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    12 March 2017, Volume 43 Issue 03
      Influence of OsWR2-RNAi on Rice Cuticle Biosynthesis and Drought Resistance
      WANG Sha,HE Yong,LUO Guang-Yu,YAO Min,ZHANG Xu,CHEN Xin-Bo,ZHOU Xiao-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  315-323.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00315
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      Plant cuticle plays an important role on decreasing plant non-stomatal water loss under drought stress. Overexpression of wax related transcription factor gene OsWR2 in rice can increase total cuticular wax and cutin amounts, affect cuticular wax and cutin monomer composition, and alter cuticular wax crystallization patterns and cuticle membrane ultrastructure, implying important roles of OsWR2 in rice cuticle biosynthesis and non-stomatal water loss regulation. In this report, we constructed OsWR2 RNA inhibition vector (OsWR2-RNAi), and transformed it into rice callus to obtain OsWR2 knockout rice mutants using Agrobacterium-mediated transforming method. OsWR2-RNAi transgenic rice exhibited reduced total cuticular wax amounts by 14.8% mainly due to the decrease of aldehydes, alkanes and alcohols, and lessened full cutin monomer level by 36.2% due primarily to the decrease of C16:0, C18:1 ω-OH and di-OH fatty acid components. OsWR2-RNAi transgenic rice also showed enriched leaf chlorophyll leaching, water loss rates and MDA contents, whereas reduced tolerance to water deficit . All these physiologic and biochemical index to support the previous hypothesis ofOsWR2 acting as a transcriptional regulator of both cuticle biosynthetic pathways and non-stomatal water loss, providing evidence of OsWR2 exerting direct influence over rice dehydration, and a potential application resource in genetic improvement of crop drought tolerance.

      Correlation between Resistance to Glyphosate and Genetic Background in Transgenic CP4-EPSPs Gene Soybean Progeny
      SUN Ru-Jian,SUN Bin-Cheng,ZHANG Qi,HU Xing-Guo,GUO Rong-Qi,GUO Bing-Fu,MA Yan-Song,YU Ping,ZHANG Xiao-Li,CHAI Shen,ZHANG Wan-Hai,QIU Li-Juan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  324-331.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00324
      Abstract ( 837 )   RICH HTML    PDF (904KB) ( 780 )   Save
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      The first Roundup Ready (RR) soybean (GTS40-3-2) carrying CP4-EPSPs is one of the transgenic crops that have the longest application time and largest planting acreage worldwide. However, it has not been commercialized and has less report in China. In this study, six RR soybean lines derived from GTS40-3-2 were hybridized to create four combinations. We used resistance grading and relative plant height in identifying the resistance to glyphosate of parents and F2:3 progeny, to investigate the correlation between resistance of the progeny and genetic background. The growth inhibition of transgenic parents and progeny at seeding stage was not significant when the glyphosate treatment concentration was 1230 g a.i. hm–2, while it was significant when the glyphosate concentration was 3690 g a.i. hm–2 and 4920 g a.i. hm–2. ZLHJ06-1568, ZLHJ10-713, and ZLHJ06-698 among the six parents had the more glyphosate resistance relatively. The progeny of ZLHJ10-713×ZLHJ06-698 combination had the least inhibition of plant height showing highest resistance to glyphosate in all four F2:3 combinations. The progeny had better resistance to glyphosate than their parents showing better heterosis. The glyphosate resistance of progeny was positively correlated with that of parents. Difference of glyphosate resistance was found in progeny among different combinations because of the interaction between parents. Our study indicates that the expression of glyphosate resistance gene is closely related to the genetic background in soybean, providing a theoretical evidence for target gene selection in developing new varieties by using transgenic germplasm.

      Pm52: Effectiveness of the Gene Conferring Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Wheat Cultivar Liangxing 99
      ZOU Jing-Wei,QIU Dan,SUN Yan-Ling,ZHENG Chao-Xing,LI Jing-Ting,WU Pei-Pei,WU Xiao-Fei,WANG Xiao-Ming,ZHOU Yang,LI Hong-Jie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  332-342.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00332
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      Liangxing 99 is a powdery mildew-resistant winter wheat cultivar adapted to the Yellow–Huai Rivers Valley Facultative Wheat Zone and the Northern Winter Wheat Zone. Its powdery mildew resistance is conferred by gene Pm52 on chromosome 2BL. A total of 123 isolates of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici collected from different wheat producing regions were used in assessment of disease resistance, and Liangxing 99 was resistant to 80% of them. During the five consecutive growing seasons from 2012 to 2016, Liangxing 99 was immune or highly resistant to the mixture of Bgt isolate inoculated at the adult plant stage. A gene-specific marker Xgwm120 closedly linked to Pm52 and 27 Bgt isolates were used to analyze ten wheat cultivars with Liangxing 99 as a parent. Heng 4568, Hannong 2312, Zhongxinmai 99, and DH51302 may inherit Pm52 from Liangxing 99, while the powdery mildew resistance genes of Zhengmai 369 and Jimai 729 may differ from Pm52. Shi U09-4366, XR4429, Heng 10-5039, and Nongda 3486 were susceptible to all the Bgt isolates examined and did not carry gene Pm52. The responses of these cultivars at the adult plant stage were consistent with those at the seedling stage. Results from this study are favorable to facilitate the effective application of Pm52 from Liangxing 99 in breeding programs and the production of wheat.

      Genetic Diversity of ALK Gene and Its Association with Grain Gelatinization Temperature in Currently Cultivated Rice Landraces from Hani’s Terraced Fields in Yunnan Province
      LI Chuang, LIU Cheng-Chen, ZHANG Chang-Quan, ZHU Ji-Hui, XU Xiao-Ying, ZHAO Fu-Wei,HUANG Shao-Wen, JIN Yin-Gen,LIU Qiao-Quan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  343-353.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00343
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      Yunnan province is one of the centers for genetic diversity of cultivated rice in Asia. A total of 111 rice landraces were collected from Hani’s rice terraces of Yunnan, and their population structure was analyzed by using 51 SSR molecular markers. The 111 rice landraces were divided into japonica group (group I) and indica group (group II); however, each of the two groups was not completely clustered according to its geographical origin. Most of the collected landraces, accounting for 83%, were indica. Gelatinization temperature (GT) is an important parameter affecting rice cooking and eating quality. The GT of rice flour was measured, which was widely different among the collected rice varieties, showing four classed very low (< 66°C), low (66-70°C), high (70-74°C) and very high ( >74°C). Meanwhile, ALK gene, also known as SSSIIa and controlling GT, was sequenced and compared, showing ten haploid types of the ALK gene among tested samples. Association analysis, revealed that GT is mainly controlled by the combination of three SNPs of ALK gene. Among them, the A-GC or G-TT combination type controls the very low and low GT, while the combination of G-GC controls high and very high GT. SNP3402 type T is associated with high and very high GT. It was also noticed that most of the varieties from indica group tended to contain the G-GC mutation and thus showed a relative high GT compared with those from the japonica group. The results have a meaningful value for rice molecular breeding and germplasm resources protection.

      Transcriptome Analysis of Transcription Factors Expression PatterninUpland Cotton Seedlings under NaCl Stress
      PENG Zhen,HE Shou-Pu,GONG Wen-Fang,PAN Zhao-E,JIA Yin-Hua,LU Yan-Li,DU Xiong-Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  354-370.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00343
      Abstract ( 512 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1565KB) ( 1540 )   Save
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      A comparative transcriptomics was used to analyze the expression changes of transcription factors and their families in leaves of the two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties (Earlistaple 7 with salt-tolerance and Nandanbadidahua with salt-sensitive) under 200 mmolL–1 NaCl stress for 4 and 24 hours. We have identified and quantified 2815 transcription factors from 54 transcription factor families of the samples. A total of 249 differentially expressed transcription factor genes of ‘Earlistaple 7’ and 261 transcription factor genes of ‘Nandanbadidahua’ after 4 hours of NaCl stress were identified, respectively. With prolonging stress time (24 hours), the number of differentially expressed transcription factors in two cotton varieties responsive to salt was increased. It was found that the 106 (4 hours) and 184 (24 hours) transcription factor genes were specially expressed in salt-tolerant variety, and the 143 (4 hours) and 282 (24 hours) were exhibited commonly in both cotton lines. We have obtained 124 salt-tolerance-related transcription factor genes from 26 transcription factor families through screening, and further validated the data accuracy by quantitative Real-time PCR.Total 11 highly expressed transcription factors genes by salt induction, including CotAD_66280 (HD-ZIP), CotAD_47058 (ERF), CotAD_18472 (G2-like), CotAD_04289 (C2H2), CotAD_57763 (HSF), CotAD_23656 (TCP), CotAD_02221 (ERF), CotAD_23975 (WRKY), CotAD_54036 (MYB), CotAD_27788 (NAC), and CotAD_23815 (HSF) were induced to be closely related to salt tolerance in upland cotton, and might be used as a source of candidate tolerant genes for upland cotton breeding.

      Performance of eBLUP in Variety Evaluation of Regional Rape Trials in China
      REN Chang-Hong,GESANGQUZHEN,Hu Xi-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  371-377.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00371
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      The mixed model and its best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) are more suitable for analysis of the trails with unbalanced data and heterogeneous errors, and BLUP can provide more accurate ranking for random effects. In analysis of practical trials, the variance parameters are unknown and their estimates have to be used. In this case, the BLUP become empirical BLUP (eBLUP). To investigate the performance of eBLUP in variety valuation of regional crop trials in China, this paper compared estimates, ranking and t-test for both variety main effects and location-specific variety effects between using ANOVA and eBLUP based on 12 yield data sets from the rape variety evaluation trials of China from 2012–2014. The method of Kenward and Roger was used for approximating denominator degrees of freedom in t-test for effect difference comparison based on eBLUP. The results showed that in view of variety main effects, there was only small discrepancy between eBLUP and arithmetic mean of ANOVA, variety ranking was the same between them; In view of location-specific variety effects, there was large discrepancy between eBLUP and arithmetic mean, variety ranking was more accurate in eBLUP than arithmetic mean; In t-test for both variety main effects and location-specific variety effects, eBLUP and ANOVA provided similar variety pairs with significant (α = 0.05) difference.

      Spatial Distribution Characteristics of National Crop Germplasm Resources Based on Spatial Statistics in Comprehensive Agricultural Regional Scale
      CHEN Yan-Qing,CAO Yong-Sheng,FANG Wei*,CHEN Li-Na
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  378-388.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00378
      Abstract ( 567 )   RICH HTML    PDF (4606KB) ( 1344 )   Save
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      It is important to analyze and understandthespatial distribution features and models for the comprehensive collection, effective protection and efficient utilization of crop germplasm resources. The spatial distribution features of crop germplasm resources were analyzed in quantity, density and orientative featuresin comprehensive agricultural regional scaleby using the spatial statistical principles and methods and ArcGIS software. In conclusion, thecropgermplasm densities of The Yellow Huaihe-Haihe Rivers regionand loess plateau region are the largestshowing abundant crop germplasm resources in these two regions, which should be protectedas a key point. The crop germplasm resources of the southern region of China and Gansu-Xinjiang region are the most widely distributed, and the distribution trend in these two areas is alsothe most obvious. The orientation angles of all districts except for the Gansu-Xinjiang region are within 90°.The distribution, distribution trend and the orientationangle not only can be used to analyze orientative distribution characteristics of regional resources, but also can help us to find the key factors affecting germplasm resource geographic distribution from spatial perspective. In concentration characteristics, the germplasm resources in Qinghai Tibet region, Inner Mongolia and the area along the Great Wall region and North-east region of China are the most centralized in distribution. We can take some measures to protect germplasm resources in these areas. This study reveals the difference in density and orientation characteristics of germplasm resources distribution andprovides sometheoretical basesin protection, utilization and collection of germplasm resources in different comprehensive agricultural regions.

      Identification and Expression Analysis of Microtubule Binding Protein CLASP Family Genes in Gossypium hirsutum L.
      ZHU Shou-Hong,ZHAO Lan-Jie,LIU Yong-Chang*,LI Yan-Jun,ZHANG Xin-Yu,SUN Jie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  389-398.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00389
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      CLIP-Associated Proteins (CLASPs) are microtubule associated proteins (MAPS) which are regulators of microtubule structure and function, and play a key role in plant growth and morphogenesis. In this study, six CLASP genes were preliminarily identified in Gossypium hirsutum L. by bioinformatics. Based on multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis, we divided the six CLASP genes into I and II subfamilies. The subfamily I has HEAT domain and CLASP-N structure; and the subfamily II only has CLASP-N structure. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed that GhCLASP family genes expressed in root, stem, leaf, petal and fiber at different developmental periods,and there existed different expression patterns. CotAD_63740 (GenBank accession No. KX881965) and CotAD_04861 (GenBank accession No. KX881961) were preferentially expressed in fiber; CotAD_48232 (GenBank accession No. KX881962), CotAD_48665 (GenBank accession No. KX881963), CotAD_55570 (GenBank accession No. KX881964), and CotAD_68468 (GenBank accession No. KX881966) were preferentially expressed in stem. Different expression patterns suggest that they may play different roles during cotton development. The results will be helpful for the further analysis of CLASP family proteins in cotton.

      Biomass-Based Main Spike MorphologicalParameter Model for Winter Wheat
      CHEN Yu-Li,YANG Ping,ZHANG Wen-Yu,ZHANG Wei-Xin,ZHUYe-Ping,LI Shi-Juan,GONG Fa-Jiang,BI Hai-Bin,YUE Ting,CAO Hong-Xin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  399-406.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00399
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      Spike morphological structure modelis an important basis for the function and structure model in winterwheat. We carried out a field experimentin the 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 growing reasonsusing winter wheat varieties Jimai 22, Tainong 18, and Luyuan 502under different nitrogen application levels. The morphological-structure models of wheat spikewere built through dissecting the quantitativerelationship between spike morphological-structure parameters and organ biomass, as well as the internal connections of morphological-structure parameters. These models were then validated with anindependent dataset collected in the 2014–2015 growing season.Except forspike length,all the models of spike width, spike thickness, glume length, glume width, glume thickness, grain length, grain width, and grain thicknesshad higher accuracy. These models can be used to simulate spike structure in diverse varieties under different nitrogenapplication levels.

      Effects of Postponing Nitrogen Topdressing on Post-anthesis Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Rice Cultivars with Different Nitrogen Use Efficiencies
      SUN Yong-Jian,SUN Yuan-Yuan,YAN Feng-Jun,YANG Zhi-Yuan,XU Hui,LI Yue,WANG Hai-Yue,MA Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  407-419.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00407
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      The optimal nitrogen (N) managements and the selection of genotypes with high N use efficiency (NUE) play a vital role in rice production aiminged at high yield and high NUE. Two rice cultivars, one with high-NUE (Dexiang 4103) and the other with low-NUE (Yixiang 3724) were used in pot and field experiments in 2013 and 2014. The total N fertilizer applied was 180 kg ha1 of urea and three treatments were included: 1) 50% basal dressing, 30% topdressing at 7 d after transplanting (DAT), and 20% topdressing at 4th leaves emerged from the top (N1), 2) 30% basal dressing, 30% topdressing at 7 DAT, 40% topdressing was split into two equal applications at 4th and 2nd leaves emerged from the top, 3) 20% basal dressing, 20% topdressing at 7 DAT, 60% topdressing was split into two equal applications at 4th and 2nd leaves emerged from the top, respectively. Double isotope tracing technique of 13C and 15N and physiological-biochemical analysis were used to study the accumulation, translocation, distribution of N and photosynthate, and the correlation between morphology and physiological-biochemical characteristics and their relationships with grain yield. There were significant effects of cultivars and N application modes on grain yield, as well as the absorption and translocation of N and photosynthate from full-heading to maturity stage. Compared with N1and N3, N2 treatment with high-NUE was the best model in this paper referred as the variety and N application coupling model, which could improve N accumulation in rice plant after anthesis, increase photosynthetic rate, activities of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, and glutamine synthetase in flag leaves, promote accumulation and translocation of photosynthate and N, and then improve the yield and NUE. Double isotope labeling results showed that the accumulation amount of photosynthetic products and N in rice plant with high-NUE was 7.78–12.75 mg 13C plant-1 and 15.14–18.78 mg 15N plant-1 higher, the translocation amount of photosynthate and N in leaves with high-NUE was 1.70–2.93 mg 13C plant-1, 2.21–4.55 mg 15N plant-1 higher, the translocation amount of photosynthate and N in leaf sheaths with high-NUE was 1.70–2.93 mg 13C plant-1, 0.05–1.14 mg 15N plant-1 higher than those with low-NUE, respectively. From full-heading to maturity stage, 13C photosynthate in the spike with high-NUE and low-NUE respectively increased by 31.04–44.68 mg 13C plant-1(accounting for 42.04%–46.38% of total amount of 13C) and 24.94–34.26 mg 13C plant-1 (accounting for 36.45%–41.36% of total amount of 13C), while, 15N accumulation in the spike with high-NUE and low-NUE respectively increased by 35.56–46.58 mg 15N plant-1(accounting for 61.82%–82.93% of total amount of 15N) and 27.37–31.57 mg 15N plant-1 (accounting for 58.04%–68.31% of total amount of 15N). Compared with low-NUE, the high NUE rice cultivar is more beneficial to the accumulation and translocation of photosynthate, with higher N absorption capacity, stronger N translocation ability, and stronger C and N metabolism capacity in leaves, satisfying the N demand of plants during their grain forming stage, which is the important reason for high-NUE rice cultivar further to increase yield and NUE. From, the information of C/N ratio in different organs after-anthesis, combined with the results of high yield and high NUE in different varieties under N2 treatment, from full-heading to maturity stage, the C/N increasing range in leaf and panicle is the same as the reducing range in leaf sheaths and roots. Therefore, C/N ratio in different organs from full-heading to maturity stage might be a candidate indicator for high yield and high NUE in rice production.

      Effect of Nitrogen Application Regime on Yield and Quality of Mechanical Pot-seedling Transplanting Rice with Good Taste Quality
      HU Qun,XIA Min,ZHANG Hong-Cheng,CAO Li-Qiang,GUO Bao-Wei,WEI Hai-Yan,CHEN Hou-Cun,HAN Bao-Fu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  420-431.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00420
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      Two rice cultivars with good taste quality in Jiangsu, Nanjing9108 and Nanjing5055, were adopted in mechanical transplantion with pot seedling which was a new cultivation technique. The total amount of nitrogen applied in each treatment was 270 kg ha-1 with different ratios of basal-tillering-fertilizer to panicle-fertilizer, including 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, and 4:6. The effects of the nitrogen application strategies on yield and grain quality were studied and the suitable method of nitrogen application was also determined. It was found that the rice yield was highest in the treatment of 6:4. The brown rice rate, milled rice rate and head milled rice rate gradually increased with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer. Amylose content and gel consistency of grain gradually reduced with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer, however, there was an opposite change trend in protein content, the more late nitrogen applied, the larger protein content would be. Chalkiness percentage and chalkiness degree of two cultivars increased at first and then decreased with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer, and the treatment of 6:4 was significantly higher than other treatments. However, the chalkiness area gradually increased0 with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer. It also found that, with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer, the aroma, gloss, taste, mouthfeel and comprehensive indices decreased while integrity increased. The peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity and breakdown value in different treatments all gradually decreased with decreasing the application percentage of basal-tillering fertilizer, but the setback value increased. In general, the treatment with the ratio of basal-tillering-fertilizer to panicle-fertilizer of 6:4 can significantly increase the yield of mechanical transplanting good taste quality rice with pot seedling. An appropriate increase in the proportion of panicle-fertilizer can improve processing quality and nutritional quality of rice, also increase the kernel length and kernel width of grain, but deteriorate the appearance quality and eating quality of rice.

      Response of Leaf Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Winter Turnip Rape (B. rapa L.) to Low Temperature before Winter
      XU Yao-Zhao,ZENG Xiu-Cun,ZHANG Fen-Qin,SUN Jia,SUN Wan-Cang,WU Jun-Yan,FANG Yan,LIU Zi-Gang,SUN Bo-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  432-441.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00432
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      Stomatal traits, leaf anatomic structure characteristic and diurnal variation of photosynthesis and fluorescence parameters, in two winter turnip rape (B. rapa L.) cultivars Longyou 7 (strong cold-tolerant) and Tianyou 4 (weak cold- tolerant) were determined under 0°C and –7.6°C natural low temperature conditions to clear the effects of low temperature on leaf anatomical structure, mechanism of photosynthesis and cold resistance. With decreasing the temperature before winter, stomatal density, stomatal area and total stomatal circumference per unit area in two cultivars decreased. Moreover, leaf thickness, palisade tissue and sponge tissue thickness became thinner and cellular space grew bigger. The diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate of two cultivars presented a single-peak curve, and no typical mid-day depression occurred. Under the lower temperature, Pndeclined with a non-stomatal limitation in two cultivars. Photo inhibition in the two cultivars occurred under low temperature and increased with the temperature decreased. Compared with Longyou 7, Tianyou 4 had bigger stomatal density, stomatal area, total stomatal circumference per unit area and leaf thickness, as well as higher photosynthetic capacity and weaker photo inhibition. In conclusion, higher photosynthesis and faster growth in winter turnip rape under lower temperature may result from its bigger stomatal density, stomatal area and total stomatal circumference per unit area as well as thicker leaf, palisade tissue and sponge tissue, which results in a poorer resistance to cold stress. The result may be useful for mining new germplasm and facilitating winter turnip rape breeding for cold resistance.

      Dynamic Simulation of Dry Matter Accumulation in Flue-cured Tobacco and Analysis of Its Characteristics Based on Normalized Method
      SHEN Jie,CAI Yan,HE Yu-Ting,LI Qi-Quan,DU Xuan-Yan,WANG Chang-Quan,LUO Ding-Qi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  442-453.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00442
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      To investigate a model to simulate and effectively predict the dynamic dry matter accumulation (DMA) character in different flue-cured tobacco varieties. We conducted a field experiment using three plant types of Yunyan 97, NC71, and K326 with four density treatments of 13 890, 15 150, 16 660, and 18 510 plants ha–1. To measure and simulate growth parameters, hoping to provide a new theory and method for rational close planting and higher productivity. A MMF curve equation, y = (ab+cxd)/(b+xd), was developed for relative DMA and relative accumulated time by the normalization method. The dynamic model could make a good estimation for DMA dynamics with the accuracies (k) of 0.9032–1.0482, and the precision (R2) above 0.94. It was also found that the equation had the characteristics of the origin, the boundedness and the monotone increasing, and it was in accordance with the biological significance. The DMA of flue-cured tobacco was divided into the slow growing stage, rapid growing stage and decelerated growing stage with further analysis of its characteristic parameters. The time to maximum rate (Tm), the initiation time and ending time of rapid growing stage showed different degrees of advance with increasing plant density. The duration (Td) and accumulation radio (Ra) of rapid growing stage increased significantly under the condition of high density (D3, D4). Path analysis indicated that Td or Rasignificantly correlated with DMA (0.6500*, 0.7758**), the direct path coefficient of Ra was 1.7097 and its regression contribution also reached 1.3264. The density-tolerance in different plant types was manifested as Piping (K326) > Drum (NC71) > Tower (Yunyan 97), with the suitable planting density of 18 510 (D4) plant ha–1, 16 660 (D3) plant ha–1 and 15 150 (D2) – 16 660 (D3) plant ha–1,respectively.

      Digital Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of Potato Under Low Temperature Stress
      YANG Hui-Ju,GUO Hua-Chun*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  454-463.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00454
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      Avariety Cooperation88was used to construct leaf cDNA library of potato treated with –2℃ low temperature stress by digital gene expression profiling (DGE) technology, and detect the differentially expressed genes(DEGs).The results of solexasequencing showed that a total of 28505 DEGs were screened out, 13703 DEGs of whichwere up-regulated and 14802 DEGs were down-regulated. GO enrichment analysis showed that these DEGs were involved insingle-organism metabolic process, oxidation-reduction process, metabolisms of carbohydrate, secondary metabolism and catalytic activity. The KEGGenrichment analysis showed that up-regulated genes were significantly associated withphenylpropanoid, photosynthesis-antennaproteins, carotenoidbiosynthesis, phenylalaninemetabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism pathways, while the down-regulated DEGs mainly enriched in plant hormone signal transduction pathway. The differential expressions of four genes were confirmed by Real-time quantitative PCR, showing that theexpression changes ofthese four genes weregenerally consistent with the results of DGE.

      Diversity and Correlation of Quality Traits in Quinoa Germplasms from North China
      HU Yi-Bo, YANG Xiu-Shi, LU Ping*,REN Gui-Xing*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(03):  464-470.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.00464
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      Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is one of the oldest crops in the American continent. It has been recognized as a nutritious grain all over the world. In this experiment, thirteen indicators of quality in 25 quinoa germplasms were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. The fat had significantly positive correlation with total flavonoids (0.55), and remarkably negative correlation with lysine and histidine (–0.52 and –0.54); and the correlation among total flavonoids, polyphenols and saponins was positively significant. Thirteen traits belonged in five principal components, with a total contribution rate of 92.6%. Twenty-five quinoa germplasms were divided into four categories through cluster analysis, and there were larger different in genetic distance and quality between categories. It is an effective way to comprehensively evaluate the quinoa quality by PCA and cluster analysis, which could not only avoid the bias and the instability of single factor analysis, but also provide an important scientific basis for quinoa application and quality breeding.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
