Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (10): 1863-1873.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.02088
TIAN Biao(), DING Shi-Lin, LIU Chao-Lei, RUAN Ban-Pu, JIANG Hong-Zhen, GUO Rui, DONG Guo-Jun, HU Guang-Lian, GUO Long-Biao, QIAN Qian, GAO Zhen-Yu*(
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[1] | TIAN Tian, CHEN Li-Juan, HE Hua-Qin. Identification of rice blast resistance candidate genes based on integrating Meta-QTL and RNA-seq analysis [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1372-1388. |
[2] | ZHENG Chong-Ke, ZHOU Guan-Hua, NIU Shu-Lin, HE Ya-Nan, SUN wei, XIE Xian-Zhi. Phenotypic characterization and gene mapping of an early senescence leaf H5(esl-H5) mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.) [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1389-1400. |
[3] | ZHOU Wen-Qi, QIANG Xiao-Xia, WANG Sen, JIANG Jing-Wen, WEI Wan-Rong. Mechanism of drought and salt tolerance of OsLPL2/PIR gene in rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1401-1415. |
[4] | ZHENG Xiao-Long, ZHOU Jing-Qing, BAI Yang, SHAO Ya-Fang, ZHANG Lin-Ping, HU Pei-Song, WEI Xiang-Jin. Difference and molecular mechanism of soluble sugar metabolism and quality of different rice panicle in japonica rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1425-1436. |
[5] | YAN Jia-Qian, GU Yi-Biao, XUE Zhang-Yi, ZHOU Tian-Yang, GE Qian-Qian, ZHANG Hao, LIU Li-Jun, WANG Zhi-Qin, GU Jun-Fei, YANG Jian-Chang, ZHOU Zhen-Ling, XU Da-Yong. Different responses of rice cultivars to salt stress and the underlying mechanisms [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1463-1475. |
[6] | YANG Jian-Chang, LI Chao-Qing, JIANG Yi. Contents and compositions of amino acids in rice grains and their regulation: a review [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1037-1050. |
[7] | DENG Zhao, JIANG Nan, FU Chen-Jian, YAN Tian-Zhe, FU Xing-Xue, HU Xiao-Chun, QIN Peng, LIU Shan-Shan, WANG Kai, YANG Yuan-Zhu. Analysis of blast resistance genes in Longliangyou and Jingliangyou hybrid rice varieties [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1071-1080. |
[8] | YANG De-Wei, WANG Xun, ZHENG Xing-Xing, XIANG Xin-Quan, CUI Hai-Tao, LI Sheng-Ping, TANG Ding-Zhong. Functional studies of rice blast resistance related gene OsSAMS1 [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1119-1128. |
[9] | ZHU Zheng, WANG Tian-Xing-Zi, CHEN Yue, LIU Yu-Qing, YAN Gao-Wei, XU Shan, MA Jin-Jiao, DOU Shi-Juan, LI Li-Yun, LIU Guo-Zhen. Rice transcription factor WRKY68 plays a positive role in Xa21-mediated resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1129-1140. |
[10] | WANG Xiao-Lei, LI Wei-Xing, OU-YANG Lin-Juan, XU Jie, CHEN Xiao-Rong, BIAN Jian-Min, HU Li-Fang, PENG Xiao-Song, HE Xiao-Peng, FU Jun-Ru, ZHOU Da-Hu, HE Hao-Hua, SUN Xiao-Tang, ZHU Chang-Lan. QTL mapping for plant architecture in rice based on chromosome segment substitution lines [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1141-1151. |
[11] | WANG Ze, ZHOU Qin-Yang, LIU Cong, MU Yue, GUO Wei, DING Yan-Feng, NINOMIYA Seishi. Estimation and evaluation of paddy rice canopy characteristics based on images from UAV and ground camera [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1248-1261. |
[12] | KE Jian, CHEN Ting-Ting, WU Zhou, ZHU Tie-Zhong, SUN Jie, HE Hai-Bing, YOU Cui-Cui, ZHU De-Quan, WU Li-Quan. Suitable varieties and high-yielding population characteristics of late season rice in the northern margin area of double-cropping rice along the Yangtze River [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(4): 1005-1016. |
[13] | CHEN Yue, SUN Ming-Zhe, JIA Bo-Wei, LENG Yue, SUN Xiao-Li. Research progress regarding the function and mechanism of rice AP2/ERF transcription factor in stress response [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(4): 781-790. |
[14] | WANG Hao-Rang, ZHANG Yong, YU Chun-Miao, DONG Quan-Zhong, LI Wei-Wei, HU Kai-Feng, ZHANG Ming-Ming, XUE Hong, YANG Meng-Ping, SONG Ji-Ling, WANG Lei, YANG Xing-Yong, QIU Li-Juan. Fine mapping of yellow-green leaf gene (ygl2) in soybean (Glycine max L.) [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(4): 791-800. |
[15] | WANG Lyu, CUI Yue-Zhen, WU Yu-Hong, HAO Xing-Shun, ZHANG Chun-Hui, WANG Jun-Yi, LIU Yi-Xin, LI Xiao-Gang, QIN Yu-Hang. Effects of rice stalks mulching combined with green manure (Astragalus smicus L.) incorporated into soil and reducing nitrogen fertilizer rate on rice yield and soil fertility [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(4): 952-961. |