
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1719-1727.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34186

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


秦娜1(), 叶珍言2, 朱灿灿1, 付森杰1, 代书桃1, 宋迎辉1, 景雅1, 王春义1, 李君霞1,*()   

  1. 1河南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所, 河南郑州 450002
    2郑州大学农学院, 河南郑州 450001
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-09 接受日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-07-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-20
  • 通讯作者: *李君霞, E-mail: lijunxia@126.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: qinna2004@126.com
  • 基金资助:

QTL mapping for flavonoid content and seed color in foxtail millet

QIN Na1(), YE Zhen-Yan2, ZHU Can-Can1, FU Sen-Jie1, DAI Shu-Tao1, SONG Ying-Hui1, JING Ya1, WANG Chun-Yi1, LI Jun-Xia1,*()   

  1. 1Cereal Crops Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Agriculture College, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China
  • Received:2023-11-09 Accepted:2024-01-30 Published:2024-07-12 Published online:2024-02-20
  • Contact: *E-mail: lijunxia@126.com
  • Supported by:
    Scientific Research Plan Joint Fund of Henan Province(232301420105);China Agricultural Research System of the MOF and MARA(CARS-06);Key Research and Development Projects of Henan Province(231111110300);Joint Research on Agriculture Varieties of Henan Province(2022010401);Central Guidance on Science and Technology Development Project of Henan Province(Z20221341070)


谷子(Setaria italica L.)是我国北方地区重要的粮食作物, 籽粒营养丰富, 且富含多种类黄酮物质, 对生长发育和品质形成发挥着重要作用。目前谷子籽粒类黄酮合成及粒色形成相关调控机制研究较少。分析谷子类黄酮含量及粒色性状相关的QTL, 为类黄酮合成关键基因的精细定位、克隆及功能研究奠定基础, 同时, 也为揭示谷子类黄酮合成及代谢机制和培育富含类黄酮谷子品种提供技术支撑。本研究以红粒色高类黄酮品种金苗红酒谷和黄粒色低类黄酮品种豫谷28为亲本构建的包含150个家系的重组自交系(RIL)群体为试验材料, 在谷子成熟期对籽粒粒色和类黄酮含量相关性状进行分析。同时, 采用复合区间作图法(composite interval mapping, CIM)对粒色和类黄酮含量进行QTL定位与分析, 并对QTL置信区间内的候选基因进行预测。相关性分析表明, 类黄酮含量与粒色呈显著正相关。共定位到4个与类黄酮含量相关和11个与粒色相关的QTL, 分别位于1号、2号、5号、6号、7号、8号和9号染色体上, 单个QTL的表型贡献率为2.01%~29.25%, 6个为主效QTL, 其中, qSC1-2qFLA1-1qSC7-1qFLA7-1qSC9-3qFLA9-1为2个性状下共同定位到的QTL。通过基因预测与功能注释, 筛选出QTL置信区间内5个与类黄酮物质合成及代谢相关的候选基因, 表明类黄酮物质的合成、代谢及利用相关基因极有可能控制了这些基因的表达。15个QTL分别聚集于7条染色体上, 基于基因功能注释, 共筛选了5个与谷子类黄酮合成及代谢相关的候选基因, 表明不同QTL位点参与到了共同遗传机制, 并可通过分子标记辅助选择进行类黄酮合成及代谢等有利基因的聚合育种。

关键词: 谷子, 类黄酮含量, 粒色, QTL定位, 候选基因


Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) is an important grain crop in northern China. The grain is rich in nutrients and many kinds of flavonoid, which plays an important role in growth and quality formation. At present, there are few studies on the regulatory mechanisms of flavonoid synthesis and seed color formation in foxtail millet. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of flavonoid content and seed color traits in foxtail millet laid a foundation for fine mapping, cloning, and functional study of key genes for flavonoid synthesis, and it also provided technical support for revealing the mechanism of flavonoid synthesis and metabolism in foxtail millet and cultivating millet varieties rich in flavonoid. In this study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 150 families was used as the experimental materials, which was constructed using a red seed-color high-flavonoid variety Jinmiaohongjiugu and a yellow seed-color low-flavonoid variety Yugu 28 as the parents. The related traits of seed color and flavonoid content were analyzed at maturity stage in foxtail millet. At the same time, composite interval mapping (CIM) was used to locate and analyze QTL for seed color and flavonoid content, and the candidate genes within the QTL confidence intervals were predicted. Correlation analysis showed that flavonoid content was significantly positively correlated with seed color. A total four and eleven QTL associated with flavonoids content and seed color were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, respectively, and individual QTL phenotypic contribution rate was 2.01%-29.25%, six major QTLs were identified, qSC1-2 and qFLA1-1, qSC7-1 and qFLA7-1, qSC9-3, and qFLA9-1 were co-localized QTL under both two traits. Through gene prediction and functional annotation, five candidate genes related to flavonoid synthesis and metabolism in the confidence interval of QTL were screened, indicating that the genes related to flavonoid synthesis, metabolism, and utilization were most probably to regulate the expression of these genes. 15 QTL were clustered on seven chromosomes, respectively, and five candidate genes related to flavonoid synthesis and metabolism were screened based on gene functional annotation, indicating that different QTL loci were involved in the common genetic mechanism, and the pyramiding breeding of beneficial genes such as flavonoid synthesis and metabolism could be carried out through molecular marker-assisted selection.

Key words: foxtail millet, flavonoid content, seed colour, QTL mapping, candidate genes



亲本 Parents RILs群体 RILs populations
Yugu 28
类黄酮 2021 10.39 5.38 4.07-11.37 6.92 0.60
Flavonoid (mg g-1) 2022 10.28 5.46 4.12-10.48 6.78 0.62
粒色 2021 红粒 Red seed 黄粒 Yellow seed 0-2 0.80 0.11
Seed color 2022 红粒 Red seed 黄粒 Yellow seed 0-2 0.78 0.13


重组自交系群体粒色性状变异 RIL: 重组自交系群体。"



类黄酮 Flavonoid 粒色 Seed color
2021 2022 2021 2022
2021 1
2022 0.969** 1
粒色 Seed color
2021 0.756** 0.866** 1
2022 0.832** 0.841** 0.987** 1


谷子RIL群体中类黄酮含量(A)和粒色(B)表型频率分布图 RIL: 重组自交系群体。"


RIL群体遗传图谱及控制粒色和类黄酮含量的QTL在染色体上的分布 RIL: 重组自交系群体。"



QTL 染色体
Markers interval
position (cM)
LOD value
Phenotypic variance efficiency (%)
qSC1-1 1 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS1049-SICAAS1006 30.39-50.57 10.70 7.87 0.27
qSC1-2 1 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS1052-SICAAS1068 134.52-175.47 31.59 29.25 -0.78
qSC1-3 1 BLUP SICAAS1068-SICAAS1008 175.47-192.79 6.04 9.08 0.43
qSC2-1 2 BLUP (2022) SICAAS2035-SICAAS2038 0-35.40 6.45 5.93 0.34
qSC5-1 5 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS5034-SICAAS5035 40.16-59.87 2.89 2.01 -0.11
qSC6-1 6 BLUP (2022) SICAAS6081-SICAAS6002 27.38-41.67 5.23 11.48 0.40
qSC7-1 7 BLUP SICAAS7019-SICAAS7073 49.53-61.76 3.01 10.67 0.32
qSC8-1 8 BLUP SICAAS8001-SICAAS8019 5.39-45.95 2.78 3.51 0.06
qSC9-1 9 BLUP (2021) SICAAS9023-SICAAS9107 0-68.88 3.86 3.68 0.02
qSC9-2 9 BLUP (2022) SICAAS9107-SICAAS9131 68.88-123.22 2.79 3.52 -0.01
qSC9-3 9 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS9131-SICAAS9042 123.33-169.79 2.94 3.51 0.03
qFLA1-1 1 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS1052-SICAAS1068 134.52-175.47 4.52 16.89 0.71
qFLA5-1 5 BLUP (2021, 2022) SICAAS5046-SICAAS5008 133.79-153.33 2.70 10.87 0.60
qFLA7-1 7 BLUP (2022) SICAAS7019-SICAAS7073 49.53-61.76 3.05 9.63 0.54
qFLA9-1 9 BLUP SICAAS9131-SICAAS9042 123.33-169.79 3.56 18.05 0.62



QTL 染色体
Candidate genes
Functional annotation
Gene physical location (Mb)
qSC1-2 1 SICAAS1052-SICAAS1068 Seita.1G240600 苯丙氨酸解氨酶
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase
qFLA5-1 5 SICAAS5046-SICAAS5008 Seita.5G070500 异黄酮还原酶
Isoflavone reductase
qSC5-1 5 SICAAS5060-SICAAS5034 Seita.5G124200 UDP-糖基转移酶
qSC8-1 8 SICAAS8001-SICAAS8019 Seita.8G188600 香豆酰辅酶A
Agmatine coumaroyl CoA
qFLA9-1 9 SICAAS9131-SICAAS9042 Seita.9G169100 醛酮还原酶
Aldo/keto reductase
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