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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2000, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (06): 763-768.

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Rapid Identification of Early Indica Rice with Low AAC and Analysis o f Its Application in Quality Improvement

WU Dian-Xing;SHU Qing-Yao;XIA Ying-Wu   

  1. Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Huajiachi, Han gzhou, 310029
  • Received:1999-05-04 Revised:2000-01-23 Online:2000-11-12 Published:2000-11-12
  • Contact: WU Dian-Xing

Abstract: The changes of endosperm appearances of early indica cultivars (lines), d eveloped recently in Zhejiang province, were investigated during the dry process under 40℃. The result showed that endosperm appearance of the cultivars (lines ) with low AAC became from transparency to mist with the increase

Key words: Higher quality early season indica rice, Ap parent amylose content, Endosperm appaearance, Marker-assisted selection

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