Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (12): 3166-3178.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.13078
TIAN Ming-Hui(), YANG Shuo, DU Jia-Qi, ZHANG Chen-Xi, HE Tang-Qing, ZHANG Xue-Lin(
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[1] | CHEN Bing-Jie, ZHANG Fu-Liang, YANG Shuo, LI Xiao-Li, HE Tang-Qing, ZHANG Chen-Xi, TIAN Ming-Hui, WU Mei, HAO Xiao-Feng, ZHANG Xue-Lin. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi on maize physiological characteristics during grain filling stage, yield, and grain quality under different nitrogen fertilizer forms [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(1): 249-261. |
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[3] | YAN Xiao-Yu, GUO Wen-Jun, QIN Du-Lin, WANG Shuang-Lei, NIE Jun-Jun, ZHAO Na, QI Jie, SONG Xian-Liang, MAO Li-Li, SUN Xue-Zhen. Effects of cotton stubble return and subsoiling on dry matter accumulation, nutrient uptake, and yield of cotton in coastal saline-alkali soil [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1235-1247. |
[4] | KONG Chui-Bao, PANG Zi-Qin, ZHANG Cai-Fang, LIU Qiang, HU Chao-Hua, XIAO Yi-Jie, YUAN Zhao-Nian. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on sugarcane growth and nutrient- related gene co-expression network under different fertilization levels [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(4): 860-872. |
[5] | ZHANG Fu-Liang, CHEN Bing-Jie, YANG Shuo, LI Xiao-Li, HE Tang-Qing, ZHANG Chen-Xi, TIAN Ming-Hui, WU Mei, HAO Xiao-Feng, ZHANG Xue-Lin. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi on maize grain nitrogen uptake and the composition of soil bacteria communities [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(12): 3215-3224. |
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[7] | ZHANG Xue-Lin, LI Xiao-Li, HE Tang-Qing, ZHANG Chen-Xi, TIAN Ming-Hui, WU Mei, ZHOU Ya-Nan, HAO Xiao-Feng, YANG Qing-Hua. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on grain yield and nitrogen uptake in maize [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(8): 1603-1615. |
[8] | ZHANG Yu-Qin,YANG Heng-Shan,LI Cong-Feng,ZHAO Ming,LUO Fang,ZHANG Rui-Fu. Effects of strip-till with staggered planting on yield formation and shoot-root characteristics of spring maize in irrigation area of Xiliaohe plain [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2020, 46(6): 902-913. |
[9] | ZHANG Cheng-Xin,GUO Bao-Wei,TANG Jian,XU Fang-Fu,XU Ke,HU Ya-Jie,XING Zhi-Peng,ZHANG Hong-Cheng,DAI Qi-Gen,HUO Zhong-Yang,WEI Hai-Yan,HUANG Li-Fen,LU Yang,TANG Chuang,DAI Qi-Xing,ZHOU Miao,SUN Jun-Yi. Combined effects of low temperature and weak light at grain-filling stage on rice grain quality [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(8): 1208-1220. |
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[13] | SUN Yong-Jian, SUN Wan-Wan, LIU Shu-Jin, YANG Zhi-Yuan, CHENG Hong-Biao, GU Xian-Wen, MA Jun. Effects of Water Management and Nitrogen Application Strategies on Nutrient Absorption, Transfer, and Distribution in Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(12): 2221-2232. |
[14] | WAONG Yue-Xia, SUO Biao, ZHAO Teng-Fei, QU Xiao-Fei, YUAN Li-Gang, ZHAO Xue-Juan, ZHAO Hui-Jie. Effect of Abscisic Acid Treatment on psbA Gene Expression in Two Wheat Cultivars during Grain Filling Stage under Drought Stress [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(08): 1372-1377. |
[15] | ZHANG Yu-Qin, YANG Heng-Shan, GAO Ju-Lin, ZHANG Rui-Fu, WANG Zhi-Gang, XU Shou-Jun, FAN Xiu-Yan, BI Wen-Bo. Root Characteristics of Super High-Yield Spring Maize [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(04): 735-743. |