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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (10): 2717-2726.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23080


Cloning and the relative expression pattern of GST31 gene in maize

SUN Lan-Lan(), MA Rong-Hui, XUE Fei, YANG Mu-Han, XU Hong-Le, SU Wang-Cang, LU Chuan-Tao, WU Ren-Hai()   

  1. Henan Key Laboratory of Crop Pest Control, Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
  • Received:2022-12-12 Accepted:2023-02-21 Online:2023-10-12 Published:2023-03-02
  • Contact: E-mail: renhai.wu@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Science Foundation of Henan Province, China(212300410171);Independent Topic Selection Project of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2022ZC36);Joint Fund for Scientific and Technological Research and Development of Henan(222301420109)


To investigate the sequence characteristics of the ZmGST31 gene and the relative expression pattern under herbicide and safener application, ZmGST31 gene was cloned from maize variety ‘Zhengdan 958' by using Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR). A series of bioinformatics analyses were performed subsequently to reveal its nucleotide and coding protein sequence characteristics. Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to study its relative expression level in root, stem, and leaf with the application of Nicosulfuron (NS) and Isoxadifen-Ethyl (IE) for 24 hours and 48 hours. The results showed that the coding sequence (CDS) of ZmGST31 was 765 bp, which encoded an stable hydrophobic protein with molecular formula of C1276H2021N331O353S4, amino acid size of 254 aa, molecular weight of 27.78 kD, and isoelectric point of 6.60. The protein was mainly localized in the cytoplasm and had no signal peptide and transmembrane structure. Based on the conserved GST_C_Tau and GST_N_Tau structural domain, it was suggested to be a member of the Tau subfamily. ZmGST31 had higher homology with Dichanthelium oligosanthes GSTU17 protein. Protein-protein interaction prediction result showed that ZmGST31 could interact with ten proteins, including two glutathione synthetases and five Glutathione peroxidase proteins. The promoter region of ZmGST31 containd a large number of Cis-acting elements such as light response and hormone response. qRT-PCR results revealed that ZmGST31 was expressed in different parts of maize seedlings, with the highest expression in roots, followed by leaves, and stems. The relative expression of ZmGST31 gene in the aboveground part of maize could be induced by the nicosulfuron and isoxadifen-ethyl, the induction effect was the strongest at 24 hours. In conclusion, the relative expression level of ZmGST31 was regulated by herbicide Nicosulfuron and safener Isoxadifen-Ethyl and might play an important role in herbicide toxicity degradation or safener-mediated herbicide toxicity degradation in maize.

Key words: Zea mays L., ZmGST31, bioinformatics analysis, the relative expression pattern

Fig. 1

Electrophoresis detection of the amplified complementary DNA sequence of ZmGST31 M: DL2000 marker."

Fig. 2

Secondary structure (A) and tertiary structure (B) of ZmGST31 protein Blue h: the alpha helix; Green t: the beta turn; Orange c: the random coil; Red e: the extended strand; B: the tertiary structure analysis."

Fig. 3

Conserved domains of ZmGST31"

Table 1

Motifs identified in ZmGST31 protein"

Motif name
Motif sequence
Motif name
Motif sequence
Motif 1 RFWAQY
1.4e+001 6 120-125
Motif 10 DAIPDA
3.6e+003 6 227-232
1.3e+002 8 173-180
Motif 11 LKGTDD
4.2e+003 6 137-142
1.8e+002 7 82-88
Motif 12 RVIGLW
8.0e+003 6 29-34
Motif 4 PWAIRI
4.1e+002 6 131-136
Motif 13 EEVVGR
8.0e+003 6 57-62
Motif 5 GMEQAA
4.3e+002 6 144-149
Motif 14 PAFLPV
9.8e+003 6 106-111
1.0e+003 7 95-101
Motif 15 GWVKAV
1.9e+004 6 190-195
2.1e+003 7 1-7
Motif 16 ELSELG
2.4e+004 6 15-20
Motif 8 PNLVAW
3.8e+002 6 210-215
Motif 17 SFSKPI
3.1e+004 6 244-249
Motif 9 AQLSQG
3.3e+003 6 164-169

Fig. 4

Motifs LOGO identified in ZmGST31 protein"

Fig. 5

Protein-protein interaction network of ZmGST31 protein"

Fig. 6

Phylogenetic tree for GST proteins from different plant species"

Table 2

Predicted major cis-acting elements in the promoter of ZmGST31"

TATA-box 77 核心启动子元件 Core promoter element
CAAT-box 14 核心启动子元件 Core promoter element
CGTCA-motif 8 茉莉酸甲酯响应 MeJA-responsiveness
CAT-box 3 分生组织表达 Meristem expression
ATCT-motif 3 光反应 Light responsiveness
TGA-element 3 生长素响应元件 Auxin-responsive element
ARE 2 厌氧诱导 Anaerobic induction
GA-motif 2 光响应元件 Light responsive element
ABRE 2 脱落酸响应 Abscisic acid responsiveness
GC-motif 1 缺氧特异性诱导 Anoxic specific inducibility
CCAAT-box 1 MYBHv1结合位点 MYBHv1 binding site
GA-motif 1 光反应元件 Light responsive element
AT-rich element 1 富含AT的DNA结合蛋白结合位点 Binding site of AT-rich DNA binding protein
ACE 1 光反应 Light responsiveness
CAT-box 1 顺式作用调控元件 Cis-acting regulatory element
GCN4_motif 1 胚乳发育 Endosperm expression
MSA-like 1 细胞周期调控 Cell cycle regulation

Fig. 7

Relative expression pattern of ZmGST31 genes under different organs and treatments A: the relative expression pattern of ZmGST31 genes in roots, stems, and leaves. B: the relative expression pattern of ZmGST31 at 0, 24, and 48 h after CK treatment. C: the relative expression pattern of ZmGST31 at 24 h after Control (CK), Isoxadifen-Ethyl (IE), Nicosulfuron (NS), and Isoxadifen-Ethyl + Nicosulfuron (IE+NS) treatments. D: the relative expression pattern of ZmGST31 at 48 h after the control (CK), Isoxadifen-Ethyl (IE), Nicosulfuron (NS), and Isoxadifen-Ethyl + Nicosulfuron (IE+NS) treatments. All data are means ± standard deviations (SDs) of three replicates. Different lowercase letters above the columns represent significant difference at P < 0.05."

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