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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2106-2121.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34215


Effects of straw returning methods and sowing depth on soil physical properties and emergence characteristics of summer peanut

ZHU Rong-Yu1(), ZHAO Meng-Jie1, YAO Yun-Feng1, LI Yan-Hong2, LI Xiang-Dong1, LIU Zhao-Xin1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University / National Key Laboratory of Wheat Improvement, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
    2Yantai Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Yantai 264001, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-12-30 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-05-06
  • Contact: * E-mail: liuxiaoxin0110@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China(32301953);Youth Fund of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2022QC040);Innovation Team Project for Modern Agricultural Industrious Technology System of Shandong Province(SDAIT-04-06)


To explore the effects of sowing depth and different wheat straw returning methods on soil physical properties, peanut hypocotyl growth dynamics and seedling emergence rate, a wheat-peanut annual positioning experiment was conducted. Peanut season was designed with a split-plot experiment. The main area was wheat straw returning methods, including moldboard plow tillage with wheat residue returning (P), rotary tillage with wheat residue returning (R), no tillage with wheat residue mulching (N). The split area was peanut varieties, which were large-seed peanut variety Shanhua 108 (B) and small-seed peanut variety Shanhua 106 (S). The split zone was the sowing depth, with 3 cm (3), 5 cm (5), 9 cm (9), 15 cm (15) in 2021 and 3 cm (3), 6 cm (6), 9 cm (9) in 2022. The results showed that moldboard plow tillage and rotary tillage increased soil temperature, but decreased soil water content. The no tillage with wheat residue mulching treatment significantly increased the soil compactness of soil layer below 6 cm. Under the same straw returning method, both varieties showed that the appropriate shallow sowing (sowing depth of 3 cm, 6 cm) significantly increased the emergence rate, deep sowing (sowing depth > 9 cm) increased hypocotyl elongation rate, increased cotyledon lipase activity, and decreased cotyledon dry weight, sucrose and soluble sugar content in cotyledons. Compared with PB3, the contents of soluble sugar and sucrose in cotyledons of PB6 and PB9 decreased by 19.72%, 39.43% and 14.15%, 40.23%, respectively. Compared with PS3, the contents of soluble sugar and sucrose in cotyledons of PS6 and PS9 decreased by 10.08%, 24.84% and 20.04%, 37.08%, respectively, indicating that deep sowing increased the nutrient consumption of cotyledons during seedling emergence. The grain yield of tillage and rotary tillage was significantly higher than that of no-tillage. With the increase of sowing depth, the number of plants per unit area and the number of pods per plant decreased significantly under different straw returning methods. Compared with PB6, the pod yield of PB3 and PB9 decreased by 7.47% and 14.94%, respectively. Compared with PS3, the pod yield of PS6 and PS9 decreased by 11.66% and 24.03%, respectively. Therefore, moldboard plow tillage with wheat residue returning treatment was conducive to improving soil structure, shortening peanut emergence time, increasing emergence rate and peanut pod yield. Under this condition, the suitable sowing depth of large-grain peanut varieties and small-small peanut varieties was 5-6 cm and 3 cm, respectively.

Key words: peanut, straw returning, sowing depth, emergence characteristics

Table 1

Experimental treatment operation modes"

Tillage mode
PB3, PB5, PB6, PB9, PB15 小麦秸秆全量粉碎, 深翻土壤并旋耕整平地面后播种, 播种花生品种山花108, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was completely crushed, the soil was deeply ploughed and the ground was leveled by rotary tillage and then sown. The peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.
RB3, RB5, RB6, RB9, RB15 小麦秸秆全量粉碎, 旋耕还田并整平地面后播种, 播种花生品种山花108, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was completely crushed, rotary tillage was returned to the field and the ground was leveled before sowing. The peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.
NB3, NB5, NB6, NB9, NB15 小麦秸秆粉碎后移出地块, 播种后将秸秆均匀覆盖地表, 播种花生品种山花108, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was crushed and moved out of the plot. After sowing, the straw was evenly covered on the surface, and the peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown. The sowing depth was 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.
PS3, PS5, PS6, PS9, PS15 小麦秸秆全量粉碎, 深翻土壤并旋耕整平地面后播种, 播种花生品种山花106, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was completely crushed, the soil was deeply ploughed and the ground was leveled by rotary tillage and then sown. The peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown at the sowing depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.
RS3, RS5, RS6, RS9, RS15 小麦秸秆全量粉碎, 旋耕还田并整平地面后播种, 播种花生品种山花106, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was fully crushed, rotary tillage and leveling the ground before sowing. The peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.
NS3, NS5, NS6, NS9, NS15 小麦秸秆粉碎后移出地块, 播种后将秸秆均匀覆盖地表, 播种花生品种山花106, 播种深度为3 cm、5 cm、6 cm、9 cm、15 cm。
Wheat straw was crushed and moved out of the plot. After sowing, the straw was evenly covered on the surface, and the peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown. The sowing depth was 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm.

Table 2

Effects of straw returning modes on soil temperature"

Days after sowing
土壤温度Soil temperature (℃)
3 cm 6 cm 9 cm 12 cm 15 cm
2 d 翻耕还田P 31.7 ab 31.1 b 30.7 a 30.2 ab 29.8 ab
旋耕还田R 32.4 a 31.8 a 31.0 a 30.7 a 30.5 a
免耕覆盖N 30.9 b 30.5 c 30.1 b 29.6 b 29.3 b
4 d 翻耕还田P 34.9 a 34.3 a 33.8 a 33.3 a 33.0 a
旋耕还田R 34.8 a 34.5 a 34.0 a 33.5 a 32.8 a
免耕覆盖N 33.6 b 33.3 b 32.8 b 32.2 b 31.9 b
6 d 翻耕还田P 34.8 ab 34.5 a 33.9 a 33.6 a 33.2 ab
旋耕还田R 35.0 a 34.5 a 34.1 a 33.8 a 33.0 a
免耕覆盖N 34.3 b 33.6 b 33.3 b 33.0 b 32.4 b
8 d 翻耕还田P 32.7 a 32.2 a 31.3 a 30.9 a 30.4 a
旋耕还田R 32.2 a 31.5 b 31.2 a 30.7 a 29.8 a
免耕覆盖N 30.9 b 30.0 c 29.6 b 29.1 b 28.8 b
10 d 翻耕还田P 34.4 a 34.0 a 33.3 a 32.6 a 32.3 a
旋耕还田R 34.8 a 34.0 a 33.4 a 33.1 a 32.7 a
免耕覆盖N 33.4 b 32.9 b 32.0 b 31.6 b 31.4 b
12 d 翻耕还田P 28.6 b 28.1 b 27.5 b 27.0 a 26.7 a
旋耕还田R 28.2 ab 27.8 b 27.3 b 26.8 b 26.6 a
免耕覆盖N 28.8 a 29.1 a 28.1 a 27.5 b 26.8 a

Table 3

Effects of straw returning modes on soil moisture"

Days after sowing
土壤含水量Soil moisture (%)
3 cm 6 cm 9 cm 12 cm 15 cm
2 d 翻耕还田P 29.8 b 30.7 b 31.1 b 31.3 b 31.7 b
旋耕还田R 30.0 b 30.6 b 30.9 b 31.2 b 31.7 b
免耕覆盖N 31.0 a 31.7 a 32.6 a 33.0 a 33.4 a
4 d 翻耕还田P 27.0 b 27.4 b 28.5 b 29.3 b 30.1 ab
旋耕还田R 26.3 c 26.8 c 28.1 b 28.9 b 29.7 b
免耕覆盖N 27.7 a 29.1 a 29.8 a 30.3 a 30.6 a
6 d 翻耕还田P 25.7 ab 26.5 a 27.6 a 28.6 ab 29.1 b
旋耕还田R 25.3 b 26.5 a 27.3 a 28.2 b 28.8 b
免耕覆盖N 26.5 a 27.5 a 28.2 a 29.0 a 29.9 a
8 d 翻耕还田P 28.4 a 29.0 ab 29.8 ab 30.3 a 30.9 a
旋耕还田R 28.2 a 28.8 b 29.5 b 30.1 a 30.7 a
免耕覆盖N 28.4 a 29.4 a 30.2 a 30.7 a 31.0 a
10 d 翻耕还田P 26.4 b 27.0 b 28.1 b 29.0 ab 29.6 b
旋耕还田R 25.8 b 26.7 b 27.7 b 28.6 b 29.3 b
免耕覆盖N 27.1 a 28.3 a 29.0 a 29.7 a 30.2 a
12 d 翻耕还田P 31.5 a 32.3 b 33.3 b 34.1 ab 34.4 ab
旋耕还田R 32.1 a 32.0 b 32.9 c 33.4 b 33.8 b
免耕覆盖N 31.4 a 33.4 a 34.0 a 34.5 a 34.8 a

Table 4

Effects of straw returning modes on soil compaction"

Days after sowing
土壤紧实度 Soil compaction (kPa)
3 cm 6 cm 9 cm 12 cm 15 cm
2 d 翻耕还田P 388.6 a 497.7 a 589.7 b 698.1 b 927.0 c
旋耕还田R 426.1 a 505.2 a 623.5 b 834.5 a 1030.0 b
免耕覆盖N 265.2 b 544.3 a 801.9 a 919.4 a 1108.2 a
4 d 翻耕还田P 524.1 a 539.0 b 692.5 b 797.0 b 932.9 c
旋耕还田R 533.1 a 619.5 a 742.1 ab 912.9 a 1047.2 b
免耕覆盖N 313.7 b 662.7 a 857.7 a 992.5 a 1157.0 a
6 d 翻耕还田P 569.5 a 588.5 a 715.2 b 854.6 b 992.1 b
旋耕还田R 549.1 a 631.7 a 782.9 ab 914.2 b 1045.5 b
免耕覆盖N 317.4 b 645.2 a 817.2 a 1036.5 a 1222.1 a
8 d 翻耕还田P 360.4 ab 506.7 a 598.0 a 686.2 b 796.6 b
旋耕还田R 442.5 a 419.1 b 580.5 a 660.2 b 860.8 b
免耕覆盖N 297.3 b 397.9 b 594.6 a 785.9 a 1027.1 a
10 d 翻耕还田P 515.8 a 637.9 a 799.9 a 920.7 a 1064.3 a
旋耕还田R 477.0 a 664.3 a 819.2 a 931.3 a 1105.7 a
免耕覆盖N 381.0 b 703.5 a 826.3 a 975.3 a 1156.7 a
12 d 翻耕还田P 376.4 a 413.0 a 579.8 b 759.7 c 914.7 b
旋耕还田R 364.8 a 434.4 a 590.9 b 832.1 b 930.8 b
免耕覆盖N 280.5 b 430.5 a 659.7 a 974.8 a 1134.4 a

Fig. 1

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on dry weight of peanut cotyledon The treatments of PB3, PB5, PB6, PB9, and PB15 were wheat residue returning, peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm, respectively. The treatments of RB3, RB5, RB6, RB9, and RB15 were rotary tillage with wheat residue returning, peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm, respectively. The treatments of NB3, NB5, NB6, NB9, and NB15 were no tillage with wheat residue mulching, peanut variety Shanhua 108 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm, respectively. The treatments of PS3, PS5, PS6, PS9, and PS15 were wheat residue returning, peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm and 15 cm, respectively. The treatments of RS3, RS5, RS6, RS9, and RS15 were rotary tillage with wheat residue returning, the peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm, and 15 cm, respectively. The treatments of NS3, NS5, NS6, NS9, and NS15 were no tillage with wheat residue mulching, peanut variety Shanhua 106 was sown at a depth of 3 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm and 15 cm, respectively."

Fig. 2

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on lipase activity in peanut Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 3

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on soluble sugar content in peanut cotyledon Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 among treatments in the same year."

Fig. 4

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on sucrose content in peanut cotyledon Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 among treatments in the same year."

Fig. 5

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on hypocotyl length in peanut Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Table 5

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on the emergence rate of peanut in 2021"

出苗率Emergence rate
Day 5 Day 8 Day 11 Day 14 Day 17 Day 20
PB3 34.2 64.2 79.2 87.5
PB5 20.0 51.7 81.7 85.0 85.8
PB9 13.3 40.0 70.8 77.5
PB15 19.2 50.8 74.2 76.7
RB3 10.0 30.0 51.7 89.2
RB5 4.2 26.7 45.0 79.2 85.8
RB9 15.0 37.5 70.0 80.0
RB15 10.8 38.3 60.8 60.0
NB3 22.5 53.3 82.5 90.8
NB5 19.2 47.5 67.5 75.0 77.5
NB9 11.7 35.0 50.0 51.7
NB15 1.7 2.5 2.5
PS3 16.7 38.3 74.2 85.0
PS5 4.2 10.8 17.5 26.7 48.3 50.0
PS9 9.2 23.3 45.0 51.7
PS15 11.7 35.8 44.2 46.7
RS3 22.5 36.7 72.5 82.5
RS5 13.3 23.3 52.5 80.8 81.7
RS9 3.3 15.0 46.7 50.8
RS15 8.3 35.0 48.3 48.3
NS3 20.8 46.7 65.8 82.5
NS5 15.0 30.8 52.5 66.7 70.0
NS9 5.0 30.0 51.7 55.8
NS15 2.5 5.0 5.8

Table 6

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on the emergence rate of peanut in 2022"

出苗率 Emergence rate
Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 10 Day 12 Day 14
PB3 21.7 49.6 77.5 82.9 87.1 90.8
PB6 0 15.8 40.4 69.2 79.2 87.5 87.9
PB9 0 0 7.9 23.8 36.7 65.0 69.2 70.8
RB3 15.4 42.1 58.3 70.8 80.4 87.5
RB6 0 12.9 38.3 65.8 81.3 82.5 84.6
RB9 0 0 1.3 6.7 13.8 59.2 65.8 69.2
NB3 13.3 36.7 52.1 68.3 78.3 87.9
NB6 0 10.4 22.5 53.3 75.8 79.6 82.1
NB9 0 0 0.4 5.8 12.1 41.3 55.8 63.3
PS3 17.1 35.0 64.2 78.3 83.8 88.3
PS6 0 12.1 30.4 50.0 71.7 85.8 86.7
PS9 0 0 0.8 2.9 16.3 43.3 57.1 62.5
RS3 12.1 20 38.3 68.8 80.0
RS6 0 5.4 12.9 48.8 75.4 87.5 87.9
RS9 0 0 1.3 5.4 11.3 55.4 65.4 67.5
NS3 7.9 17.9 26.3 65.8 83.3 86.3
NS6 0 5.0 11.3 58.3 70.0 79.6 83.3
NS9 0 0 0.4 2.5 7.5 33.3 43.3 45.8

Table 7

Correlation between physiological characteristics of cotyledon and hypocotyl in Shanhua 108"

Cotyledon dry weight
soluble sugar
出苗率Emergence rate 0.597** -0.749** 0.698** 0.690** -0.734**
子叶干重Cotyledon dry weight -0.783** 0.858** 0.861** -0.818**
子叶脂肪酶Cotyledon LPS -0.861** -0.885** 0.881**
子叶可溶性糖Cotyledon soluble sugar 0.967** -0.944**
子叶蔗糖Cotyledon sucrose -0.968**

Table 8

Correlation between physiological characteristics of cotyledon and hypocotyl in Shanhua 106"

Cotyledon dry weight
Cotyledon soluble sugar
出苗率Emergence rate 0.472** -0.814** 0.731** 0.734** -0.829**
子叶干重Cotyledon dry weight -0.691** 0.802** 0.828** -0.756**
子叶脂肪酶Cotyledon LPS -0.839** -0.852** 0.890**
子叶可溶性糖Cotyledon soluble sugar 0.924** -0.911**
子叶蔗糖Cotyledon sucrose -0.954**

Table 9

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on yield and component factors of Shanhua 108"

Pod yield
(kg hm-2)
Plants per unit area (×104 hm-2)
Pods per plant (ind)
Pods per kg
(ind kg-1)
Kernel yield
(kg hm-2)
Kernel rate
2021 PB3 3259.3 bcd 22.4 ab 12.2 d 647.8 f 2147.4 cd 65.9 bc
PB5 3911.1 a 23.9 a 16.9 ab 691.1 e 2612.1 a 66.8 abc
PB9 3896.3 a 21.2 ab 16.8 ab 722.2 de 2564.8 ab 65.7 bc
PB15 3000.0 cde 21.3 ab 14.8 bc 793.3 b 2032.3 de 67.8 ab
RB3 3622.2 ab 23.4 a 14.5 bcd 732.2 cd 2437.5 ab 67.3 ab
RB5 3377.8 bc 24.3 a 13.6 cd 768.4 bc 2324.1 bc 68.8 a
RB9 2844.4 de 22.1 ab 12.6 cd 716.7 de 1896.4 de 67.1 abc
RB15 2711.1 e 17.0 bc 17.8 a 834.4 a 1827.1 e 67.4 ab
NB3 2888.9 de 22.4 ab 12.6 cd 725.6 de 1933.8 de 67.0 abc
NB5 2222.2 f 17.2 bc 13.3 cd 730.0 cde 1479.3 f 66.6 bc
NB9 2059.2 f 14.5 c 16.1 ab 780.0 b 1334.8 f 65.0 c
2022 PB3 3855.6 b 23.6 a 14.5 ab 716.0 ab 2512.0 b 65.1 a
PB6 4166.7 a 22.9 ab 14.8 ab 725.3 a 2730.3 a 65.5 a
PB9 3544.4 c 18.0 d 16.1 a 729.3 a 2312.4 c 65.2 a
RB3 3577.8 c 22.8 ab 13.9 bc 716.7 ab 2356.6 c 65.9 a
RB6 3888.9 b 21.9 b 14.4 ab 692.7 bcd 2539.8 b 65.3 a
RB9 3444.5 c 18.4 cd 13.8 bc 703.3 abc 2239.5 c 65.0 a
NB3 3044.5 d 19.9 c 13.8 bc 648.0 e 1989.3 d 65.3 a
NB6 2888.9 d 19.8 c 13.4 bc 670.0 de 1875.1 d 64.9 a
NB9 2600.0 e 15.0 e 12.3 c 683.3 cd 1695.1 e 65.2 a
秸秆还田方式(T) ** ** NS ** ** **
播种深度(D) ** * ** ** ** **
T×D ** ** ** * ** *

Table 10

Effects of straw returning modes and sowing depth on yield and component factors of Shanhua 106"

Pod yield
(kg hm-2)
Plants per unit area (×104 hm-2)
Pods per plant
Pods per kg
(ind kg-1)
Kernel yield
(kg hm-2)
Kernel rate
2021 PS3 3022.2 a 24.0 a 16.3 de 945.6 efg 2175.1 a 71.9 bcd
PS5 2459.3 bc 13.9 ef 21.1 a 933.3 fg 1733.3 bc 70.5 d
PS9 2296.3 cd 14.4 ef 22.6 a 1035.6 abc 1642.1 cd 71.5 bcd
PS15 1911.1 de 12.9 f 20.1 abc 1040.0 ab 1297.9 e 67.9 e
RS3 2785.2 ab 23.3 ab 15.4 de 976.7 def 2029.6 ab 72.9 ab
RS5 2829.6 ab 22.2 abc 18.0 bcd 1014.4 bcd 2079.3 a 73.5 a
RS9 1792.6 e 11.9 f 18.0 bcd 918.9 g 1294.0 e 72.2 abc
RS15 2177.8 cde 13.5 f 20.9 ab 952.2 efg 1545.1 cde 70.8 cd
NS3 2102.2 cde 19.0 bcd 14.0 e 992.2 bcde 1498.7 cde 71.3 cd
NS5 2281.5 cd 18.1 cde 16.6 de 984.4 cdef 1614.9 cde 70.8 cd
NS9 1985.2 de 15.6 def 17.4 cd 1076.1 a 1324.6 de 66.9 e
2022 PS3 3144.4 a 22.1 a 22.3 a 920.0 c 2271.5 a 71.9 a
PS6 2777.8 bc 21.5 a 18.1 b 914.7 c 1980.2 bc 71.3 a
PS9 2388.9 d 16.6 c 19.7 ab 928.7 c 1699.3 d 71.1 ab
RS3 2944.4 b 22.2 a 21.8 a 966.7 ab 2085.0 b 70.8 ab
RS6 2700.0 c 21.8 a 20.0 ab 970.0 a 1904.9 c 70.5 abc
RS9 2111.1 ef 17.4 c 21.3 ab 963.3 ab 1483.8 ef 70.3 abc
NS3 2177.8 e 20.4 ab 19.3 ab 874.0 d 1504.0 e 69.1 c
NS6 1944.4 f 19.7 b 20.8 ab 935.3 bc 1354.3 f 69.6 bc
NS9 1622.2 g 12.3 d 18.0 b 928.7 c 1112.2 g 69.1 c
秸秆还田方式(T) ** ** NS ** ** **
播种深度(D) ** ** ** NS ** **
T×D * ** NS * * **
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