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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (01): 102-116.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.92009


Effects of precision leaf age fertilization on yield and nitrogen utilization of
japonica rice

WANG Yan,YI Jun,GAO Ji-Ping(),ZHANG Li-Na,YANG Ji-Fen,ZHAO Yan-Ze,XIN Wei,ZHEN Xiao-Xi,ZHANG Wen-Zhong()   

  1. Rice Research Institute, Shenyang Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Rice Genetics and Breeding, Ministry of Education and Liaoning Province/Key Laboratory of Northeast Rice Biology, Genetics and Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2019-03-01 Accepted:2019-08-09 Online:2020-01-12 Published:2019-09-10
  • Contact: Ji-Ping GAO,Wen-Zhong ZHANG E-mail:gaojiping1983@163.com;zwzhong@126.com
  • Supported by:
    This study was financed by the National Key Research and Development Program(2018YFD0300306);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31501250);Liaoning Bai-Qian-Wan Talents Program (2015-39), and the Project of Shenyang Science and Technology(17-231-37)


The japonica rice cultivar Jigeng 88 (14 leaves), Shennong 265 (15 leaves) and Shennong 1401 (16 leaves) with different main leaf ages were used to analyze the effects of different source-sink nitrogen fertilizer application models on agronomic traits, yield and nitrogen utilization characteristics of rice grown in the field-tube condition. Two kinds of fertilizer proportions (base fertilizer: panicle fertilizer was 6:4 and 8:2) were set under 225 kg hm -2 of nitrogen application based on the light and simple fertilization model (basal fertilizer, tillering fertilizer, panicle fertilizer). The tillering fertilizer was applied at the stage of source construction, and panicle fertilizer was applied at stage of sink formation. The precise nitrogen application combined different nitrogen fertilizer modes for tillering and panicle fertilizers with different leaf ages. Number of differentiated spikelets, effective panicles, yield, and nitrogen use efficiency, were significantly higher by using the 6:4 fertilizer proportions than by using 8:2 under all nitrogen fertilizer application models in these cultivars. Under different nitrogen fertilizer regimes, the 8 leaves of Jigeng 88 (leaf age index was 57.1%), 9 leaves of Shennong 265 (leaf age index was 60.0%), and 10 leaves of Shennong 1401 (leaf age index was 62.55%) were the best stage to apply tillering fertilizer. It means that the leaf age index about 60% is better to protect the more panicle formation. The 11 leaves of Jigeng 88 (leaf age index was 78.6%), 12 leaves of Shennong 265 (leaf age index was 80.0%), 13 leaves of Shennong 1401 (leaf age index was 81.3%) were the best stage to apply panicle fertilizer. It means that leaf age index about 80% is better to promote spikelet differentiation. The yield, nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen uptake and utilization, agronomic efficiency, and partial productivity were significantly higher in 6:4 (8, 11) of Jigeng 88, 6:4 (9, 12) of Shennong 265, 6:4 (10, 13) of Shennong 1401 than in other treatments. Therefore, the delayed leaf age of tillering nitrogen fertilizer application (leaf age index was about 60%), ahead of applied the panicle fertilizer (leaf age index was about 80%), and increasing the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer application not only significantly increase nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen absorption and utilization, nitrogen agronomic utilization rate and partial productivity but also promote number of differentiated spikelets and the percentage of effective panicle number, achieving the dual role of protecting and promoting spikelets, and high yields.

Key words: japonica rice, tillering protecting nitrogen fertilizer, flower promoting nitrogen fertilizer, yield, nitrogen use efficiency

Table 1

Monthly temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and sunshine hours during the growth season in 2016 and 2017"

平均温度 Average temperature (°C) 降雨量
Average relative humidity (%)
Total sunshine
hours (h)
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
5月May 10.5 11.0 24.2 25.9 175.7 37.1 51.7 49.5 257.5 292.8
6月June 16.1 15.8 27.7 29.3 170.3 64.9 66.2 56.7 204.0 268.4
7月July 20.4 21.2 30.0 31.7 363.7 109.8 77.2 71.8 188.4 206.5
8月August 19.7 18.8 29.6 29.3 68.6 128.1 75.8 80.7 224.7 170.4
9月September 13.7 11.4 24.7 25.3 40.5 57.6 77.7 72.9 233.7 207.5

Table 2

Ratio and applied amount of base tillering fertilizer and panicle fertilizer (total N 225 kg hm-2) (kg hm-2) "

Basal fertilizer and
tillering fertilizer
8:2 108 72 180 45
6:4 81 54 135 90

Table 3

Leaf age combination of tillering fertilizer and ear fertilizer in different varieties"

吉粳88 Jigeng 88 沈农265 Shennong 265 沈农1401 Shennong 1401
Leaf ages
(leaf age index)
11 leaves
13 leaves
Leaf ages
(leaf age index)
12 leaves
14 leaves
Leaf ages
(leaf age index)
13 leaves
15 leaves
6 (42.9%) (6, 11) # (6, 13) 7 (46.7%) (7, 12) (7, 14) 8 (50.0%) (8, 13) (8, 15)
7 (50.0%) (7, 11) (7, 13) 8 (53.3%) (8, 12) (8, 14) 9 (56.3%) (9, 13) (9, 15)
8 (57.1%) (8, 11) (8, 13) 9 (60.0%) (9, 12) (9, 14) 10 (62.5%) (10, 13) (10, 15)

Fig. 1

Leaf age process of every five days under different nitrogen applications The abscissa in the picture starts at 5, said leaf transplanting age of 5 leaves. Each section in each bar represents the process of leaf age growth every five days."

Fig. 2

Productive tiller percentage of rice for different treatments under different nitrogen applications (2016-2017) Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05."

Fig. 3

Effect of nitrogen application on the flower volume of japonica rice in cultivars (2016-2017) The letters marked in the figure are significant for the number of spikelets, which is the sum of the number of degradation glumous flower, empty glumous flower and practical glumous flower. Different letters above bars stand for significant differences at P < 0.05."

Table 4

Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on yield and its component of each variety in 2016"

No. of panicles
per pot
No. of grains
per panicle
percentage (%)
weight (g)
Yield per pot (g)
Jigeng 88
8:2 (6, 11)# 21.6±2.4 ab 139.8±5.9 c 89.2±4.0 abcd 21.3±0.4 bc 56.8±0.8 b
(6, 13) 18.2±0.5 b 137.3±4.7 c 86.9±3.5 cd 20.4±0.2 cd 52.8±0.4 b
(7, 11) 23.6±2.6 ab 139.0±10.8 c 88.5±5.1 abcd 21.1±1.2 bc 60.0±2.8 b
(7, 13) 24.0±2.1 ab 120.0±1.0 d 87.1±0.0 bcd 21.0±0.6 bc 52.8±3.4 b
(8, 11) 26.2±3.6 a 146.6±14.4 abc 90.5±0.3 abcd 19.3±2.0 d 67.2±5.4 ab
(8, 13) 23.2±0.8 b 134.8±4.9 c 92.1±0.2 ab 21.1±1.1 bc 60.8±4.0 b
6:4 (6, 11) 22.0±2.0 ab 159.3±7.4 a 86.1±2.3 d 21.0±0.4 bc 62.4±0.4 ab
(6, 13) 18.2±0.5 b 146.7±2.1 abc 91.5±1.1 abc 20.8±0.1 bc 54.4±0.4 b
(7, 11) 24.6±1.2 ab 143.4±10.5 bc 91.5±3.3 d 21.1±1.3 bc 64.8±4.0 b
(7, 13) 19.8±1.2 ab 134.0±7.9 c 92.1±1.4 abcd 21.9±0.2 b 52.8±2.8 b
(8, 11) 25.2±1.2 a 155.4±11.7 ab 93.1±2.2 a 20.9±0.6 bc 76.0±1.6 a
(8, 13) 25.0±1.5 a 136.4±11.3 c 91.1±2.5 abc 20.5±0.5 bcd 63.2±1.2 ab
N0 (0, 0) 10.2±0.5 c 114.0±3.5 d 89.5±2.9 abcd 23.7±0.9 a 24.8±2.4 c
Shennong 265
8:2 (7, 12) 18.0±0.8 c 155.8±8.3 ab 86.0±1.1 def 24.1±0.4 abc 57.6±1.2 ef
(7, 14) 18.8±0.4 c 147.0±2.2 bcd 83.5±1.4 f 24.0±0.2 abc 55.2±0.4 f
(8, 12) 21.2±1.0 abc 134.0±4.5 e 90.8±1.0 ab 23.7±0.1 bcd 60.8±1.6 def
(8, 14) 21.6±0.8 abc 136.8±7.8 de 87.8±2.3 cde 23.0±0.6 ef 59.2±2.4 ef
(9, 12) 23.6±1.4 ab 149.3±9.4 bc 88.8±1.6 bcd 22.8±0.4 f 71.2±1.2 b
(9, 14) 19.2±0.7 c 149.3±7.3 bc 91.4±0.4 a 23.5±0.4 de 61.6±1.2 def
6:4 (7, 12) 22.0±2.0 abc 142.5±8.2 cde 86.8±1.0 cde 22.8±0.4 f 61.6±3.2 de
(7, 14) 18.0±0.8 c 162.0±7.8 a 84.1±1.8 f 24.2±0.1 ab 59.2±1.6 ef
(8, 12) 23.6±2.0 ab 155.3±10.2 ab 85.2±3.4 ef 22.0±0.3 g 68.0±2.4 bc
(8, 14) 19.6±1.4 c 152.5±9.9 abc 88.8±0.5 bcd 24.2±0.2 ab 64.0±2.4 cde
(9, 12) 24.4±1.4 a 149.3±4.5 bc 91.3±2.5 ab 23.2±0.8 def 76.8±1.2 a
(9, 14) 20.4±1.2 bc 150.8±7.5 abc 89.7±3.0 abc 24.3±0.1 a 66.4±2.4 bcd
N0 (0, 0) 10.4±0.7 d 115.0±4.2 f 95.4±0.7 a 24.2±0.2 ab 27.2±1.2 g
Shennong 1401
8:2 (8, 13) 18.0±0.8 abcd 142.3±18.2 abc 70.3±9.0 abcd 26.0±1.0 ab 66.4±4.4 bcd
(8, 15) 15.6±1.4 de 144.5±4.0 abc 76.8±1.3 a 26.5±0.7 a 59.2±3.6 de
(9, 13) 17.6±1.1 bcde 133.3±8.4 cd 66.3±8.7 abcd 25.2±0.5 abc 59.2±2.8 de
(9, 15) 17.2±0.4 bcde 119.8±9.3 d 62.4±10.9 bcd 26.7±0.8 a 55.2±2.4 e
(10, 13) 18.4±0.5 abc 152.3±12.6 ab 64.1±6.3 abcd 24.7±0.8 bc 68.8±3.6 abc
(10, 15) 16.0±0.7 cde 138.5±15.9 bc 70.6±10.3 abc 26.2±1.1 ab 57.6±3.2 de
No. of panicles
per pot
No. of grains
per panicle
percentage (%)
weight (g)
Yield per pot (g)
Shennong 1401
6:4 (8, 13) 18.8±1.0 ab 151.5±5.4 ab 61.2±3.9 cd 25.4±0.3 abc 72.0±2.4 ab
(8, 15) 17.2±0.4 bcde 138.5±1.7 bc 63.6±4.0 abcd 26.1±0.9 ab 62.4±0.8 cde
(9, 13) 18.4±0.5 abc 131.3±4.3 cd 56.7±5.8 d 26.6±0.6 a 64.0±1.2 bcd
(9, 15) 16.0±0.7 cde 144.8±4.5 abc 75.3±5.3 ab 26.0±0.6 ab 60.0±2.0 de
(10, 13) 20.4±1.0 a 155.3±8.1 a 71.3±6.7 abc 24.1±1.9 c 76.0±1.6 a
(10, 15) 15.2±0.5 e 149.3±11.2 ab 66.5±7.6 abcd 26.2±1.3 ab 59.2±1.6 de
N0 (0, 0) 8.0±0.7 f 103.0±4.5 e 64.9±9.3 abcd 25.5±0.8 abc 20.8±1.2 f

Table 5

Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on yield and its component of each variety in 2017"

No. of panicles
per pot
No. of grains
per panicle
percentage (%)
weight (g)
Yield per
pot (g)
Jigeng 88
8:2 (6, 11)# 19.2±1.6 c 146.7±5.7 bc 97.4±1.2 a 24.2±1.3 ab 66.4±5.2 abc
(6, 13) 19.4±0.6 c 137.0±5.2 d 96.5±2.8 a 22.8±1.3 bc 58.4±2.4 bc
(7, 11) 21.4±0.4 bc 159.0±19.3 bc 96.0±1.2 a 22.5±0.7 bc 72.8±3.2 abc
(7, 13) 19.2±1.3 c 153.3±22.2 bc 94.2±4.1 a 22.4±0.5 bc 60.8±3.2 abc
(8, 11) 22.4±0.7 ab 170.7±7.4 ab 96.5±0.9 a 22.6±0.9 bc 84.0±5.6 a
(8, 13) 21.8±0.8 b 166.0±28.4 ab 94.4±2.7 a 21.6±0.6 c 74.4±3.8 abc
6:4 (6, 11) 20.8±0.8 bc 141.7±3.1 bc 98.4±0.7 a 23.1±0.4 bc 67.2±3.6 abc
(6, 13) 17.4±0.6 c 137.3±7.5 cd 94.9±4.1 a 26.5±2.4 a 59.2±1.2 abc
(7, 11) 19.2±1.6 c 146.7±5.7 bc 97.4±1.2 a 24.2±1.3 ab 66.4±5.2 abc
(7, 13) 19.2±1.3 c 164.0±9.2 ab 95.4±2.8 a 23.4±0.6 abc 70.4±4.8 abc
(8, 11) 24.0±1.1 ab 175.7±39.7 ab 95.9±1.5 a 21.5±0.3 c 84.8±6.4 a
(8, 13) 21.8±0.8 b 161.3±15.4 bc 96.8±1.1 a 21.6±0.6 c 72.8±1.2 abc
N0 (0, 0) 8.6±0.4 d 137.3±17.3 cd 98.6±1.6 a 23.3±0.2 abc 26.4±1.2 d
Shennong 265
8:2 (7, 12) 19.2±2.1 abcd 152.5±33.4 ab 95.2±0.8 ab 25.1±1.1 ab 72.8±8.0 bc
(7, 14) 17.6±0.7 bcd 147.2±23.0 bc 94.1±1.3 b 24.8±0.8 abc 60.8±3.6 d
(8, 12) 21.8±1.1 abc 140.8±10.7 bc 97.4±0.9 a 24.7±0.5 abc 74.4±5.6 bc
(8, 14) 17.0±1.7 cd 147.7±6.7 bc 95.2±1.2 ab 25.6±0.7 a 61.6±3.4 d
(9, 12) 23.4±1.7 a 146.6±10.9 bc 93.3±2.3 b 24.3±0.6 bc 79.2±4.6 ab
(9, 14) 23.0±2.1 ab 133.2±7.5 cd 94.1±2.4 b 23.7±0.9 c 68.0±3.4 cd
6:4 (7, 12) 21.8±1.1 abc 156.5±23.8 ab 93.7±1.3 b 23.7±1.0 c 76.8±4.2 b
(7, 14) 19.8±1.1 abcd 151.0±21.5 ab 94.6±1.3 b 24.9±0.5 abc 71.2±4.2 cd
No. of panicles
per pot
No. of grains
per panicle
percentage (%)
weight (g)
Yield per
pot (g)
Shennong 265
(8, 12) 20.2±0.9 abcd 160.7±3.8 a 94.8±2.4 b 24.9±1.1 abc 76.8±3.6 b
(8, 14) 23.0±0.4 ab 146.8±24.3 bc 93.9±3.0 b 22.4±1.0 d 71.2±4.0 cd
(9, 12) 23.4±2.2 a 163.7±11.7 a 93.0±1.9 b 22.5±1.4 d 81.6±5.8 a
(9, 14) 19.8±2.3 abcd 149.7±14.0 bc 94.8±1.9 b 24.3±0.7 bc 68.8±5.4 cd
N0 (0, 0) 12.6±1.7 d 117.5±11.9 d 93.9±2.1 b 24.5±0.7 abc 34.4±2.8 e
Shennong 1401
8:2 (8, 13) 17.0±0.1 bcd 155.5±12.1 ab 65.5±1.7 ab 25.0±1.0 bc 56.0±2.4 bc
(8, 15) 13.4±0.5 d 148.6±10.1 abc 66.9±2.6 ab 25.6±1.0 ab 48.0±4.0 de
(9, 13) 15.0±0.6 cd 157.5±11.7 ab 74.6±4.9 ab 27.0±0.9 a 61.6±4.2 b
(9, 15) 14.4±0.4 cd 124.2±11.8 bc 65.0±3.3 ab 26.8±1.6 a 41.6±3.6 e
(10, 13) 20.8±0.8 ab 156.5±9.5 ab 80.5±5.6 a 24.3±0.8 bc 73.6±4.4 a
(10, 15) 17.0±0.4 bcd 133.5±10.1 bc 73.2±6.3 ab 26.5±1.0 ab 57.6±7.2 bc
6:4 (8, 13) 18.2±0.5 abc 163.8±12.0 ab 61.9±4.3 b 25.0±0.5 bc 60.8±4.0 b
(8, 15) 17.0±0.1 bcd 154.7±14.2 abc 69.1±4.3 ab 25.6±0.9 bc 53.6±4.4 c
(9, 13) 19.8±0.4 ab 156.3±9.2 ab 67.2±3.1 ab 24.0±1.4 bc 50.4±2.6 cd
(9, 15) 16.6±0.1 bcd 150.8±12.2 abc 66.5±4.5 ab 26.0±1.0 ab 43.2±3.2 e
(10, 13) 22.4±0.8 a 164.3±10.6 ab 68.6±1.7 ab 24.4±0.9 bc 75.2±4.1 a
(10, 15) 17.6±0.8 bcd 152.7±14.6 abc 62.9±4.9 b 25.5±1.4 bc 55.2±3.6 bc
N0 (0, 0) 9.0±0.5 e 118.8±13.4 c 70.3±8.8 ab 27.2±1.4 a 23.2±1.8 f

Table 6

Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on nitrogen use efficiency in 2016 "

N total uptake
(g pot-1)
efficiency (%)
Agronomic efficiency
(kg kg-1N)
Partial factor
(kg kg-1N)
Jigeng 88
8:2 (6, 11)# 1.22±0.05 cde 32.8±2.3 cde 20.1±0.5 b 31.5±0.8 bcd
(6, 13) 1.15±0.12 de 28.8±7.1 de 17.6±0.3 b 29.4±0.6 bcd
(7, 11) 1.28±0.11 bcd 36.6±7.6 bcd 22.1±1.8 b 33.4±3.3 abcd
(7, 13) 1.21±0.02 cde 32.4±1.3 cde 17.6±2.1 b 26.9±1.9 cd
N total uptake
(g pot-1)
efficiency (%)
Agronomic efficiency
(kg kg-1N)
Partial factor
(kg kg-1N)
Jigeng 88
(8, 11) 1.37±0.10 ab 42.6±7.3 ab 26.7±3.4 ab 37.2±11.9 ab
(8, 13) 12.30±0.01 cd 33.7±0.8 cde 22.6±2.5 b 34.0±4.6 abc
6:4 (6, 11) 1.27±0.04 bcd 36.2±3.8 bcd 23.6±0.3 ab 34.8±0.3 abc
(6, 13) 1.10±0.01 e 25.5±1.1 e 18.6±0.3 b 30.1±0.4 bcd
(7, 11) 1.42±0.14 ab 45.5±9.9 ab 25.2±2.5 b 35.8±4.3 abc
(7, 13) 1.31±0.08 abc 38.7±5.6 abc 17.6±1.8 b 28.8±2.8 bcd
(8, 11) 1.43±0.02 a 45.8±1.5 a 32.2±1.0 a 42.2±1.9 a
(8, 13) 1.16±0.06 de 29.2±4.6 de 24.1±0.8 ab 35.1±1.3 abc
N0 (0, 0) 0.70±0.02 f
Shennong 265
8:2 (7, 12) 1.15±0.00 d 28.1±0.9 d 19.1±0.8 ef 36.6±2.8 d
(7, 14) 1.07±0.01 e 23.2±1.6 e 17.6±0.3 f 34.8±1.9 c
(8, 12) 1.16±0.01 d 28.9±2.3 d 21.1±1.0 def 39.4±5.9 c
(8, 14) 1.13±0.03 d 27.3±0.5 d 20.1±1.5 ef 38.3±3.7 c
(9, 12) 1.36±0.01 b 41.4±1.3 ab 27.7±0.8 b 43.5±3.1 bc
(9, 14) 1.05±0.02 e 21.9±1.4 e 21.6±0.8 def 39.2±5.2 bc
6:4 (7, 12) 1.22±0.02 c 32.9±2.1 c 21.6±2.0 de 39.8±6.7 bc
(7, 14) 1.06±0.02 e 22.7±0.5 e 20.1±1.0 ef 35.1±1.5 bc
(8, 12) 1.35±0.02 b 40.7±3.9 b 25.7±1.5 bc 40.8±1.9 bc
(8, 14) 1.16±0.01 d 28.9±1.6 d 23.1±1.5 cde 39.0±2.8 bc
(9, 12) 1.42±0.03 a 45.3±3.7 a 31.2±0.8 a 46.5±4.2 abc
(9, 14) 1.17±0.06 d 29.5±2.8 d 24.6±1.5 bcd 38.9±4.8 ab
N0 (0, 0) 0.70±0.02 f
Shennong 1401
8:2 (8, 13) 1.31±0.09 bcde 36.4±6.2 bcde 28.7±2.8 bcd 36.8±4.9 bcd
(8, 15) 1.17±0.04 ef 27.5±3.3 e 24.1±2.3 de 33.0±4.1 de
(9, 13) 1.43±0.07 ab 43.9±5.1 b 24.1±1.8 de 32.7±3.1 de
(9, 15) 1.21±0.06 ef 29.7±4.2 de 21.6±1.5 e 30.5±2.6 e
(10, 13) 1.42±0.07 ab 43.2±4.9 b 30.2±2.3 abc 38.4±4.1 abc
(10, 15) 1.24±0.07 cdef 31.9±5.2 cde 23.1±2.0 de 32.2±3.4 de
6:4 (8, 13) 1.39±0.16 abc 41.2±10.6 bc 32.2±1.5 ab 41.2±1.0 ab
(8, 15) 1.23±0.02 def 31.1±2.3 cde 26.2±0.5 cde 34.5±1.1 cde
(9, 13) 1.44±0.12 ab 44.3±8.4 ab 27.2±0.8 bcd 35.2±1.2 cde
(9, 15) 1.16±0.05 f 26.6±3.6 e 24.6±1.3 de 33.3±2.2 de
(10, 13) 1.47±0.11 a 46.2±7.2 a 34.7±1.0 a 43.2±1.4 a
(10, 15) 1.36±0.06 abcd 39.4±4.6 bcd 24.1±1.0 de 32.9±1.8 de
N0 (0, 0) 0.73±0.04 g

Table 7

Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on nitrogen use efficiency in 2017"

N total uptake
(g pot-1)
Recovery efficiency
Agronomic efficiency
(kg kg-1 N)
Partial factor
(kg kg-1 N)
Jigeng 88
8:2 (6, 11)# 1.10±0.07 de 21.8±0.7 bcd 25.2±3.3 abc 36.2±2.1 b
(6, 13) 1.02±0.06 e 16.8±0.8 d 20.1±1.5 bc 36.0±2.4 b
(7, 11) 1.28±0.03 bc 30.4±6.2 abc 29.2±2.0 abc 37.3±2.6 b
(7, 13) 1.10±0.06 de 19.0±13.7 cd 21.6±2.0 abc 36.2±1.2 b
(8, 11) 1.29±0.04 bc 30.7±6.6 abc 36.2±3.5 a 41.4±2.3 ab
(8, 13) 1.26±0.05 c 28.9±7.4 abcd 30.2±2.4 abc 36.3±1.7 b
6:4 (6, 11) 1.32±0.05 bc 35.3±0.8 a 25.7±2.3 abc 36.4±2.9 b
(6, 13) 1.03±0.04 e 17.0±1.5 d 20.6±0.8 abc 37.4±2.3 b
(7, 11) 1.33±0.03 abc 33.3±5.5 ab 25.2±3.3 abc 43.5±2.2 ab
(7, 13) 1.15±0.07 d 22.1±13.5 bcd 27.7±3.0 abc 40.5±3.7 ab
(8, 11) 1.42±0.03 a 38.7±1.8 a 36.7±4.0 a 47.2±1.4 a
(8, 13) 1.37±0.05 ab 35.5±4.9 a 29.2±0.8 abc 42.3±2.6 ab
N0 (0, 0) 0.76±0.06 f
Shennong 265
8:2 (7, 12) 1.21±0.05 d 28.3±2.7 d 24.1±5.0 bc 39.5±15.2 de
(7, 14) 1.18±0.05 d 26.9±1.3 d 16.6±2.3 d 33.1±6.5 e
(8, 12) 1.46±0.04 ab 44.1±2.3 ab 25.2±3.5 bc 41.4±4.3 cde
(8, 14) 1.30±0.04 c 34.4±2.7 c 17.1±2.1 d 34.9±6.7 de
(9, 12) 1.47±0.01 ab 45.0±1.6 ab 28.2±2.9 ab 47.8±5.5 ab
(9, 14) 1.42±0.04 b 41.5±1.2 b 21.1±2.1 cd 38.4±7.3 de
6:4 (7, 12) 1.43±0.03 ab 42.3±3.5 ab 26.7±2.6 b 42.5±5.2 bcd
(7, 14) 1.22±0.01 d 29.0±1.6 d 23.1±2.6 cd 38.4±7.5 de
(8, 12) 1.47±0.05 ab 44.7±4.1 ab 26.7±2.3 b 33.3±19.0 de
(8, 14) 1.41±0.04 b 41.0±3.0 b 23.1±2.5 cd 39.0±5.4 de
(9, 12) 1.49±0.04 a 46.3±2.9 a 29.7±3.6 a 43.8±11.5 bc
(9, 14) 1.48±0.00 ab 45.3±2.2 ab 21.6±3.4 cd 38.2±9.9 de
N0 (0, 0) 0.76±0.04 e
Shennong 1401
8:2 (8, 13) 1.15±0.14 efg 25.2±8.9 efg 20.6±1.5 bc 27.9±5.8 abcd
(8, 15) 1.00±0.08 g 15.6±5.0 h 15.6±2.5 de 25.8±2.0 cd
(9, 13) 1.16±0.09 ef 25.6±5.5 ef 24.1±2.6 b 41.7±18.1 ab
(9, 15) 1.02±0.10 fg 16.5±6.4 g 11.6±2.3 e 30.8±3.9 abcd
(10, 13) 1.49±0.04 ab 46.3±2.4 ab 31.7±2.8 a 40.9±5.8 ab
(10, 15) 1.20±0.09 de 28.3±5.8 de 21.6±4.5 bc 37.5±11.2 abc
(8, 13) 1.39±0.08 abc 40.3±4.9 abc 23.6±2.5 b 34.4±13.0 abc
(8, 15) 1.30±0.13 cde 34.4±8.2 cde 19.1±2.8 c 27.5±0.6 bcd
(9, 13) 1.51±0.06 a 47.6±3.6 a 17.1±1.6 cd 41.0±9.8 a
(9, 15) 1.28±0.06 cde 33.1±3.8 cde 12.6±2.0 e 32.0±8.1 abcd
N total uptake
(g pot-1)
Recovery efficiency
Agronomic efficiency
(kg kg-1 N)
Partial factor
(kg kg-1 N)
Shennong 1401
(10, 13) 1.53±0.03 a 48.8±1.6 a 32.7±2.6 a 41.9±8.4 a
(10, 15) 1.35±0.12 bcd 37.5±7.3 bcd 20.1±2.3 bc 28.2±4.6 abcd
N0 (0, 0) 0.77±0.02 h
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