Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 1052-1064.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24051
WU Zong-Sheng1,**(), XU Cai-Long1,**(
), LI Rui-Dong1, XU Yi-Fan1,2, SUN Shi1, HAN Tian-Fu1, SONG Wen-Wen1,*(
), WU Cun-Xiang1,*(
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[1] | TAO Yue-Yue, SHENG Xue-Wen, XU Jian, SHEN Yuan, WANG Hai-Hou, LU Chang-Ying, SHEN Ming-Xing. Characteristics of heat and solar resources allocation and utilization in rice-oilseed rape double cropping systems in the Yangtze River Delta [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1327-1338. |
[2] | WEI Hai-Min, TAO Wei-Ke, ZHOU Yan, YAN Fei-Yu, LI Wei-Wei, DING Yan-Feng, LIU Zheng-Hui, LI Gang-Hua. Panicle silicon fertilizer optimizes the absorption and distribution of mineral elements in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in coastal saline-alkali soil to improve salt tolerancea [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1339-1349. |
[3] | LI Hui, WANG Xu-Min, LIU Miao, LIU Peng-Zhao, LI Qiao-Li, WANG Xiao-Li, WANG Rui, LI Jun. Water and nitrogen reduction scheme optimization based on yield and nitrogen utilization of summer maize [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1292-1304. |
[4] | ZHANG Jun-Jie, CHEN Jin-Ping, TANG Yu-Lou, ZHANG Rui, CAO Hong-Zhang, WANG Li-Juan, MA Meng-Jin, WANG Hao, WANG Yong-Chao, GUO Jia-Meng, KRISHNA SV Jagadish, YANG Qing-Hua, SHAO Rui-Xin. Effects of drought stress before and after anthesis on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize after re-watering [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1397-1409. |
[5] | YUE Hai-Wang, HAN Xuan, WEI Jian-Wei, ZHENG Shu-Hong, XIE Jun-Liang, CHEN Shu-Ping, PENG Hai-Cheng, BU Jun-Zhou. Comprehensive evaluation of maize hybrids tested in Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize regional trial based on GYT biplot analysis [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1231-1248. |
[6] | LIU Xin-Meng, CHENG Yi, LIU Yu-Wen, PANG Shang-Shui, YE Xiu-Qin, BU Yan-Xia, ZHANG Ji-Wang, ZHAO Bin, REN Bai-Zhao, REN Hao, LIU Peng. Difference analysis of yield and resource use efficiency of modern summer maize varieties in Huang-Huai-Hai region [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1363-1371. |
[7] | LI Hui, LU Yi-Ping, WANG Xiao-Kai, WANG Lu-Yao, QIU Ting-Ting, ZHANG Xue-Ting, HUANG Hai-Yan, CUI Xiao-Yu. GmCIPK10, a CBL-interacting protein kinase promotes salt tolerance in soybean [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(5): 1272-1281. |
[8] | ZHANG Chen-Hui, ZHANG Yan, LI Guo-Hui, YANG Zi-Jun, ZHA Ying-Ying, ZHOU Chi-Yan, XU Ke, HUO Zhong-Yang, DAI Qi-Gen, GUO Bao-Wei. Root morphology and physiological characteristics for high yield formation under side-deep fertilization in rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(4): 1039-1051. |
[9] | WU Xiang-Qi, LIU Bo, ZHANG Wei, YANG Xue-Ni, GUO Zi-Yan, LIU Tie-Ning, ZHANG Xu-Dong, HAN Qing-Fang. Effects of wheat-pea intercropping on population photosynthetic characteristics and crops productivity [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(4): 1079-1089. |
[10] | SHU Ze-Bing, LUO Wan-Yu, PU Tian, CHEN Guo-Peng, LIANG Bing, YANG Wen-Yu, WANG Xiao-Chun. Optimization of field configuration technology of strip intercropping of fresh corn and fresh soybean based on high yield and high efficiency [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(4): 1140-1150. |
[11] | LIU Yue, MING Bo, LI Yao-Yao, WANG Ke-Ru, HOU Peng, XUE Jun, LI Shao-Kun, XIE Rui-Zhi. Analysis on high yield planting density of spring maize in Northeast China from root and shoot coordinated development [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(3): 795-807. |
[12] | LIU Shan-Shan, PANG Ting, YUAN Xiao-Ting, LUO Kai, CHEN Ping, FU Zhi-Dan, WANG Xiao-Chun, YANG Feng, YONG Tai-Wen, YANG Wen-Yu. Effects of row spacing on root nodule growth and nitrogen fixation potential of different nodulation characteristics soybeans in intercropping [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(3): 833-844. |
[13] | GUO Hong, YU Ji-Wen, PEI Wen-Feng, GUAN Yong-Hu, LI Hang, LI Chang-Xi, LIU Jin-Wei, WANG Wei, WANG Bao-Quan, MEI Yong-Jun. Genetic analysis of F2 generation of upland cotton hybrids and main effect clustering in Southern Xinjiang, China [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(3): 608-621. |
[14] | FANG Ya-Ting, REN Tao, ZHANG Shun-Tao, ZHOU Xiang-Qi, ZHAO Jian, LIAO Shi-Peng, CONG Ri-Huan, LU Jian-Wei. Different effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers on oilseed rape yield and nutrient utilization between continuous upland and paddy-upland rotations [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(3): 772-783. |
[15] | YANG Shuo, WU Yang-Chun, LIU Xin-Lei, TANG Xiao-Fei, XUE Yong-Guo, CAO Dan, WANG Wan, LIU Ting-Xuan, QI Hang, LUAN Xiao-Yan, QIU Li-Juan. Fine mapping of qPRO-20-1 related to high protein content in soybean [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(2): 310-320. |