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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 1961-1970.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.33050


Construction and verification of the CRISPR/Cas9 system containing DsRed fluorescent expression cassette for editing of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 genes in maize

CAO Xiao-Qing(), QI Xian-Tao, LIU Chang-Lin, XIE Chuan-Xiao()   

  1. Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2023-09-01 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-25
  • Contact: * E-mail: xiechuanxiao@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    Beijing Science and Technology Project(D171100007717001)


The CCT family genes affect plant flowering time. In maize, ZmCCT10 and ZmCCT9 are photoperiod sensitive genes, and ZmGhd7 is a gene related to the flowering time. Targeted editing of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 genes using CRISPR/Cas9 technology provides the possibility to study the function of three genes and to rapidly improve the flowering time of maize. In this study, maize ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 were used as editing objects. The inbred line KN5585 was used as a stable transforming receptor, and CML312SR, LCL-1, and LCL-2 were used as pre-modified late-flowering lines. Firstly, the conservation of the target regions of the three genes in four maize lines was verified by Sanger sequencing. Secondly, one sgRNA was selected to co-edit three genes based on sgRNA design principles. The CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing knockout vector CCT-CPD was constructed using homologous recombination, which contained the DsRed expression cassette driven by embryo-specific promoter Zm3896 and the sgRNA expression cassette driven by the ZmU6-2 promoter. Next, the mutation rate and mutation type of the three genes in T0 generation KN5585 were analyzed by enzyme digestion method and Sanger sequencing, and the gene editing effect of the CRISPR/Cas9 system was verified. Finally, the seeds produced by stable genetic transformation plants were verified by the DsRed fluorescent labeling phenotype at the kernel level and tissue level. On this basis, F1 was obtained by cross breeding using late flowering lines as female parent and T1 generation KN5585 positive plant as male parent, and late flowering lines containing effective edited transgenic elements were obtained by DsRed fluorescence screening. The CRISPR/Cas9 system for editing ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 genes containing DsRed fluorescent expression cassette constructed, in this study, laid a foundation for the creation of single-gene mutants, double-gene mutants, and/or triple-gene mutants. The application of DsRed fluorescent screening markers in this system can quickly screen and distinguish corn kernels with or without transgenic components, which has the potential of large-scale kernels screening with low cost and high identification efficiency. This study laid a material foundation and efficient technical basis for identifying the functions of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 and creating photoperiod insensitive materials in maize.

Key words: CRISPR/Cas9 technology, DsRed fluorescence, ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 genes, maize

Table 1

Primers used in this study"

product and length
Primer name
Primer sequence
Annealing temperature (℃)
Zm3896-1976 bp Zm3896-F cacgctgcactgcacaagctGGGTAGAGAAAGCAAGGGAGAC 68
Zm3896-R acgttctcggaggaggccatGGCGCCCGTCGTCTGTGG
U6-sgRNA-434 bp U6-F tatgttactagatcaagctCTAATTGGCCCTTACAAAATAG 68
sgRNA-sgRNA scaffold-123 bp sgRNA-F gctgcacgagttccagttcttGTTTTAGAGCTAGAAATAGCAAG 68

Fig. 1

PCR amplification and sequence alignment of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 target regions of four maize materials A: PCR amplification of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 target regions of 4 maize materials. M: DNA marker (DM2000); 1: KN5585; 2: LCL-1; 3: LCL-2; 4: CML312SR; 5: H2O; B: Sequence alignment of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 target regions of 4 maize materials. The red boxes indicate target sequences containing PAM; the numbers on the right represent the number of bases."

Fig. 2

Schematic diagram of target sites design and CCT-CPD vector A: Gene structure and schematic diagram of the target sites of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7; B: Sequence information of the target sites of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7. The purple letters are the bases with different target sequences from sgRNA; the red arrowhead is the expecting cleavage site; C: Schematic diagram of CCT-CPD vector."

Fig. 3

Mutation identification of ZmCCT10, ZmCCT9, and ZmGhd7 genes in T0 plants A: BstX I digestion validation of ZmCCT10 target region in T0 plants. M: DNA marker (DM2000); 1-45: T0 plants; B: the mutation types of ZmCCT10 in T0 plants; C: the mutation types of ZmCCT9 in T0 plants; D: the mutation types of ZmGhd7 in T0 plants; E: sequencing profiles of ZmCCT10 target regions of #1,2,20. The purple letters are the bases with different target sequences from sgRNA; the red letters are PAM; the bold red letters are the inserted bases; the red dashes are the deleted bases; the red arrowhead indicates the location of mutation."

Table 2

Number of mutants among transgenic plants"

Gene name
Number of mutant plants
Mutation ratio
Homozygous mutant
Ratio of homozygous or double allele mutations
ZmCCT10 17 65.4% (17/26) 15 88.2% (15/17)
ZmCCT9 3 11.5% (3/26) 2 66.7% (2/3)
ZmGhd7 11 42.3% (11/26) 11 100.0% (11/11)

Fig. 4

Phenotypes of Zm3896-driven DsRed expression cassettes in corn kernels A: the fluorescence observation of corn kernels’ embryo (by camera). Bar: 0.5 cm; WT: wild type; B: the fluorescence observation of corn kernels’ embryo (by nightsea stereomicroscope). Bar: 2 mm; WT: wild type; C: the fluorescence observation of embryo and endosperm of positive kernel (by laser scanning confocal microscopy). Bar: 200 μm; Em: embryo; En: endosperm."

Table 3

Results of F1 seeds fluorescence screening"

Seed source
Number of positive seeds
Number of negative seeds
Total number of seeds
Positive rate (%)
165×8-7 98 55 153 64.1
165×8-14 41 44 85 48.2
166×8-14 11 13 24 45.8
166×8-16 17 13 30 56.7
167×8-14 77 79 156 49.4
167×8-14 50 32 82 61.0
167×8-17 16 11 27 59.3
167×30-1 29 23 52 55.8
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