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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 823-834.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.44115

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Physiological mechanisms of 6-BA regulation to enhance drought tolerance in ramie

GUAN Sheng(), LIAO Ao, WANG Li-Qi, LI Qian, LU Jian-Ning, RONG Jing, CUI Guo-Xian, YANG Rui-Fang, SHE Wei()   

  1. College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China
  • Received:2024-07-18 Accepted:2024-11-01 Online:2025-03-12 Published:2024-11-18
  • Contact: *E-mail: clregina@163.com
  • Supported by:
    China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(Hemp)(CARS-16-E11);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFD0201106);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31471543)


In this experiment, Xiang Ramie 7 was used to investigate the physiological mechanisms by which 6-Benzyladenine (6-BA) enhances drought tolerance in ramie. The results indicated that the accumulation of proline (PRO), soluble sugar (SS), and soluble protein (SP) in ramie leaves increased with the duration of treatment across different concentrations of 6-BA. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) exhibited an initial rise followed by a decline, peaking at 24 days of drought stress. In contrast, malondialdehyde (MDA) content and leaf relative conductivity gradually decreased compared to W0, while relative water content continuously declined. A comprehensive analysis of the physiological and biochemical indices revealed that the drought tolerance of ramie treated with different concentrations of 6-BA followed the order: W2 (100 mg L-1) > W3 (150 mg L-1) > W1 (50 mg L-1) > W4 (200 mg L-1). Therefore, it was concluded that the optimal mitigation effect under drought stress was achieved with 100 mg L-1 of 6-BA treatment.

Key words: 6-BA, ramie, physiological characteristics, drought

Table 1

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on plant height of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress"

株高Plant height (cm)
12 d 24 d 36 d
CK 78.06±1.14 a 84.30±1.09 a 91.30±2.04 a
W0 62.60±1.14 c 64.32±1.00 d 66.14±1.14 d
W1 65.01±1.17 b 67.13±1.25 c 74.48±1.91 c
W2 67.14±1.28 b 71.34±1.37 b 77.56±1.89 b
W3 66.08±1.35 bc 68.73±1.14 c 75.44±1.18 bc
W4 64.61±1.08 b 68.26±1.24 c 73.80±1.68 c

Table 2

Effects of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on stem thickness of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress"

茎粗Stem diameter (mm)
12 d 24 d 36 d
CK 7.96±0.26 a 8.60±0.23 a 9.06±0.15a
W0 7.33±0.24 b 7.44±0.05 c 7.52±0.08 d
W1 7.48±0.14 b 7.67±0.08 bc 7.78±0.28 cd
W2 7.54±0.11 b 7.81±0.18 b 8.18±0.13 b
W3 7.50±0.07 b 7.76±0.18 b 7.90±0.24 bc
W4 7.47±0.14 b 7.52±0.35 bc 7.84±0.33 b

Table 3

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on leaf area of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress"

叶面积Leaf area (cm2)
12 d 24 d 36 d
CK 110.24±6.59 a 133.32±8.00 a 157.69±11.72 a
W0 89.72±3.40 d 105.29±4.13 d 116.94±4.57 d
W1 97.78±4.71 bc 113.58±5.14 c 130.09±4.13 c
W2 101.69±5.75 b 123.45±3.61 b 142.21±4.83 b
W3 95.78±4.16 bc 116.41±3.64 c 133.76±5.07 c
W4 92.78±3.01 cd 114.82±3.49 c 129.92±4.53 c

Table 4

Effects of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on the biomass of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress (g)"

Aboveground fresh weight
Underground fresh weight
Aboveground dry weight
Underground dry weight
CK 97.10±3.75 a 62.68±2.32 a 30.33±1.70 a 17.59±1.25 a
W0 68.79±1.92 d 40.30±4.51 c 18.04±1.77 d 12.75±0.45 c
W1 73.90±1.79 bcd 46.03±1.60 b 22.30±1.31 c 14.38±1.64 bc
W2 78.77±2.32 b 47.86±2.39 b 25.77±1.24 b 16.02±1.67 ab
W3 77.01±2.94 bc 46.71±2.01 b 23.49±0.54 bc 14.60±0.53 bc
W4 71.93±3.37 cd 42.92±3.58 c 21.56±1.69 c 13.64±1.00 c

Fig. 1

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on malondialdehyde content of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 2

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on the relative conductivity of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 3

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatments on the relative water content of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 4

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on soluble sugar content of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 5

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on soluble protein content of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 6

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on the proline content of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 7

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on SOD activity of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 8

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on POD activity of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 9

Effects of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on CAT activity of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 10

Effect of different concentrations of 6-BA treatment on APX activity of leaves of Xiang Ramie 7 under drought stress Different lowercase letters for the same period indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level. Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1."

Table 5

Contribution of variance loading matrix"

Eiges values
Proportion of variance (%)
Cumulative variance (%)
PC1 6.198 61.997 61.997
PC2 2.398 23.982 85.959

Table 6

Rotated load matrix after principal component analysis"

First principal component
Second principal component
丙二醛Malondialdehyde -0.128 0.939
相对电导率Leaf relative water content 0.043 0.936
相对含水量Leaf relative conductivity -0.204 0.860
可溶性糖Soluble sugar 0.691 -0.516
可溶性蛋白Soluble protein 0.770 -0.505
脯氨酸Proline 0.692 -0.588
超氧化物歧化酶Superoxide dismutase 0.950 -0.056
过氧化物酶Peroxidase 0.952 -0.152
过氧化氢酶Catalase 0.916 -0.006
抗坏血酸过氧化物酶Ascorbate peroxidase 0.972 -0.062

Table 7

Composite Score Ranking"

F1 F2 综合得分
Composite score
Composite score ranking
CK 0.489 2.034 0.920 6
W0 2.060 0.149 1.527 5
W1 3.398 0.261 2.523 3
W2 4.187 0.317 3.108 1
W3 3.485 0.534 2.661 2
W4 2.933 0.178 2.164 4
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