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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 526-533.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.43024

• TILLAGE & CULTIVATION · PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the haploid breeding performance of maize inbred lines

CHEN Chen1,FU Xiu-Yi1,CHEN Chuang-Yong1,WU Shan-Shan1,ZHANG Hua-Sheng1,ZHANG Chun-Yuan1,CHEN Shao-Jiang2,ZHAO Jiu-Ran1,WANG Yuan-Dong1,*   

  1. 1 Maize Research Institute, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China; 2 National Maize Improvement Center of China, College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Beijing 1001937, China
  • Received:2024-06-13 Revised:2024-09-18 Accepted:2024-09-18 Online:2025-02-12 Published:2024-10-10
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by BAAFS Youth Research Fund (QNJJ202430), BAAFS Science and Technology Innovation Capability Improvement Project (KJCX20230103, KJCX20230433), and the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (CARS-02-11).


Doubled haploid (DH) technology is widely applied in commercial maize breeding, and the efficiency of haploid breeding can be improved by evaluating the haploid breeding performance of common germplasm. In this study, 17 genotypes were used to assess haploid breeding performance through haploid induction, identification, and chromosomal doubling. The results showed that the Reid germplasm exhibited a significant advantage in haploid induction and identification, with the mean haploid induction rate (HIR) ranging from 12.23% to 15.31% and the accuracy of haploid selection ranging from 95.27% to 96.37%. Substantial differences were observed among the inbred lines in terms of HIR and the number of haploids per ear (HPE), with HIR ranging from 9.68% to 17.51% and HPE ranging from 8.44 to 23.66. Zheng58 and B73 showed significant advantages in haploid chromosome doubling, with DH productivity in Zheng58 reaching 74.36% and B73 achieving the highest average seed set per haploid at 53.80. Cluster analysis revealed that Zheng58, Jing1110, Jing724, and JG296 were more suitable for haploid breeding, whereas Mo17, 4F1, and Qi319 were less efficient. These findings will aid in the planning of haploid breeding programs and provide a foundation for enhancing the efficiency of DH technology.

Key words: haploid, induction, identification, chromosomal doubling, maize 

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