Welcome to Acta Agronomica Sinica,March 18, 2025

Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 734-746.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32021


Effects of salinity stress on grain-filling characteristics and yield of rice

WEI Huan-He1(), ZHANG Xiang1, ZHU Wang2, GENG Xiao-Yu1, MA Wei-Yi1, ZUO Bo-Yuan1, MENG Tian-Yao2, GAO Ping-Lei1, CHEN Ying-Long1, XU Ke1, DAI Qi-Gen1,*()   

  1. 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology Jiangsu / Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops / Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology / Key Laboratory of Saline-Alkali Soil Reclamation and Utilization in Coastal Areas, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China / East China Branch of National Center of Technology Innovation for Saline-Alkali Tolerant Rice, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
    2Joint International Research Laboratory of Agri-culture and Agro-product Safety, Ministry of Education / Institute of Agricultural Science and Technological Development, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-05-23 Accepted:2023-09-13 Online:2024-03-12 Published:2023-10-07
  • Contact: *E-mail: qgdai@yzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFE0113400);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1500402);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32001466);Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Fund(CX(23)1020);Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China(23KJA210004);China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2020M671628);Scientific and Technological Innovation Fund of Carbon Emissions Peak and Neutrality of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology(BE2022304);Scientific and Technological Innovation Fund of Carbon Emissions Peak and Neutrality of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology(BE2022305);Priority Academic Program Development PAPD of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions


To investigate the effect of salinity stress on grain-filling and yield of rice, the conventional japonica rice Nanjing 9108 and Huaidao 5 which were widely planted in saline alkali soil of Jiangsu province were used as the experimental materials. The treatments including the control (CK, 0 salt concentration), medium-salinity (medium-salinity, MS, 0.15% salt concentration), and high salt (high salinity, 0.3% salt concentration) were set. The results showed that, compared with the CK: (1) MS and HS both significantly reduced rice grain yield by 26.3% and 57.7% (average of the two cultivars), respectively. The number of panicles, spikelets per panicle, filled-grain percentage, and 1000-grain weight were all significantly decreased under salinity stress. (2) Salinity stress significantly reduced rice panicle length, the number of superior and inferior grains per panicle, filled-grain percentage, and 1000-grain weight. The decreases in filled-grain percentage and 1000-grain weight of superior grains per panicle under salinity stress were lower than those of inferior grains. (3) Salinity stress significantly reduced the dry matter weight of plants at heading and maturity stages, and the dry matter accumulation from heading to maturity, while increased the harvest index. The net photosynthetic rate and SPAD value at 15 and 30 days after heading of rice leaves under salinity stress were significantly lower than CK. (4) Salinity stress reduced the maximum and mean grain-filling rates of grains during grain-filling period, while the time to achieve the maximum grain-filling rate and effective grain-filling duration of grains increased. Salinity stress increased the days at the first, middle, and late stages during grain-filling period for superior and inferior grains, while the mean grain-filling rate and grain filling amount significantly decreased at the first, middle, and late stages during grain-filling period. The decrease in grain filling amount of superior grains at the first, middle, and late stages during grain-filling period was lower than that of inferior grains. (5) Salinity stress significantly decreased activities of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), starch synthases (SSS), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), and starch branching enzymes (SBE), and the decrease was greater in inferior grains than superior grains. In conclusion, the grain-filling days for superior and inferior grains increased under salinity stress, but the decrease in grain filling rate and activities of key enzymes involved in starch synthesis was greater, resulting in a significant deterioration in grain filling traits and a significant decrease in grain weight and yield. The inhibitory effects of salinity stress on grain-filling rate and grain filling amount of inferior grains were higher than those of superior grains.

Key words: salinity stress, rice, grain-filling, grain yield

Table 1

Effects of salinity stress on rice grain yield and its components"

Number of
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelets per
of filled
grains (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Actual yield
(t hm-2)
Duration from heading to maturity (d)
2021 南粳9108
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 347 a 139.1 a 88.9 a 24.3 a 9.69 a 54
中盐 MS 327 b 120.4 b 86.2 b 23.6 ab 7.38 b 53
高盐 HS 271 c 87.6 c 83.1 c 21.6 b 4.02 c 52
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 371 a 126.2 a 89.7 a 25.4 a 9.48 a 55
中盐 MS 355 b 100.7 b 88.1 ab 24.8 ab 7.19 b 53
高盐 HS 288 c 82.8 c 82.7 b 22.7 b 4.10 c 51
2022 南粳9108
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 357 a 133.7 a 89.9 a 24.7 a 9.95 a 55
中盐 MS 317 b 114.4 b 87.4 b 23.2 b 7.10 b 54
高盐 HS 287 c 97.0 c 82.3 c 22.0 c 4.34 c 52
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 365 a 122.0 a 90.7 a 25.8 a 9.66 a 54
中盐 MS 347 ab 106.3 b 87.1 b 24.2 b 6.97 b 53
高盐 HS 304 b 74.4 c 83.5 c 23.1 c 3.97 c 52
显著性分析 P-value
年份 Year (Y) NS NS NS NS NS
品种 Cultivar (C) * * NS ** **
处理 Treatment (T) ** ** ** ** **
年份品种 Y × C NS NS NS NS NS
年份处理 Y × T NS NS NS NS NS
品种处理 C × T * NS NS * **
年份品种处理 Y × C × T NS NS NS NS NS

Table 2

Effects of salinity stress on rice panicle traits"

Panicle length (cm)
强势粒 Superior grains 弱势粒 Inferior grains
Number of
Percentage of filled
grains (%)
weight (g)
Number of grains
Percentage of filled grains (%)
weight (g)
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 13.6 a 15.1 a 93.7 a 26.4 a 29.0 a 84.5 a 22.9 a
中盐 MS 12.3 b 12.5 b 90.8 b 25.0 b 24.6 b 81.7 b 21.1 b
高盐 HS 11.9 b 11.5 c 87.3 c 23.9 c 16.7 c 77.9 c 20.1 c
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 12.9 a 14.2 a 94.2 a 27.8 a 26.5 a 83.8 a 23.8 a
中盐 MS 11.7 b 11.6 b 92.1 ab 26.5 b 20.9 b 81.3 ab 22.2 b
高盐 HS 11.3 b 10.9 c 88.5 b 24.9 c 13.7 c 76.7 b 20.5 c

Table 3

Effects of salinity stress on dry matter weight and harvest index of rice"

干物重 Dry matter weight (t hm-2) 干物重积累量 Dry matter accumulation (t hm-2) 收获指数
Harvest index
拔节期 抽穗期 成熟期 拔节期-抽穗期 抽穗期-成熟期
Jointing Heading Maturity Jointing to heading Heading to maturity
南粳9108 对照 CK 4.7 a 10.8 a 17.1 a 6.05 a 6.37 a 0.495 c
Nanjing 9108 中盐 MS 3.2 b 7.9 b 12.0 b 4.65 b 4.19 b 0.517 b
高盐 HS 2.4 c 4.6 c 6.8 c 2.17 c 2.23 c 0.534 a
淮稻5号 对照 CK 4.5 a 10.5 a 16.6 a 5.95 a 6.19 a 0.499 c
Huaidao 5 中盐 MS 3.3 b 7.7 b 11.8 b 4.39 b 4.10 b 0.521 b
高盐 HS 2.1 c 4.3 c 6.4 c 2.20 c 2.10 c 0.541 a

Table 4

Effects of salinity stress on leaf photosynthetic rate and SPAD values of rice after heading"

净光合速率Leaf net photosynthetic rate (µmol m-2 s-1) 相对叶绿素含量SPAD values
抽穗后15 d
15 days after heading
抽穗后30 d
30 days after heading
抽穗后15 d
15 days after heading
抽穗后30 d
30 days after heading
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 23.4 a 17.7 a 44.2 a 36.5 a
中盐 MS 21.8 ab 16.6 b 41.6 b 33.4 b
高盐 HS 19.2 b 14.2 c 35.6 c 28.6 c
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 22.8 a 16.8 a 43.6 a 35.1 a
中盐 MS 21.1 b 15.7 b 40.5 b 32.4 b
高盐 HS 18.7 c 13.4 c 34.5 c 26.7 c

Fig. 1

Dynamics in increase in grains weight of rice under salinity stress CK: check; MS: medium-salinity stress; HS: high-salinity stress. SG: superior grains; IG: inferior grains."

Table 5

Stimulation equations of grain-filling process of rice under salinity stress"

Grain position
方程参数 Parameter 方程拟合
Simulated equation
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 21.97 7222.25 0.4987 4.5520 $Y=21.97{{\left( 1+7222.25{{\text{e}}^{-0.4987X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{4.5520}}}$ R2=0.976
弱势粒 IG 18.47 10,231.27 0.2951 3.7955 $Y=18.47{{\left( 1+10231.27{{\text{e}}^{-0.2951X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.7955}}}$ R2=0.985
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 20.86 4853.81 0.4083 3.5638 $Y=20.86{{\left( 1+4853.81{{\text{e}}^{-0.4083X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.5638}}}$ R2=0.985
弱势粒 IG 17.42 8217.82 0.2699 3.3456 $Y=17.42{{\left( 1+8217.82{{\text{e}}^{-0.2699X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.3456}}}$ R2=0.987
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 19.70 4417.23 0.3846 3.1275 $Y=19.70{{\left( 1+4417.23{{\text{e}}^{-0.3846X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.1275}}}$ R2=0.988
弱势粒 IG 16.53 11,967.81 0.2696 3.2366 $Y=16.53{{\left( 1+11967.81{{\text{e}}^{-0.2696X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.2366}}}$ R2=0.986
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 23.01 7682.64 0.4864 4.5317 $Y=23.01{{\left( 1+7682.64{{\text{e}}^{-0.4864X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{4.5317}}}$ R2=0.988
弱势粒 IG 19.24 11,824.47 0.2907 3.9182 $Y=19.24{{\left( 1+11824.47{{\text{e}}^{-0.2907X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.9182}}}$ R2=0.978
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 21.65 4853.82 0.4021 3.4138 $Y=21.65{{\left( 1+4853.82{{\text{e}}^{-0.4021X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.4138}}}$ R2=0.983
弱势粒 IG 18.44 11,416.20 0.2736 3.6728 $Y=18.44{{\left( 1+11416.20{{\text{e}}^{-0.2736X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.6728}}}$ R2=0.989
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 20.22 4417.29 0.3847 3.1275 $Y=20.22{{\left( 1+4417.29{{\text{e}}^{-0.3847X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.1275}}}$ R2=0.990
弱势粒 IG 16.71 11,967.81 0.2662 3.2366 $Y=16.71{{\left( 1+11967.81{{\text{e}}^{-0.2662X}} \right)}^{-\ \frac{1}{3.2366}}}$ R2=0.986

Fig. 2

Dynamics in grain-filling rate of rice under salinity stress CK: check; MS: medium-salinity stress; HS: high-salinity stress. SG: superior grains; IG: inferior grains."

Table 6

Grain-filling parameters of rice under salinity stress"

Grain position
籽粒灌浆特征参数 Grain-filling parameters
Maximum grain-filling rate
(mg grain-1 d-1)
Mean grain-filling rate (mg grain-1 d-1)
The time to achieve the maximum
grain-filling rate (d)
days (d)
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 1.35 0.84 14.8 24.0
弱势粒 IG 0.75 0.47 26.8 42.3
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 1.22 0.77 17.7 28.9
弱势粒 IG 0.70 0.44 28.9 45.9
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 1.17 0.74 18.9 30.8
弱势粒 IG 0.67 0.43 30.5 47.5
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 1.39 0.86 15.3 24.7
弱势粒 IG 0.76 0.47 27.6 43.3
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 1.28 0.80 18.1 29.4
弱势粒 IG 0.71 0.44 29.4 46.1
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 1.20 0.76 18.9 30.8
弱势粒 IG 0.67 0.42 30.9 48.1

Table 7

Grain-filling characteristics of early, middle, and late stages of rice under salinity stress"

前期 Early stage 中期 Middle stage 后期 Late stage
(mg grain-1 d-1)
GFA (mg)
(mg grain-1 d-1)
GFA (mg)
(mg grain-1 d-1)
GFA (mg)
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 10.8 0.94 152.1 8.0 1.21 146.5 5.2 0.38 29.8
弱势粒 IG 20.4 0.38 226.5 12.8 0.67 249.0 9.1 0.21 54.8
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 13.1 0.65 107.1 9.1 1.08 123.2 6.7 0.33 27.8
弱势粒 IG 22.2 0.31 170.9 13.5 0.62 205.8 10.2 0.19 47.7
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 14.2 0.53 87.4 9.3 1.04 110.5 7.3 0.31 26.3
弱势粒 IG 23.8 0.27 108.3 13.4 0.60 133.6 10.3 0.18 31.4
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 11.2 0.94 149.6 8.2 1.24 144.5 5.3 0.39 29.4
弱势粒 IG 21.0 0.39 218.8 13.2 0.67 235.0 9.2 0.21 51.0
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 13.5 0.65 101.1 9.1 1.13 120.0 6.8 0.35 27.6
弱势粒 IG 22.5 0.34 160.5 13.7 0.63 180.7 9.9 0.19 40.3
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 14.2 0.55 85.0 9.3 1.06 107.5 7.3 0.32 25.6
弱势粒 IG 24.1 0.27 89.8 13.6 0.60 110.8 10.4 0.18 26.0

Table 8

Effects of salinity stress on key enzymes activities involved in starch synthesis of rice grains"

AGPase activity
(mol min-1 mg-1)
GBSS activity
(mol min-1 mg-1)
SSS activity
(mol min-1 mg-1)
SBE activity
(U g-1)
15 DAH 30 DAH 45 DAH 15 DAH 30 DAH 45 DAH 15 DAH 30 DAH 45 DAH 15 DAH 30 DAH 45 DAH
Nanjing 9108
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 15.8 a 43.8 a 14.1 a 6.4 a 16.8 a 4.5 a 3.7 a 6.1 a 2.7 a 4.2 a 6.8 a 3.2 a
弱势粒 IG 11.8 b 37.4 b 7.6 bc 5.6 b 14.8 b 3.3 b 3.2 b 4.8 b 1.9 b 3.8 b 5.8 b 2.7 b
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 10.3 c 28.7 c 8.6 b 5.1 c 13.2 c 3.2 b 2.9 b 4.8 b 2.1 b 3.2 c 5.2 c 2.6 b
弱势粒 IG 7.3 d 23.9 d 4.3 d 3.9 d 10.3 d 2.0 cd 2.3 c 3.6 c 1.3 c 2.8 d 4.3 d 2.1 c
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 6.3 d 23.7 d 6.2 c 3.4 e 10.9 d 2.3 c 1.9 d 3.7 c 1.2 c 1.9 e 3.8 e 1.7 d
弱势粒 IG 4.3 e 19.3 e 3.0 d 2.2 f 8.8 e 1.4 d 1.2 e 2.9 d 0.7 d 1.3 f 2.7 f 1.1 e
Huaidao 5
对照 CK 强势粒 SG 15.7 a 42.7 a 13.5 a 6.8 a 17.0 a 4.7 a 3.6 a 5.9 a 2.9 a 4.4 a 6.6 a 3.1 a
弱势粒 IG 12.8 b 36.5 b 7.3 b 5.5 b 15.1 b 3.4 bc 3.1 b 5.0 b 1.6 c 3.5 b 5.7 b 2.8 b
中盐 MS 强势粒 SG 10.7 c 29.8 c 7.9 b 5.6 b 13.8 c 3.8 b 2.7 c 4.9 b 2.0 b 3.6 b 5.4 b 2.4 c
弱势粒 IG 8.0 d 24.5 d 3.9 d 4.0 c 11.1 d 2.4 c 2.2 d 3.7 c 1.0 d 2.6 c 4.6 c 1.8 d
高盐 HS 强势粒 SG 6.1 e 23.7 d 6.4 c 3.7 c 10.3 d 2.1 c 2.1 d 3.2 d 1.5 c 1.8 d 4.0 d 1.8 d
弱势粒 IG 4.6 f 18.9 e 3.1 d 2.0 d 7.8 e 1.3 d 1.3 e 2.0 e 0.6 e 1.2 e 2.5 e 1.2 e
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