
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (12): 3069-3082.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.42012

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


王成(), 马杨明(), 王春雨, 李志欣, 罗健升, 彭政岚, 刘儒宏基, 黄兴海, 曹云, 彭政菠, 马均()   

  1. 四川农业大学水稻研究所 / 农业农村部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 四川温江 611130
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-29 接受日期:2024-08-15 出版日期:2024-12-12 网络出版日期:2024-09-03
  • 通讯作者: *马均, E-mail: majunp2002@163.com
  • 作者简介:王成, E-mail: 15608025707@163.com;
    马杨明, E-mail: 18581562114@163.com**同等贡献
  • 基金资助:

Effects of cropping practices and nitrogen application on nutrient uptake characteristics and root vigor of hybrid indica rice

WANG Cheng(), MA Yang-Ming(), WANG Chun-Yu, LI Zhi-Xin, LUO Jian-Sheng, PENG Zheng-Lan, LIU Ru-Hong-Ji, HUANG Xing-Hai, CAO Yun, PENG Zheng-Bo, MA Jun()   

  1. Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University / Southwest Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Tillage, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wenjiang 611130, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2024-02-29 Accepted:2024-08-15 Published:2024-12-12 Published online:2024-09-03
  • Contact: *E-mail: majunp2002@163.com
  • About author:**Contributed equally to this work
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Key Development Program(2016YFDO300506);National Key Technologies R & D Program of China(2013BAD07B13);Key Projects of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education(16ZA0044);and the Sichuan Academic and Technical Leaders Training Support Funding.


为探明不同种植方式与施氮量对杂交籼稻养分吸收特性、产量及根系活力的影响, 以杂交籼稻F优498为试验材料, 采用二因素裂区设计, 主区为3种种植方式(毯苗机插、湿润精量穴直播和人工移栽), 副区为4个施氮量(0 kg hm-2、90 kg hm-2、135 kg hm-2和180 kg hm-2), 探究F优498在不同处理下对养分积累、根系活力、产量及其构成因子的影响。结果表明,水稻抽穗期及成熟期的氮积累量均为人工移栽>机插>直播, 拔节期磷积累总量和抽穗期钾积累总量均为人工移栽最大, 拔节前直播稻的氮、磷和钾积累速率最高, 分别比机插和人工移栽高40.68%~63.64%和19.42%~71.43%, 不同种植方式下均在拔节至抽穗期养分积累速率达到最大; 人工移栽和机插方式下水稻产量差异不显著, 直播与人工移栽相比, 减产8.09%~15.00%, 人工移栽的水稻千粒重、穗粒数和结实率均高于机插和直播, 但有效穗数显著降低, 分别比机插和直播低15.99%~41.77%和23.19%~29.60%, 施氮后产量的显著提高是由于提高了单位面积有效穗数和每穗粒数; 各种植方式的地上部和根系干物重分别在成熟期和抽穗期达到最大, 就不同施氮量而言, 施氮处理的群体根系干物重显著高于不施氮处理; 水稻抽穗后单茎和群体伤流强度降低, 机插的单茎及群体根系活力显著高于人工移栽和直播。机插稻施氮量在中低氮水平(90~135 kg hm-2)较适宜, 直播稻和人工移栽稻施氮量在中高氮水平(135~180 kg hm-2)较适宜。

关键词: 水稻, 施氮量, 种植方式, 养分吸收特性, 根系


To explore the effects of different planting methods and nitrogen application rates on nutrient absorption characteristics, root activity, and yield of hybrid indica rice, F You 498 was used as the experimental material in a two-factor split-plot design. The main plot consisted of carpet seedling machine transplanting, wet precision hole direct seeding, and manual transplanting, while the sub-plot included four nitrogen application rates (0 kg hm-2, 90 kg hm-2, 135 kg hm-2, and 180 kg hm-2). The effects on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium accumulation, root activity, yield, and yield components of hybrid indica rice under different treatments were studied. The results showed that the total nitrogen accumulation at the heading and maturity stages was highest in manually transplanted rice, followed by mechanical transplanting, and then direct seeding. The total phosphorus accumulation at the jointing stage and potassium accumulation at the heading stage were also highest in manually transplanted rice. The nutrient accumulation rate of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium before jointing was highest in direct-seeded rice, being 40.68%-63.64% and 19.42%-71.43% higher than in mechanical and manual transplanting, respectively. The nutrient accumulation rate peaked from jointing to heading stage under different planting methods. There was no significant difference in rice yield between manual and mechanical transplanting. However, compared to manual transplanting, direct seeding reduced rice yield by 8.09%-15.00%. The 1000-grain weight, grain number per panicle, and seed setting rate of manually transplanted rice were higher than those of mechanical transplanting and direct seeding, but the effective panicle number was significantly reduced, being 15.99%-41.77% and 23.19%-29.60% lower than those of mechanical transplanting and direct seeding, respectively. The dry matter accumulation of shoots and roots reached its maximum at the maturity and heading stages, respectively. Under manual transplanting conditions, the dry weight of shoots and roots at maturity was greater than that of mechanical transplanting and direct seeding. As the growth process advanced, the bleeding intensity of single stems and populations after heading gradually decreased, and the root activity of single stems and populations in mechanical transplanting was significantly higher than in manual transplanting and direct seeding. The optimal nitrogen application rate for machine-transplanted rice was in the middle to low range (90-135 kg hm-2), while for direct-seeded and manually transplanted rice, it was in the middle to high range (135-180 kg hm-2).

Key words: rice, nitrogen application, cropping practices, nutrient uptake characteristics, root system





Total N
(g kg-1)
Alkali hydrolysable N
(mg kg-1)
Olsen P
(mg kg-1)
Exchangeable K
(mg kg-1)
Organic matter
(g kg-1)
pH 容重
Bulk density
(g cm-3)
2016 1.07 118.42 14.10 49.70 25.07 6.61 1.71
2017 1.19 88.96 12.26 59.91 20.13 6.45 1.88



Transplanting methods
Sowing date (month/day)
Transplanting date (month/day)
生育时期 Growth stage
拔节期Jointing (month/day) 抽穗期Heading
2016 T1 04/15 05/21 06/28 08/01 09/12
T2 05/23 07/14 08/17 09/25
T3 04/15 05/23 06/28 08/01 09/12
2017 T1 04/05 05/08 06/19 07/26 09/07
T2 05/08 06/30 08/04 09/18
T3 04/05 05/08 06/19 07/22 08/30



水稻产量及其构成因子 Rice yield and its components
Effective panicles (×104 hm-2)
Spikeletes per
Seed-setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
(t hm-2)
T1 N0 177.32 b 194.48 c 92.83 a 31.39 a 10.46 c
N1 184.96 b 233.82 a 88.56 b 29.57 b 11.21 b
N2 205.79 a 212.74 b 84.82 c 30.04 b 11.70 a
N3 209.95 a 217.61 b 87.67 b 29.89 b 12.13 a
平均值Mean 194.50 214.66 88.47 30.22 11.38
T2 N0 190.56 b 172.58 d 82.51 a 31.38 a 9.39 b
N1 203.21 ab 224.09 c 72.51 b 30.20 b 10.06 a
N2 210.19 a 233.03 b 65.98 c 30.78 ab 10.12 a
N3 216.56 a 244.95 a 73.94 b 29.70 c 10.44 a
平均值Mean 206.57 218.66 73.73 30.52 10.00
T3 N0 150.60 b 235.31 c 95.51 a 31.73 a 10.48 b
N1 163.31 ab 277.82 a 87.99 b 29.94 c 11.47 a
N2 172.32 a 260.61 b 91.64 ab 30.05 bc 11.95 a
N3 184.55 a 262.00 b 91.75 a 30.67 b 12.10 a
平均值Mean 167.69 258.93 91.72 30.60 11.50
T 22.11** 59.93** 96.08** 0.32 20.83**
N 9.70** 110.25** 21.41** 19.52** 23.48**
T×N 0.21 15.14** 3.81* 1.79 0.74
T1 N0 196.76 c 189.20 b 84.50 a 29.89 a 10.57 c
N1 215.97 b 205.30 a 79.62 b 29.14 b 11.14 b
N2 234.03 a 190.38 b 79.28 b 29.06 b 11.90 a
N3 241.67 a 188.33 b 76.02 c 28.83 b 12.03 a
平均值Mean 222.11 193.30 79.86 29.23 11.41
T2 N0 168.35 d 190.43 a 80.39 a 30.54 a 9.60 c
N1 202.84 c 183.67 ab 78.91 a 30.01 ab 10.18 b
N2 213.86 b 180.55 ab 78.42 a 29.68 b 10.60 b
N3 227.12 a 171.55 b 73.62 b 29.36 b 11.13 a
平均值Mean 203.04 181.55 77.84 29.90 10.38
T3 N0 135.29 c 235.35 b 92.82 a 30.77 a 9.23 c
N1 151.41 b 254.01 a 91.58 a 30.67 ab 11.35 b
N2 165.70 a 230.64 b 86.15 b 30.60 ab 11.94 a
N3 174.27 a 233.65 b 85.20 b 30.01 b 12.36 a
平均值Mean 156.67 238.41 88.94 30.51 11.22
T 158.89** 63.13** 77.67** 14.43* 6.71
N 123.00** 4.67* 15.79** 1.75 76.03**
T×N 2.25 1.21 1.04 3.05* 6.92**



群体地上部干重Population shoot dry matter 群体根系干重Population root dry matter
拔节期Jointing 抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity 拔节期Jointing 抽穗期Heading 成熟期Maturity
T1 N0 2150 c 9110 c 15,520 b 773 b 954 b 755 c
N1 2470 b 10,120 b 17,220 a 918 a 1156 a 960 a
N2 2590 b 10,800 a 17,720 a 941 a 1025 ab 926 ab
N3 3080 a 11,100 a 17,590 a 881 a 1094 a 905 b
平均值Mean 2572 10,283 17,012 878 1057 886
T2 N0 2270 c 10,020 b 16,170 b 736 b 1121 b 787 c
N1 2430 bc 10,700 a 17,170 ab 923 a 1341 a 1017 a
N2 2770 ab 10,900 a 17,530 ab 873 a 1324 a 951 ab
N3 3050 a 11,030 a 18,090 a 854 a 1263 a 946 b
平均值Mean 2630 10,660 17,240 846 1262 925
T3 N0 1610 b 9060 b 15,690 b 559 b 982 a 832 c
N1 1940 ab 9300 ab 17,190 a 874 a 1091 a 940 b
N2 2070 a 9530 ab 17,910 a 837 a 1028 a 1093 a
N3 2260 a 9930 a 18,770 a 829 a 1006 a 1006 b
平均值Mean 1970 9460 17,390 775 1027 968
T 8.45* 22.17** 0.28 13.77 25.39* 94.43*
N 30.66** 11.04** 8.90** 30.18** 3.61 56.99**
T×N 0.73 1.11 0.34 2.10 0.43 5.45*
T1 N0 2030 c 10,230 d 15,430 d 354 c 726 b 502 b
N1 2160 c 11,300 c 16,810 c 428 b 833 a 594 a
N2 2600 b 11,760 b 17,859 b 564 a 811 a 642 a
N3 3120 a 12,130 a 18,450 a 558 a 808 a 614 a
平均值Mean 2480 11,350 17,140 476 794 588
T2 N0 1970 c 8120 d 14,250 d 498 b 684 b 517 b
N1 2250 b 9130 c 16,290 c 530 b 792 a 612 a
N2 2650 a 9730 b 16,900 b 666 a 811 a 625 a
N3 2860 a 10,560 a 17,550 a 688 a 856 a 622 a
平均值Mean 2430 9380 16,250 596 786 594
T3 N0 2380 c 8310 c 13,830 d 571 b 844 b 556 b
N1 2680 b 10,860 b 17,090 c 610 ab 945 a 596 ab
N2 3050 a 11,100 ab 17,990 b 619 ab 955 a 641 a
N3 3080 a 11,250 a 18,730 a 648 a 939 a 674 a
平均值Mean 2800 10,380 16,910 612 921 617
T 19.06** 119.19** 129.09** 189.80** 134.66** 9.21
N 70.26** 428.99** 196.54** 32.69** 13.43** 8.44**
T×N 2.39 21.06** 5.98** 3.54* 0.79 0.38



氮素积累量N accumulation 磷素积累量P accumulation 钾素积累量K accumulation
T1 N0 36.86 d 78.47 d 113.38 d 7.12 c 20.66 d 32.09 b 59.94 d 147.98 d 164.08 c
N1 47.15 c 115.61 c 151.81 c 9.46 b 26.91 c 34.26 b 66.83 c 168.13 c 174.79 b
N2 52.08 b 152.49 b 173.38 b 11.06 a 32.1 b 39.61 a 74.44 b 185.08 b 201.29 a
N3 58.14 a 174.34 a 192.79 a 11.84 a 36.97 a 43.04 a 83.89 a 190.93 a 211.96 a
平均值Mean 48.56 130.23 157.84 9.87 26.60 37.25 71.28 173.03 188.03
T2 N0 37.72 c 90.00 d 108.52 c 5.58 c 19.09 b 33.86 b 60.73 c 143.90 d 150.51 c
N1 43.66 b 122.95 c 159.87 b 10.18 b 27.63 a 39.52 a 66.65 b 163.80 c 178.3 b
N2 48.46 a 136.67 b 168.11 b 13.21 a 28.15 a 39.69 a 75.33 a 171.45 b 193.94 a
N3 51.52 a 147.67 a 183.02 a 13.89 a 30.22 a 39.69 a 79.12 a 184.76 a 200.01 a
平均值Mean 45.34 124.32 154.88 10.71 26.27 38.19 70.46 165.98 180.69
T3 N0 38.74 c 92.14 d 123.71 d 7.02 d 20.93 c 33.88 c 60.07 b 143.57 d 166.92 c
N1 42.64 c 118.58 c 156.65 c 12.03 c 24.55 b 36.52 bc 65.24 b 173.51 c 185.14 b
N2 49.67 b 155.89 b 173.43 b 15.01 b 29.42 a 40.49 ab 74.45 a 183.54 b 207.93 a
N3 54.97 a 166.56 a 193.03 a 17.00 a 31.49 a 44.24 a 81.58 a 188.12 a 211.21 a
平均值Mean 46.51 133.29 161.71 12.76 29.16 38.78 70.34 172.18 192.8
T 5.10 13.65** 1.68 18.93** 7.50* 6.00 0.11 2.54 2.97
N 61.66** 405.74** 143.3** 88.16** 56.85** 21.44** 43.73** 713.78** 82.18**
T×N 1.29 11.07** 1.13 3.64* 2.24 2.00 0.32 8.14** 0.98
T1 N0 32.37 d 96.61 d 136.61 d 9.97c 35.22 c 40.88 c 60.33 d 156.98 d 196.69 d
N1 36.05 c 120.63 c 169.91 c 10.28 c 41.65 b 44.94 b 72.02 c 190.62 c 224.66 c
N2 52.42 b 139.82 b 181.82 b 12.60 b 45.80 a 50.02 a 82.11 b 196.95 b 239.69 b
N3 62.73 a 151.63 a 195.75 a 14.86 a 46.74 a 53.25 a 92.78 a 213.04 a 259.52 a
平均值Mean 45.89 127.17 171.02 11.93 42.35 47.27 76.81 189.40 230.14
T2 N0 30.63 c 74.78 d 122.84 d 8.80 c 33.49 c 43.22 b 60.315 c 159.50 c 196.61 c
N1 35.37 b 112.83 c 155.82 c 10.52 b 37.34 b 50.46 a 70.705 b 188.22 b 220.11 b
N2 41.13 a 126.79 b 170.46 b 11.79 ab 39.74 b 51.00 a 76.39 ab 200.54 a 229.72 a
N3 39.88 ab 147.18 a 183.33 a 12.37 a 44.57 a 53.43 a 81.01 a 209.37 a 239.86 a
平均值Mean 36.75 115.40 158.11 10.87 38.78 49.52 72.105 189.41 221.57
T3 N0 35.31 c 102.94 d 136.74 c 10.86 b 33.27 c 37.95 c 68.84 c 162.2 d 204.72 d
N1 37.45 bc 125.23 c 174.58 b 11.04 b 42.41 b 45.01 b 80.20 b 184.1 c 219.20 c
N2 43.08 b 139.64 b 182.5 b 13.35 a 44.02 b 49.40 ab 87.39 ab 199.23 b 235.86 b
N3 49.76 a 152.14 a 195.27 a 13.74 a 48.07 a 54.40 a 92.93 a 210.48 a 251.31 a
平均值Mean 41.40 129.99 172.27 12.25 41.94 46.69 82.34 189.00 227.77
T 17.79 6.40 40.63* 2.23 15.28 0.59 5.85 0.01 39.23**
N 57.70** 193.42** 183.80** 25.35** 75.38** 22.66** 34.26** 114.48** 107.04**
T×N 8.49* 2.75 0.27 1.21 1.85 0.74 0.71 0.64 1.90



氮素积累速率 N accumulation rate 磷素积累速率 P accumulation rate 钾素积累速率 K accumulation rate
Before Jointing
Before Jointing
Before Jointing
T1 N0 0.50 d 1.22 d 0.83 a 0.10 c 0.40 d 0.27 a 0.81 d 2.61 c 0.38 a
N1 0.64 c 2.01 c 0.86 a 0.13 b 0.51 c 0.18 ab 0.90 c 2.96 b 0.16 b
N2 0.70 b 2.95 b 0.50 b 0.15 a 0.62 b 0.18 ab 1.01 b 3.31 a 0.39 a
N3 0.79 a 3.42 a 0.44 b 0.16 a 0.74 a 0.14 b 1.13 a 3.12 ab 0.50 a
平均值Mean 0.66 2.40 0.66 0.13 0.57 0.19 0.96 2.99 0.36
T2 N0 0.90 c 1.54 c 0.47 b 0.11 c 0.40 b 0.38 a 1.17 c 2.41 b 0.17 bd
N1 1.04 b 2.33 b 0.95 a 0.20 b 0.51 a 0.31 ab 1.28 b 2.85 a 0.37 abc
N2 1.15 a 2.60 a 0.81 a 0.25 a 0.44 ab 0.30 ab 1.45 a 2.80 a 0.58 a
N3 1.23 a 2.83 a 0.91 a 0.27 a 0.48 ab 0.24 b 1.52 a 3.03 a 0.39 ab
平均值Mean 1.08 2.32 0.78 0.21 0.46 0.31 1.35 2.77 0.38
T3 N0 0.52 b 1.57 c 0.75 a 0.09 d 0.41 a 0.31 a 0.81 b 2.51 b 0.56 a
N1 0.58 b 2.23 b 0.91 a 0.16 c 0.37 a 0.29 a 0.88 b 3.08 a 0.28 b
N2 0.67 a 3.12 a 0.42 b 0.20 b 0.42 a 0.26 a 1.01 a 3.13 a 0.58 a
N3 0.74 a 3.28 a 0.63 ab 0.23 a 0.43 a 0.30 a 1.10 a 3.10 a 0.55 a
平均值Mean 0.63 2.55 0.68 0.17 0.41 0.29 0.95 2.95 0.49
T 570.40** 4.22 0.66 35.17** 18.15** 14.89* 98.49** 173.17** 0.39
N 48.80** 212.28** 3.83* 104.50** 6.51** 2.66 49.57** 22.79 3.50
T×N 0.90 7.01** 2.52 6.57** 3.83* 0.56 0.40 1.18 1.47
T1 N0 0.44 c 1.78 b 0.93 a 0.14 b 0.70 b 0.13 a 0.83 c 2.66 b 0.97 ab
N1 0.49 c 2.35 a 1.15 a 0.14 b 0.87 a 0.08 a 0.99 b 3.13 a 0.86 b
N2 0.72 b 2.43 a 0.98 a 0.17 a 0.92 a 0.10 a 1.12 a 3.06 a 1.04 a
N3 0.86 a 2.47 a 1.03 a 0.20 a 0.89 a 0.15 a 1.27 a 3.35 a 1.13 a
平均值Mean 0.63 2.26 1.02 0.16 0.85 0.11 1.05 3.05 1.00
T2 N0 0.71 c 1.26 c 1.07 a 0.20 c 0.71 c 0.22 a 1.40 c 2.76 c 0.83 a
N1 0.82 b 2.21 b 0.96 a 0.24 b 0.77 b 0.29 a 1.64 b 3.32 b 0.69 ab
N2 0.96 a 2.45 b 0.97 a 0.27 ab 0.80 b 0.25 a 1.77 ab 3.68 ab 0.69 ab
N3 0.93 a 3.07 a 0.80 a 0.29 a 0.92 a 0.20 a 1.88 a 3.83 a 0.58 b
平均值Mean 0.85 2.25 0.95 0.25 0.80 0.24 1.68 3.40 0.70
T3 N0 0.48 c 2.05 c 0.89 b 0.15 b 0.68 c 0.12 a 0.94 b 2.79 b 1.18 a
N1 0.51 bc 2.66 b 1.30 a 0.15 ab 0.95 b 0.07 a 1.10 a 3.21 a 0.83 b
N2 0.59 ab 2.93 ab 1.13 ab 0.18 a 0.93 b 0.14 a 1.20 a 3.40 a 1.03 ab
N3 0.68 a 3.10 a 1.14 ab 0.19 a 1.04 a 0.17 a 1.27 a 3.58 a 0.98 ab
均值Mean 0.57 2.68 1.11 0.17 0.90 0.12 1.13 3.24 1.01
T 66.39* 4.60 3.22 56.90* 54.32* 0.27 80.35* 8.53 104.65**
N 36.47** 70.43** 1.18 16.60** 55.15** 0.87 27.56** 15.86* 2.20
T×N 3.50* 5.24* 1.11 0.95 5.42* 0.34 0.40 0.61 1.31


不同种植方式下氮素水平对抽穗后水稻单茎根系伤流强度的影响 处理同表3。"


不同种植方式下氮素水平对抽穗后水稻群体根系伤流强度的影响 处理同表3。"



Root system traits
Effective panicles
Spikeletes per panicle
Seed-setting rate
抽穗后0 d
0 day after heading
SBI 0.58* -0.04 -0.34 0.90**
GBI 0.91** -0.49 -0.70** 0.64*
抽穗后7 d
7 days after heading
SBI 0.45 0.13 -0.23 0.92**
GBI 0.88** -0.43 -0.67* 0.70**
抽穗后14 d
14 days after heading
SBI 0.26 0.28 -0.07 0.94**
GBI 0.82** -0.34 -0.60* 0.79**
抽穗后21 d
21 days after heading
SBI 0.14 0.39 0.07 0.84**
GBI 0.73** -0.22 -0.49 0.79**
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