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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 1681-1693.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01681


Effects of Mechanical Planting Methods on Yield and Quality of Japonica Rice with Good Taste and Different Growth Durations in Huaibei Region

Chao HAN,Fang-Fu XU,Jin-Long BIAN,Dong XU,Shi QIU,Chen ZHAO,Ying ZHU,Guo-Dong LIU,Hong-Cheng ZHANG(),Hai-Yan WEI()   

  1. Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2018-03-31 Accepted:2018-08-20 Online:2018-11-12 Published:2018-09-03
  • Contact: Hong-Cheng ZHANG,Hai-Yan WEI E-mail:hczhang@yzu.edu.cn;_haiyan@163.com
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the Grants from the National Key Research Program(2016YFD0300503);the Key Research Program of Jiangsu Province(BE2016344);the National Rice Industry Technology System(CARS-01-27);the Program for Scientific Elitists of Yangzhou University;the Three New Agricultural Engineering Fund of Jiangsu Province(SXGC[2017]294)


An experiment in Huaibei Region was conducted using two types of rice with different growth durations including medium-maturing medium japonica rice (MMMJ) Nanjing 2728 and Nanjing 505 and late-maturing medium japonica rice (LMMJ) Nanjing 9108 and Nanjing 3818 with two treatments of mechanical transplanting with carpet seeding (MC) and mechanical direct seeding (MD) to measure yield, number of population stem and tiller, leaf area index (LAI), the amount and rate of dry matter accumulation, processing quality, appearance quality, cooking and eating quality, nutritional quality, and RVA profile characteristics. For the same cultivars, the yield under MC was significantly higher than those under MD. The rational population structure, suitable panicle numbers, high percentage of productive tiller, high LAI in the middle and later periods, and low decay rate of LAI resulted in the higher amount and rate of dry matter accumulation under MC. The brown rice rate, milled rice rate and head milled rice rate under MC were 2.3%-3.1%, 1.2%-2.7%, and 1.8%-3.2% higher than those under MD, but the chalkiness under MC was enhanced, meanwhile, cooking, eating, and nutritional quality, and protein content were higher, amylose content was lower, gel consistency was longer, peak viscosity, trough viscosity and breakdown value were higher, setback was lower, final viscosity under MC was higher than under MD except Nanjing 2728. For the same planting methods, the yield of MMMJ was significantly higher than that of LMMJ, Because the time of heading and maturity in MMMJ was earlier than that in LMMJ. And the mean daily temperature, and mean daily temperature over 30 days after heading of MMMJ were increased by 1.07°C and 1.18°C respectively. Therefore, MMMJ in LAI at each growth stage was higher, decay rate of LAI was lower, the amount and rate of dry matter accumulation during the period from heading to maturity were higher. Compared with LMMJ, MMMJ in milled rice rate and head milled rice rate were significantly higher, the chalkiness was increased a little bit, protein content was higher, amylose content was decreased by 1.5%-5.1%, gel consistency was increased by 7.0-16.7 mm, peak viscosity and breakdown value were higher, final viscosity and setback were lower. Therefore, choosing MMMJ with good taste quality combined with MC is a best production pattern to realize high quality, high yield and high use efficiency of temperature-light resources in Huaibei Region.

Key words: Huaibei region, mode of mechanized planting, good taste quality rice, yield, rice quality

Table 1

Yield and its component of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Planting method
Panicle number
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelet number per panicle
Total spikelet number
(×104 hm-2)
rate (%)
Grain yield (t hm-2)
2016 2017
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插MC 350.44 Bb 128.8 Aa 45136.67 Aa 92.81 Aa 26.3 Aa 10.32 Aa 10.32 Aa
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播MD 392.24 Aa 112.3 Bb 44048.55 Bb 89.23 Aa 26.2 Aa 9.37 Bb 9.41 Bb
南粳505 毯苗机插MC 342.12 Bb 130.4 Aa 44612.49 Aa 90.45 Aa 27.4 Aa 10.52 Aa 10.66 Aa
Nanjing 505 机械直播MD 378.21 Aa 113.3 Bb 42851.20 Bb 86.13 Aa 27.2 Aa 9.53 Bb 9.61 Bb
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插MC 343.58 Bb 123.8 Aa 42535.20 Aa 91.56 Aa 24.5 Aa 9.42 Aa 9.51 Aa
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播MD 375.21 Aa 109.8 Bb 41198.06 Bb 87.99 Aa 24.3 Aa 9.05 Bb 9.12 Bb
南粳3818 毯苗机插MC 368.38 Bb 116.3 Aa 42842.59 Aa 88.88 Aa 26.2 Aa 9.72 Aa 9.87 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播MD 396.32 Aa 106.5 Bb 42208.08 Ab 86.75 Aa 26.1 Aa 9.22 Bb 9.32 Bb
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ns * * ns ns ** **
品种 Cultivar (C) ** ** ** ** ** ** **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** ** ns ns ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C * ** ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ** ** ** ns ns ** **
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** ** ns ns ** **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Table 2

Number of stem and tiller and percentage of productive tiller of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Planting method
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
Percentage of
productive tiller (%)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插MC 452.23 Bb 381.67 Bb 350.44 Bb 77.49 Aa
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播MD 538.34 Aa 423.51 Aa 392.24 Aa 72.86 Ab
南粳505 毯苗机插MC 448.37 Bb 353.88 Bb 342.12 Bb 76.30 Aa
Nanjing 505 机械直播MD 522.30 Aa 396.70 Aa 378.21 Aa 72.41 Ab
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插MC 483.55 Bb 372.26 Bb 343.58 Bb 71.05 Aa
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播MD 558.63 Aa 432.61 Aa 375.21 Aa 67.17 Ab
南粳3818 毯苗机插MC 496.25 Bb 395.61 Bb 368.38 Bb 74.23 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播MD 567.21 Aa 421.38 Aa 396.32 Aa 69.87 Ab
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ** ns ns ns
品种 Cultivar (C) * ** ** **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ** ** ** ns
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** ** ns
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ** ** **

Table 3

Leaf area index and decreasing rate of leaf area of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Planting method
Decreasing rate of leaf area (LAI d-1)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 4.16 Aa 7.86 Aa 3.51 Aa 0.0725 Ab
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 4.12 Aa 7.63 Bb 3.20 Ab 0.0761 Aa
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 4.11 Aa 7.83 Aa 3.46 Aa 0.0741 Ab
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 4.09 Aa 7.62 Bb 3.17 Ab 0.0767 Aa
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 3.92 Aa 7.68 Aa 3.28 Aa 0.0786 Ab
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 4.02 Aa 7.41 Bb 2.96 Bb 0.0822 Aa
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 4.03 Aa 7.75 Aa 3.33 Aa 0.0789 Bb
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 4.05 Aa 7.52 Bb 3.02 Bb 0.0846 Aa
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) * * * **
品种 Cultivar (C) * ** ns **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ns ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** * ns
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ns ns ns **
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ns ns **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ns ns **

Table 4

Dry matter accumulation and its rate of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods at the main growing stage"

Growth type
Planting method
(t hm-2)
Transplanting to jointing
Jointing to heading
Heading to maturity
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
(t hm-2)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 198.46 Aa 43.78 Bb 22.06 77.95 Aa 39.28 76.72 Aa 38.66
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 195.83 Bb 49.42 Aa 25.24 76.59 Bb 39.11 69.81 Bb 35.65
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 209.01 Aa 46.65 Bb 22.32 82.41 Aa 39.43 79.95 Aa 38.25
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 196.12 Bb 51.32 Aa 26.17 76.95 Bb 39.24 67.83 Bb 34.59
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 190.20 Aa 48.42 Bb 25.46 70.98 Aa 37.32 70.79 Aa 37.22
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 186.12 Bb 52.50 Aa 28.21 70.81 Ab 38.05 62.79 Bb 33.74
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 197.40 Aa 49.25 Bb 24.95 75.64 Aa 38.32 72.50 Aa 36.73
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 194.16 Bb 54.58 Aa 28.11 74.48 Bb 38.36 65.10 Bb 33.53
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ** ** ** ** ** ** **
品种 Cultivar (C) ** ** ** ** ** * *
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** ** ** ns ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** ** ** ** ** ns
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ** ** ** ** ns ** ns
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** ** ** ** ** ns
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Table 5

Difference in main growth stages and temperature-sunshine factors in grain-filling phase of japonica rice with good taste under mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Mean daily
Daily maximum
Daily minimum
抽穗后30 d
Mean daily temperature over 30 days after heading (°C)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 09/03 11/04 18.33 23.49 14.10 22.3
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 09/07 11/05 17.98 23.03 13.60 21.5
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 09/01 10/27 19.72 24.26 15.83 22.4
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 09/06 11/02 18.43 23.41 14.09 21.6
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 09/08 11/03 18.22 23.23 13.85 21.4
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 09/13 11/07 17.29 22.45 12.75 20.5
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 09/10 11/05 17.62 22.74 13.25 21.2
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 09/15 11/08 17.06 22.22 12.51 20.0

Table 6

Processing quality of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Planting method
BR (%)
MR (%)
HMR (%)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 84.53 Aa 76.28 Aa 73.76 Aa
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 82.11 Bb 74.05 Bb 71.68 Bb
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 85.13 Aa 76.44 Aa 73.86 Aa
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 82.83 Bb 73.75 Bb 70.62 Bb
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 84.66 Aa 75.83 Aa 72.39 Aa
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 82.07 Bb 73.31 Bb 70.23 Bb
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 85.13 Aa 72.55 Aa 69.82 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 82.03 Bb 71.39 Bb 68.01 Bb
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ns * **
品种Cultivar (C) ** ** **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ** ns **
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ** **

Table 7

Grain shape of head milled rice rate and appearance quality of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanized planting methods"

Growth type
Planting method
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
CGR (%)
CS (%)
CD (%)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 4.516 Bb 2.589 Aa 1.74 Ab 19.65 Aa 33.37 Aa 6.56 Aa
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 4.762 Aa 2.577 Aa 1.85 Aa 15.61 Bb 31.43 Bb 4.91 Bb
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 4.076 Bb 2.464 Aa 1.65 Bb 20.86 Aa 35.63 Aa 7.43 Aa
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 4.779 Aa 2.439 Aa 1.96 Aa 17.28 Bb 32.42 Bb 5.60 Bb
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 4.336 Bb 2.623 Aa 1.64 Ab 15.68 Aa 27.67 Aa 4.34 Aa
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 4.408 Aa 2.640 Aa 1.67 Aa 10.78 Bb 23.52 Bb 2.54 Bb
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 4.349 Bb 2.726 Aa 1.60 Bb 14.64 Aa 28.18 Aa 4.13 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 4.732 Aa 2.733 Aa 1.73 Aa 9.62 Bb 24.11 Bb 2.32 Bb
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ns ** ** ** ** **
品种 Cultivar (C) ** ** ** ** ** **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT× PM ns ns ns ** ** *
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C× PM ** ** ** ** ** *

Table 8

Cooking-eating quality and nutritional quality of japonica rice with good taste quality under different mechanical transplanted methods"

Growth type
Planting method
AC (%)
GC (mm)
PC (%)
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 9.45 Bb 98.1 Aa 9.85 Aa
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 10.66 Aa 96.9 Aa 9.62 Aa
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 9.82 Bb 95.2 Aa 9.43 Aa
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 10.82 Aa 93.7 Aa 9.21 Aa
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 11.31 Bb 88.2 Aa 9.31 Aa
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 12.55 Aa 82.6 Bb 9.25 Aa
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 14.33 Bb 85.7 Aa 8.13 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 15.71 Aa 80.2 Bb 8.09 Aa
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ** * **
品种 Cultivar (C) ** ** **
种植方式 Planting methods (PM) ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT× PM ns ns **
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C× PM ** ** **

Table 9

Effect of different mechanized planting methods on RVA profile of japonica rice with good taste quality"

Growth type
Planting method
Peak viscosity
Trough viscosity
Final viscosity
Break down
中熟中粳 南粳2728 毯苗机插 MC 2613 Aa 1275 Aa 1478 Bb 1338 Aa -1135 Bb
MMMJ Nanjing 2728 机械直播 MD 2451 Bb 1203 Bb 1764 Aa 1248 Bb -687 Aa
南粳505 毯苗机插 MC 2685 Aa 1056 Aa 1569 Aa 1629 Aa -1116 Bb
Nanjing 505 机械直播 MD 2337 Bb 879 Bb 1362 Bb 1458 Bb -975 Aa
迟熟中粳 南粳9108 毯苗机插 MC 2231 Aa 1086 Aa 1708 Aa 1145 Aa -523 Bb
LMMJ Nanjing 9108 机械直播 MD 1956 Bb 925 Bb 1575 Bb 1031 Bb -381 Aa
南粳3818 毯苗机插 MC 2363 Aa 1298 Aa 2487 Aa 1065 Aa 124 Aa
Nanjing 3818 机械直播 MD 2065 Bb 1155 Bb 2264 Bb 910 Bb 199 Ab
生育类型 Growth and development types (GDT) ** ns ** ** **
品种Cultivar (C) ** ** ** ** **
种植方式Planting methods (PM) ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×品种 GDT×C ** * ** ** **
生育类型×种植方式 GDT×PM ** ** ns ns ns
品种×种植方式 C×PM ** ** ** ** **
生育类型×品种×种植方式 GDT×C×PM ** ** ** ** **
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