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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2039-2052.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32047


Evolution characteristics of rhizosphere microorganisms in response to ratoon rice senescence and underlying carry-over effect mechanism

GUO Chun-Lin1(), LIN Man-Hong1, CHEN Ting1,2, CHEN Hong-Fei1,2, LIN Wen-Fang3, LIN Wen-Xiong1,2,3,*()   

  1. 1Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Agroecological Processing and Safety Monitoring, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Key Laboratory of Crop Ecology and Molecular Physiology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
    2College of Juncao Science and Ecology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
    3College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture And Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
  • Received:2023-11-12 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-28
  • Contact: * E-mail: lwx@fafu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300508);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFD0301602);Foreign Cooperation Project of Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Department(2018I0002)


The objective of this study is to investigate the ecological strategies and evolutionary patterns of rhizosphere microorganisms at the late stages of ratoon rice growth, which is crucial for preventing premature crop senescence, enhancing crop productivity, and improving soil fertility in cultivated land. In this study, two genetically related conventional ratoon rice varieties, namely Huanghuazhan (HHZ) and Fenghuazhan (FHZ), were selected as the experimental materials. We employed high throughput sequencing and correlation analysis to explore the changes in diversity, ecological strategies, and inter-species niche relationships of rhizosphere microbiota at the late growth stage of ratoon rice with respect to plant aging. The results demonstrated a consistent trend in the natural aging changes at the late growth stages of both varieties. However, under identical fertilization conditions, FHZ exhibited a significantly higher decay rate of all relevant physiological indicators compared to HHZ at the late growth stage. This observation suggested that the premature aging greatly impacted dry matter accumulation, grain filling, and seed-setting in both seasons, ultimately leading to reduced crop yield. Further analysis confirmed a close relationship between rhizosphere microorganism diversity and the aging process of ratoon rice. Specifically, FHZ showed a significant decrease in rhizosphere microbial diversity index and niche width during the development of ratoon rice’s late growth period. Conversely, Agrobacterium (0.61%), Halocystium (0.17%), Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria (0.42%), and Nitrospiridium genera (0.045%) were more prominent in HHZ during main crop maturity period (HMR) compared to FHZ’s main crop maturity period (FMR). On the other hand, Bradyrhizobium (0.29%), Sphingomonas (0.76%), and Gemmatimonas (0.15%) displayed an opposite pattern for these genera. Furthermore, we observed that up-regulated microorganisms in HHZ's rhizosphere played a crucial role in nutrient cycling and availability as well as soil transformation processes. Additionally, the niche breadth of rhizosphere soil microorganisms was 36.81% higher in HHZ compared to FHZ, indicating their adaptive response to soil stress environments. This phenomenon reflected the variations in resource utilization by rhizosphere microorganisms, thereby elucidating the evolutionary dynamics and competitive ability for resources among them, ultimately impacting the growth, development, and yield of ratoon rice plants. This study suggests that plant premature senescence is a consequence of an ecological strategy employed by rhizosphere microorganisms. Furthermore, differences in the structure of rhizosphere soil microbial communities during the initial season significantly delay their regeneration season in ratoon rice cultivation. In conclusion, enhancing regulation within the rhizosphere environment, establishing a rational construction of rhizosphere soil microbial communities, and promoting positive effects on plant growth are crucial processes for activating soil nutrients, preventing premature senescence in ratoon rice plants, and further improving its yield.

Key words: ratoon rice, premature senescence, rhizosphere microorganisms, rhizosphere effects, cultivation regulation

Table 1

Comparison on grain yields and its components of the main and ratoon rice crops of different rice varieties"

头季Main crop 再生季Ratoon rice 头季稻
(kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
2018 丰华占FHZ 141.70 b 188.07 a 21.04 b 94.18 a 292.32 b 59.40 a 18.65 b 78.75 b 5273.16 b 2556.77 b
黄华占HHZ 187.49 a 177.70 b 23.09 a 87.90 b 391.59 a 55.30 b 19.90 a 93.20 a 6780.10 a 4023.51 a
2019 丰华占FHZ 165.90 b 181.91 a 21.54 b 93.84 a 398.20 b 57.82 a 15.95 b 67.80 b 6085.03 b 2474.89 b
黄华占HHZ 215.22 a 178.68 a 23.12 a 84.18 b 472.80 a 53.55 a 18.86 a 80.37 a 7471.94 a 3780.28 a
F 年份Year (A) NS NS NS NS 10.02 NS 6.12* NS NS NS
F-value 品种Variety (B) 22.56** NS 29.26** 31.72** 7.63* NS 8.71* 16.05** 6.87* 24.39**
A×B 24.09** NS 8.56** 15.83** 43.12** NS 35.14** 16.13** 4.32* 7.24*

Fig. 1

Physiological indexes of ratoon rice at different growth stages a): SPAD values of ratoon rice at different growth stages; b): root vitality of ratoon rice at different growth stages; c): net photosynthetic rate of ratoon rice at different growth stages. MB: Booting stage of main crop; MH: Full heading stage of main crop; MG: Filling stage of main crop; MR: Maturity stage of main crop; RB: Booting stage of ratooning rice; RH: Full heading stage of ratooning rice; RG: Filling stage of ratooning rice; RR: Maturity stage of ratooning rice; FHZ: Fenghuazhan; HHZ: Huanghuazhan. SPAD attenuation index = (SPAD value of early leaves in the same season-SPAD value of late leaves in the same season)/SPAD value of early leaves in the same season. Pn: photosynthetic rate, leaf Pn decay rate = (Pn at full heading stage of the same season-Pn at maturity stage of the same season)/Pn at full heading stage of the same season × 100%. Root vitality decay rate = (root activity during the same season full heading period-root activity during the same season mature period)/root activity during the same season full heading period × 100%."

Fig. 2

Dry matter translocation of plant after full heading stage in the different varieties of the ratoon rice M_SSVT: transport capacity of stem-sheath of main crop; R_SSVT: transport capacity of stem-sheath of ratooning rice; M_LVT: leaf transport capacity of main crop; R_LVT: leaf transport capacity of ratooning rice; M_SSTR: stem-sheath transport rate of main crop; R_SSTR: stem-sheath transport rate of ratooning rice; M_LTR: leaf transport rate of main crop; R_LTR: leaf transport rate of ratooning rice; M_SSCR: stem-sheath contribution rate of main crop; R_SSCR: stem-sheath contribution rate of ratooning rice; M_LCR: leaf contribution rate of main crop; R_LCR: leaf contribution rate of ratooning rice; M_HI: harvest index of main crop; R_HI: harvest index of ratooning rice. The different letters on the same indicator in the same season indicate significant differences at P < 0.05."

Fig. 3

Rhizosphere microbial diversity index and ecological niche width of different experimental varieties at different phase of late growth stages a): microbial diversity in rhizosphere soil of different varieties (Chao1); b): microbial diversity in rhizosphere soil of different varieties (Shannon); c): niche width for different varieties. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 4

Main dominant bacteria in rhizosphere soils of the ratoon rice a): the proportion of rhizosphere soil microorganisms in different dominance ranges; b): microorganisms with a dominance index > 0.003."

Fig. 5

Relative abundance of main dominant bacteria in rhizosphere soil at maturity stage of main crop rice"

Table 2

Network property of bacterial communities"

Average degree
Graph density
path length

丰华占头季成熟期FMR 3.969 2 0.021 1.979 0.990 191 379
丰华占再生季齐穗期FRH 1.988 2 0.012 1.988 0 173 172
丰华占再生季成熟期FRR 5.939 2 0.030 1.970 0.985 198 588
黄华占头季成熟期HMR 5.948 2 0.026 1.974 0.987 233 693
黄华占再生季齐穗期HRH 5.934 2 0.033 1.967 0.984 182 540
黄华占再生季成熟期HRR 3.971 2 0.019 1.981 0.990 206 409

Fig. 6

Symbiotic network of dominant bacteria based on the correlation of different ratoon rice varieties at different growth stages The size of each node is proportional to its degree and the nodes are colored based on phylum level classification. Red line: positive correlation; blue line: negative correlation."

Fig. 7

Niche overlap index of dominant and non-dominant bacteria in different varieties at different growth stages Abbreviations of MB, MH, MG, MR, RB, RH, RG, and RR in the figure denote booting stage, heading stage, filling stage, maturity stage of main crop and booting stage, heading stage, filling stage, and maturity stage of ratooning rice, respectively."

Fig. 8

Correlation analysis between the dominant bacteria at maturity stage of main crop and the yield of main crop and ratooning rice MTY: the yield of main crop; RTY: the yield of ratooning rice."

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