小麦白粉病,抗病基因,基因推导,甘肃省," /> 小麦白粉病,抗病基因,基因推导,甘肃省,"/> Postulation of Powder Mildew Resistance Genes in 64 Wheat Cultivars (Lines) in Gansu Province, China
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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2010, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 2107-2115.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.02107


Postulation of Powder Mildew Resistance Genes in 64 Wheat Cultivars (Lines) in Gansu Province, China

CAO Shi-Qin1,2,LUO Hui-Sheng1,WU Cui-Ping3,JIN She-Lin1,WANG Xiao-Ming3,ZHU Zheng-Dong3,JIA Qiu-Zhen1,HUANG Jin1,ZHANG Bo1,SHANG Xun-Wu2   

  1. 1 Institute of Plant Protection, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2 College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 3 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2010-03-08 Revised:2010-07-05 Online:2010-12-12 Published:2010-08-30
  • Contact: JIN Wen-Lin,E-mail:jinshelin@163.com

Abstract: Combined with pedigree analysis, genes for resistance to powdery mildew (Pm) in 64 wheat varieties (lines) from Gansu Province were analyzed with 17 isolates which had different spectra of pathogenicity in seedling stage. The preliminary results showed that the line Longyuan 932 was postulated to possess Pm5 and unknown resistant genes. The variety Xifeng 20 was postulated to possess Pm6 and unknown resistant genes. The line 98 bao 1-2 was postulated to possess Pm8 and unknown resistant genes. Gene Pm19 was detected in two varieties (lines) 863-13 and Shi 7816. Six varieties (lines) Tianxuan 43, X9610, 95-111-3, Lantian 17, 92R137, and Guinong 22 were postulated to possess Pm21. Eighteen wheat varieties (lines) susceptible to all the tested powdery mildew isolates might possess unidentified genes. Unknown genes were found in other 35 wheat varieties (lines), which resistant types were different from the tested genes. Cluster analysis was in agreement these results.

Key words: Wheat powdery mildew, Resistance gene, Gene postulation, Gansu Province of China

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