
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1710-1718.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.31060

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


韩丽1(), 汤胜胜1, 李佳1, 胡海斌2, 刘龙龙1,*(), 吴斌2,*()   

  1. 1山西农业大学农业基因资源研究中心 / 农业农村部黄土高原作物基因资源与种质创新重点实验室, 山西太原 030031
    2中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-24 接受日期:2024-01-31 出版日期:2024-07-12 网络出版日期:2024-03-07
  • 通讯作者: *刘龙龙, E-mail: lllong781211@sina.com;吴斌, E-mail: wubin03@caas.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 3105141954@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Construction of SNP high-density genetic map and localization of QTL for β-glucan content in oats

HAN Li1(), TANG Sheng-Sheng1, LI Jia1, HU Hai-Bin2, LIU Long-Long1,*(), WU Bin2,*()   

  1. 1Center for Agricultural Genetic, Resources Research, Shanxi Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau, Ministry of Agriclture and Rural Affairs, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
    2Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2023-10-24 Accepted:2024-01-31 Published:2024-07-12 Published online:2024-03-07
  • Contact: *E-mail: lllong781211@sina.com; E-mail: wubin03@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-07-A);National Natural Science Foundation of China(30800699)


β-葡聚糖是燕麦发挥保健作用的主要功能因子, 提高其含量对优质燕麦生产有着重要意义。为促进高β-葡聚糖燕麦种质资源的有效利用和相关基因发掘, 本研究以高β-葡聚糖品种夏莜麦和低β-葡聚糖品种赤38组配衍生的219个家系RIL8群体为材料, 利用重测序技术构建了包含21个连锁群, 5032个bin标记的遗传连锁图谱, 图谱总长2045.09 cM, 平均图距0.42 cM。利用标准酶法和近红外法对4个环境的RIL群体家系β-葡聚糖含量进行测定, 结合测定结果, 利用完备区间作图法对β-葡聚糖含量进行QTL定位分析, 结果显示不同环境条件下RIL群体β-葡聚糖含量呈正态分布, 并出现超亲后代家系, 4个环境下群体β-葡聚糖含量变异系数介于9.06%~16.63%之间。QTL定位检测到7个与燕麦β-葡聚糖含量相关的QTL, 分布于2D、3D、4C和4D染色体上, 其中贡献率最高为14.73%, 在2个环境中检测到同一个QTL, 其标记区间为Chr4C_mark8361257-Chr4C_mark8384831。研究结果将为燕麦β-葡聚糖分子标记辅助育种提供重要的理论依据。

关键词: 燕麦, SNP, 遗传图谱, β-葡聚糖, QTL定位


β-glucan is the main functional component of oats for health care, and improving its content is of great significance to the production of high-quality oats. In this study, in order to promote the effective utilization of high β-glucan oat germplasm resources and the discovery of related genes, a genetic linkage map containing 21 linkage groups and 5032 bin markers was constructed by using resequencing technology with the 223 RIL8 populations derived from the high β-glucan variety Xiayoumai and the low β-glucan resource Chi38. The total length of the map was 2045.09 cM, and the average plot distance was 0.42 cM. The β-glucan content of RIL populations in four environments was determined by standard enzyme method and near infrared method. Combined with the determination results, QTL analysis of β-glucan content was performed by complete interval mapping method. The results showed that the β-glucan content of RIL populations was normally distributed under different environmental conditions, and there were superparent descendants. The coefficient of variation of β-glucan content in the four environments ranged from 9.06% to 16.63%. Seven QTLs related to β-glucan content in oat were detected by QTL mapping, distributed on 2D, 3D, 4C, and 4D chromosomes, with the highest contribution rate of 14.73%. The same QTL was detected in two environments with a marker interval of Chr4C_mark8361257-Chr4C_mark8384831. The results of this study provide an important theoretical basis for molecular marker-assisted breeding of oat β-glucan.

Key words: oat, SNP, genetic map, β-glucan, QTL mapping



亲本 Parents RIL群体 RIL population
Chi 38 (%)
Xiayoumai (%)
Mean (%)
CV (%)
北京Beijing 4.06 6.52 2.92-6.95 5.11 16.63 -0.33 -0.08 0.95
山西Shanxi 4.14 5.68 3.59-5.84 4.83 9.11 -0.07 -0.39 0.90
新疆Xinjiang 5.08 6.01 4.47-6.48 5.49 6.21 0.13 0.41 0.94
河北Hebei 4.84 5.68 4.71-7.29 5.63 9.06 0.89 0.73 0.86


不同环境下RIL群体燕麦β-葡聚糖含量的频率分布图 BJ、SX、XJ和HB分别代表北京、山西、新疆和河北4个环境。"


不同环境下 RIL 群体燕麦β-葡聚糖含量的联合方差分析"

基因型 Genotype 218 110.58 0.51 1.94 < 0.010
环境 Environment 3 89.06 29.69 113.57 < 0.010
基因型×环境 GE interaction 654 170.95 0.26 < 0.010
残差 Residual 216 17.76 0.08
总变异 Total 875 370.58



Number of
Number of Bin
Total distance
Average marker interval
Max. interval
1A 6316 304 135.06 0.44 10.26
1C 2076 79 29.91 0.38 2.43
1D 10,517 273 116.85 0.43 3.13
2A 3174 219 84.61 0.39 7.99
2C 8185 206 85.27 0.41 3.21
2D 14,888 425 158.68 0.37 4.40
3A 53,092 137 55.46 0.40 3.85
3C 22,630 231 81.24 0.35 2.65
3D 11,396 354 160.97 0.45 11.72
4A 7407 278 135.66 0.49 12.67
4C 100,146 300 120.65 0.40 12.85
4D 23,126 491 194.12 0.40 8.81
5A 141,190 85 49.91 0.59 7.92
5C 91,777 392 104.23 0.27 1.92
5D 48,610 147 52.51 0.36 1.97
6A 10,996 190 78.26 0.41 4.51
6C 25,948 302 124.40 0.41 5.25
6D 3253 165 77.76 0.47 5.78
7A 6105 161 58.28 0.36 1.98
7C 10,390 182 90.39 0.50 4.95
7D 8264 111 50.87 0.46 3.90
总计 Total 609,486 5032 2045.09 0.42 12.85



Position (cM)
Marked interval
of odd
Contribution rate (%)
北京Beijing qBG9-1 3D 73 mark52899524-mark56792010 0.1856 3.5566 7.4766
qBG12-1 4D 131.5 mark359462864-mark359731564 0.1730 2.8829 6.1583
山西Shanxi qBG9-2 3D 103 mark345485656-mark345492373 0.1406 5.0331 10.2452
qBG11-1 4C 0.5 mark8361257-mark8384831 -0.1389 4.9324 9.9790
新疆Xinjiang qBG11-1 4C 0.5 mark8361257-mark8384831 -0.1250 5.6343 14.7268
河北Hebei qBG6-1 2D 37 mark72268394-mark72566672 0.1327 3.6026 6.2789
qBG11-2 4C 115 mark704833011-mark708537606 -0.1439 2.9495 6.9865
qBG12-2 4D 38 mark40330973-mark40622203 0.1172 2.6276 4.6057


燕麦染色体上定位的β-葡聚糖含量QTL 连锁群右边是标记名称, 左边是遗传位置(cM), QTL右边对应LOD值。图中4个颜色代表4个环境, 对应规则如下: 蓝色: 北京; 红色: 河北; 绿色: 新疆; 橙色: 山西。"

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