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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2025-2038.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32061


Effects of nitrogen fertilization levels on matter accumulation and nutrient uptake in rice cultivar with different nitrogen efficiency under drip irrigation

SONG Zhi-Wen1(), ZHAO Lei1, BI Jun-Guo2, TANG Qing-Yun1, WANG Guo-Dong3,*(), LI Yu-Xiang1,*()   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecological Agriculture, College of Agriculture, Shihezi University / Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China
    2Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center, Shanghai 201106, China
    3Key Laboratory of Water-saving Agriculture in Northwest Oasis / Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Water and Fertilizer Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences, Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-12-21 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-24
  • Contact: * E-mail: yxli@shzu.edu.cn;E-mail: 664812734@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360527);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31460541);Science and Technology Plan Project of Tumushuke City, the Third Division(KJ2023CG03);Young Innovative Top Talents Project of Shihezi University(CXBJ202003);Independent Support Scientific Research Project of Shihezi University(ZZZC2022008)


The objective of this study is to explore the effects of nitrogen application levels on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen absorption and transport, and yield of rice varieties with different nitrogen efficiency during key growth stages under drip irrigation conditions, which can provide the technical reference for high-yield and efficient rice production under drip irrigation in arid and semi-arid areas. The experiment was conducted from 2021 to 2022, using high nitrogen efficient cultivar (T-43) and low nitrogen efficient cultivar (LX-3) as the test materials. The split zone design was conducted with four nitrogen application levels, namely N0 (0 kg hm-2), N1 (150 kg hm-2), N2 (300 kg hm-2), and N3 (450 kg hm-2). The differences in dry matter accumulation, nitrogen absorption and utilization, and yield response to nitrogen application in drip irrigated rice at heading and maturity stages were analyzed. The results showed as follows: (1) Applying nitrogen fertilizer can increase the dry matter accumulation (1.99%-26.02%) and nitrogen accumulation (25.67%-97.69%) of rice under drip irrigation, and increase rice yield (23.75%-66.75%). However, the excessive nitrogen application (450 kg hm-2) reduced the promoting effect on dry matter accumulation, leading to a decrease in seed setting rate and grain number per spike, mainly concentrating nitrogen in straw, ultimately reducing the nitrogen utilization efficiency of rice. (2) Under the same nitrogen application conditions, the effective number of panicles, seed setting rate, dry matter and nitrogen accumulation in leaves and panicles of T-43 were higher than LX-3 by 1.65%-5.19%, 0.42%-8.47%, 7.61%-19.68%, 19.81%-40.73%, 19.81%-30.23%, and 20.14%-49.65%, respectively, and the final yield was higher than LX-3 by 4.23%-28.47%. (3) The response of nitrogen utilization efficiency varies among varieties at P < 0.05. Compared with LX-3, T-43 had higher N Agronomic efficiency, N recovery efficiency, and N partial factor productivity higher by 1.05%-25.23%, 5.86%-20.05%, and 10.09%-18.01%, respectively. In conclusion, under drip irrigation cultivation, the selection of high nitrogen efficient cultivar (T-43) and the application of 300 kg hm-2 nitrogen showed better nitrogen uptake and transport capacity and higher yield, and could better utilize nutrient resources, which was the best combination of variety and nitrogen application rate in this experiment.

Key words: drip irrigation of rice, cultivar with high nitrogen efficiency, dry matter accumulation, nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen utilization

Fig. 1

Maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation in 2021 and 2022"

Table 1

Fertilizer application amount and distribution ratio during the whole growth period"

Seeding stage
initiation stage
Panicle initiation -heading stage
抽穗-成熟前15 d
Heading-15 d
before maturity
成熟前15 d-收获期
15 d before
Nitrogen application levels (kg hm-2)
N0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N1 0 66.3 41.8 41.8 0 150
N2 0 140.8 79.6 79.6 0 300
N3 0 198.8 125.6 125.6 0 450
施肥次数Fertilization times 0 3 2 2 0 7

Table 2

Effect of nitrogen application levels on the yield and composition factors of drip irrigated rice"

Effective panicle
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelets per panicle
1000-grain weight (g)
Filled grain rate (%)
(t hm-2)
2021 氮高效品种T-43 N0 371.74±30.2 4 b 72.00±0.82 c 22.51±0.83 a 80.08±5.61 b 4.81±0.39 c
N1 396.84±10.10 b 85.33±1.89 b 22.43±0.21 a 82.45±2.31 ab 6.34±0.09 b
N2 417.53±10.08 a 99.67±1.25 a 22.83±1.06 a 88.29±4.64 a 8.37±0.36 a
N3 409.54±16.96 a 95.33±1.25 a 22.90±0.82 a 87.09±3.63 ab 7.88±0.34 ab
氮低效品种LX-3 N0 360.91±12.34 c 72.33±2.87 c 23.50±0.10 a 74.53±4.68 b 4.59±0.58 c
N1 382.73±4.55 b 79.33±2.05 b 23.83±0.33 a 78.58±1.93 ab 5.68±0.22 b
N2 406.75±26.67 a 92.00±0.82 a 24.80±1.43 a 81.91±3.60 a 7.60±0.83 a
N3 402.88±14.32 a 84.67±2.49 b 25.06±0.91 a 80.29±1.33 a 7.56±0.91 a
2022 氮高效品种T-43 N0 365.27±11.20 c 84.00±1.00 b 22.41±0.44 a 78.15±3.26 a 5.37±0.26 c
N1 387.90±13.71 b 95.33±1.70 a 22.61±0.08 a 81.84±1.52 a 6.84±0.24 b
N2 427.33±13.13 a 104.00±3.56 a 22.85±0.34 a 83.08±3.56 a 8.43±0.46 a
N3 419.49±15.29 a 99.00±5.35 a 22.70±0.35 a 82.58±2.55 a 8.12±0.28 a
氮低效品种LX-3 N0 351.37±23.97 c 65.00±3.56 c 23.61±0.29 b 77.44±1.47 a 4.18±0.49 c
N1 380.14±15.27 b 74.00±1.41 bc 23.93±0.26 ab 81.50±1.98 a 5.48±0.26 b
N2 407.78±16.86 a 89.00±7.48 a 24.81±0.60 a 81.80±2.44 a 7.32±0.16 a
N3 398.79±8.78 ab 80.67±6.65 ab 24.34±0.32 ab 79.53±3.20 a 6.97±0.20 a
年份Year (Y) 0.080 1.179 0.962 0.175 0.014
品种Cultivar (C) 7.445* 105.336** 14.131** 72.629** 44.159**
施氮量Nitrogen (N) 24.398** 67.165** 8.203** 4.711** 135.965**
Y×C 0.261 27.240** 5.352* 0.074 7.802**
Y×N 0.466 0.276 1.178 0.508 0.372
C×N 0.036 0.966 0.406 1.285 0.340
Y×C×N 0.209 1.542 0.044 0.172 0.284

Fig. 2

Effect of nitrogen application levels on dry matter accumulation in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among treatments in the same year at P < 0.05. * and ** indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively; ns indicates no significance."

Fig. 3

Effect of nitrogen application levels on dry matter redistribution in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar."

Fig. 4

Effect of nitrogen application levels on nitrogen accumulation in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among treatments in the same year at P < 0.05. * and ** indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively; ns indicates no significance."

Fig. 5

Effect of nitrogen application levels on the distribution of nitrogen accumulation in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar."

Fig. 6

Effect of nitrogen application levels on nitrogen transport in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among treatments in the same year at P < 0.05. * and ** indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively; ns indicates no significance."

Fig. 7

Effect of nitrogen application levels on nitrogen transport rate in drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among treatments in the same year at P < 0.05. * and ** indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively; ns indicates no significance."

Fig. 8

Effect of nitrogen application levels on nitrogen utilization characteristics of drip irrigated rice Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among treatments in the same year at P < 0.05. NAE, NPE, NRG, NRE, NPFP, and NGPE represent the N agronomic efficiency, N physiological efficiency, N requirement for 100 kg grain, N recovery efficiency, N partial factor productivity, and N grain production efficiency, respectively. * and ** indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively; ns indicates no significance."

Fig. 9

Effect of nitrogen application levels on the normalized values of rice yield, plant dry matter and nitrogen accumulation under drip irrigation Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar."

Fig. 10

Principal component analysis between yield, plant dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, and nitrogen use efficiency Treatments are the same as those given in Table 2. T-43: high-NUEs cultivar; LX-3: low-NUEs cultivar. HS: PDW, MS: PDW, HS: PNA, MS: PNA represent dry matter accumulation during heading, dry matter accumulation at maturity stage, nitrogen accumulation at heading stage, and nitrogen accumulation at maturity stage, respectively. NAE, NPE, NRG, NRE, NPFP, and NGPE represent the N agronomic efficiency, N physiological efficiency, N requirement for 100 kg grain, N recovery efficiency, N partial factor productivity, and N grain production efficiency, respectively."

Table 3

Correlation coefficient between yield, dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, and nitrogen use efficiency"

百千克籽粒需氮量 NRG 0.390
氮素稻谷生产效 NGPE -0.431* -0.991**
氮素回收率 NRE 0.548** 0.701** -0.702**
氮肥偏生产力 NPFP 0.445* 0.566** -0.580** 0.943**
氮肥农学利用效率 NAE 0.725** 0.511* -0.549** 0.837** 0.860**
氮肥生理利用率 NPE 0.853** 0.481* -0.527** 0.645** 0.671** 0.916**
抽穗期干物质积累量HS: PDW 0.880** 0.428* -0.446* 0.451* 0.341 0.594** 0.771**
成熟期干物质积累量MS: PDW 0.709** 0.621** -0.648** 0.759** 0.638** 0.729** 0.655**
抽穗期氮素积累量HS: PNA 0.893** 0.555** -0.579** 0.453* 0.345 0.594** 0.808**
成熟期氮素积累量MS: PNA 0.935** 0.687** -0.713** 0.682** 0.544** 0.747** 0.845**
百千克籽粒需氮量 NRG -0.111
氮素稻谷生产效 NGPE 0.077 -0.993**
氮素回收率 NRE 0.473* 0.502* -0.510*
氮肥偏生产力 NPFP 0.403 0.375 -0.393 0.959**
氮肥农学利用效率 NAE 0.709** 0.055 -0.101 0.676** 0.743**
氮肥生理利用率 NPE 0.824** -0.011 -0.044 0.543** 0.586** 0.952**
抽穗期干物质积累量HS: PDW 0.800** 0.076 -0.094 0.237 0.109 0.320 0.499*
成熟期干物质积累量MS: PDW 0.716** 0.489* -0.491* 0.694** 0.547** 0.603** 0.639**
抽穗期氮素积累量HS: PNA 0.808** 0.370 -0.398 0.579** 0.455* 0.598** 0.713**
成熟期氮素积累量MS: PNA 0.866** 0.392 -0.414* 0.668** 0.531** 0.662** 0.745**
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