Welcome to Acta Agronomica Sinica,March 15, 2025

Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1388-1397.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94196


A method of defoliant application based on fiber damage and boll growth period of machine-harvested cotton

TIAN Jing-Shan(), ZHANG Xu-Yi, WANG Wen-Min, YANG Yan-Long, SUI Long-Long, ZHANG Peng-Peng, ZHANG Ya-Li, ZHANG Wang-Feng*(), GOU Ling*()   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shihezi University / Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-Agriculture, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2019-12-13 Accepted:2020-04-15 Online:2020-09-12 Published:2020-05-14
  • Contact: Wang-Feng ZHANG,Ling GOU E-mail:tjshan1983@sina.com;zhwf_agr@shzu.edu.cn;glxj8162@sina.com.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31560366);Program of Introducing International Super Agricultural Science and Technology(2016-X25);Xinjiang Postgraduate Education Reform and Innovation Program(XJGRI2016030)


Defoliation technology is an essential prerequisite for machine-harvested cotton, and to apply defoliant to achieve better defoliation and improve fiber quality is an important method. The objective of this study was to analyze the quantitative relationship between fiber damage amount and boll growth period by defoliant. The results showed that defoliant had not significantly an effect on fiber length, which showed that all reduced by from 0.2% to 1.2% compared with the control, 46%-69% cotton varieties decreased or equal, whereas 31%-54% cotton varieties increased in fiber length compared with control. Fiber strength was affected significantly by defoliation, and the amplitude of fiber damage was concentrated between -4 cN tex-1 and 0 cN tex-1. The amount of fiber damage by defoliant was correlated to the spraying time in cotton boll growth, and the high damage at 30 days, whereas the lowest damage at 37 days. More than 61% cotton varieties showed an increased by average 1.1 cN tex-1 on fiber strength compared with the control. Fiber strength damage because of defoliant increased with the increasing boll growth period. It was an indicator for determining the time of spraying defoliation based on the boll growth period and fiber damage (Rd/b) on fiber strength. Furthermore, cotton boll growth period and boll volume. Fiber strength and boll volume, boll volume and boll growth period, both showed significant positive correlation. If fiber strength of more than 31 cN tex-1was produced in field, a cotton cultivar should be selected with boll volume of more than 31.8 cm3, boll growth period of more than 60.0 d and Rd/b more than 0.68. Defoliant used after 40.9 post-anthesis days could ensure fiber strength of less than 0.5 cN tex-1.

Key words: machine-harvested cotton, fiber quality, defoliation, boll growth period, fiber damage

Table 1

Cotton cultivars, sowing dates, tagged dates and defoliation times in the defoliation experiment"

Experiment plot
No. of ‘Xinluzao’ cotton
Sowing dates
Tagged dates
Defoliation times (d)
2016 石河子大学农学试验站
Shihezi University Experiment Station
1, 6, 7, 13, 33, 45 4/21 7/20 30, 37
46, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64 4/21 7/20 37, 44
Wulanwusu Agrometeorological Experiment Station
33 4/15 7/15 30, 37, 44
33 4/15 7/22 30, 37
59 4/8, 4/15, 4/22 7/15, 7/15, 7/22 30, 37, 44
2017 石河子大学农学试验站
Shihezi University Experiment Station
45, 46, 47, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 4/22 7/12 30, 37
33, 59 4/22 7/12 30, 37, 44

Table 2

Cotton cultivars, sowing dates, tagged dates and sampling dates in the variety experiment"

No. of ‘Xinluzao’ cotton cultivars
Sowing dates
Tagged dates
Sampling dates
2014 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 24, 36, 45, 52, 53 5/1 7/15 46
2015 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 24, 36, 52, 53 4/20 7/9 53
2016 1, 6, 7, 13, 33, 45, 46, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64 4/21 7/20 43
2017 45, 46, 47, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 4/22 7/12 50

Fig. 1

Effects on fiber length and fiber strength of different defoliant application time Samples number of defoliation times on the 30th, 37th, and 44th days post-anthesis were 21, 28, and 13, respectively. In the figure, the thick solid line represents the average value of the defoliant treatment. ** indicates statistically significant difference at P < 0.01."

Fig. 2

Effects on distribution of fiber length damage amount of different defoliant application times The bar graphs represent the distribution of fiber length damage among all samples, the X-axis is the percentage of fiber length damage grades and the Y-axis is the grades of fiber length damage amount. In the scatter graphs, the values are means ± standard deviation. Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 3

Effects on distribution of fiber strength damage amount of different defoliant application time The bar graphs represent the distribution of fiber strength damage among all samples, the X-axis is the percentage of fiber strength damage grades and the Y-axis is the grades of fiber strength damage amount. In the scatter graphs, the values are means ± standard deviation. Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 4

Relationships between fiber length and strength damage amounts and boll growth period of the control treatments on different defoliant application time Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 5

Quantitative relationship between fiber length and strength damage amounts and the ratio of boll growth period with on defoliant application time (Rd/b)"

Fig. 6

Quantitative relationship of boll growth period with boll characters including boll diameter, length, and volume"

Fig. 7

Quantitative relationship between boll characters (diameter, length, and volume) and fiber quality (fiber length and fiber strength)"

Fig. 8

Quantitative relationship between boll volume and boll diameter and length"

Table 3

Description of boll volume, boll length, boll diameter, boll growth period, the ratio divided defoliation time by boll growth period and fiber damage (Rd/b) and defoliant application times for producing >30 and 31 cN tex-1 fiber strength"

生产纤维比强度>31 cN tex-1
Values for producing >30 cN tex-1
fiber strength
生产纤维比强度>30 cN tex-1
Values for producing >30 cN tex-1
fiber strength
铃体积Boll volume (cm3) 31.8 28.7
铃长度Boll length (mm) 49.7 47.4
铃直径Boll diameter (mm) 36.6 35.6
铃期Boll growth period (d) 60.0 56.8
Fiber strength damage amount < 0.5 cN tex-1
Ratio divided defoliation time by boll growth period (d/b)
0.68 0.68
Defoliant application time (d)
40.9 38.7
Fiber strength damage amount <
0 cN tex-1
Ratio divided defoliation time by boll growth period (d/b)
0.72 0.68
Defoliant application time (d)
43.3 41.0
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