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    12 January 2019, Volume 45 Issue 1
      Identification and mapping of round seed related gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      Ya-Ping CHEN,Rong MIAO,Xi LIU,Ben-Jia CHEN,Jie LAN,Teng-Fei MA,Yi-Hua WANG,Shi-Jia LIU,Ling JIANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  1-9.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82032
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      It is significant to clarify the genetic and molecular mechanism of genes related to rice grain size for rice yield. A mutant round seed (rs) was screened from japonica variety “Ningjing 3” mutagenized by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). Genetic analysis revealed that the phenotype of rs was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. Scanning electron microscope observation indicated that the change of cell number was responsible for the mutant phenotype of rs. Compared with the wild type, the expression of cell cycle related-genes increased significantly in rs. RS was located in the 589 kb region of chromosome 3, between markers RM3413 and N3-5. The RS mutation affected BR signal pathway, and changed the expression of grain size-related genes. This research contributes to elucidating the molecular mechanism of rice grain development.

      Evaluation and characteristic analysis of SSRs from the whole genome of jute (Corchorus capsularis)
      Jia-Yu YAO,Li-Wu ZHANG,Jie ZHAO,Yi XU,Jian-Min QI,Lie-Mei ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  10-17.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84072
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      Jute is one of the most important natural bast fiber crops worldwide. However, the lack of SSR markers limits the genetic improvement of jute. In this study, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were identified from the genome, genes, CDS and cDNA of CVL-1, a sequenced variety in Corchorus capsularis. SSR loci was called using SSR Primer software and the characteristics of SSR loci were analyzed. The 153,242 genomic SSRs were called based on the genomic sequence with an average density of 467.20 SSRs Mb -1. Based on the cDNA sequence, we called 10,747 SSRs were developed with an average density of 260.85 SSRs Mb -1. The majority of repeat types were di- to tetra-nucleotides, accounting for 76.91%. Among them, the tri-nucleotide repeat types were the highest abundance repeat types in the cDNA_SSRs while the di-nucleotide repeat types were the highest abundance repeat types in the genomic SSRs. For different SSR repeat types, the genomic and cDNA-SSR frequency decreased dramatically as repeat times increased. Identification of SSR markers in the whole genome can not only enrich the number of molecular markers, but also lay a foundation for the analysis of genetic basis of important agronomic traits in jute.

      Molecular identification of a new soybean germplasm Zhonghuang 608 lacking of 7S globulin alpha' subunit
      Jun-Ying LI,Ru-Jian SUN,Zhong-Feng LI,Zhong-Yan WEI,Yu-Long REN,Jun WANG,Li-Juan QIU
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  18-25.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84078
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      The content of alpha' subunit of 7S globulin has an important effect on the nutritional quality and processing characteristics in soybean. In this study, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting, Zhonghuang 608 (ZH608), an α' subunit deletion mutant, was identified from the Zhongpin 661 (ZP661) EMS mutant library. Zhonghuang 608 was crossed to the soybean variety Dengke 1, and self-pollinated to establish an F2 segregating population composed of 210 individuals. Genetic analysis showed that the alpha' subunit deletion trait in ZH608 was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. By linkage analysis we mapped the locus between SSR10-1489 and SSR10-1612 on chromosome 10. Coincidentally, in the mapping region Cgy-1 (Glyma.10G246300) was annotated as an alpha' subunit synthesis-related gene according to the Williams 82 reference genome. Further sequence analysis showed that the mutant had a single base change (G 84 to A 84) in the first exon of Cgy-1, which resulted in the premature termination of the amino acid sequence. Based on the newly discovered SNP mutation, a co-dominant molecular marker was developed, and used to detect the genotypes of those F2 individuals. The results indicated that the Cgy-1 genotype cosegregated with the alpha' subunit phenotype in the F2 segregating population of Zh608 and Dengke 1. This study not only provides new materials for quality improvement, but also offers technical support for molecular breeding in soybean.

      Genetic diversity analysis and distinctness identification of peanut cultivars based on morphological traits and SSR markers
      Hong LIU,Zhen-Jiang XU,De-Hua RAO,Qing LU,Shao-Xiong LI,Hai-Yan LIU, ,Xuan-Qiang LIANG,Yan-Bin HONG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  26-36.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84060
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      The genetic diversity and distinctness of 101 peanut varieties participated in the South China peanut field trial were analyzed based on their morphological traits and SSR markers. Among 29 morphological traits seven were no difference while 22 demonstrated diversity indexes ranging from 0.23 to 0.77, with an average of 0.43. The varieties were divided into seven groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.76, and those released by the same breeding institution tended to converge into one cluster. Molecular characterization with 40 highly informative SSRs generated a total of 167 alleles ranging from 2 to 6 (averaged 4.18) alleles per marker. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of these markers varied from 0.79 to 0.26 with an average of 0.55/marker. The varieties were divided into six groups based on the similarity coefficient of 0.70, and those released by the same province tended to converge into one cluster. Mantel testing revealed that the correlations of the similarity coefficient matrixes between the morphological traits and SSR markers were weak (r = 0.36), implying that SSR markers are unable to replace morphological traits to be solely adopted to identify the distinctness of peanut varieties, but the combination of morphological traits and SSR markers will effectively increase the accuracy of distinctiveness identification.

      Quantitative trait loci mapping for branch angle and candidate gene screening in Brassica napus L.
      Wen-Xiang WANG,Wen CHU,De-Sheng MEI,Hong-Tao CHENG,Lin-Lin ZHU,Li FU,Qiong HU,Jia LIU
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  37-45.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84042
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      Branch angle is an important agronomic trait of plant architecture. In this study, 163 lines of a DH population derived from a cross between 1019B (compact type) and R2 (loose type) were genotyped by using 60K SNP array and a high-density genetic linkage map was constructed with 1442 bins inclusive of 9521 SNP markers to detect quantitative trait loic (QTL) for basal branch angle and top branch angle. The genetic map contained 19 lingkage groups with a total length of 2544.07 cM and an average distance between adjacent bin-markers of 1.76 cM. Totally, 17 QTL for branch angle were detected on chromosomes A01, A02, A03, A06, A09, C02, C03, C04, C06, and C08, respectively. The phenotypic variation accounted by a single locus was from 6.36% to 21.78%. Twelve candidate genes of branch angle were found underlying six QTL by comparing with homologous genes in Arabidopsis. Candidate gene VAMP714 was close to the peak position of A03 QTL confidence interval, which was identified on chromosome A03 in both environments. These QTL and candidate genes provide useful information for the genetic modification of rapeseed branch angle.

      Phenotypic characterizing and gene mapping of a lesion mimic and premature senescence 1 (lmps1) mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      Sai-Sai XIA,Yu CUI,Feng-Fei LI,Jia TAN,Yuan-Hua XIE,Xian-Chun SANG,Ying-Hua LING
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  46-54.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82022
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      An elite rice indica restorer line, Jinhui 10 was chemically mutated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). A novel and stable mutant, lesion mimic and premature senescence 1 (lmps1) was identified from the descendant library. The growth and development of lmps1 plant was normal at seedling stage, but its leaves began to exhibit brown spots at the beginning of tillering stage, and the number of the spots increased as the plant growing up. When mutant plant entered booting stage, leaves started to wilt and became yellowish, then exhibited premature senescence. Compared with wild type, grains per panicle of lmps1 decreased by 8%, significantly lower than that of wild type (P < 0.05). Besides, plant height, panicle length, effective panicle number, filled grain number per panicle, seed setting rate, and 1000-grain weight of lmps1 correspondingly decreasedly 14.3%, 24.3%, 27.2%, 50.0%, 45.7%, and 14.5%, statistically lower than those of wild type (P < 0.01). The shading treatment suggested that the mutant performance of lmps1 was light induced. Within the cells of lmps1, both of photosynthetic pigment content and photosynthetic efficiency decreased. At the same time, H2O2 content increased, and activities of protective enzymes, SOD and CAT, reduced in lmps1. The observation by transmission electronic microscope (TEM) demonstrated that chloroplast number reduced in lmps1, and the chloroplast thylakoid lamellar structure seriously damaged and degraded. As a result of qRT-PCR, the expression levels of POC1, PAL, PBZ1, PR1, NPR1, and PR5 were higher in lmps1 than in wild type, while that of POX22.3 was lower than that of wild type. The genetic analysis indicated that the lesion mimic and premature senescence of lmps1 was under the control of a recessive nuclear gene. Mapping result via F2 population derived from the cross between Xinong 1A and lmps1 showed that, the target gene was located in a 167.3 kb physical interval near the telomere of the long arm of chromosome 7 in rice (Oryza sativa L.).

      Proteomic analysis of sugarcane-Sporisorium scitamineum interaction based on iTRAQ technique
      Qi-Qi SONG,SINGH Pratiksha,Kumar SINGH Rajesh,Xiu-Peng SONG,Hai-Bi LI,You-Ye NONG,Li-Tao YANG,Yang-Rui LI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  55-69.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84001
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      Sugarcane smut has become an important disease affecting sugarcane yield and sugar content. In order to investigate the molecular mechanism of sugarcane responding to smut at protein level, the smut-resistant variety GT29 and the smut-susceptible variety Yacheng 71-374 were used in this study. Both varieties were inoculated with the teliospore suspension of smut pathogen by dipping method whereas the control was treated with sterile water. Leaf samples were collected and used for proteomic analysis by iTRAQ technique at 180 days after treatment. The that 1429 proteins presented in GT29 with quantitative information, including 290 differentially expressed proteins with 153 up-regulated and 137 down-regulated; while 1576 proteins in Yacheng 71-374 with quantitative information, including 125 differentially expressed proteins with 55 up-regulated and 70 down-regulated. The number of differentially expressed proteins in resistant variety was higher than that in susceptible variety, and GT29 enriched more metabolic pathways in KEGG, indicating that the immunomodulatory mechanism of the resistant variety may be more complicated, and the regulatory network involved in response was broader. Through the analysis of photosynthesis, antioxidant system, calcium signal, phenylpropane metabolism, hormone related differential expressed protein and co-owned differentially expressed protein, it was found that the photosynthesis pathway, ROS, ABA, calcium signal pathway related protein were up-regulated in both varieties. The up-regulated expressed proteins were more in GT29 than in Yacheng 71-374, which may be involved in resistance response in sugarcane against smut pathogen at later growth stage. Plant disease resistance is a complex process that requires multiple functions and pathways to participate in regulation. The phenylpropanoid metabolic pathway, enzymes GPX, APX, SOD, GST, and CAT, and hormones IAA, ETH, and GA were not found to be involved in the disease resistance process of sugarcane.

      Analysis in agronomic and physiological traits of green super rice
      Yang-Dong XU,Kuan-Yu ZHU,Xing-Chuan ZHANG,Zhi-Qin WANG,Jian-Chang YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  70-80.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82036
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      Understanding agronomic and physiological characteristics of green super rice (GSR) is essential to make strategies for breeding GSR varieties and crop management. This study aimed to identify major agronomic and physiological traits associated with high grain yield and high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of rice. Four GSR varieties and two control varieties (one super rice variety and one non-super rice inbred) were grown in the paddy field. The results showed that the GSR varieties produced higher grain yield and higher NUE than control varieties. Synchronous increases in both total spikelet number and filled-grain percentage contributed to higher grain yield, and an increase in grain yield production per unit absorbed N (internal NUE) resulted in higher NUE for GSR. Compared with control varieties, GSR varieties exhibited greater percentage of productive tillers and the ratio of spikelet number to leaf area, higher ratio of sugar amount to spikelet number at the heading time, higher crop growth rate, net assimilate rate, and root oxidation activity and more remobilization of assimilates from stems and sheaths to grains during the grain filling period, and higher harvest index at maturity. These traits were positively and very significantly correlated with both grain yield and internal NUE, and could be used as indexes for breeding and selecting GSR varieties.

      Estimation of leaf chlorophyll content in cotton based on the random forest approach
      ABLET Ershat,SAWUT Mamat,MAIMAITIAILI Baidengsha,Shen-Qun AN,Chun-Yue MA
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  81-90.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84058
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      The main objective of this study is the estimation of the leaf chlorophyll content efficiently and harmlessly. SPAD values and spectral data were collected from field observation. Original spectra processed to continuum-removal transformation, cube-root transformation and reciprocal transformation. Based on the correlation between SPAD values and canopy spectral reflectance, we selected characteristic bands by random forest approach to establish two kinds of estimating models, including back propagation artificial neural network (BP ANN) model and partial least squares regression (PLSR) model. The reflectivity in the range of 605-690 nm was negatively correlated with the SPAD value at P < 0.01, with the correlation coefficient of -0.619. After transformations, the spectral reflectance exhibited different correlations with SPAD value, continuum-removal spectra improved the correlation in the range of 550-750 nm, and had a better correlation with SPAD value than cube-root and reciprocal transformations. Random forest approach effectively evaluated the characteristic bands with large influence on SPAD value, which can help improve the estimation accuracy of the model. R 2 of the PLSR and BP neural network model based on continuum-removal spectra was 0.92 and 0.83 respectively, show the two models with good stability in estimation of cotton SPAD values. The RMSE of the two models was 0.88, 1.26, and RE was 1.30% and 1.89% respectively, which indicates that estimation accuracy of PLSR model is higher that of BP neural network model. From the validation of the model, PLSR model has certain advantages and reference value in estimating chlorophyll content of cotton.

      Effect of shade priming on photosynthetic characteristics of soybean seedlings
      Yang GAO,Wei-Guo LIU,Shu-Xian LI,Ting LIU,Tao ZHOU,Yong-Li DU,Yi ZHANG,Bi-Qin LI,Wen-Yu YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  91-99.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84061
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      Shade stress limits the further increase of soybean yield in intercropping. In order to investigate the effect of shade priming on photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of soybean seedlings, the growth of plants were undergone three stages of shade priming (S1), light recovery (S2), and shade stress (S3). The shade priming included shade signal (increasing the ration of far red with LED lamp of 730 nm) and shade stress. The treatments of the experiment were natural light (LLLL), shade-signal priming (LFLS), shade-stress priming (LSLS), and no priming (LLLS). The results showed that compared with LLLS, shade priming enhanced chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid contents and total chlorophyll content in old and middle-age leaves significantly, while reduced chlorophyll a/b in old and young leaves. Except for the middle-age leaves of LSLS, both the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of each leaf position of LFLS and LSLS were significantly increased. And there was no significant difference in intercellular carbon dioxide concentration in old and middle-age leaves between the primed plants and the non-primed plants. Compared with the control (LLLL), Fo, qp, NPQ, ΦPSII, ETR decreased, while Fv/Fm and Fv'/Fm' increased. Among them, the reduction of Fo in the primed was smaller than that in the control. The trend of the reduction of qp was LFLS > LLLS > LSLS in old leaves, while LSLS < LFLS < LLLS in middle-age leaves and LSLS > LFLS > LLLS in young leaves. ΦPSII, ETR considerably decreased as compared with the control, but there was no significant difference between the primed plants and the non-primed plants. Compared with LLLL, the increase of Fv'/Fm' in young leaves of the primed plants was greater than that of the non-primed plants, with the increase of 6.51%, 8.79%, and 12.05% (P < 0.05) in LLLS, LFLS, and LSLS, respectively. Therefore, by shade priming at S1, soybeans adapted to the light environment through the plasticity of photosynthetic characteristics and exhibited a stronger tolerance to shade stress occurring during S3.

      Effects of salinity stress on seed germination and root growth of seedlings in island cotton
      Qing-Qing YAN,Ju-Song ZHANG,Xing-Xing LI,Yan-Ti WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  100-110.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84067
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      In order to determine the response of seed germination and seedling root system of island cotton to salt stress, and to screen out island cotton varieties with high salt tolerance, an experiment was conducted using main sea island cotton varieties Xinhai 31, Xinhai 35, Xinhai 43, and Xinhai 48 grown in Xinxiang Aksu area, with treatment of neutral salt (neutral salt) mixed with NaCl, Na2SO4 at 1:1 of mole ratio and treatment of alkali salt (alkaline salt) mixed with NaCl and NaHCO3 at 1:1 of mole ratio, Total salt concentration (Na +) was 0, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360 mmol L -1. Seed germination and seedling root growth parameters of island cotton under the stress were measured. The germination parameters, biomass, root and crown ratio, salt sensitivity index, salt tolerance index, root length, root surface area and root volume of the island cotton seeds decreased with the increase of salt concentration. Moreover, under high salt concentration, there was a significant negative correlation of plant height, root biomass, stem and leaf biomass with salt concentration, indicating that high salt environment inhibited cotton seed germination and normal growth of seedlings. Under the concentration of 120 mmol L -1, the total length of the root system of Xinhai 48 treated with neutral salt did not increase significantly compared with that of the control group, while that of the other varieties increased significantly. There was no significant difference in the total volume and total surface area of the roots. The low salt concentration promoted the elongation and growth of the fine roots (d ≤ 0.5 mm). The middle root (0.5 < d ≤ 2.0 mm) of Xinhai 43 increased significantly than that of CK, resulting in a significant increase in total root volume and total surface area. The total length, surface area, and volume in alkaline salt treatment were not significantly different from those of Xinhai 31 and the control, while decreased significantly in other varieties. At the concentration of 180-240 mmol L -1, the total length, surface area and volume of roots in neutral salt treatment had a significant decrease compared with these of the control except for Xinhai 43; there was no significant difference among all varieties; lot a decrease in alkaline salt treatment. Among them, the total length of the roots of Xinhai 35 decreased more slowly than that of other varieties. At the concentration of 300-360 mmol L -1, the total root length, volume and surface area of the two salt varieties dropped sharply. The alkaline salt stress had a more significant decrease effect than the neutral salt stress. Under the conditions of this experiment, the normal growth of island cotton seedlings could withstand the salt concentration of 240 mmol L -1, but the damage of alkaline salt to island cotton seedlings was much greater than that of neutral salt. The order of salt tolerance of the tested varieties was Xinhai 35, Xinhai 43, Xinhai 31, and Xinhai 48.

      Relationship between GS isoenzyme activity and nitrogen transportation in flue-cured tobacco leaves
      Jian-Fei ZHOU,Yun-Jie WU,Gang XUE,An-Qian ZHANG,Pei TIAN,Yu-Fu PENG,Tie-Zhao YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  111-117.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84054
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      A pot experiment was conducted to study the dynamic changes of glutamine synthetase isoenzyme activity and the related physiological indexes in leaves of flue-cured tobacco with different nitrogen efficiencies at maturity stage, and understand the physiological and biochemical mechanism of nitrogen metabolism in flue-cured tobacco leaves. Three different flue-cured tobacco varieties Zhongyan 100, K326, and NC89 with different nitrogen efficiencies were used as materials, and the 12th leaves were taken at different leaf ages. Western blot method was used to determine the content of glutamine synthetase isoenzyme isoforms in leaf mesophyll and main veins. At the same time, the concentrations of NH4 +, total nitrogen, apoplastic NH4 + and ammonia volatilization were determined. The results show, GS2 was the main form of GS isoenzyme in mesophyll of flue-cured tobacco leaves, the protein subunit content gradually decreased with the age of the leaf. The GS1 isoenzyme dominated in the veins, and its protein subunits showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. From 45 to 65 days of leaf age, the GS isoenzyme activities of leaf mesophyll and main vein were all expressed as NC89 > K326 > Zhongyan 100, and the difference among varieties was significant. The activities of GS1 in mesophyll and main veins were negatively correlated with total nitrogen and leaf ammonium concentrations, and positively correlated with apoplastic ammonium concentration and ammonia volatilization. The GS2 activity in mesophyll was positively correlated with total nitrogen and leaf ammonium, and negatively correlated with apoplastic ammonium concentration and ammonia volatilization. The GS2 activity of leaf veins was only significantly correlated with the total nitrogen and ammonia volatilization. The activity of two glutamine synthetase isoenzymes in leaves of nitrogen-inefficient flue-cured tobacco varieties at the mature period was lower, and the ability of nitrogen transfer and reuse was poor, resulting in most of the nitrogen absorbed by plants evaporated in the form of ammonia, and the leaves had a faster rate of aging. However, nitrogen efficient varieties had strong nitrogen reutilization capacity, so the ammonia volatilization was small and the aging was postponed.

      Effect of low-temperature stress and gibberellin on seed germination and seedling physiological responses in peanut
      Bo-Wen CHANG,Peng ZHONG,Jie LIU,Zhong-Hua TANG,Ya-Bing GAO,Hong-Jiu YU,Wei GUO
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  118-130.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84043
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      From 30 peanut cultivars, we screened four cultivars with strong low-temperature-resistance (Fuhua 17, Fuhua 12, Jihua 16, Jihua 18) and four cultivars with weak low-temperature-resistance (Luhua 11, Baisha 1016, Zhengnongheihuasheng 1, Baiyu), and measured related indicators of seed germination and physiological indexes of seedlings under low temperature (4oC) and GA3 treatments. There was no significant difference in rate of emergence and germination index of strong low-temperature- resistant cultivars with or without 4oC treatments, but decrease in hypocotyl length and seed vigor under low temperature. The relative membrane permeability and MDA content of four cultivars with weak low-temperature-resistance had higher ascensional range. The contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein and free proline of cultivars with strong low-temperature resistance had smaller reduction. GA3 facilitated the rate of emergence and seed vigor of all peanut seeds, as well as promoted the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein and free proline of seedlings, but suppressed the uptrend of relative membrane permeability and MDA content of peanut seedlings under low temperature. The best concentration of GA3 promoting seed germination and seedling growth of peanut with low temperature treatment is 300 μmol L -1. The rate of emergence had significantly negative correlation with relative membrane permeability and MDA, and obviously positive correlation with the contents of soluble sugar or free proline. The temperature had greater influence on germination rate, but the effect of gibberellin on difference of germination rate between different varieties was smaller. This study provided a theoretical basis for germplasm resources innovation and breeding new peanut cultivars with strong low-temperature resistance, as well as for studying the physiological mechanism of gibberellin on chilling tolerance of different peanut varieties.

      Effects of tillage modes in winter fallow period on leaf senescence and pod yield in continuous cropping peanut
      Yan LIU,Zhao-Xin LIU,Mei-Juan HE,Ting-Ru LIU,Jian-Qun YANG,Xiao-Yu ZHEN,Xin-Xin LI,Xiang-Dong LI,Dong-Qing YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  131-143.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84024
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      A field experiment was conducted using large peanut variety Shanhua 108 with five treatments, including mulching after no tillage in winter fallow period (MGFM), planting peanut after plowing tillage in winter fallow period (FGLD), mulching after plowing tillage in winter fallow period (FGFM), planting peanut after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field (YQLD), mulching after previous crop wheat as green manure straw returned to the field (YQFM), and the conventional planting method, planting peanut after non tillage in winter fallow period (MGLD) as the control. The treatments of mulching, green manure and plowing tillage significantly improved photosynthetic pigment content, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, and decreased intercellular CO2 concentration in functional leaves. Meanwhile, the above three treatments also significantly increased leaf superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) activities, decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) content, thereby delaying leaf senescence and increasing pod yield. The pod yield of YQFM, FGFM and MGFM treatments increased by 5.11%, 6.77%, 3.70% compared with YQLD, FGLD, and MGLD treatments. Compared with MGFM treatment, YQFM and FGFM treatments significantly increased pod yield by 14.83%, 8.30%, respectively. Compared with MGLD treatment, the pod yield under YQLD and FGLD treatments significantly increased by 13.30%, 5.18%, respectively, and YQFM, YQLD, FGFM, FGLD, and MGFM treatments had the increase of pod yield from high to low in order. From the perspective of pod yield and economic benefit, YQFM is the optimum treatment.

      Comparison of different mathematical models describing flag leaf senescence process of wheat and characteristics of leaf senescence process
      Guo-Feng LYU,Jin-Ping FAN,Bo-Qiao ZHANG,De-Rong GAO,Hui WANG,Ye-Yu LIU,Su-Lan WU,Kai CHENG,Xiu-E WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  144-152.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.81014
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      To clarity leaf senescence patterns and characteristics of wheat, we used 91 and 105 varieties or advanced lines in 2011 and 2012 respectively, to fit the leaf senescence process by Logistic, Gompertz, and Richards models. The varieties tested were classified into stay green (SG), moderately stay green (MSG), moderately non-stay green (MNSG) and non-stay green (NSG) types. Development of the flag leaf senescence was divided into initial senescence stage, rapid senescence stage and terminal senescence stage in all variety types. The senescence rates of the three stages showed a slow-fast-slow changing pattern. The decrease of green leaf area (% GLA) after anthesis occurred mainly in the middle and late senescence stages. Logistic, Gompertz and Richards models were able to simulate the leaf senescence process of all variety types and the fitness of Richards and Gompertz models was better than that of Logistic model. The fitting goodness of Gompertz model ranked as NSG type > MNSG type > MSG type > SG type. There was a significant difference in time of maximum rate of senescence, green leaf area duration and average rate of senescence derived from Gompertz equation in all varieties. The average rate of senescence showed a trend of NSG type > MNSG type > MSG type > SG type, while the remaining two parameters showed a trend of SG type > MSG type > MNSG type > NSG type. Our results indicate that Gompertz model is more suitable than Logistic model to describe the leaf senescence process of wheat and the characteristic parameters for leaf senescence process can be used to evaluate stay green difference between wheat varieties.

      Classification of potato cultivars by their nitrogen use efficiency
      Dan-Dan HE,Li-Guo JIA,Yong-Lin QIN,Ming-Shou FAN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2019, 45(1):  153-159.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84059
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      Nitrogen efficiency of seven potato varieties was evaluated under field conditions with or without nitrogen application. Basing on tuber yield, plant nitrogen absorption and utilization of different potato cultivars, we classified nitrogen use efficiencies of seven potato varieties into four types: double high efficiency (DH), low nitrogen and high efficiency (LNH), high nitrogen and high efficiency (HNH), and double low efficiency (DL). Furthermore, one representative variety from DH, LNH and DL types respectively was selected to analyze the mechanism on the difference in nitrogen use efficiency, showing that nitrogen use efficiency of DH type was significantly higher than that of the other two types; the nitrogen absorption efficiency of DH and LNH was higher than that of DL type. Under no nitrogen application condition, the dry matter accumulation of DH type was significantly higher than that of the other two types at whole growth stage, and the cumulative rate of nitrogen in DH and LNH was significantly higher than that in DL type at 0-50 days after emergence. The dry matter accumulation of DH potato was significantly higher than that of the other two cultivars when nitrogen applied. Compared with DL type, the yield increase of DH and LNH was mainly attributed to the higher accumulation of dry matter at the early stage of potato. The nitrogen accumulation rate of DH was significantly higher than that of DL and LNH types under nitrogen fertilizer application. The greater nitrogen and dry matter accumulation in DH cultivars benefit yield formation and increase of nitrogen use efficiency. The results could provide theoretical support for high nitrogen use efficiency variety screening and its utilization.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
