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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 395-404.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.44088


Evaluation of pod maturity and identification of early-maturing germplasm for core peanut germplasm resources

WANG Run-Feng(), LI Wen-Jia, LIAO Yong-Jun, LU Qing, LIU Hao, LI Hai-Fen, LI Shao-Xiong, LIANG Xuan-Qiang, HONG Yan-Bin, CHEN Xiao-Ping()   

  1. Crops Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement / South China Peanut Sub-Center of National Center of Oilseed Crops Improvement, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2024-05-27 Accepted:2024-08-15 Online:2025-02-12 Published:2024-08-30
  • Contact: E-mail: xpchen1011@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    Special Support Program of Guangdong Province(2021TX06N789);Guangzhou Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(2023A04J0776);Agricultural Competitive Industry Discipline Team Building Project of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences(202104TD);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(Peanut);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-13)


Peanut is an important oil and cash crop in China, with early maturity being a key breeding objective. However, the evaluation of peanut maturity is complicated by the indeterminate flowering and subterranean fruiting traits, leading to a lack of technology for assessing early maturity in peanut germplasm. Early-maturing germplasm resources are the foundation for early-maturing breeding. This study enhanced and optimized the method for evaluating the maturity of peanut pods and precisely assessed the pod maturity of 390 core germplasm resources using indicators such as the pod maturity index, the ratio of mature pods, and the average gray value of pods. The findings revealed that the maturity assessment results identified by the three indicators exhibited a considerable level of agreement and were able to accurately differentiate the pod maturity among various peanut germplasms. Correlation analysis revealed that the correlation coefficients of pod maturity across various seasons ranged from 0.48 to 0.54, suggesting a substantial influence of the photo-thermal environment on peanut maturity. The correlation coefficients between pod maturity and flowering time ranged from -0.32 to -0.59, indicating the significance of flowering time in determining early maturation of peanuts. The correlation coefficients between pod maturity and shelling rate per plant ranged from 0.29 to 0.48, underscoring the considerable impact of peanut pod maturity on yield. By integrating the three maturity indicators, a total of 28 early-maturing germplasms were identified, with four germplasms—namely ICGV95057, ICG4601, 82-56②, and Guihua 26—demonstrating early maturity under various photo-thermal environments. This research offers significant insights and resources for the genetic improvement and further investigations of early maturity in peanuts.

Key words: peanut, pod maturity, early maturing, germplasm resources, maturity evaluation

Fig. 1

Standard for maturity grade of peanut pods L1-L5 represent levels 1-5 of peanut maturity, respectively."

Table 1

Agronomic traits and codes in this study"

类别 Type 性状 Trait 编号 Code
Traits of growth stage
始花期 Initial time of flowering (d) X1
开花期 Time of flowering (d) X2
盛花期 Time of full flowering (d) X3
荚果成熟度指数 Maturity index X4
成熟荚果比例 The ratio of mature pods (%) X5
荚果平均灰度值 Average gray value of pods X6
Traits of yield
单株荚果重 Total pod weight per plant (g) X7
单株种仁重 Total seed weight per plant (g) X8
单株荚果数 Total number of pods per plant X9
单株出仁率 Shelling rate per plant (%) X10
Traits of pods
荚果长 Pod length (mm) X11
荚果宽 Pod width (mm) X12
荚果厚 Pod thickness (mm) X13
种仁长 Seed length (mm) X14
种仁宽 Seed width (mm) X15
种仁厚 Seed thickness (mm) X16

Fig. 2

Differences in pod maturity among various germplasm accessions"

Table 2

Descriptive statistics of pod maturity parameters among 390 peanut germplasm accessions"

Average ± SD
CV (%)
Maturity index
E1 3.78 ± 0.69 1.43-4.94 -0.87 0.49 18.25
E2 3.67 ± 0.66 1.38-5.00 -0.77 0.68 17.98
Ratio of mature pods
E1 0.62 ± 0.23 0-1.00 -0.71 -0.03 37.10
E2 0.69 ± 0.23 0-1.00 -1.06 0.66 33.33
Average gray value of pods
E1 109.77 ± 20.00 62.57-159.91 0.28 -0.65 18.22
E2 69.18 ± 20.40 25.22-135.76 0.80 0.69 29.49

Fig. 3

Correlation analysis of pod maturity index, ratio of mature pods, and average gray value of pods under different seasons X4_1, X5_1, and X6_1 represent the pod maturity index, the ratio of mature pods, and the average gray value of pods under spring sowing conditions, respectively; X4_2, X5_2, and X6_2 represent the pod maturity index, the ratio of mature pods, and the average gray value of pods under autumn sowing conditions, respectively. *** indicates significant correlation at the 0.001 probability level."


Distribution of pod maturity index, ratio of mature pods, and average gray value of pods A, B, and C show the distribution of pod maturity index, ratio of mature pods, and average gray value of pods, respectively, under spring sowing conditions. D, E, and F illustrate the distribution of pod maturity index, ratio of mature pods, and average gray value of pods, respectively, under autumn sowing conditions."

Table 3

Early-maturing peanut germplasms evaluated by pod maturity indicators"

春季 Spring 秋季 Autumn
Maturity index
Ratio of mature pods (%)
Gray value of pods
Maturity index
Ratio of mature pods (%)
Gray value
of pods
I ICGV95057 4.94 100.0 78.61 4.48 93.5 40.65
ICG4601 4.69 92.3 69.70 4.60 100.0 63.35
82-56② 4.67 94.4 82.17 4.50 100.0 39.00
桂花26 Guihua 26 4.64 92.9 92.31 4.43 92.9 43.38
II Fesr-2 4.76 95.2 72.81 4.67 83.3 50.40
UF71513-1 4.73 89.6 75.99 4.20 84.0 53.40
菲律宾红衣 Philippines hongyi 4.87 95.7 80.27 4.04 73.9 55.66
木梗耘 Mugengyun 4.91 100.0 67.11 3.97 72.4 62.24
湛油65 Zhanyou 65 4.62 96.2 81.58 3.76 85.3 73.49
ICGV3046 4.69 100.0 84.28 3.29 54.3 67.00
粤油四粒白Yueyousilibai 4.74 100.0 72.70 3.20 57.1 82.50
III NcAc17090 4.71 87.1 90.52 5.00 100.0 42.64
美引二号Meiyin 2 4.33 76.2 103.32 5.00 100.0 33.38
群毅三月拧Qunyisanyuening 4.47 83.7 92.67 4.82 96.4 27.66
ICG2031 4.24 75.0 4.89 100.0 38.93
陆屋大花生Luwudahuasheng 4.29 83.9 4.81 96.2 44.46
ICGV94413 4.45 87.1 91.84 4.59 100.0 32.78
巴基斯坦红衣Pakistan hongyi 3.97 65.6 111.59 5.00 100.0 25.22
ICGNO6313 3.84 63.2 101.45 5.00 100.0 42.45
美华大豆 Meihuadadou 4.12 76.5 4.67 93.8 39.86
猛鸡乸 Mengjina 4.48 80.6 84.89 4.25 95.0 41.66
ICGV67 3.74 63.2 95.98 4.86 95.2 37.72
南非花生 South Africa huasheng 3.68 57.9 106.23 4.85 95.0 29.01
绵新1号 Mianxin 1 4.16 68.4 101.95 4.23 93.5 43.97
闽花6号 Minhua 6 3.96 69.2 113.24 4.41 96.6 42.39
马圩大豆 Maweidadou 3.86 83.3 4.39 96.4 37.61
梧油5号 Wuyou 5 4.00 76.5 122.31 4.24 96.0 43.64
冀花15号 Jihua 15 3.94 65.7 98.02 4.22 100.0 33.42
CK 白沙1016 Baisha 1016 4.17 83.3 87.93 3.56 70.0 67.13

Fig. 5

Correlation analysis of peanut maturity and other agronomy traits under spring-sowing condition X1: Initial time of flowering; X2: time of flowering; X3: time of full flowering; X4: maturity index; X5: ratio of mature pods; X6: average gray value of pods; X7: total pod weight per plant; X8: total seed weight per plant; X9: total number of pods per plant; X10: shelling rate per plant; X11: pod length; X12: pod width; X13: pod thickness; X14: seed length; X15: seed width; X16: seed thickness. *, **, and *** indicate significant correlation at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively."

Fig. 6

Correlation analysis of peanut maturity and other agronomy traits under autumn-sowing condition The codes X1-X16 are the same as those shown in Fig. 5. *, **, and *** indicate significant correlation at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively."

Fig. 7

Statistics of daily average temperature and pyranometer during the entire growth period of peanuts in different seasons"

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