
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2550-2561.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.44032

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄肖玉1(), 娄洪祥1, 邵东李1, 张哲2, 蒋博3, 肖雅丹1, 常影1, 郭安达1, 赵杰1, 徐正华1, 王晶1, 汪波1, 蒯婕1,*(), 周广生1   

  1. 1华中农业大学植物科学技术学院 / 农业农村部长江中游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 湖北武汉 430070
    2全国农业技术推广服务中心, 北京 100125
    3湖北省油菜办公室, 湖北武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-23 接受日期:2024-05-21 出版日期:2024-10-12 网络出版日期:2024-06-04
  • 通讯作者: *蒯婕, E-mail: kuaijie@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: hxy08033121@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Exploring the functions of different leaf types of directly-sown rapeseed under high density

HUANG Xiao-Yu1(), LOU Hong-Xiang1, SHAO Dong-Li1, ZHANG Zhe2, JIANG Bo3, XIAO Ya-Dan1, CHANG Ying1, GUO An-Da1, ZHAO Jie1, XU Zheng-Hua1, WANG Jing1, WANG Bo1, KUAI Jie1,*(), ZHOU Guang-Sheng1   

  1. 1College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System for the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
    2National Agricultural Technical Extension and Service Center, Beijing 100125, China
    3Hubei Province Oilseed Rape Office, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2024-02-23 Accepted:2024-05-21 Published:2024-10-12 Published online:2024-06-04
  • Contact: *E-mail: kuaijie@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD1600500);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-12);Earmarked Fund of Hubei Province of China, and the Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province of China(2023BBB028)


合理密植是确保油菜产量和效益的核心, 但过度密植则加重倒伏, 难以实现密植再高产。叶片是油菜干物质累积的重要光合器官, 但高密度条件下, 不同类型叶片对油菜产量及抗倒性的影响尚不明确。本试验以中双11号为材料, 设置2个种植密度(D3: 4.5×105株 hm-2、D5: 7.5×105株 hm-2)、4个剪叶处理(CK: 不剪叶、LP: 剪去一半长柄叶、SP: 剪去一半短柄叶、SL: 剪去一半无柄叶), 探究油菜3种不同类型的叶片对高密度直播油菜产量及抗倒性的影响, 为协调高密度油菜源库关系、高产和倒伏矛盾提供理论依据。结果表明: 同一密度下, 油菜3种不同类型叶片占比均为短柄叶>长柄叶>无柄叶, 当密度由D3增加至D5, 短柄叶减少约2片, 占比由50.6%下降至46.7%。2个密度下, 剪叶均降低单株角果数, 导致单株产量和实收产量的降低, 且以SP处理对产量的影响最大。随着密度增加, SP处理下, 单株产量下降幅度由19.61%增加至37.67%, 实收产量下降幅度由13.65%增加至22.03%。不同剪叶处理, 倒伏指数均增加, 且SP处理显著增加了上部和下部的倒伏指数, 与其他处理相比抗倒性最弱。此外, 单株根系表面积、体积随着密度增加而下降, LP、SP处理下根系表面积和体积均显著下降, 以LP处理影响最大。基于相关性分析结果, 在D3密度下, 剪去短柄叶减少了单株角果数, D5密度下, 剪去短柄叶减少了单株角果数和每角果粒数, 使产量显著下降、抗倒性下降; 剪去长柄叶导致根系表面积、体积显著下降, 不利于产量形成。

关键词: 高密度, 长柄叶, 短柄叶, 根系, 产量, 抗倒性


Optimal planting density is a core technology for ensuring rapeseed yield and production efficiency. However, excessive planting density can worsen lodging of rapeseed and make it challenging to achieve high yields. Leaves play a vital role in photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation in rapeseed, but the effects of different leaf types on yield and lodging resistance under high-density conditions remains unclear. In this study, we selected Zhongshuang 11 and implemented two planting densities (D3: 4.5×105 plants hm-2, D5: 7.5×105 plants hm-2) and four-leaf pruning treatments (CK: no leaf pruning, LP: pruning half of the long-petiole leaves, SP: pruning half of the short-petiole leaves, SL: pruning half of the sessile leaves). We aimed to investigate the effects of these three leaf types on the yield and lodging resistance of directly-sown rapeseed under high density, providing a theoretical basis for managing the source-sink relationship, high-density rapeseed cultivation, and the lodging challenge. The results showed that, at the same density, the proportions of short-petiole leaf > long-petiole leaf > sessile leaf. When the density increased from D3 to D5, about 2 short-petiole leaves were reduced, resulted in a decrease in proportion from 50.6% to 46.7%. Leaf pruning at both densities lead to a reduction in siliques per plant, consequently decreasing the yield per plant and actual yield. Among the pruning treatments, SP had the greatest impact on yield. As density increased, the effect of SP on yield per plant increased from 19.61% to 37.67%, and the effect on actual yield increased from 13.65% to 22.03%. The lodging index increased under different leaf pruning treatments, with SP treatment significantly increasing the lodging index in both the upper and lower parts of the plant, indicating weaker lodging resistance. In addition, the root surface area and volume per plant decreased with increasing density, particularly under LP and SP treatments. Correlation analysis revealed that, under D3 density, pruning short-petiole leaves reduced the number of siliques per plant. Under D5 density, pruning short-petiole leaves and long-petiole leaves resulted in reduced siliques per plant and seed per silique, significantly decreasing both yield and lodging resistance. Pruning long-petiole leaves led to a significant decrease in root surface area and volume, which was unfavorable for yield formation.

Key words: high density, long-petiole leaf, short-petiole leaf, root system, yield, lodging resistance





Long-petiole leaf
Short-petiole leaf
Total number of leaves
Number of pruned leaves
2021-2022 D3 CK 7.9 14.8 7.2 29.1
LP 3.3 14.8 6.7 25.1 4.0
SP 8.0 8.0 7.1 21.5 7.6
SL 7.8 14.7 3.6 26.0 3.0
D5 CK 8.1 12.6 6.7 28.8
LP 4.1 12.6 6.9 23.5 4.0
SP 8.0 7.1 6.5 21.7 6.7
SL 7.9 12.5 3.6 26.3 3.2
2022-2023 D3 CK 9.1 16.4 6.2 31.7
LP 4.5 15.7 6.2 26.5 4.7
SP 8.4 10.0 5.8 24.2 9.1
SL 9.2 16.1 3.0 28.3 2.8
D5 CK 9.7 14.3 6.2 30.2
LP 4.8 14.2 6.2 25.1 5.1
SP 9.9 6.9 6.4 23.2 7.8
SL 9.6 14.3 3.6 27.6 2.7


不同剪叶处理对油菜产量及产量构成因素的影响 缩写及处理同表1。图上不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著; *和**分别表示在0.05和0.01概率水平差异显著, NS表示差异不显著。"



密度Density 处理Treatment 成株率
Siliques per plant
Seeds per silique
Yield per plant
Group silique number
2021-2022 D3 LP -3.91 -10.60 -0.53 -11.50 -0.46 -14.11
SP -6.25 -14.86 -4.71 -20.68 -11.21 -18.18
SL -2.08 -10.23 -4.77 -15.69 -11.00 -11.09
D5 LP 11.76 -16.97 -6.29 -21.73 -15.02 -9.22
SP 9.84 -18.78 -15.63 -28.95 -16.11 -12.73
SL -1.01 -12.92 1.21 -9.70 -12.16 -15.62
2022-2023 D3 LP -1.04 -9.29 -0.85 -15.37 -15.08 -10.20
SP -1.57 -18.09 -3.78 -18.53 -16.08 -19.34
SL -0.69 -12.64 -6.78 -15.55 -13.54 -13.22
D5 LP 11.09 -16.43 -15.42 -29.28 -16.06 -7.17
SP 8.99 -23.52 -31.00 -46.38 -27.95 -16.64
SL 2.59 -13.94 -3.85 -12.55 -4.57 -11.68


不同剪叶处理对油菜群体产量及相关指标的影响 缩写及处理同表1。图上不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著; *和**分别表示在0.05和0.01概率水平差异显著, NS表示差异不显著。"


不同剪叶处理对油菜抗折力和倒伏指数的影响 缩写及处理同表1。图上不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著; *和**分别表示在0.05和0.01概率水平差异显著, NS表示差异不显著。"



上部倒伏指数Upper lodging index 下部倒伏指数Lower lodging index
2021-2022 2022-2023 2021-2022 2022-2023
D3 LP 4.49 3.12 21.63 4.38
SP 31.66 11.90 31.43 7.57
SL 15.04 2.27 13.88 3.98
D5 LP 15.00 6.62 18.00 3.96
SP 22.63 24.50 27.60 12.78
SL 16.84 9.60 7.20 7.49


不同剪叶处理对油菜根系形态的影响 缩写及处理同表1。BP、SS、BS、FS分别表示处理前、苗期、蕾薹期、花期; a~d为苗期D3和D5密度下, 对照与剪长柄叶(LP)处理, e~h为蕾薹期D3和D5密度下, 对照与剪长柄叶(LP)处理, i~l为花期D3和D5密度下, 对照与剪长柄叶(LP)处理。"


不同剪叶处理对油菜单株产量及相关指标间的相关性 缩写及处理同表1。*、**和***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001概率水平相关性显著。"

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