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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2637-2642.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.44028

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Molecular pyramiding of insect and glyphosate-resistant genes and correlation analysis on economic traits of the pyramided lines in upland cotton

CHEN Xu-Sheng*(), ZHAO Liang, DI Jia-Chun   

  1. Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2024-02-20 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-10-12 Published:2024-06-25
  • Contact: *E-mail: njcxs@126.com
  • Supported by:
    National Mojar Project for Developing New GM Crops “High Yield and High Efficiency Transgenic Cotton Genetically Modified Organism in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River”(2016ZX08005001-008)


Breeding cotton with simultaneous resistance to cotton bollworm and glyphosate can enhance the ability of resistance to insects and herbicides, reduce pest control and herbicide costs, and improve comprehensive economic productivity in cotton production. In this study, a hybrid population was developed using self-bred high-yield and high-quality upland cotton, domestic transgenic Bt cotton lines, and GR79+GAT transgenic upland cotton lines as parental hybrids. Non-glyphosate-resistant cotton seedlings were eliminated by applying 0.2% glyphosate in the seedling beds, and cotton plants were screened for resistance to cotton bollworm under field conditions without pest control. Specific primers were used in the laboratory to track the insect-resistant and glyphosate-resistant genes, and individual plants carrying the Bt and GR79+GAT genes were propagated into plant lines. Nine lines exhibiting resistance to both insects and glyphosate were obtained through field screening. Subsequently, the economic traits of the selected lines were compared and analyzed. Among these lines, strain BG-6 demonstrated the combined presence of insect-resistant and glyphosate-resistant genes, as well as higher lint yield and fiber quality. The fiber length, specific strength, and micronaire value of BG-6 were 30.9 cm, 30.1 cN tex-1, and 4.9, respectively. Correlation analysis between yield traits and fiber quality traits revealed a negative correlation between lint percentage and uniformity index (r = -0.838**), but no significant correlation was observed between other yield traits and fiber quality traits. In conclusion, our study successfully selected resistant cotton seedlings through glyphosate spraying in the seedling beds, identified resistant cotton plants under field conditions without pest control, detected two resistance genes using PCR in the laboratory, and evaluated high-yield and high-quality traits in the field. By following this approach, we achieved the pyramiding of multiple traits, including insect resistance, glyphosate resistance, and high-yield and high-quality characteristics, in the segregated progeny of comprehensive hybrid combinations.

Key words: upland cotton, Bt gene, GR79+GAT gene, yield traits, fiber quality, correlation analysis

Fig. 1

PCR identification of Bt gene M: marker; Lane 1 to 24 were single plants from segregation populations."

Fig. 2

PCR detection of GAT gene M: marker; Lane 1 to 24 were single plants from segregation populations."

Table 1

Yield traits of insect- and glyphosate-resistant upland cotton lines"

Strain number
Plant height
Fruit branch
Boll number
Boll weight (g)
Seed cotton yield
(kg hm-2)
Lint yield
(kg hm-2)
BG-1 109.45 13.8 28.8 7.4 40.8 3275.0 1336.3
BG-2 96.70 12.2 29.0 6.8 44.6 3220.0 1436.8
BG-3 101.80 14.5 33.1 6.3 42.1 3135.0 1321.1
BG-4 104.70 13.9 28.9 7.1 41.4 2815.0 1165.0
BG-5 115.35 14.7 34.9 6.7 41.8 4015.0 1680.0
BG-6 109.10 14.7 31.6 6.8 42.4 3760.0 1593.7
BG-7 95.75 14.2 30.0 6.8 40.7 2585.0 1052.6
BG-8 95.95 14.9 29.4 6.9 41.5 2880.0 1195.0
BG-9 101.20 13.2 29.2 6.4 44.2 2340.0 1035.0
平均值Mean value 103.3±6.9 14.0±0.9 30.5±2.2 6.8±0.3 42.2±1.4 3113.9±535.0 1312.8±226.5
极小值Minimal value 95.80 12.2 28.8 6.3 40.7 2340.0 1035.0
极大值Maximum value 115.40 14.9 34.9 7.4 44.6 4015.0 1680.0
变异系数Coefficient of variation 6.67 6.14 7.08 4.99 3.29 17.18 17.25

Table 2

Fiber quality of insect- and glyphosate-resistant upland cotton lines"

Strain number
Fiber length
Uniformity index
Specific strength
(cN tex-1)
马克隆值Micronaire value 伸长率
Elongation rate
BG-1 29.7 85.5 29.4 4.9 6.6
BG-2 28.7 84.4 27.4 5.1 6.5
BG-3 30.1 85.0 28.2 5.0 6.6
BG-4 28.5 85.2 28.8 5.3 6.5
BG-5 29.5 85.0 28.3 5.1 6.5
BG-6 30.9 85.0 30.1 4.9 6.6
BG-7 29.3 85.0 29.2 4.9 6.5
BG-8 29.4 84.9 28.3 5.3 6.6
BG-9 29.0 84.7 28.1 5.4 6.6
平均值Mean value 29.5±0.7 84.9±0.3 28.6±0.8 5.1±0.2 6.6±0.1
极小值Minimal value 28.5 84.4 27.4 4.9 6.5
极大值Maximum value 30.9 85.5 30.1 5.4 6.6
变异系数Coefficient of variation 2.5 0.4 2.8 3.4 0.8

Table 3

Correlation between yield traits and fiber quality traits of upland cotton lines"

Plant height
Fruit branch
Boll number
Boll weight
Seed cotton yield
(kg hm-2)
Lint yield
(kg hm-2)
长度 Fiber length (mm) 0.374 0.614 0.499 -0.175 -0.233 0.536 0.492
整齐度 Uniformity index (%) 0.545 0.579 0.098 0.521 -0.838** 0.187 0.029
断裂比强度Specific strength 0.400 0.537 0.021 0.413 -0.609 0.235 0.126
马克隆值Micronaire value -0.275 -0.152 -0.222 -0.270 0.365 -0.516 -0.458
伸长率Elongation rate (%) 0.029 0.279 -0.070 -0.160 0.026 -0.080 -0.087
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