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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (08): 1333-1341.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.01333


Genetic Difference of Siblines Derived from Winter Wheat Germplasm “Aimengniu”

ZHAO Chun-Hua1,CUI Fa1,**,LI Jun1,DING An-Ming1,LI Xing-Feng1,GAO Ju-Rong1,WANG Hong-Gang1,*   

  1. 1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology/Shandong Key Laboratory of Crop Biology / Tai’an Subcenter of National Wheat Improvement Center / Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, China
  • Received:2011-01-17 Revised:2011-04-26 Online:2011-08-12 Published:2011-06-13
  • Contact: 王洪刚, E-mail: hgwang@sdau.edu.cn, Tel: 0538-8242141

Abstract:  “Aimengniu” (Aifeng 3//Mengxian 201/Neuzucht) is a backbone parent for cultivar improvement of winter wheat in China. Up to 2007, 26 wheat cultivars have been developed from crosses with Aimengniu. To disclose the genetic basis of this backbone parent in breeding process, we compared the genetic and phenotypic differences among seven Aimengniu-derived siblines (types) based on the results from 656 molecular markers and 16 agronomic traits including plant height, panicle length, grain number per panicle, kernel length, kernel width, panicle number per plant. There were obvious variations among the seven Aimengniu-derived types in the traits surveyed. The Aimengniu-derive type V showed better performance on yield components than other types. A graphical genotype integrated map was constructed by GGT2.0 using the molecular marker data, which showed the inheritance of fragments from the three parents to Aimengniu. Two F2 populations (Aifeng 3/Neuzucht and Mengxian 201/Neuzucht) were also developed to detect yield-related quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the Aimengniu-derived type V. Eight Aimengniu V-specific loci were detected on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2D, 3A, 4D, and 7A, which were associated with QTLs for yield components. These specific loci might discriminate the type V from other types at genomic level.

Key words: Winter wheat germplasm “Aimengniu”, Backbone parent, Genetic differences, Molecular markers

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