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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (04): 612-619.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.00612


Arabidopsis bZIP1 Transcription Factor Binding to the ABRE Cis-Element Regulates Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction

SUN Xiao-Li,Li Yong,CAI Hua,BAI Xi,JI Wei,JI Zuo-Jun,ZHU Yan-Ming*   

  1. Plant Bioengineering Laboratory, College of Life Science, Northeast Agriculture University, Haerbin 150030, China
  • Received:2010-06-25 Revised:2011-01-06 Online:2011-04-12 Published:2011-02-24
  • Contact: 朱延明, E-mail: ymzhu2001@neau.edu.cn

Abstract: Abscisic acid (ABA) is a phytohormone and mediates the response and adaptation of higher plants to various environmental stresses during vegetative growth. The basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors are also important regulators of plant development and abiotic resistance, acting through either ABA-dependent or ABA-independent mechanisms. In this study, we investigated and characterized the involvement of the AtbZIP1 gene in plant responsiveness to ABA. As confirmed by PCR and RT-PCR, AtbZIP1 has been silenced in mutant Arabidopsis ko-1 (SALK_059343) and ko-2 (SALK_069489C). The AtbZIP1 knockout plants demonstrated reduced sensitivity to ABA both at the seed germination stage and the seedling stage, with improvements in rates of germination, leaf opening/greening and primary root length. In order to investigate whether the regulation of AtbZIP1-mediated ABA responsiveness depended on the ABA-responsive elements (ABRE), we expressed the AtbZIP1 HIS6 fusion protein in E. coli andfound that the AtbZIP1 HIS6 specifically bound to the ABRE cis-elements. Semi-quantitive RT PCR showed that AtbZIP1 disruption altered expressions of some ABA responsive genes such as NCED3, RD22, KIN1, and RD29A. Our results indicated that AtbZIP1 regulates abscisic acid signal transduction by binding to the ABREs and altered the expressions of the ABA responsive genes.

Key words: AtbZIP1, Transcription factor, ABA signal transduction, ABRE, ABA responsive genes

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