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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1584-1596.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34123


Effects of planting density with nitrogen rate on regulation of nitrogen utilization in summer direct seeded cotton

XU Ze(), WU Xin-Ling, LIU Zhen-Yu, LI Han-Jia, LENG Xin-Hua, WU Tian-Fan, CHEN Yuan, ZHANG Xiang, CHEN De-Hua*()   

  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-07-14 Accepted:2024-01-12 Online:2024-06-12 Published:2024-02-20
  • Contact: * E-mail: cdh@yzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFD0100400);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFD0201300)


In order to clarify the effects of planting density with nitrogen rate on regulation of nitrogen utilization in summer direct seeded cotton, the CCRI 425 were used as the experimental materials in the Key Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology of Yangzhou University in 2019 and 2020. Density were used as the main treatments in 2019 and three levels of density of 60,000 plants hm-2, 90,000 plants hm-2, and 120,000 plants hm-2 were set. Nitrogen application rate as the secondary treatments and four levels of convention nitrogen application rate (0 kg hm-2, 90 kg hm-2, 150 kg hm-2, and 210 kg hm-2) were conducted. Production application (90,000 plants hm-2, 180 kg hm-2 nitrogen application rate) was used as the CK. Under the density of 120,000 plants hm-2, there were four levels of convention nitrogen application rate (0 kg hm-2, 90 kg hm-2, 150 kg hm-2, and 210 kg hm-2). The results showed that cotton seed yield was increased, reaching 4147.8-5119.2 kg hm-2, at the density of 12×104 plants hm-2 with nitrogen application of 150 kg hm-2. The dry matter of reproductive organs was 2605.6-2863.6 kg hm-2 and accounted for over 50% of the total dry matter weight. Nitrogen accumulation in reproductive organs was significantly increased, reaching 45.97-60.70 kg hm-2. Nitrogen use efficiency was significantly increased, nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE) was 42.58%-44.17%, agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (aNUE) was 7.16-21.34 kg (kg N)-1, physiological nitrogen use efficiency (pNUE) was 19.16-24.03 kg (kg N)-1, partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer (NPP) was 21.12-34.13 kg (kg N) -1. Regression analysis further showed that nitrogen recovery efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen physiological efficiency, and physiological efficiency were linearly positively correlated with yield. The percentage of open bolls reached 43.59%-60.76% before spraying defoliation and ripening agent and the normal flocculation rate could be achieved after spraying defoliation and ripening agent. Therefore, high-density with medium nitrogen rate is beneficial to nitrogen absorption and utilization, which provides the technical support for high yield, high efficient production, and nitrogen reduction in cotton.

Key words: summer direct seeded cotton, planting density, nitrogen, nitrogen utilization rate

Table 1

Effect of density and nitrogen on the yield and composition in summer seeded cotton in 2019"

(plant hm-2)
Bolls per plant
Single boll weight (g)
Seed cotton yield (kg hm-2)
Lint yield
(kg hm-2)
Lint percentage
P1N0 56,415.8 a 7.4 cd 4.8 c 2760.6 ef 911.0 e 33.17 b
P1N1 58,013.7 a 8.9 abc 5.4 ab 2983.6 e 963.4 d 33.41 b
P1N2 56,036.9 a 9.5 ab 5.5 ab 3135.0 de 1061.9 cd 33.87 b
P1N3 57,748.0 a 10.0 a 5.7 a 3420.0 d 1078.3 cd 31.53 b
P2N0 84,812.1 a 6.3 d 4.7 c 2841.1 e 909.2 e 32.47 b
P2N1 85,022.4 a 7.5 cd 5.3 ab 3577.5 c 1308.7 b 36.58 a
P2N2 86,184.3 a 8.2 bc 5.7 a 4206.6 b 1360.7 b 32.35 a
P2N3 85,439.6 a 7.5 cd 5.4 ab 3645.0 c 1288.9 b 35.36 ab
P3N0 118,675.7 a 6.2 de 4.7 c 2818.0 e 1134.4 c 33.25 b
P3N1 116,442.3 a 7.9 cd 5.2 b 4929.6 a 1840.5 a 37.34 a
P3N2 116,574.7 a 7.9 cd 5.4 ab 5119.2 a 1972.8 a 38.54 a
P3N3 117,684.5 a 6.4 d 5.3 ab 4070.4 b 1470.4 b 36.12 a
密度处理Density (P) NS 50.94** NS 121.96** 147.43** NS
氮处理Nitrogen (N) NS NS 4.21* 6.81* 6.07* NS
密度处理×氮处理P×N NS NS NS 7.23** 6.77** NS

Table 2

Effect of density and nitrogen on the yield and composition in summer seeded cotton in 2020"

(plants hm-2)
Bolls per plant
Single boll weight (g)
Seed cotton yield (kg hm-2)
Lint yield
(kg hm-2)
Lint percentage
CK 85,366.4 a 9.1 a 4.5 ab 3685.5 b 1405.9 b 38.15 a
P3N0 117,457.9 a 5.6 d 4.1 b 2755.2 c 1019.7 c 37.01 b
P3N1 115,698.3 a 6.9 bc 4.6 ab 3808.8 ab 1558.4 ab 40.92 a
P3N2 116,637.4 a 7.1 b 4.9 a 4174.8 a 1718.0 a 41.15 a
P3N3 118,547.8 a 6.5 c 4.5 ab 3510.0 b 1325.9 bc 37.77 ab

Fig. 1

Changes in precipitation during cotton growth period (from June to October) in 2019-2020"

Table 3

Effect of density and nitrogen on rotten bolls and shedding rate in summer seeded cotton in 2019"

Rotten bolls
Rate of rotten bolls (%)
Shedding rate (%)
P1N0 0.5 a 2.6 a 63.2 ab
P1N1 0.4 a 1.9 a 57.1 b
P1N2 0.4 a 2.5 a 61.3 ab
P1N3 0.3 ab 2.4 a 58.8 b
P2N0 0.3 ab 1.9 a 63.6 ab
P2N1 0.4 a 1.8 a 68.2 a
P2N2 0.3 ab 1.5 a 65.6 ab
P2N3 0.3 ab 1.5 a 65.5 ab
P3N0 0.3 ab 1.4 a 71.4 a
P3N1 0.2 ab 1.1 b 72.2 a
P3N2 0.2 ab 1.1 b 70.1 a
P3N3 0.3 ab 1.4 a 69.5 a
密度处理Density (P) NS NS 13.56*
氮处理Nitrogen (N) NS NS NS
密度处理×氮处理P×N NS NS NS

Table 4

Effect of density and nitrogen on rotten bolls and shedding rate in summer seeded cotton in 2020"

Rotten bolls
Rate of rotten bolls (%)
Shedding rate (%)
CK 0.3 a 1.5 a 65.5 a
P3N0 0.2 a 1.3 a 67.4 a
P3N1 0.2 a 1.8 a 62.7 a
P3N2 0.2 a 1.7 a 69.5 a
P3N3 0.3 a 2.2 a 65.3 a

Table 5

Effect of density and nitrogen on accumulation of dry matter in reproductive organs in 2019 (kg hm-2)"

日期Date (month/day)
7/30 8/15 8/30 9/20
P1N0 17.5 cd 164.1 f 1196.8 cd 1857.9 e
P1N1 19.6 c 196.4 d 1348.6 b 2203.4 c
P1N2 20.8 c 239.0 cd 1567.0 b 2290.8 c
P1N3 25.4 bc 257.0 bcd 1609.4 ab 2668.8 b
P2N0 19.4 c 180.9 e 1205.8 c 2021.7 d
P2N1 25.8 bc 224.4 cd 1533.2 b 2269.8 c
P2N2 32.0 bc 356.0 bc 1500.4 b 2507.0 bc
P2N3 34.2 ab 271.4 bcd 1476.6 b 2824.6 a
P3N0 18.6 c 176.1 e 1208.6 c 2064.9 d
P3N1 36.2 ab 390.2 b 1744.5 ab 2848.8 a
P3N2 44.6 a 588.4 a 1955.5 a 2863.6 a
P3N3 35.4 ab 191.2 d 1156.4 c 1940.4 de
密度处理Density (P) 20.71** 314.05** 49.90** 269.40**
氮处理Nitrogen (N) NS 17.08** 14.51** 11.14**
密度处理×氮处理P×N 3.82* 17.75** 12.83** 9.79**

Table 6

Effect of density and nitrogen on accumulation of dry matter in reproductive organs in 2020 (kg hm-2)"

日期Date (month/day)
7/30 8/15 8/30 9/20
CK 29.0 b 235.6 b 1671.7 b 2079.9 ab
P3N0 18.2 d 205.9 d 1314.0 c 1593.6 b
P3N1 31.3 b 283.0 ab 1722.6 ab 2392.9 ab
P3N2 38.1 a 331.7 a 1922.6 a 2605.6 a
P3N3 30.3 b 200.1 c 1438.8 c 1896.3 b

Fig. 2

Effect of density and nitrogen on proportion of dry matter in reproductive organs Treatments are the same as those given in Tables 1 and 2."

Table 7

Effect of density and nitrogen on amount of nitrogen accumulation in summer seeded cotton in 2019 (kg hm-2)"

营养器官Nutritive organ 生殖器官Reproductive organ
7/30 8/15 8/30 9/20 7/30 8/15 8/30 9/20
P1N0 24.76 f 58.54 c 59.82 d 65.27 bc 3.37 cd 6.80 ef 23.05 e 28.18 e
P1N1 36.97 d 57.92 c 68.54 c 69.69 b 3.69 c 10.28 e 24.87 e 34.02 de
P1N2 39.67 d 63.53 c 72.79 c 73.35 b 3.99 c 10.62 e 31.13 d 41.71 cd
P1N3 46.15 c 66.57 c 75.86 c 78.50 b 4.17 c 12.38 de 34.10 cd 42.04 cd
P2N0 23.46 f 51.3 cd 56.86 de 74.35 b 3.41 cd 7.75 ef 28.96 de 34.40 de
P2N1 55.62 b 77.28 b 89.55 b 98.10 a 5.68 b 14.15 cd 34.73 cd 44.68 c
P2N2 59.07 b 77.60 b 93.65 ab 99.86 a 6.64 ab 16.27 bc 38.59 bc 45.67 c
P2N3 60.32 b 81.11 b 96.98 ab 100.46 a 6.21 ab 15.86 c 35.85 cd 45.32 c
P3N0 27.07 e 42.56 d 65.43 cd 75.23 b 2.53 d 9.43 e 24.69 e 38.92 d
P3N1 81.64 a 91.98 a 105.82 ab 110.95 a 6.98 ab 18.32 b 44.14 ab 52.35 bc
P3N2 80.80 a 90.97 a 104.39 ab 107.32 a 8.07 a 20.42 a 45.71 a 60.70 a
P3N3 83.71 a 95.21 a 109.41 a 113.39 a 6.80 ab 16.36 bc 40.71 abc 54.80 b
密度处理Density (P) 111.07** 168.49** 342.37** NS 594.45** 664.34** 482.56** 1248.50**
氮处理Nitrogen (N) 69.14** 38.46** 34.45** 17.43* 43.41** 374.36** 257.34** 47.17**
密度处理×氮处理P×N 21.75** 34.64** 26.38** NS 22.17** 38.16** 45.60** 16.49**

Table 8

Effect of density and nitrogen on amount of nitrogen accumulation in summer seeded cotton in 2020 (kg hm-2)"

营养器官Nutritive organ 生殖器官Reproductive organ
7/30 8/15 8/30 9/20 8/15 8/30 9/20
CK 43.18 ab 71.62 bc 91.28 a 109.33 a 17.10 ab 26.33 a 34.98 b
P3N0 27.59 c 61.20 c 75.12 b 86.59 b 13.89 b 18.72 b 25.24 d
P3N1 45.90 ab 88.53 ab 93.20 a 110.91 a 19.17 a 27.17 a 43.89 ab
P3N2 37.55 b 70.98 bc 86.81 ab 107.13 a 19.80 a 31.36 a 45.97 a
P3N3 49.09 a 90.60 a 100.65 a 112.23 a 14.04 b 24.82 a 32.60 bc

Fig. 3

Relationship between amount of nitrogen accumulation in reproductive organs at different growth stages and seed cotton yield"

Table 9

Effect of density and nitrogen on nitrogen use efficiency in summer seeded cotton in 2019"

NRE (%)
aNUE (kg kg-1N)
pNUE (kg kg-1N)
NPP (kg kg-1N)
P1N1 14.41 d 2.48 de 10.26 d 33.15 bc
P1N2 12.90 de 2.50 de 15.61 cde 20.90 d
P1N3 11.40 e 3.14 d 17.09 cd 16.29 de
P2N1 37.81 b 8.18 bc 18.03 c 39.75 b
P2N2 24.52 c 9.10 b 20.78 b 28.04 c
P2N3 17.63 cd 3.83 d 17.03 cd 17.36 d
P3N1 35.72 bc 23.46 a 21.70 b 54.77 a
P3N2 42.58 a 21.34 ab 24.03 a 34.13 bc
P3N3 30.50 bc 5.96 c 16.56 cd 19.38 d
密度处理Density (P) 262.64** 693.04** 90.25** 41.93**
氮处理Nitrogen (N) 42.92** 108.94** 51.24** 726.10**
密度处理×氮处理P×N 62.92** 503.38** 31.32** 56.97**

Table 10

Effect of density and nitrogen on nitrogen use efficiency in summer seeded cotton in 2020"

NRE (%)
aNUE (kg kg-1N)
pNUE (kg kg-1N)
NPP (kg kg-1N)
CK 18.34 bc 3.80 b 15.09 b 15.43 c
P3N1 54.28 a 8.72 a 15.79 b 32.00 a
P3N2 44.17 a 7.16 ab 19.16 a 21.12 b
P3N3 22.61 b 2.74 b 12.55 b 12.71 d

Table 11

Relationship between nitrogen use efficiency and seed cotton yield"

Nitrogen use efficiency
Correlation between nitrogen use efficiency and seed cotton yield
Correlation coefficient
2019 氮肥回收利用率Nitrogen recovery efficiency y = 0.0128x-24.508 0.8104**
氮肥农学利用率Agronomic nitrogen use efficiency y = 0.01x-29.964 0.9291**
氮素生理利用率Physiological nitrogen use efficiency y = 0.0048x-0.6406 0.8938**
氮肥偏生产力Partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer y = 0.0086x-4.3975 0.2627
2020 氮肥回收利用率Nitrogen recovery efficiency y = 1028.5x+3439.9 0.6343*
氮肥农学利用率Agronomic nitrogen use efficiency y = 69.857x+3403.2 0.7026**
氮素生理利用率Physiological nitrogen use efficiency y = 102.4x+2192.4 0.9989**
氮肥偏生产力Partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer y = 14.479x+3500.6 0.4453*

Table 12

Effect of density and nitrogen on open boll percentages in summer seeded cotton (%)"

2019 2020
Before application of harvest aid
After application of
harvest aid
Before application of harvest aid
After application of
harvest aid
P1N0 58.23 b 81.02 a
P1N1 60.95 ab 83.01 a
P1N2 69.97 a 85.28 a
P1N3 64.96 ab 81.73 a
P2N0 56.54 b 76.47 ab
P2N1 57.29 b 80.95 a
P2N2 60.12 ab 84.96 a
P2N3 58.90 b 82.11 a
P3N0 51.25 bc 74.18 ab 35.60 b 69.97 ab
P3N1 53.28 bc 73.57 ab 43.62 ab 68.08 ab
P3N2 60.76 ab 81.83 a 43.59 ab 78.95 a
P3N3 59.25 ab 82.41 a 42.48 ab 75.53 a
CK 49.58 a 83.22 a
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