Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (12): 2532-2540.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.11002
• RESEARCH NOTES • Previous Articles
ZHANG Yu-Xun1,2(), QI Tuo-Ye4, SUN Yuan3, QU Xiang-Ning1,2, CAO Yuan1,2, WU Meng-Yao1,2, LIU Chun-Hong1,2, WANG Lei1,2,*(
[1] | 毛博慧, 李民赞, 孙红, 刘豪杰, 张俊逸, Zhang Q. 冬小麦苗期叶绿素含量检测光谱学参数寻优. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(增刊1):164-169. |
Mao B H, Li M Z, Sun H, Liu H J, Zhang J J, Zhang Q. Optimization of spectroscopy parameters and prediction of chlorophyll content at seeding stage of winter wheat. Trans CSAE, 2017, 33(S1):164-169 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[2] | 张领先, 陈运强, 李云霞, 马浚诚, 杜克明, 郑飞翔, 孙忠富. 可见光光谱的冬小麦苗期地上生物量估算. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2019, 39:2501-2506. |
Zhang L X, Chen Y Q, Li Y X, Ma J C, Du K M, Zheng F X, Sun F Z. Estimating above ground biomass of winter wheat at early growth stages based on visual spectral. Spectr Spectr Anal, 2019, 39:2501-2506 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[3] | 马培培, 李静, 柳钦火, 何彬彬, 赵静. 中国区域MuSyQ叶面积指数产品验证与分析. 遥感学报, 2019, 23:1232-1252. |
Ma P P, Li J, Liu Q H, He B B, Zhao J. Multisensor synergistic quantitative leaf area index product of China. J Remote Sens, 2019, 23:1232-1252 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[4] | 龙泽昊, 秦其明, 张添源, 许伟. 基于长短期记忆网络的冬小麦连续时序叶面积指数预测. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2020, 40:898-904. |
Long Z H, Qin Q M, Zhang T Y, Xu W. Prediction of continuous time series leaf area index based on long short-term memory network: a case study of winter wheat. Spectr Spectr Anal, 2020, 40:898-904 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[5] | 栾青, 郭建平, 马雅丽, 张丽敏, 王婧瑄. 玉米叶面积指数估算通用模型. 中国农业气象, 2020, 41:506-519. |
Luan Q, Guo J P, Ma Y L, Zhang L M, Wang J X. A general model for estimating leaf area index of maize. Chin J Agrometeorol, 2020, 41:506-519 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[6] | 李振洲, 贺正, 贾彪, 刘志, 付江鹏, 刘慧芳. 滴灌玉米叶面积指数归一化建模与特征分析. 中国土壤与肥料, 2020, (3):189-195. |
Li Z Z, He Z, Jia B, Liu Z, Fu J P, Liu H F. LAI normalization modeling and characteristic analysis of maize with drip irrigation. Soil Fert Sci China, 2020, (3):189-195 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[7] | 常文涛, 王浩, 宁晓刚, 张翰超. 融合Sentinel-2红边波段和Sentinel-1雷达波段影像的扎龙湿地信息提取. 湿地科学, 2020, 18(1):10-19. |
Chang W T, Wang H, Ning X G, Zhang H C. Extraction of Zhalong wetlands information based on images of sentinel-2 red-edge bands and sentinel-1 radar bands. Wetland Sci, 2020, 18(1):10-19 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[8] | 吾木提·艾山江, 买买提·沙吾提, 陈水森, 李丹. 基于GF-1/2卫星数据的冬小麦叶面积指数反演. 作物学报, 2020, 46:787-797. |
Umut H, Mamat S, Chen S S, Li D. Inversion of leaf area index of winter wheat based on GF-1/2 image. Acta Agron Sin, 2020, 46:787-797 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[9] | 刘明星, 李长春, 李振海, 冯海宽, 杨贵军, 陶惠林. 基于高光谱遥感与SAFY模型的冬小麦地上生物量估算. 农业机械学报, 2020, 51(2):192-202. |
Liu M X, Li C C, Li Z H, Feng H K, Yang G J, Tao H L. Estimation of dry aerial mass of winter wheat based on coupled hyperspectral remote sensing and SAFY model. Trans CSAM, 2020, 51(2):192-202 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[10] | 陶惠林, 徐良骥, 冯海宽, 杨贵军, 苗梦珂, 林博文. 基于无人机高光谱长势指标的冬小麦长势监测. 农业机械学报, 2020, 51(2):180-191. |
Tao H L, Xu L J, Feng H K, Yang G J, Miao M K, Lin B W. Monitoring of winter wheat growth based on UAV hyperspectral growth index. Trans CSAM, 2020, 51(2):180-191 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[11] | 王磊, 耿君, 杨冉冉, 田庆久, 杨闫君, 周洋. 高分一号卫星影像特征及其在草地监测中的应用. 草地学报, 2015, 23:1093-1100. |
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[12] | 张漫, 苗艳龙, 仇瑞承, 季宇寒, 李寒, 李民赞. 基于车载三维激光雷达的玉米叶面积指数测量. 农业机械学报, 2019, 50(6):12-21. |
Zhang M, Miao Y L, Qiu R C, Ji Y H, Li H, Li M Z. Maize leaf area index measurement based on vehicle 3D LiDAR. Trans CSAM, 2019, 50(6):12-21 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[13] | 程雪, 贺炳彦, 黄耀欢, 孙志刚, 李鼎, 朱婉雪. 基于无人机高光谱数据的玉米叶面积指数估算. 遥感技术与应用, 2019, 34:775-784. |
Cheng X, He B Y, Huang Y H, Sun Z G, Li D, Zhu W X. Estimation of corn leaf area index based on UAV hyperspectral image. Remote Sens Technol Appl, 2019, 34:775-784 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[14] | 江杰, 张泽宇, 曹强, 田永超, 朱艳, 曹卫星, 刘小军. 基于消费级无人机搭载数码相机监测小麦长势状况研究. 南京农业大学学报, 2019, 42:622-631. |
Jiang J, Zhang Z Y, Cao Q, Tian Y C, Zhu Y, Cao W X, Liu X J. Use of a digital camera mounted on a consumer-grade unmanned aerial vehicle to monitor the growth status of wheat. J Nanjing Agric Univ, 2019, 42:622-631 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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Xing N C, Huang W J, Xie Q Y, Shi Y, Ye H C, Dong Y Y, Wu M Q, Sun G, Jiao Q J. A transformed triangular vegetation index for estimating winter wheat leaf area index. Remote Sens, 2019, 12:16-34.
doi: 10.3390/rs12010016 |
[16] | 孙红, 刘宁, 邢子正, 张智勇, 李民赞, 吴静珠. 马铃薯冠层光谱响应特征参数优化与生长期判别. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2019, 39:1870-1877. |
Sun H, Liu N, Xing Z Z, Zhang Z Z, Li M Z, Wu J S. Parameter optimization of potato spectral response characteristics and growth stage identification. Spectr Spectr Anal, 2019, 39:1870-1877 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[17] | 刘洁, 李静, 柳钦火, 何彬彬, 于文涛. 全球典型植被叶片光谱特征及其对LAI反演的影响分析. 遥感技术与应用, 2019, 34(1):155-165. |
Liu J, Li J, Liu Q H, He B B, Yu W T. Global leaf spectral characteristics of typical vegetation and it’s impacts on LAI inversion. Remote Sens Technol Appl, 2019, 34(1):155-165 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[18] | 葛元梅, 陈翔宇, 洪帅, 马露露, 吕新, 张泽. 基于红边参数不同品种的估算模型. 新疆农业科学, 2019, 56:1032-1040. |
Ge Y M, Chen X Y, Hong S, Ma L L, Lyu X, Zhang Z. Establishment of estimation model for different varieties based on red edge parameters. Xinjiang Agric Sci, 2019, 56:1032-1040 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[19] | 余蛟洋, 常庆瑞, 班松涛, 田明璐, 由明明. 猕猴桃叶片SPAD值高光谱估算模型构建. 干旱地区农业研究, 2018, 36(6):168-174. |
Yu J Y, Chang Q R, Ban S T, Tian M L, You M M. Hyperspectral models for estimating SPAD values of kiwifruit leaves. Agric Res Arid Areas, 2018, 36(6):168-174 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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doi: 10.1007/s11071-018-4241-y |
[21] | 罗丹, 常庆瑞, 齐雁冰. 基于红边参数和人工神经网络的苹果叶片叶绿素含量估算. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 47(1):107-115. |
Luo D, Chang Q R, Qi Y B. Estimation of chlorophyll content in apple leaves based on red edge parameters and artificial neural network. J Northwest A&F Univ (Nat Sci Edn), 2019, 47(1):107-115 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[22] | 刘俊, 孟庆岩, 葛小三, 刘顺喜, 陈旭, 孙云晓. 基于BP神经网络的夏玉米多生育期叶面积指数反演研究. 遥感技术与应用, 2020, 35(1):174-184. |
Liu J, Meng Q Y, Ge X S, Liu S X, Chen X, Sun Y X. Leaf area index inversion of summer maize at multiple growth stages based on BP neural network. Remote Sens Technol Appl, 2020, 35(1):174-184 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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[24] | 李雪玲, 董莹莹, 朱溢佞, 黄文江. 基于EnMAP卫星和深度神经网络的LAI遥感反演方法. 红外与毫米波学报, 2020, 39(1):111-119. |
Li X L, Dong Y Y, Zhu Y N, Huang W J. Leaf area index estimation with EnMAP hyperspectral data based on deep neural network. J Infr Millim Waves, 2020, 39(1):111-119 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[25] | 王强, 舒清态, 罗洪斌, 王冬玲, 字李, 谢福明. 基于机载LiDAR和光学遥感数据的热带橡胶林叶面积指数反演. 西北林学院学报, 2020, 35(4):132-139. |
Wang Q, Shu Q T, Luo H B, Wang D L, Zi L, Xie F M. Inversion of leaf area index of tropical Hevea brasiliensis forest based on airborne LiDAR and optical remote sensing data. J Northwest For Univ, 2020, 35(4):132-139 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[26] | 郭云开, 许敏, 张晓炯, 刘雨玲. 结合PRO-4SAIL和BP神经网络的叶绿素含量高光谱反演. 测绘通报, 2020, (3):21-24. |
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[34] | 郭建茂, 王星宇, 李淑婷, 谢晓燕, 刘荣花, 于庚康. 基于冠层光谱红边参数和植被指数的冬小麦水分胁迫监测. 江苏农业科学, 2019, 47(10):88-94. |
Guo J M, Wang X Y, Li S T, Xie X Y, Liu R H, Yu K K. Study on water stress monitoring of winter wheat based on canopy spectral red-edge parameters and vegetation index. Jiangsu Agric Sci, 2019, 47(10):88-94 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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[1] | GUO Xing-Yu, LIU Peng-Zhao, WANG Rui, WANG Xiao-Li, LI Jun. Response of winter wheat yield, nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen balance to rainfall types and nitrogen application rate in dryland [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1262-1272. |
[2] | WANG Yang-Yang, HE Li, REN De-Chao, DUAN Jian-Zhao, HU Xin, LIU Wan-Dai, GU Tian-Cai, WANG Yong-Hua, FENG Wei. Evaluations of winter wheat late frost damage under different water based on principal component-cluster analysis [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(2): 448-462. |
[3] | HU Xin-Hui, GU Shu-Bo, ZHU Jun-Ke, WANG Dong. Effects of applying potassium at different growth stages on dry matter accumulation and yield of winter wheat in different soil-texture fields [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(11): 2258-2267. |
[4] | ZHOU Bao-Yuan, GE Jun-Zhu, SUN Xue-Fang, HAN Yu-Ling, MA Wei, DING Zai-Song, LI Cong-Feng, ZHAO Ming. Research advance on optimizing annual distribution of solar and heat resources for double cropping system in the Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers plain [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(10): 1843-1853. |
[5] | LUO Wen-He, SHI Zu-Jiao, WANG Xu-Min, LI Jun, WANG Rui. Effects of water saving and nitrogen reduction on soil nitrate nitrogen distribution, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of winter wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2020, 46(6): 924-936. |
[6] | MA Yan-Ming, FENG Zhi-Yu, WANG Wei, ZHANG Sheng-Jun, GUO Ying, NI Zhong-Fu, LIU Jie. Genetic diversity analysis of winter wheat landraces and modern bred varieties in Xinjiang based on agronomic traits [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2020, 46(12): 1997-2007. |
[7] | MA Yan-Ming, LOU Hong-Yao, CHEN Zhao-Yan, XIAO Jing, XU Lin, NI Zhong-Fu, LIU Jie. Genetic diversity assessment of winter wheat landraces and cultivars in Xinjiang via SNP array analysis [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2020, 46(10): 1539-1556. |
[8] | ZHANG Li,CHEN Fu,LEI Yong-Deng. Spatial and temporal patterns of drought risk for winter wheat grown in Hebei province in past 60 years [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(9): 1407-1415. |
[9] | WU Ya-Peng,HE Li,WANG Yang-Yang,LIU Bei-Cheng,WANG Yong-Hua,GUO Tian-Cai,FENG Wei. Dynamic model of vegetation indices for biomass and nitrogen accumulation in winter wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(8): 1238-1249. |
[10] | Li-Na JIANG,Jing-Li MA,Bao-Ting FANG,Jian-Hui MA,Chun-Xi LI,Zhi-Min WANG,Bao-Zhen HAO. Effect of lower water and nitrogen supply on grain yield and dry matter remobilization of organs in different layers of winter wheat plant in northern Henan province [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(6): 957-966. |
[11] | Xin-Nan HE,Xiang LIN,Shu-Bo GU,Dong WANG. Effects of supplemental irrigation with micro-sprinkling hoses on soil physical properties, water consumption and grain yield of winter wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(6): 879-892. |
[12] | ZHOU Bao-Yuan,MA Wei,SUN Xue-Fang,DING Zai-Song,LI Cong-Feng,ZHAO Ming. Characteristics of annual climate resource distribution and utilization in high-yielding winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(4): 589-600. |
[13] | ZHANG Jing-Ting,LYU Li-Hua,DONG Zhi-Qiang,ZHANG Li-Hua,YAO Yan-Rong,SHEN Hai-Ping,YAO Hai-Po,JIA Xiu-Ling. Yield-increasing effect of supplementary irrigation at winter wheat flowering and its influencing factors based on water and nitrogen coupling in north China [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(11): 1746-1755. |
[14] | MENG Fan-Yuan,FENG Li-Ping,ZHANG Feng-Yao,ZHANG Yi,WU Lu,WANG Chun-Lei,YAN Jin-Tao,PENG Ming-Xi,MO Zhi-Hong,YU Wei-Dong. Temporal and spatial variations of winter wheat freezing injury in northern winter wheat region [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(10): 1576-1585. |
[15] | Li-Min WANG,Ling-Bo YANG,Jia LIU,Fu-Gang YANG,Bao-Min YAO. Comparison of Growth Monitoring Index NDVI between GF-1 and MODIS Images in Winter Wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2018, 44(7): 1043-1054. |