Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (4): 932-943.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34122
LI Hai-Fen(), LU Qing, LIU Hao, WEN Shi-Jie, WANG Run-Feng, HUANG Lu, CHEN Xiao-Ping, HONG Yan-Bin, LIANG Xuan-Qiang(
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[1] | LU Qing, LIU Hao, LI Hai-Fen, WANG Run-Feng, HUANG Lu, LIANG Xuan-Qiang, CHEN Xiao-Ping, HONG Yan-Bin, LIU Hai-Yan, LI Shao-Xiong. Research on oil content screen with genomic selection and near infrared ray in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(4): 969-980. |
[2] | WANG Tian-Ning, FENG Ya-Lan, JU Ji-Hao, WU Yi, ZHANG Jun, MA Chao. Whole genome identification and analysis of GRFs transcription factor family in wheat and its ancestral species [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(4): 897-813. |
[3] | JU Ji-Hao, MA Chao, WANG Tian-Ning, WU Yi, DONG Zhong, FANG Mei-E, CHEN Yu-Shu, ZHANG Jun, FU Guo-Zhan. Genome wide identification and expression analysis of TaPOD family in wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 779-792. |
[4] | ZHANG Bao-Hua, LIU Jia-Jing, TIAN Xiao, TIAN Xu-Zhao, DONG Kuo, WU Yu-Jie, XIAO Kai, LI Xiao-Juan. Cloning, expression, and functional analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) TaSPX1 gene in low nitrogen stress tolerance [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 576-589. |
[5] | ZHANG Yue, WANG Zhi-Hui, HUAI Dong-Xin, LIU Nian, JIANG Hui-Fang, LIAO Bo-Shou, LEI Yong. Research progress on genetic basis and QTL mapping of oil content in peanut seed [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 529-542. |
[6] | ZHI Chen-Yang, XUE Xiao-Meng, WU Jie, LI Xiong-Cai, WANG Jin, YAN Li-Ying, WANG Xin, CHEN Yu-Ning, KANG Yan-Ping, WANG Zhi-Hui, HUAI Dong-Xin, HONG Yan-Bin, JIANG Hui-Fang, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou. Analysis of genetic model of sucrose content in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(1): 32-41. |
[7] | WANG Heng-Bo, FENG Chun-Yan, ZHANG Yi-Xing, XIE Wan-Jie, DU Cui-Cui, WU Ming-Xing, ZHANG Ji-Sen. Genome-wide identification of NAP transcription factors subfamily in Saccharum spontaneum and functional analysis of SsNAP2a involvement in leaf senescence [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(1): 110-125. |
[8] | HU Mei-Ling, ZHI Chen-Yang, XUE Xiao-Meng, WU Jie, WANG Jin, YAN Li-Ying, WANG Xin, CHEN Yu-Ning, KANG Yan-Ping, WANG Zhi-Hui, HUAI Dong-Xin, JIANG Hui-Fang, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou. Establishment of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy model for predicting sucrose content of single seed in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(9): 2498-2504. |
[9] | WANG Fei-Fei, ZHANG Sheng-Zhong, HU Xiao-Hui, CHU Ye, CUI Feng-Gao, ZHONG Wen, ZHAO Li-Bo, ZHANG Tian-Yu, GUO Jin-Tao, YU Hao-Liang, MIAO Hua-Rong, CHEN Jing. Comparative transcriptome profiling of dormancy regulatory network in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(9): 2446-2461. |
[10] | XU Yang, ZHANG Dai, KANG Tao, WEN Sai-Qun, ZHANG Guan-Chu, DING Hong, GUO Qing, QIN Fei-Fei, DAI Liang-Xiang, ZHANG Zhi-Meng. Effects of salt stress on ion dynamics and the relative expression level of salt tolerance genes in peanut seedlings [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(9): 2373-2384. |
[11] | HUANG Li, CHEN Wei-Gang, LI Wei-Tao, YU Bo-Lun, GUO Jian-Bin, ZHOU Xiao-Jing, LUO Huai-Yong, LIU Nian, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou, JIANG Hui-Fang. Identification of major QTLs for nodule formation in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 2097-2104. |
[12] | DAI Shu-Tao, ZHU Can-Can, MA Xiao-Qian, QIN Na, SONG Ying-Hui, WEI Xin, WANG Chun-Yi, LI Jun-Xia. Genome-wide identification of the HAK/KUP/KT potassium transporter family in foxtail millet and its response to K+ deficiency and high salt stress [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 2105-2121. |
[13] | LI Xing, YANG Hui, LUO Lu, LI Hua-Dong, ZHANG Kun, ZHANG Xiu-Rong, LI Yu-Ying, YU Hai-Yang, WANG Tian-Yu, LIU Jia-Qi, WANG Yao, LIU Feng-Zhen, WAN Yong-Shan. QTLs mapping for single-seed weight of cultivated peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 2160-2170. |
[14] | WEN Li-Chao, XIONG Tao, DENG Zhi-Chao, LIU Tao, GUO Cun, LI Wei, GUO Yong-Feng. Expression and functional characterization of NtNAC080 transcription factor gene from Nicotiana tabacumin under abiotic stress [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(8): 2171-2182. |
[15] | MEI Yu-Qin, LIU Yi, WANG Chong, LEI Jian, ZHU Guo-Peng, YANG Xin-Sun. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of PHB gene family in sweet potato [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(6): 1715-1725. |