玉米植株氮素来源比例 S1: 秸秆还田; S0: 秸秆不还田; N1-1: 施尿素量为175 kg hm-2且基追比为1:1; N1-0: 施尿素量为175 kg hm-2且基追比为1:0; N2-1: 施尿素量为350 kg hm-2且基追比为1:1; N2-0: 施尿素量为350 kg hm-2且基追比为1:0。"


玉米秸秆替代氮肥估算比例 相同年份不同处理间比较。不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。N1-1: 施尿素量为175 kg hm-2且基追比为1:1; N1-0: 施尿素量为175 kg hm-2且基追比为1:0; N2-1: 施尿素量为350 kg hm-2且基追比为1:1; N2-0: 施尿素量为350 kg hm-2且基追比为1:0。"



氮肥利用率Nitrogen use efficiency
2017 2018 2019 平均Average
N1 N1-1S1 38.24±0.26 a 37.58±0.11 b 39.78±0.98 a 38.53
N1-1S0 33.07±0.79 bc 39.29±0.30 a 41.71±0.84 a 38.02
N1-0S1 34.22±0.39 b 22.54±0.39 d 34.47±1.20 b 30.41
N1-0S0 32.41±0.45 c 29.99±0.74 c 36.43±0.72 b 32.94
N2 N2-1S1 39.14±0.40 a 41.48±0.51 a 41.68±0.83 a 40.77
N2-1S0 38.61±0.76 a 42.73±0.79 a 43.72±1.60 a 41.69
N2-0S1 30.94±0.47 b 28.35±0.54 c 35.08±0.86 b 31.46
N2-0S0 31.46±0.44 b 35.20±0.53 b 37.07±1.24 b 34.58
秸秆还田S ** ** ns
施氮肥N ** ** **
S×N ** ** **



2017 2018 2019 平均Average
N0 S1 244.37±0.24 a 235.11±2.29 a 240.57±1.30 a 240.02
S0 224.10±2.13 b 225.03±1.74 b 220.70±2.18 b 223.28
N1 N1-1S1 274.94±0.97 a 240.90±1.62 b 283.85±0.20 a 266.56
N1-1S0 256.28±1.52 c 231.52±3.18 c 264.00±1.10 c 250.60
N1-0S1 267.33±1.40 b 251.88±2.60 a 269.84±2.20 b 263.02
N1-0S0 252.30±0.77 d 234.92±2.26 bc 256.87±1.38 d 248.03
N2 N2-1S1 264.95±1.26 a 288.30±1.42 a 251.42±2.11 a 268.22
N2-1S0 250.86±1.35 b 278.48±1.81 c 236.14±2.65 b 255.16
N2-0S1 249.25±1.74 b 283.00±0.40 b 249.94±1.03 a 260.73
N2-0S0 247.83±1.72 b 273.05±0.45 d 229.82±1.15 c 250.23
秸秆还田S ** ** **
施氮肥N ** ** **
S×N ** ** ns


氮肥利用率和产量影响因素的结构方程模型(SEM) 方框表示应用在模型中的变量。箭头的粗细表示影响关系强度。箭头旁边的数字为标准化路径系数。实线和虚线分别表示正向相关和负向相关。显著性水平: “*”表示P < 0.05; “**”表示P < 0.01; “***”表示P < 0.001。R2值是指模型拟合情况, 表示该变量被解释比例。"

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