
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2091-2105.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34166

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


娄洪祥1(), 黄肖玉1, 江萌2, 宁宁1, 卞孟磊1, 张磊1, 罗东旭1, 秦梦倩1, 蒯婕1, 汪波1, 王晶1, 赵杰1, 徐正华1,*(), 周广生1   

  1. 1华中农业大学植物科学技术学院 / 湖北洪山实验室 / 农业农村部长江中游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 湖北武汉 430070
    2湖北省现代农业展示中心, 湖北武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-14 接受日期:2024-01-12 出版日期:2024-08-12 网络出版日期:2024-03-09
  • 通讯作者: * 徐正华, E-mail: xzh@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: davidlou@webmail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Optimal allocation of sowing date and sowing rate of late-sowing rapeseed in the Yangtze River Basin

LOU Hong-Xiang1(), HUANG Xiao-Yu1, JIANG Meng2, NING Ning1, BIAN Meng-Lei1, ZHANG Lei1, LUO Dong-Xu1, QIN Meng-Qian1, KUAI Jie1, WANG Bo1, WANG Jing1, ZHAO Jie1, XU Zheng-Hua1,*(), ZHOU Guang-Sheng1   

  1. 1College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University / Hubei Hongshan Laboratory / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System for the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
    2Hubei Modern Agriculture Exhibition Center, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-10-14 Accepted:2024-01-12 Published:2024-08-12 Published online:2024-03-09
  • Contact: * E-mail: xzh@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province(2023BBB028)


为解决长江流域稻油茬口矛盾, 提高冬闲田利用率, 亟须迟播油菜(10月25日之后播种)配套技术研究。本研究以早熟品种‘华油杂137’为材料, 在湖北武汉进行2年播种期(10月25日至11月15日间, 各播种期间隔3 d, 用S1~S8表示)和播种量(2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0和12.5 kg hm-2, 用R1~R5表示)单因素试验, 考察生育期、成苗动态、农艺性状、产量和倒伏指标, 统计有效积温, 通过线性回归和平滑曲线拟合分析, 优化播种期和播种量的配置参数, 为迟播油菜生产提供技术支撑。结果表明, (1) 播种期推迟, 迟播油菜的生育期缩短、根颈粗降低、分枝数减少、产量降低且茎秆倒伏指数增加; 4个生育期中, 苗期和花期有效积温与产量呈极显著正相关。(2) 播种量增加, 各生育期成苗数和收获密度提高, 但生育期缩短、有效积温减少, 角果层厚度降低、倒伏指数先降后增、产量呈先增后降趋势。(3) 2年不同播种期产量数据回归分析表明, 播种期推迟至S3~S4时, 越冬前有效积温保持在317.1℃以上, 苗期有效积温达401.1℃, 终花35 d收获产量可达2700.0 kg hm-2, 倒伏指数为1.5左右; 2年不同播种量产量数据平滑曲线拟合分析表明, 不同播种量下收获密度与产量呈抛物线关系, 收获密度为64.2×104株 hm-2时终花35 d收获产量达峰值, 为2948.5 kg hm-2, 而倒伏指数为1.6。综上, 配置7.5~10.0 kg hm-2的播种量确保收获密度达64.2×104株 hm-2, 抢时播种确保冬前有效积温达317.1℃, 可显著提高迟播油菜产量与抗倒性。

关键词: 迟播油菜, 播种期, 播种量, 产量, 抗倒性, 有效积温


To solve rice-rapeseed-stubble contradiction in the Yangtze River Basin and to improve the utilization rate of wintering idle field, it is urgent to carry out the research on supporting technologies for late-sowing rapeseed (sown after October 25). In this study, the early-maturing variety ‘Huayouza 137’ was used as the material, while two one-way experiment on sowing date (S1-S8, each sowing date was delayed by three days from October 25 to November 15) and sowing rate (R1-R5, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 12.5 kg hm-2) was set in Wuhan, Hubei, in two years. The growth period, seedling dynamics, agronomic traits, the yield, and lodging related indexes were investigated. The effective accumulated temperature was counted. Linear regression and smooth curve fitting analysis were carried out. The allocation parameters of sowing date and sowing rate at late-sowing stage rapeseed were optimized, which provided technical support for the production of late-sowing rapeseed. The results showed as follows: (1) With the sowing date delaying, the growth period was shortened, the root neck diameter, the number of branches and yield was reduced, the lodging index was increased at late-sowing stage in rapeseed. Among the four growth periods of rapeseed, the effective accumulated temperature during seedling and flowering stage was positively correlated with the actual yield. (2) With the sowing rate increasing at late-sowing stage in rapeseed, the number of seedlings and the harvest density was increased, but the growth period was shortened, the total effective accumulated temperature and silique-layer thickness were decreased, lodging index was first decreased and then increased, and the yield showed a trend of the first increasing and then decreasing. (3) Regression analysis on the yield data of different sowing dates in two years was carried out. The results showed that the effective accumulated temperature before wintering and at seedling stage could be maintained above 317.1℃ and 401.1℃, respectively, when the sowing date was postponed to S3-S4, and the yield of 35 days after final flowing reached 2700.0 kg hm-2, while lodging index was above 1.5. The smooth-curve-fitting analysis on the yield data of different sowing rates in two years was carried out. The results showed that the harvest density was parabolic with yield under different sowing rates, and the average peak yield of 35 days after final flowing was 2948.5 kg hm-2 under harvest density of 64.2×104 plants hm-2, while lodging index was 1.6. In summary, the sowing rate of 7.5-10.0 kg hm-2 (harvest density of 64.2×104 plants hm-2) and sowing against the clock (the average effective accumulated temperature before wintering of 317.1℃) could improve the yield and lodging index of late-sowing rapeseed.

Key words: late-sowing rapeseed, sowing date, sowing rate, yield, lodging resistance, the effective accumulated temperature



Total nitrogen
(g kg-1)
Alkaline nitrogen
(mg kg-1)
Available phosphorus
(mg kg-1)
Available potassium
(mg kg-1)
2021-2022 2.02 99.23 29.29 156.30 6.55
2022-2023 1.74 89.83 29.05 131.25 6.68


两个生长季的主要气象因子 Ta-max、Ta-avg、Ta-min、Raintotal和RHavg分别代表月均最高地表气温、月均地表气温、月均最低地表气温、月总降雨量和月均湿度。"


播种量和播种期对迟播油菜成株率的影响 R1、R2、R3、R4和R5表示播种量分别为2.5、5、7.5、10.0和12.5 kg hm-2。S1、S2、S3、S4、S5、S6、S7和S8表示播种期分别为10月25日、10月28日、10月31日、11月3日、11月6日、11月9日、11月12日和11月15日。S和R分别表示播种期和播种量, 不同小写字母表示处理间多重比较差异达显著水平(P < 0.05)。在单因素方差分析(ANOVA)中, **表示在0.01概率水平差异显著。"


播种期对生育期和有效积温动态的影响 不同播种期下2021-2022 (A)和2022-2023 (B) 2个生长季的有效积温变化和越冬期苗情状态(C)。处理同图2。折线图最上方数字(保留1位小数)分别为苗期(越冬前和越冬后)、蕾薹期、花期和角果发育期的有效积温, 图中数字(单位: 天, d)分别为苗期、蕾薹期、花期和角果发育期的持续天数, X坐标轴数字为生育期。"



Sowing rate
temperature (℃)
Seedling stage (d)
stage (d)
Flowering stage (d)
development stage (d)
period (d)
2021-2022 R1 1421.3 112 19 21 40 192
R2 1399.9 111 18 21 39 189
R3 1399.9 110 18 20 38 186
R4 1378.4 110 17 19 38 184
R5 1358.2 108 18 19 37 182
2022-2023 R1 1399.7 116 18 21 37 192
R2 1354.3 114 17 21 37 189
R3 1299.4 112 17 20 37 186
R4 1256.3 109 18 20 36 183
R5 1226.6 109 17 20 35 181


在不同收获期下播种期和播种量对实际产量的影响 处理同图2。收获期分别为4月20日、终花后35 d (35 DAF)和完全成熟期(FM)。H、S和R分别表示收获期、播种期和播种量, 不同小写字母表示同一收获期处理间多重比较差异达显著水平(P < 0.05)。在二因素方差分析中, *和**分别表示在0.05和0.01概率水平差异显著。"



Sowing date
per plant
1000-seed weight (g)
Seeds per silique
Theoretical yield (kg hm-2)
Above-ground biomass (t hm-2)
Harvest index
2021-2022 S1 164.3 a 4.264 a 17.4 a 3380.2 a 11.4 a 0.298 a
S2 153.5 b 4.253 a 17.0 ab 3335.7 a 11.2 a 0.297 a
S3 133.7 c 4.234 a 17.0 ab 3118.0 b 10.4 ab 0.303 a
S4 123.8 d 4.074 b 16.9 ab 2827.3 c 9.7 b 0.292 a
S5 94.5 ef 4.086 b 16.5 ab 2405.9 d 8.2 c 0.293 a
S6 99.0 e 4.064 bc 16.1 b 2408.0 d 8.2 c 0.295 a
S7 92.0 f 4.061 bc 16.2 b 2340.6 d 7.6 c 0.310 a
S8 82.7 g 3.963 c 16.2 b 2108.0 e 7.1 c 0.299 a
2022-2023 S1 167.7 a 4.488 a 15.7 a 3425.2 a 12.0 a 0.286 abc
S2 159.3 a 4.477 a 15.5 a 3343.3 ab 11.3 a 0.296 ab
S3 135.0 b 4.457 a 14.8 ab 3267.0 b 11.0 a 0.300 ab
S4 123.7 b 4.289 b 14.8 ab 2434.1 c 9.6 b 0.255 c
S5 101.7 c 4.301 b 14.8 ab 2187.4 d 7.6 c 0.288 abc
S6 85.7 d 4.024 c 14.3 ab 1513.0 e 4.8 d 0.316 a
S7 79.0 d 4.020 c 14.0 b 983.3 f 3.7 de 0.267 bc
S8 77.3 d 3.924 c 13.5 b 947.8 f 3.3 e 0.291 abc
F 年份Year (Y) 1.316 55.423** 105.813** 452.764** 43.321** 3.514
F-value 播种期Sowing date (S) 228.576** 51.011** 3.056* 566.007** 86.620** 1.304
年份×播期Y×S 3.359** 8.352** 0.536 84.606** 12.852** 1.466



Sowing rate
Siliques per plant
1000-seed weight (g)
Seeds per
Theoretical yield
(kg hm-2)
Aboveground biomass (t hm-2)
2021-2022 R1 157.6 a 4.105 d 20.8 a 2325.1 d 7.1 d 0.329 a
R2 125.2 b 4.191 c 20.6 a 2579.0 c 8.6 c 0.300 b
R3 98.0 c 4.295 b 19.6 ab 3096.8 b 11.0 b 0.282 b
R4 66.6 d 4.387 a 18.0 bc 3452.5 a 12.3 a 0.282 b
R5 58.1 d 4.233 c 16.0 c 3226.3 b 12.9 a 0.251 c
2022-2023 R1 173.7 a 4.024 d 17.0 a 2734.8 b 8.6 b 0.321 a
R2 145.0 b 4.109 c 14.8 b 3152.2 a 10.7 a 0.295 b
R3 106.0 c 4.211 b 13.8 b 3199.6 a 11.1 a 0.290 b
R4 56.0 d 4.301 a 14.4 b 2538.9 bc 8.9 b 0.286 b
R5 47.3 d 4.150 c 14.4 b 2338.5 c 8.2 b 0.284 b
年Year (Y) 2.601 63.435** 97.607** 17.564** 24.121** 2.826
播种期Sowing date (S) 236.923** 81.635** 9.256** 37.097** 41.470** 25.997**
年×播种期Y×S 5.403** 0.008 3.620* 86.909** 56.428** 3.902*



Sowing date
Root neck
diameter (mm)
Effective branch height (cm)
thickness (cm)
Plant height (cm)
Effective branch number
2021-2022 S1 11.8 ab 82.0 d 43.3 c 147.5 a 4.4 ab
S2 12.6 ab 82.7 d 48.0 a 147.0 ab 4.3 abc
S3 12.1 ab 88.0 c 48.7 a 148.5 a 4.8 a
S4 12.9 a 94.5 b 46.8 ab 148.5 a 4.5 ab
S5 11.7 ab 93.7 b 44.2 bc 143.2 bc 4.2 abc
S6 11.4 b 95.5 b 43.3 c 139.7 c 3.8 bc
S7 10.1 c 103.3 a 34.5 d 141.2 c 3.7 c
S8 8.0 d 104.8 a 31.3 e 140.7 c 2.8 d
2022-2023 S1 14.0 a 90.0 c 57.3 a 164.0 a 6.3 a
S2 12.9 b 90.3 c 54.7 ab 162.0 ab 5.7 a
S3 10.2 c 96.3 bc 52.3 bc 159.3 b 4.5 b
S4 9.9 cd 97.3 b 48.7 d 154.0 c 4.3 b
S5 9.1 d 99.3 ab 50.0 cd 145.3 d 3.8 bc
S6 6.1 ef 102.0 ab 49.0 cd 132.3 e 3.3 c
S7 6.5 e 104.7 a 43.7 e 132.0 e 3.7 bc
S8 5.6 f 104.0 a 42.7 e 130.0 e 3.3 c
年份Year (Y) 140.820** 26.314** 196.898** 18.343** 4.812*
播种期Sowing date (S) 80.423** 26.664** 53.309** 90.559** 16.237**
年份×播期Y×S 22.969** 1.581 7.512** 33.614** 5.173**



Sowing rate
Root neck
diameter (mm)
Effective branch height (cm)
Silique-layer thickness (cm)
Plant height
Effective branch number
2021-2022 R1 11.6 a 95.1 b 49.9 a 156.3 a 5.0 a
R2 10.7 b 95.9 b 48.1 a 155.5 a 4.2 b
R3 10.8 b 97.1 b 47.7 a 155.5 a 4.0 b
R4 9.0 c 99.3 b 42.9 b 145.1 b 3.0 c
R5 6.7 d 105.7 a 41.9 b 143.3 b 2.5 c
2022-2023 R1 12.8 a 77.0 c 59.0 a 154.0 b 5.9 a
R2 9.9 b 92.0 b 47.7 b 158.7 a 5.1 a
R3 9.3 bc 93.0 b 42.3 c 155.3 ab 4.8 a
R4 8.6 c 95.7 b 37.0 d 138.3 c 1.3 b
R5 4.7 d 103.3 a 30.0 e 137.3 c 1.0 b
年份Year (Y) 28.622** 62.592** 24.684** 10.526** 0.204
播种期Sowing date (S) 259.382** 53.705** 119.241** 97.089** 38.293**
年份×播期Y×S 16.290** 13.209** 36.136** 6.074** 6.680**


播种期和播种量对迟播油菜倒伏性状的影响 处理同图2。S和R分别表示播种期和播种量, 不同小写字母表示处理间多重比较差异达显著水平(P < 0.05)。单因素方差分析中, **表示在0.01概率水平差异显著, NS表示差异不显著。"


迟播油菜的播种期和播种量优化配置综合分析 播种期(A)和播种量(B)试验中各指标的一般线性回归分析, 各生育期有效积温和产量的一般线性回归分析(C)。播种期试验中苗期有效积温(D)和播种量试验中收获密度(E)同实际产量的平滑曲线拟合分析。迟播油菜播种期和播种量优化配置机理图(F)。图中缩写如下: S (播种期)、R (播种量)、RND (根颈粗)、BH (有效分枝高度)、SLT (角果层厚度)、PH (株高)、BN (分枝数)、LI (倒伏指数)、BS (断裂强度)、SPP (单株角果数)、TSW (千粒重)、SPS (每角果粒数)、YPP (单株产量)、AY (实际产量)、GP (生育期)、EAT (总有效积温)、HD (收获密度)、EAT-S (苗期有效积温)、EAT-B (蕾薹期有效积温)、EAT-F (花期有效积温)、EAT-M (角果发育期有效积温)。相关性系数临界值r值, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001。"

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