Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 215-225.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.02091
WANG Ya-Liang1(), ZHU De-Feng1,*(
), ZHANG Yu-Ping1, CHEN Ruo-Xia2, XIANG Jing1, CHEN Hui-Zhe1, CHEN Jiang-Hua2, WANG Feng2
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[1] | DENG Zhao, JIANG Nan, FU Chen-Jian, YAN Tian-Zhe, FU Xing-Xue, HU Xiao-Chun, QIN Peng, LIU Shan-Shan, WANG Kai, YANG Yuan-Zhu. Analysis of blast resistance genes in Longliangyou and Jingliangyou hybrid rice varieties [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1071-1080. |
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[7] | XIANG Li-Yuan,XU Kai,SU Jing,WU Chao,YUAN Xiong,ZHENG Xing-Fei,DIAO Ying,HU Zhong-Li,LI Lan-Zhi. Genetic dissection of combining ability and heterosis of rice agronomic traits based on pathway analysis [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(9): 1319-1326. |
[8] | Wei-Sheng LYU,Yong-Jun ZENG,Qing-Hua SHI,Xiao-Hua PAN,Shan HUANG,Qing-Yin SHANG,Xue-Ming TAN,Mu-Ying LI,Shui-Xiu HU,Yan-Hua ZENG. Leaf-age-model Parameters and Characteristics of High-yield Cultivars of Machine-transplanted Double Cropping Rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2018, 44(12): 1844-1857. |
[9] | Dong XU, Ying ZHU, Lei ZHOU, Chao HAN, Lei-Ming ZHENG, Hong-Cheng ZHANG, Hai-Yan WEI, Yu WANG, An-Ye LIAO, Shi-Bo CAI. Differences in Yield and Grain Quality among Various Types of Indica/japonica Hybrid Rice and Correlation between Quality and Climatic Factors during Grain Filling Period [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2018, 44(10): 1548-1559. |
[10] | Fu-Xian XU, Xing-Bing ZHOU, Lin ZHANG, Peng JIANG, Mao LIU, Yong-Chuan ZHU, Xiao-Yi GUO, Hong XIONG. Effects of Climatic Factors in the Southeast of Sichuan Basin on Grain Yield of Mid-season Hybrid Rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2018, 44(04): 601-613. |
[11] | ZHANG Zheng,ZHANG Xue-Li,MO Bo-Cheng,Dai Zhi-Jun,HU Zhong-Li,LI Lan-Zhi,ZHENG Xing-Fei. Combining Ability Analysis ofAgronomic Trait in Indica × IndicaHybrid Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2017, 43(10): 1448-1457. |
[12] | SHEN Hang-Qi,HU Wei-Min,LIN Cheng,GUAN Ya-Jing,LIU Hong-You,AN Jian-Yu,HU Jin. Effects of Different Dehydrating Agents on Seed Quality and Gene Expression inHybrid Rice Seed Production [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2017, 43(09): 1308-1318. |
[13] | LUO De-Qiang,WANG Shao-Hua,JIANG Xue-Hai,LI Gang-Hua,ZHOU Wei-Jia,LI Min,JI Guang-Mei,DING Yan-Feng,LING Qi-Hong,LIU Zheng-Hui. Characterization of Populations with Different Yield Levels in Indica Hybrid Rice in Plateau Area of Guizhou Province [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2016, 42(12): 1817-1826. |
[14] | ZENG Yan-Hua,ZHANG Yu-Ping,PAN Xiao-Hua,ZHU De-Feng,XIANG Jing,CHEN Hui-Zhe,ZHANG Yi-Kai. Effect of Low Temperature after Flowering on Grain Filling and Plant Hormones Contents in Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2016, 42(10): 1551-1559. |
[15] | XU Fu-Xian, ZHANG Lin, XIONG Hong, ZHOU Xing-Bing, ZHU Yong-Chuan, LIU Mao,JIANG Peng, GUO Xiao-Yi. Relationship between Yield Loss and Flooding during Middle and Later Growth Periods in Hybrid Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2016, 42(09): 1381-1390. |