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    12 December 2017, Volume 43 Issue 12
      QTL Mapping for Yield and Fiber Quality Traits Using Gossypium mustelinum Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines
      SHEN Chao,LI Ding-Guo,NIE Yi-Chun,LIN Zhong-Xu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1733-1745.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01733
      Abstract ( 756 )   RICH HTML    PDF (2684KB) ( 1090 )   Save
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      The genetic basis of upland cotton is narrow, which hinders the progress of genetic improvement of cotton. To effectively broaden the genetic basis of upland cotton, we developed BC5S5 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) population consisting of 71 CSSLs, which was derived from the Gossypium mustelinum, the wild cotton (AD4) as the donor, and B0011, one parent of national authorized cotton variety Huazamian H318 with good comprehensive characters of upland cotton line (AD1) as the receptor. A comprehensive analysis was conducted via the SLAF-seq genotyping and phenotyping under multiple environments. This population showed a wide range of variation in yield components and fiber quality, and a total of 48 QTLs were detected including 19 for yield components and 29 for fiber quality. Among the QTLs for nine traits, 32 and 16 were on the At and Dt sub-genomes, respectively. Further analyzing revealed that 30 QTLs showed positive additive effects, and 18 QTLs showed negative additive effects. The results of this study lay a foundation for the genetic improvement of upland cotton using the elite alleles of important agronomic traits from G. mustelinum.

      Mapping QTLs for Phosphorus Efficiency at Tillering Stage under Different Phosphorus Levels in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
      HU De-Yi, CAI Lu, CHEN Guang-Deng, ZHANG Xi-Zhou, Chunji LIU
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1746-1759.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01746
      Abstract ( 606 )   RICH HTML    PDF (4464KB) ( 574 )   Save
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      Phosphorus (P) nutrition has close relationship with the quality and yield of barley and the genetic mechanism of P-efficient and variety improvement become hot research topics in recent years. In this study, we mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for P-efficient traits using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between Baudin and CN4079. P-utilization efficiency (PUE), P-absorption efficiency (PAE), and dry weight (DW) of shoots and roots, as well as tiller number (TN) were evaluated in low-P (0.02 mmol L1 KH2PO4) and normal-P (0.2 mmol L1 KH2PO4) conditions. QTLs associated with these traits were mapped onto a barley linkage map and their candidate genes were predicted. Phenotyping results showed continuous variation and transgressive segregation in all traits tested. A total of 16 QTLs were detected on chromosomes 2H, 3H, and 5H under low-P and normal-P conditions, with explained phenotypic variance ranging from 14.1% to 28.5%. Three QTLs associated with PUE were mapped on 3H and their positive alleles were all from Baudin. Among them, Qspue.sau-3H.1 and Qrpue.sau-3H were located in common region with PAE loci Qspae.sau-3H and Qrpae.sau-3H, whereas Qspue.sau-3H.2 was very closely to Qtn.sau-3H controlling TN. Three QTLs for PAE were mapped on 5H, among which Qspae.sau-5H.2 and Qrpae.sau-5H were from CN4079. The two PAE loci were located in adjacent region intervals of PUE loci Qspue.sau-5H and Qrpue.sau-5H and DW loci Qsdw.sau-5H and Qrdw.sau-5H. In the four chromosomal fragments harboring P-efficiency loci, except for Qspue.sau-3H.1 that contained candidate genes in phosphoric acid metabolism and phospholipid metabolism, the remaining loci all contained genes in phosphate transporter and related genes in phosphoric acid metabolism and phospholipid metabolism.

      Construction of Waxy Maize opaque2 Near-isogenic Lines
      ZHANG Xiao-Xing, ZHU Hui, ZHANG Dong-Min, SONG Li-Ya, ZHANG De-Gui, WENG Jian-Feng, HAO Zhuan-Fang,LI Ming-Shun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1760-1766.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01760
      Abstract ( 561 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1902KB) ( 1010 )   Save
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      In waxy maize, the opaque2 gene can increase the content of essential amino acids, such as lysine and tryptophan. Two high quality protein maize (QPM) inbred lines, CA339 and Lu 2548, were used as opaque2 gene donors. Twenty-five waxy maize with advantageous traits were used as receptors. Application of backcrossing and SSR marker-assisted selection in breeding can create waxy maize opaque2 near-isogenic lines. The results of molecular marker indicated that there were polymorphisms in different receptors and between the two donors. Lysine content of five sets of successfully created opaque2 near-isogenic lines was tested, showing that the content of lysine in o2w-NILs was 59.0%, 52.7%, 48.5%, 46.3%, and 61.9% higher than that in their recurrent parents, which was increased from 0.308%, 0.313%, 0.309%, 0.341%, 0.323% to 0.489%, 0.478%, 0.458%, 0.498%, and 0.522%, respectively. Using this method, opaque2 could be introgressed into multiple receptors with different genetic backgrounds to select near-isogenic lines with high lysine content and transparent phenotype, so as to improve nutritional and economic values of waxy maize.

      LAZY1 Regulates the Development of Rice Leaf Angle through BR Pathway
      ZHANG Xiao-Qiong, WANG Xiao-Wen, TIAN Wei-Jiang, ZHANG Xiao-Bo, Sun Ying, LI Yang-Yang, Xie Jia, HE Guang-Hua,SANG Xian-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1767-1773. 
      Abstract ( 985 )   RICH HTML    PDF (2958KB) ( 1116 )   Save
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      The angle of rice leaf, as an important agronomic trait, influences leaf area index and yield in rice. Leaf angle mutant identification is of significant importance in rice breeding based on ideal plant architecture. A mutant s524, derived from the progeny of EMS-treated indica rice Xida1B, showed significantly larger leaf angle than the wild type. At tillering stage, the tiller angle and leaf angle of s524 increased and the whole plant crept, while the wild type in whole growth period maintained relatively compact phenotype. Longitudinal sections of the epidermis of pulvinus showed that the enlarged leaf angle of the mutant was mainly due to the much-elongated adaxial cells. The main agronomic traits of s524 did not change significantly compared with those of the wild-type. Genetic analysis suggested that the mutational traits were controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, which was finely mapped between SSR markers RM4746 and RM26742 on chromosome 11 with a physical distance of 324 kb. LAZY1 in the restricted region regulates rice tiller angle development. Sequencing revealed that a base substitution from T to C occurred on the third exon of LAZY1, leading to the amino acid change from valine to alanine at 143th protein sequence. Hormone treatment test indicated that BR sensitivity was reduced in s524. Quantitative analysis demonstrated that the expression of BR signaling related gene BU1 was obviously up-regulated. The previous study showed that over-expression of BU1 could enlarge rice leaf angle. Our research suggests that LAZY1/S524 may regulate the development of leaf angle through BR conduction pathway.

      Resistance Evaluation to Eight Phytophthora sojae Isolates for Major Soybean Cultivars in Huang-Huai-Hai Rivers Valley
      LI Xiao-Na, SUN Shi, ZHONG Chao,HAN Tian-Fu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1774-1783.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01774
      Abstract ( 631 )   RICH HTML    PDF (544KB) ( 935 )   Save
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      With the application of wheat stubble no-tillage cultivation technology, the occurrence rate of phytophthora root rot of soybean is getting higher in the Huang-Huai-Hai Rivers Valley. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the resistance of the widely-grown soybean cultivars to phytophthora root rot and to screen disease-resistant resources for soybean improvement. In the current study, a total of 140 soybean cultivars, widely-grown in Huang-Huai-Hai Rivers Valley since the 1950s, were investigated for their response to eight strains of Phytophthora sojae through the hypocotyl inoculation method. Six cultivars were susceptible to all eight strains, and 134 or 95.7% of the identified cultivars were resistant to one to eight strains of Phytophthora sojae. Among the cultivars, 83 or 59.3% were resistant to more than six Phytophthora sojae strains, and showed 65 reaction types identified by comparing with the reaction types of 14 reference cultivars. Five reaction types produced by 19 cultivars were the same as those of the known single gene or two gene combinations, and 60 reaction types produced by 115 cultivars were different from those controlled by the known single gene or two gene combinations, suggesting that there were novel resistant genes or gene combinations. The research results are available for selecting parents to breed new elite soybean cultivars with pyramided of resistant genes and excellent agronomic performances.

      QTL Mapping for Yield Components in Gossypium barbadense Chromosome Segment Introgression Lines Based on Gossypium hirsutum Background
      ZHU Xie-Fei**, WANG Peng**, SI Zhan-Feng,ZHANG Tian-Zhen*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1784-1790.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01784
      Abstract ( 595 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1331KB) ( 846 )   Save
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      Cotton yield is divided into seed cotton yield and lint yield. High lint yield is always the primary breeding goal in cotton. Lint yield consists of three components, including boll number per plant, lint percentage and boll weight. Of them, lint percentage has the highest heritability and is a most important target in breeding for increasing lint yield. Selection of yield components such as boll number and boll weight is easily affected by environmental factors in temporary segregating populations. It is testified that it is one of efficient methods to map the yield component QTLs and develop the elite lines in molecular breeding by using chromosome segment introgression lines (CSILs). In the present study, we developed a set of CSILs using G. hirsutumacc TM-1 as a recurrent parent and G. barbadense cv. Hai 7124 as a non-recurrent parent through the molecular markers assisted-selection. Here, we identified 28 QTLs for yield components under seven environments. Much more QTLs were enriched on Dt subgenome than on At subgenome. The chromosome segments introgressed from G. barbadense have different effects on yields in G. hirsutum background. There were 16 QTLs showing positive additive effects, implying these chromosome segments introgressed from G. barbadense could be used to improve yield components, while 12 QTLs showing negative additive effects, decreasing yield components. Lint percentage in IL008 line anchored with the SSR markers NAU2573 and NAU3576 was significantly higher than that of the recurrent parent TM-1 under six environments. Therefore, the CSIL IL008 could be used in molecular breeding to improve the lint yield in G. hirsutum.

      Correlation between Resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Expression of Flavonoid Metabolism Related Genes in Gossypium barbadense L.
      HUANG Qi-Xiu,QU Yan-Ying,YAO Zheng-Pei,LI Meng-Yu,CHEN Quan-Jia*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1791-1801.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01791
      Abstract ( 715 )   RICH HTML    PDF (499KB) ( 1073 )   Save
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      Fusarium wilt is one of the important factors that threaten the production of Gossypium barbadense. L. To expanding the molecular mechanism of resistance to Fusarium wilt will provide a solid foundation for cultivating resistant island cotton varieties and solve the problem of wilt disease. In this study DEG(Differentially Expressed Gene) was analyzed on the basis of sequencing of transgenic plants. The Disease resistance differentially expressed genes were analyzed at different inoculation time points of seven Gossypium barbadense. L varieties with different disease resistance levels, and the correlation between gene expression and disease index was analyzed. Flavonoid biosynthetic pathway genes were related to fusarium wilt resistance. qRT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of flavonoid metabolic pathway genes in resistant materials was significantly higher than that in susceptible materials. The expression levels of TT7, CHI and DFR, the key genes in flavonoid metabolic pathways, were significantly higher in resistant materials than in susceptible materials at multiple time points after inoculation, And the expression of CHI and DFR genes was negatively correlated with disease index. In summary, the flavonoid metabolic pathway-related genes have an effect on the resistance to fusarium wilt, among which CHI, TT7 and DFR genes are the key genes.

      Effects of Total Straw Returning and Nitrogen Application Regime on Grain Yield and Quality in Mechanical Transplanting Japonica Rice with Good Taste Quality
      CHEN Meng-Yun, LI Xiao-Feng, CHENG Jin-Qiu, REN Hong-Ru, LIANG Jian, ZHANG Hong-Cheng,HUO Zhong-Yang*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1802-1816.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01802
      Abstract ( 700 )   RICH HTML    PDF (662KB) ( 1597 )   Save
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      An experiment was conducted using two rice cultivars with good taste quality grown in Jiangsu, Nanjing 5055 and Nanjing 46, with total pure nitrogen application of 300 kg ha-1, including six proportions of base-tiller nitrogen fertilizer to earing fertilizer at 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, and 4:6, to explore the influence of total straw returning and different nitrogen applications on the yield and quality of rice. Compared with non-application of straw, the total straw returning application had a significant yield-increasing effect showing the average yield increase of 5.04% in Nanjing 5055 and in 4.64% Nanjing 46. With the decrease of proportion of base-tiller nitrogen fertilizer in total nitrogen application rate, yield of mechanical transplanting japonica rice with total straw returning showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing , and the treatment with the ratio of base-tiller nitrogen fertilizer to earing nitrogen fertilizer of 7:3 had the highest yield. The treatment with total straw returning significantly increased the protein content of rice, deceased chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree, increased the ratio of length to width of kernel, therefore improved appearance quality and nutritional quality of rice. The treatment total straw returning was also conducive to the improvement of cooking and eating quality, showing significantly improved breakdown value and taste value, and reduced setback value. Increasing the ratio of panicle fertilizer to total N significantly improved the processing and nutritional quality of rice, improved the whole milled rice rate, but at the same time increased the rice chalkiness, reduced the appearance quality, and cooking and eating quality of rice also.

      Mitigative Effect of Different Forms of Boron on Aluminum Toxicity of Rape Seedlings and Its FTIR Characteristics
      YAN Lei, JIANG Cun-Cang*, Muhammad Riaz, WU Xiu-Wen, LU Xiao-Pei, DU Chen-Qing,WANG Yu-Han
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1817-1826.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01817
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      An experiment was conducted in hydroponics using rape cultivar Cao 221167. Two treatment of B, inorganic borate (BA) and organic boron sorbitol (SB) along with different concentrations of Al3+ (0, 100, 200, and 500 μmol L–1). The effects of different forms of B on activities of antioxidant enzyme of leaves in rape seedlings were studied, and the changes of leaf component were analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique. Under Al toxicity, the addition of BA or SB could alleviate Al toxicity in plant, and significantly increase plant biomass and root length. The root length increased by 52.15%, 101.45%, 366.70%, and 18.73% in BA treatments and 46.80%, 133.98%, 261.36%, and 10.77% in SB treatments under 0, 100, 200, and 500 μmol L–1 Al3+ toxicity stress, respectively. B treatments increased pigment content and SOD activity and reduced contents of Al, MDA and POD activity. Under the addition of boron (BA or SB), the growth, biomass and pigment content of rape seedlings were higher in 200 μmol L–1 Al3+ treatment than in other treatments. In the 500 μmol L–1 Al3+ treatment, biomass and pigment content of rape seedling were significantly lower than those without Al application. The results from FTIR indicated that the contents of protein and oligosaccharide in leaves of rape seedling significantly increased under Al toxicity, however, significantly decreased when was added boron (BA or SB). In conclusion, the addition of different forms of B (BA or SB) could alleviate Al toxicity and the effect of BA is better than that of SB. The information provided by this study will facilitate alleviating Al toxicity in plant through applying a kind of B fertilizer in agricultural production.

      Application of Quantitative Graphical Method Based on Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Spectrum in Crop Starch Study
      HE Wei,FAN Xiao-Xu,WANG Zhi-Feng,WEI Cun-Xu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1827-1834.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01827
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      Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) spectrum can be used to quantify the lamellar structure of starch. However, the spectrum analysis lacks a special data analysis software and needs complicated mathematical equations for it, which seriously restricts the applications of SAXS technology in starch studies. In this study, a simple graphical method was established to quantitatively measure the SAXS spectrum parameters (peak intensity, peak position, peak width at half maximum, and lamellar distance). These parameters can reflect the information of starch lamellar structure. The SAXS spectra of starch with different crystal types, rice starch with different amylose contents, and acid-modified and gelatinized starch were all analyzed using the graphical method, showing that the lamellar structure of starch was related with the plant origin, but had no direct relationship with crystal types. For the starch from the same plant origin, the amylose content was significantly negatively correlated with peak intensity and peak width at half maximum, and positively correlated with lamellar distance of SAXS spectrum. The acid hydrolysis had no effect on lamellar distance of starch, but changed the peak intensity and peak width at half maximum of SAXS spectrum. Heating treatment also had no effect on lamellar distance of starch, but destroyed the crystalline structure, leading to the gradual decrease, even disappearance of peak intensity with increasing heating temperature. This study indicated that the quantitative graphical method is simple, good repeatable, and highly credible, and could be widely used in crop starch studies.

      Remote Detection of Canopy Leaf Nitrogen Status in Soybean by Hyperspectral Data under Monoculture and Intercropping Systems
      CHEN Jun-Xu, HUANG Shan, FAN Yuan-Fang, WANG Rui, LIU Qin-Lin, YANG Wen-Yu*,YANG Feng*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1835-1844.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01835
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      Non-destructive monitoring of soybean nitrogen status is important for precise N management in soybean production. In this study, the quantitative correlation between soybean leaf nitrogen status and canopy hyperspectral reflectance was investigated. Field experiments were conducted. With four nitrogen application rates for two years under monoculture and intercropping systems. The nitrogen accumulation of canopy leaves showed a single-peak changing trend in the process of soybean growth. The maximum value in monoculture and intercropping was 8.7 g m–2, 8.38 g m–2, respectively, at pod stage under N3 treatment. The raw hyperspectral reflectance and the leaf nitrogen accumulation had the same changing trend at different growth stages with different planting patterns. The peak value of the raw hyperspectral reflectance in the 700–1000 nm occurred at pod stage. In the first-order derivative spectrum, the red edge amplitude values increased first and then decreased. The position of the red edge changed as “Red shift” and “Blue shift” with the increase or decrease of leaf nitrogen accumulation. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the linear model and the power model by using the Difference Spectral Index (DSI: 771, 755) based on the best spectral band combination (BSBC) had the greatest accuracy to estimate the leaf nitrogen status of soybean.

      Effects of Straw Returning Combined with Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic Performance and Yield of Spring Maize in Northeast China
      BAI Wei, ZHANG Li-Zhen, PANG Huan-Cheng, SUN Zhan-Xiang, NIU Shi-Wei, CAI Qian,AN Jing-Wen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1845-1855.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01845
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      Straw returning plus nitrogen fertilizer is one of the important measures to solve the problems of plough role getting shallow and solid with reduced effective soil, having a vital significance in dryland agriculture production. In the present study, a field experiment was conducted at Tieling city of Liaoning province in 2014-2015 with six treatments(0 kg ha–1 of straw plus 0 kg ha–1 of pure NPK, S0F0; 9000 kg ha–1 of straw plus 0 kg ha–1 of pure N, 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure P, and 90 kg ha–1 of pure K, SN0; 9000 kg ha–1 of straw, 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure N plus 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure P, and 90 kg ha–1 of pure K, SN1; 0 kg ha–1 of straw plus 225 kg ha–1 of pure N, 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure P, 90 kg ha–1 of pure K, S0N2; 9000 kg ha–1 of straw plus 225 kg ha–1 of pure N, 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure P, 90 kg ha–1 of pure K, SN2; 9000 kg ha–1 of straw plus 337.5 kg ha–1 of pure N, 112.5 kg ha–1 of pure P, 90 kg ha–1 of pure K, SN3). The yield of straw 9000 kg ha–1 plus nitrogen 225 kg ha–1 treatment was the highest, with an average increase of 6.33% in two years, and compared with no straw returning plus nitrogen 225 kg ha–1 treatment which was mainly due to the significant increase of weight of 100-kernel and number of kernels per row and the decrease of bare top length. The yield did not increase with the increase of nitrogen application rates. Under the same nitrogen application rate, the average population biomass of straw returning treatment was increased by 2.95% compared with no straw returning. Straw returning plus nitrogen fertilizer increased the plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, SPAD and photosynthesis of maize, and under the same nitrogen application rate, compared with no straw returning, the leaf area and photosynthetic rate at filling stage were increased on an average of 2.71% and 4.80% in two years, respectively. In conclusion, 9000 kg ha–1 of straw returning plus 225 kg ha–1 of nitrogen fertilizer is an ideal mode in brown soil area of the northern Liaoning province, which has certain application value in this regional agricultural development.
      Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of a Yellow Leaf Mutant YL1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
      LIU Hong-Yan, ZHOU Fang, LI Jun, YANG Min-Min, ZHOU Ting, HAO Guo-Cun,ZHAO Ying-Zhong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1856-1863.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01856
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      Phenotypic markers play an important role in crop breeding and genetic studies. A yellow leaf 1 (YL1) mutant has been found from sesame landrace‘Miaoqian Zhima’, which can be inherited stably. In this study, we compared YL1 mutant and its wild type (WT) in leaf anatomical structure, photosynthetic characteristics and biological traits. The structures of chloroplast in both top leaf and expanded leaves of YL1 were greatly different from those of WT at various development stages. The stomatal guard cell number in abaxial epidermis in YL1 was twice that in WT. In addition, the contents of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoid in YL1 were 30-40% of that in WT, and the chlorophyll b content in YL1 even as low as 20% of that in WT. At early flowering stage, YL1 showed significantly lower photosynthetic rate than WT, but the difference was not significant at end flowering stage. Compared with WT type, YL1 had significantly longer growth duration, delayed initial flowering time and shorter plant height, but capsules per plant and thousand-seed weight was slightly reduced. The microscopic observation revealed that YL1 is the chlorophyll deficiency mutant due to chloroplast defect, which was characterized with irregular chloroplast structure and reduced grana and granum lamella.

      Resistance Evaluation of Potato Cultivars and Germplasms to Meloidogyne hapla in Heilongjiang Province
      MAO Yan-Zhi,LI Chun-Jie,HU Yan-Feng,HUA Cui,YOU Jia,WANG Xin-Peng,LIU Xi-Cai,YANG Geng-Bin,WANG Cong-Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2017, 43(12):  1864-1869.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01864
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      Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp., RKN) is one of the most economically important plant parasitic nematodes with wide host including potato (Solanum tuberosum). In order to investigate resistance of potato to the northern RKN, M. hapla, twenty-eight main potato cultivars and breeding materials in Heilongjiang Province with a pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse by randomized block design with five replications. M. hapla could be propagated on all materials with a reproduction factor ranging from 1.53 to 37.9. The reproduction factors of cultivars Baitouweng (2.41), Hui-2 (2.02), and Hongshen (1.53) were significantly different (P < 0.05) from those of Qingshu 3 (36.93) and 608Kennebec (37.9). The egg mass number per gram fresh root ranged from 26.6 (Baitouweng) to 217.4 (Kexin13). Cultivar Baitouweng was resistant one according to egg mass scale. The galling index ranged from 1.5 to 6.8. Three cultivars including Baitouweng (1.8), Hui-2 (1.5), andHongshen (2.2) were identified as resistance resources basedon galling index (GI). Overall, Baitouweng was confirmed as resistant cultivar, Hui-2 and Hongshen as tolerant ones to root-knot nematode, and the cultivars Qingshu3 and 608Kennebec as susceptible control.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
