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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 32-41.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34050


Analysis of genetic model of sucrose content in peanut

ZHI Chen-Yang1(), XUE Xiao-Meng1, WU Jie1, LI Xiong-Cai2, WANG Jin3, YAN Li-Ying1, WANG Xin1, CHEN Yu-Ning1, KANG Yan-Ping1, WANG Zhi-Hui1, HUAI Dong-Xin1,*(), HONG Yan-Bin4, JIANG Hui-Fang1, LEI Yong1,*(), LIAO Bo-Shou1   

  1. 1Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062, Hubei, China
    2Xiangyang Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Xiangyang 441021, Hubei, China
    3Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050035, Hebei, China
    4Crops Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2023-03-10 Accepted:2023-06-29 Online:2024-01-12 Published:2023-07-24
  • Contact: *E-mail: dxhuai@caas.cn; E-mail: leiyong@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    Key Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province(2022B0202060004);Key Area Research and Development Program of Hubei Province(2021BBA077);Key Area Research and Development Program of Hebei Province(21326316D);Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS-ASTIP-2021-OCRI)


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the important cash crops in China, and about 40% of peanuts are used for food production. The sucrose content was positively correlated with the flavor and taste of peanut and its products, thus increasing sucrose content in kernel was significant for the promotion of peanut quality. In this study, two F2:3 populations (NYBP×SYT5-1 and 19-1934×JHT1) were constructed to investigate the genetic model of sucrose content, and analyze the correlations between sucrose content with oil content, protein content, and other seed traits. The results showed that the sucrose contents of peanut kernel in two populations were continuously distributed and abundantly varied, and the transgressive segregation phenomenon were observed. In the two populations, sucrose content was significantly negatively correlated with oil content but significantly positively correlated with protein content. However, the correlations between sucrose content and kernel length, kernel width, and 100-kernel weight were inconsistent. The genetic analysis in two populations showed that the sucrose content in peanut kernel was mainly regulated by two pairs of main genes with the additive effect and dominant effect. There was the interaction between the two main genes, as well as the additive effect. This study initially reveals the genetic regulation of sucrose content in peanut kernels, which is beneficial for the breeding of edible peanut varieties and the cultivation of special varieties.

Key words: peanut, sucrose content, oil content, correlation analysis, genetic model

Fig. 1

Frequency distribution of sucrose content in peanut kernel NYBP: Nanyangbaipi; JHT1: Jihuatian 1."

Table S1

Phenotypic statistics of sucrose content in F2:3 population"

F2:3群体 F2:3 population
Minimum (%)

Fig. 2

Correlations between sucrose content and other traits in peanut kernel NYBP: Nanyangbaipi; JHT1: Jihuatian 1. ** means significant correlation at the 0.01 probability level."

Table 1

Genetic model analysis of sucrose content in peanut seeds"

NYBP×SYT5-1 19-1934×JHT1
Maximum likelihood value
AIC value
Maximum likelihood value
AIC value
0MG -880.62 1765.24 -319.34 642.67
1MG-AD -854.67 1717.34 -303.63 615.25
1MG-A -861.88 1729.77 -311.98 629.95
1MG-EAD -859.98 1727.95 -305.59 619.18
1MG-NCD -856.16 1720.32 -319.34 646.68
2MG-ADI -855.91 1731.82 -319.32 658.64
2MG-AD -847.85 1707.69 -298.02 608.03
2MG-A -855.54 1719.08 -303.72 615.44
2MG-EA -854.99 1715.97 -314.18 634.36
2MG-CD -880.62 1769.28 -313.89 635.79
2MG-EAD -880.62 1767.28 -318.87 643.73

Table 2

Suitability test of candidate models for sucrose content in peanut seeds"

U12 P(U12) U22 P(U22) U32 P(U32) nW2 P(Nw2) DN P(Dn)
1MG-AD 1.00E-04 0.9940 0.0002 0.9892 0.0006 0.9800 0.0218 0.9950 0.0166 0.9994
1MG-EAD 0.1167 0.7326 0.1007 0.7509 0.0029 0.9572 0.0789 0.7087 0.0379 0.5086
1MG-NCD 0.0274 0.8685 0.0162 0.8988 0.0175 0.8949 0.0317 0.9701 0.0200 0.9908
2MG-ADI 0.0204 0.8864 0.0047 0.9453 0.0778 0.7803 0.0333 0.9642 0.0189 0.9956
2MG-AD 0.0010 0.9751 0.0010 0.9753 0.0000 0.9976 0.0102 1.0000 0.0159 0.9997
2MG-A 0.0047 0.9452 0.0179 0.8936 0.0722 0.7881 0.0316 0.9707 0.0228 0.9651
2MG-EA 0.0344 0.8528 0.0269 0.8697 0.0039 0.9502 0.0504 0.8742 0.0327 0.6943
1MG-AD 4.00E-04 0.9842 0.0033 0.9545 0.0230 0.8793 0.0330 0.9654 0.0482 0.8603
1MG-A 0.0821 0.7744 0.0765 0.7822 0.0000 0.9969 0.0844 0.6784 0.0517 0.7988
1MG-EAD 0.0059 0.9389 0.0337 0.8544 0.1912 0.6620 0.0429 0.9176 0.0474 0.8722
2MG-AD 0.0017 0.9669 0.0044 0.9472 0.0109 0.9169 0.0117 1.0000 0.0336 0.9939
2MG-A 1.2530 0.2630 0.8780 0.3487 0.3447 0.5571 0.2274 0.2240 0.0911 0.1561
2MG-EA 0.0772 0.7811 0.2187 0.6400 0.6310 0.4270 0.1651 0.3477 0.0721 0.3984
2MG-CD 0.0850 0.7707 0.0990 0.7530 0.0168 0.8968 0.0510 0.8705 0.0491 0.8444

Table 3

Estimates of first order genetic parameters for sugar content in peanut kernels"

da db ha hb
NYBP×SYT5-1 1MG-AD 1.7069
1MG-EAD 0.7867
1MG-NCD 1.4272
2MG-ADI 1.3168 0.2617 -1.8727 0.2215
2MG-AD 1.6676 1.2171 -0.6996 -0.3973
2MG-A 0.3011 1.5194
2MG-EA 1.2261
19-1934×JHT1 1MG-AD 1.8713 1.6551
1MG-A 1.6177
1MG-EAD 1.8123
2MG-AD 1.7948 0.7131 1.9106 -0.1276
2MG-A 0.2584 2.3986
2MG-EA 0.8187
2MG-CD 1.7337 0.0692

Table 4

Estimated values of genetic parameters of sucrose content in peanut kernels"

1MG-AD 1.3315 50.1478
1MG-EAD 0 0
1MG-NCD 1.5391 57.9683
2MG-ADI 1.5638 58.8963
2MG-AD 2.2810 85.9102
2MG-A 0.8810 33.1817
2MG-EA 1.7369 65.4163
1MG-AD 0 0
1MG-A 3.8168 91.6497
1MG-EAD 1.9310 46.3678
2MG-AD 4.0724 97.7852
2MG-A 3.8973 93.5826
2MG-EA 4.0716 97.7679
2MG-CD 2.5741 61.8081
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