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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 632-649.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.41033


Identification of TaSnRK gene family and expression analysis under localized root zone drought in wheat

ZHANG Heng1(), FENG Ya-Lan2, TIAN Wen-Zhong3, GUO Bin-Bin1, ZHANG Jun1, MA Chao1,*()   

  1. 1Agronomy College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, Henan, China
    2College of Life Science, Wuchang University of Technology, Wuhan 430223, Hubei, China
    3Luoyang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Luoyang Dryland Agricultural Experimental Base, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Luoyang 471000, Henan, China
  • Received:2024-05-08 Accepted:2024-10-25 Online:2025-03-12 Published:2024-11-13
  • Contact: *E-mail: machao840508@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32372227);Training Program for University Young Key Teachers in Henan Province(2021GGJS050);Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research and Development Plan Joint Fund(232103810021)


Sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase (SnRK) plays a critical regulatory role in response to abiotic stress. To systematically analyze the physicochemical properties, chromosome distribution, gene structure, phylogenetic relationships, and expression characteristics of the TaSnRK gene family in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under local root zone drought stress, this study employed bioinformatics approaches to identify the full complement of TaSnRK genes in the wheat genome. Their expression patterns under local root zone drought stress were analyzed using a wheat expression database and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The analysis identified 139 members of the SnRK gene family in wheat, which were categorized into three subfamilies: 15 members in SnRK1, 31 in SnRK2, and 93 in SnRK3. Protein sequence lengths ranged from 154 to 836 amino acids. Conserved motif analysis revealed that all members of the three subfamilies shared Motif2 and Motif4. Additionally, all SnRK1 members contained Motif14 and Motif15, which were absent in SnRK2 and SnRK3 subfamilies. In contrast, all SnRK3 members contained Motif10, which was not found in SnRK1 and SnRK2 subfamilies. Intraspecific collinearity analysis indicated that the TaSnRK genes had a total of 217 duplication events, showing high homology and strong conservation during evolution. The Ka/Ks ratio suggested that only four pairs of TaSnRK genes were under positive selection pressure. Cis-regulatory element analysis revealed that most of the cis-elements in the TaSnRK genes were associated with growth and development, as well as various stress-responsive elements. Gene expression pattern analysis showed that only 20 TaSnRK genes exhibited relatively high expression levels in grains, whereas 85, 90, 92, and 80 genes were highly expressed in panicles, leaves, buds, and roots, respectively. qRT-PCR analysis confirmed that TaSnRK expression was higher in drought-resistant wheat varieties, with SnRK2 and SnRK3 subfamily members playing key roles in sensing and transmitting drought stress signals. Protein-protein interaction analysis identified 267 interaction events between 35 TaSnRK proteins and 23 related functional proteins. These findings provide a theoretical foundation for further understanding the role of TaSnRK genes in regulating wheat growth, development, and drought stress responses.

Key words: wheat, TaSnRK gene, bioinformatics, local root zone drought, gene expression

Fig. 1

The schematic diagram of root drought treatment A side is fully watered, B side is drought treated, and the middle partition is separated from both sides."

Fig. 2

Phylogenetic tree of wheat TaSnRK family"

Fig. 3

Three-dimensional structure modeling of TaSnRK protein"

Table 1

Primers for fluorescence quantification of TaSnRK gene"

Accessing number
Gene name
Forward primer (5'-3')
Reverse primer (5'-3')

Table S1

Subcellular localization of TaSnRK protein physicochemical properties"

Gene name
Accession number
Number of amino acid
Molecular weight
Theoretical pI
Instability index
Aliphatic index
Grand average of hydropathicity
Subcellular localization
Ta-1A-SnRK1.1 TraesCS1A02G350500.1 503 57,281.36 8.77 45.85 93.62 -0.266 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1B-SnRK1.2 TraesCS1B02G364800.1 500 56,961.98 8.77 45.19 94.18 -0.268 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1D-SnRK1.3 TraesCS1D02G353300.1 500 56,961.98 8.77 45.19 94.18 -0.268 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3A-SnRK1.4 TraesCS3A02G282800.1 503 57,492.46 8.58 45.23 90.89 -0.362 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3B-SnRK1.5 TraesCS3B02G316500.1 503 57,476.47 8.58 45.57 91.29 -0.352 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3B-SnRK1.6 TraesCS3B02G544300.1 466 53,389.70 6.86 46.44 97.04 -0.222 液泡 Vacuole
Ta-3B-SnRK1.7 TraesCS3B02G544400.1 441 50,784.85 6.33 38.37 97.01 -0.207 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3B-SnRK1.8 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 512 58,436.59 8.65 39.71 95.18 -0.282 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3D-SnRK1.9 TraesCS3B02G544700.1 503 57,435.41 8.58 46.28 91.09 -0.351 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3D-SnRK1.10 TraesCS3D02G491700.1 161 18,635.52 9.71 50.22 82.36 -0.368 液泡 Vacuole
Ta-3D-SnRK1.11 TraesCS3D02G491900.1 516 58,901.13 8.53 40.53 95.58 -0.292 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4A-SnRK1.12 TraesCS4A02G108700.1 350 40,145.45 8.04 36.98 93.06 -0.274 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4A-SnRK1.13 TraesCS4A02G108800.1 509 58,250.26 8.55 40.95 89.84 -0.318 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4B-SnRK1.14 TraesCS4B02G195900.1 513 58,709.82 8.55 42.42 89.71 -0.312 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4D-SnRK1.15 TraesCS4D02G196100.1 509 58,194.20 8.65 41.92 89.27 -0.316 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK2.1 TraesCS1A02G215900.1 342 38,609.93 5.43 40.01 83.60 -0.431 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK2.2 TraesCS1A02G270800.1 360 41,216.82 5.48 46.63 86.89 -0.454 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-1B-SnRK2.3 TraesCS1B02G229400.1 342 38,663.04 5.52 41.35 83.89 -0.435 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1B-SnRK2.4 TraesCS1B02G281100.1 360 41,269.89 5.56 49.59 87.17 -0.468 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-1D-SnRK2.5 TraesCS1D02G218200.1 342 38,548.93 5.73 38.16 83.60 -0.424 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1D-SnRK2.6 TraesCS1D02G271000.1 373 42,390.13 5.48 45.57 85.47 -0.432 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-2A-SnRK2.7 TraesCS2A02G163800.1 353 40,000.81 5.53 34.72 90.79 -0.201 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2A-SnRK2.8 TraesCS2A02G303900.1 357 40,911.55 5.55 44.19 77.31 -0.529 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2A-SnRK2.9 TraesCS2A02G493800.1 342 38,793.30 5.59 33.42 87.13 -0.246 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2A-SnRK2.10 TraesCS2A02G566700.1 391 43,969.68 6.15 39.71 72.84 -0.499 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK2.11 TraesCS2B02G189600.1 353 40,014.88 5.62 36.07 90.79 -0.197 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK2.12 TraesCS2B02G320500.1 357 40,911.55 5.55 44.19 77.31 -0.529 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK2.13 TraesCS2B02G521800.1 343 38,998.52 5.47 37.23 84.34 -0.278 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK2.14 TraesCS2B02G630000.1 394 44,210.97 6.15 40.27 73.30 -0.481 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2D-SnRK2.15 TraesCS2D02G170700.1 341 38,664.29 5.45 35.05 89.97 -0.208 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2D-SnRK2.16 TraesCS2D02G302500.1 357 40,939.60 5.55 44.19 77.84 -0.522 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-2D-SnRK2.17 TraesCS2D02G493700.1 342 38,847.35 5.66 34.85 87.43 -0.249 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2D-SnRK2.18 TraesCS2D02G577000.1 391 43,927.60 6.15 40.35 72.33 -0.511 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3A-SnRK2.19 TraesCS3A02G381100.1 363 42,096.89 5.77 51.47 76.50 -0.562 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-3B-SnRK2.20 TraesCS3B02G413800.1 363 42,176.97 5.86 52.68 76.50 -0.588 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-3D-SnRK2.21 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 363 42,177.99 5.86 52.68 77.02 -0.574 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-4A-SnRK2.22 TraesCS4A02G235600.1 330 37,143.13 4.68 40.28 88.64 -0.261 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-4B-SnRK2.23 TraesCS4B02G079300.1 361 40,631.17 4.80 35.12 88.86 -0.271 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-4D-SnRK2.24 TraesCS4D02G078100.2 361 40,647.17 4.80 36.19 88.59 -0.278 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-5A-SnRK2.25 TraesCS5A02G069500.1 360 40,327.20 4.94 29.08 90.44 -0.191 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-5A-SnRK2.26 TraesCS5A02G401700.1 366 41,590.39 4.87 48.02 86.83 -0.315 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-5B-SnRK2.27 TraesCS5B02G075800.1 363 40,659.53 4.89 28.63 88.65 -0.217 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-5B-SnRK2.28 TraesCS5B02G406400.1 366 41,590.39 4.87 48.02 86.83 -0.315 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-5D-SnRK2.29 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 364 40,585.43 4.89 27.82 89.73 -0.185 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-5D-SnRK2.30 TraesCS5D02G411900.1 366 41,590.39 4.87 48.02 86.83 -0.315 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-7A-SnRK2.31 TraesCS7A02G539000.1 294 33,292.04 6.01 47.30 87.52 -0.312 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK3.1 TraesCS1A02G080500.1 466 51,766.51 7.65 33.22 93.11 -0.243 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK3.2 TraesCS1A02G080600.1 466 51,548.11 7.22 30.46 90.82 -0.238 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK3.3 TraesCS1A02G080700.1 471 52,048.56 7.68 32.98 90.91 -0.263 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1A-SnRK3.4 TraesCS1A02G299600.1 472 53,612.71 9.35 35.59 84.15 -0.488 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-1A-SnRK3.5 TraesCS1A02G333800.1 521 57,993.20 8.39 49.16 76.97 -0.429 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-1B-SnRK3.6 TraesCS1B02G098600.1 466 51,838.48 7.64 31.29 91.24 -0.267 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1B-SnRK3.7 TraesCS1B02G098700.1 448 49,648.95 6.95 26.65 94.26 -0.229 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1B-SnRK3.8 TraesCS1B02G309400.1 472 53,716.95 9.45 36.09 85.40 -0.476 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-1B-SnRK3.9 TraesCS1B02G347100.1 519 57,926.21 8.35 50.72 77.63 -0.417 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-1D-SnRK3.10 TraesCS1D02G082200.1 465 51,705.23 6.74 30.87 91.25 -0.277 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1D-SnRK3.11 TraesCS1D02G082500.1 480 53,041.06 6.90 30.65 94.90 -0.159 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-1D-SnRK3.12 TraesCS1D02G082600.1 466 51,625.04 6.95 30.62 91.89 -0.261 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-1D-SnRK3.13 TraesCS1D02G298500.1 472 53,730.79 9.39 36.82 84.98 -0.492 细胞核 Nucleus
Ta-2A-SnRK3.14 TraesCS2A02G098300.1 447 50,443.98 8.69 36.19 86.40 -0.371 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2A-SnRK3.15 TraesCS2A02G106500.1 433 47,020.58 6.72 34.05 87.69 -0.133 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2A-SnRK3.16 TraesCS2A02G107000.1 356 40,111.51 8.94 33.68 86.52 -0.345 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2A-SnRK3.17 TraesCS2A02G150600.1 417 47,498.45 7.57 28.62 86.02 -0.432 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2A-SnRK3.18 TraesCS2A02G251800.1 461 51,740.29 9.15 35.26 82.71 -0.429 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2A-SnRK3.19 TraesCS2A02G536100.1 432 47,928.07 6.41 41.80 92.11 -0.167 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK3.20 TraesCS2B02G114000.1 447 50,460.98 8.70 34.63 85.97 -0.392 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2B-SnRK3.21 TraesCS2B02G123900.1 452 51,009.15 9.13 36.52 83.47 -0.391 细胞核 Nucleus
Ta-2B-SnRK3.22 TraesCS2B02G124000.1 154 17,035.45 5.51 32.06 71.49 -0.126 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK3.23 TraesCS2B02G124100.1 436 47,362.85 6.48 35.10 87.32 -0.171 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2B-SnRK3.24 TraesCS2B02G175800.1 417 47,486.49 7.58 28.89 85.78 -0.430 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2B-SnRK3.25 TraesCS2B02G271700.1 462 51,797.34 9.15 35.47 82.53 -0.429 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2D-SnRK3.26 TraesCS2D02G097700.1 447 50,532.98 8.60 34.83 84.88 -0.414 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2D-SnRK3.27 TraesCS2D02G106800.1 456 51,565.68 9.07 37.77 82.32 -0.430 细胞核 Nucleus
Ta-2D-SnRK3.28 TraesCS2D02G107100.1 436 47,390.94 6.77 34.40 87.11 -0.169 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2D-SnRK3.29 TraesCS2D02G155700.1 451 51,041.42 6.84 28.24 85.81 -0.416 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2D-SnRK3.30 TraesCS2D02G252600.1 453 50,950.38 9.16 35.26 83.31 -0.434 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-2D-SnRK3.31 TraesCS2D02G537400.1 432 48,069.22 7.68 43.02 88.03 -0.216 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-2D-SnRK3.32 TraesCS2D02G537600.1 433 47,848.00 8.46 41.38 93.23 -0.173 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3A-SnRK3.33 TraesCS3A02G135500.1 466 52,443.42 9.25 30.97 82.23 -0.445 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3A-SnRK3.34 TraesCS3A02G135700.1 522 57,208.90 8.11 44.02 76.69 -0.316 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3A-SnRK3.35 TraesCS3A02G200900.1 449 50,513.77 7.67 39.98 90.33 -0.330 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3A-SnRK3.36 TraesCS3A02G305900.1 522 58,085.74 8.65 48.34 82.36 -0.288 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3A-SnRK3.37 TraesCS3A02G306000.1 477 53,276.92 9.41 42.44 82.20 -0.371 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3A-SnRK3.38 TraesCS3A02G446800.1 432 47,695.96 9.13 48.56 92.31 -0.204 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-3A-SnRK3.39 TraesCS3B02G153800.1 519 56,926.68 8.06 45.96 76.18 -0.310 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-3A-SnRK3.40 TraesCS3B02G169300.1 464 52,235.09 9.34 30.63 81.96 -0.476 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3A-SnRK3.41 TraesCS3B02G225800.1 449 50,551.69 6.59 40.37 89.02 -0.337 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-3B-SnRK3.42 TraesCS3B02G330500.1 470 52,280.99 9.51 38.01 83.62 -0.337 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3B-SnRK3.43 TraesCS3B02G330600.1 525 58,523.38 8.77 47.85 82.80 -0.299 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3B-SnRK3.44 TraesCS3B02G482200.1 432 47,653.86 9.19 44.68 92.52 -0.196 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-3D-SnRK3.45 TraesCS3D02G136700.1 520 56,965.71 8.38 46.62 76.60 -0.303 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3D-SnRK3.46 TraesCS3D02G151500.1 464 52,165.04 9.34 30.84 82.18 -0.473 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3D-SnRK3.47 TraesCS3D02G203000.1 370 41,272.64 9.38 38.48 91.16 -0.209 细胞核 Nucleus
Ta-3D-SnRK3.48 TraesCS3D02G295900.1 477 53,260.86 9.43 39.85 80.57 -0.388 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-3D-SnRK3.49 TraesCS3D02G439400.1 432 47,647.90 8.68 46.55 92.31 -0.177 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-4A-SnRK3.50 TraesCS4A02G126800.1 443 50,260.79 8.00 33.18 85.21 -0.381 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4A-SnRK3.51 TraesCS4A02G136500.1 438 49,952.76 9.10 35.81 87.72 -0.356 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4A-SnRK3.52 TraesCS4A02G187300.1 439 50,259.70 7.66 40.54 86.58 -0.475 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4A-SnRK3.53 TraesCS4A02G194800.1 449 51,035.83 9.19 30.70 86.84 -0.416 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4A-SnRK3.54 TraesCS4A02G200000.1 439 47,836.11 8.94 35.63 92.64 -0.157 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4B-SnRK3.55 TraesCS4B02G115400.1 439 47,879.24 9.08 37.69 92.21 -0.151 质体 Plastid
Ta-4B-SnRK3.56 TraesCS4B02G120400.1 444 50,281.78 9.03 31.51 86.28 -0.429 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4B-SnRK3.57 TraesCS4B02G131000.1 439 50,248.75 7.19 40.92 85.69 -0.466 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4B-SnRK3.58 TraesCS4B02G178100.1 449 50,983.68 8.27 33.08 86.24 -0.373 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4B-SnRK3.59 TraesCS4B02G319900.1 443 49,798.06 7.23 41.03 80.14 -0.388 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4D-SnRK3.60 TraesCS4D02G113100.1 439 47,867.17 9.12 37.32 92.44 -0.156 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4D-SnRK3.61 TraesCS4D02G118500.1 362 40,942.14 8.94 29.76 87.54 -0.436 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4D-SnRK3.62 TraesCS4D02G126200.1 439 50,259.70 7.66 40.54 86.58 -0.475 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4D-SnRK3.63 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 438 49,909.79 9.10 36.89 88.15 -0.332 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-4D-SnRK3.64 TraesCS4D02G179700.1 382 43,428.98 8.06 34.30 88.38 -0.363 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4D-SnRK3.65 TraesCS4D02G316500.1 445 50,038.32 7.67 39.52 79.33 -0.407 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-4D-SnRK3.66 TraesCS5A02G057400.1 433 47,621.03 9.19 46.69 91.66 -0.187 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-5A-SnRK3.67 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 438 49,157.79 9.29 38.91 88.33 -0.378 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5A-SnRK3.68 TraesCS5A02G225200.1 446 47,919.07 9.18 33.28 89.51 -0.142 质体 Plastid
Ta-5A-SnRK3.69 TraesCS5A02G225300.1 447 49,519.92 9.09 39.04 85.97 -0.177 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5A-SnRK3.70 TraesCS5A02G377900.1 431 47,146.69 8.66 52.85 96.91 -0.071 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5A-SnRK3.71 TraesCS5A02G492000.1 446 50,107.38 7.67 39.64 79.60 -0.398 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5A-SnRK3.72 TraesCS5B02G059300.1 432 47,421.87 9.51 46.10 90.51 -0.185 线粒体 Mitochondrion
Ta-5B-SnRK3.73 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 433 48,481.11 9.38 37.35 88.71 -0.359 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5B-SnRK3.74 TraesCS5B02G223800.1 447 48,011.08 9.08 31.34 88.86 -0.143 质体 Plastid
Ta-5B-SnRK3.75 TraesCS5B02G223900.1 447 49,504.86 9.09 38.60 85.55 -0.193 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5B-SnRK3.76 TraesCS5B02G381500.1 431 47,128.62 8.82 53.83 96.68 -0.080 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5D-SnRK3.77 TraesCS5D02G068700.1 433 47,516.97 9.28 46.94 92.33 -0.166 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-5D-SnRK3.78 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 438 49,256.87 9.25 38.75 86.78 -0.387 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5D-SnRK3.79 TraesCS5D02G232500.1 390 41,928.22 8.73 35.85 90.62 -0.084 质体 Plastid
Ta-5D-SnRK3.80 TraesCS5D02G232600.1 447 49,471.79 9.00 37.97 85.32 -0.195 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-5D-SnRK3.81 TraesCS5D02G387900.1 431 47,227.75 8.81 51.92 96.45 -0.099 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-6A-SnRK3.82 TraesCS6A02G135100.1 481 54,565.54 9.12 43.42 85.76 -0.518 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-6A-SnRK3.83 TraesCS6A02G151000.1 529 59,022.41 8.38 42.70 87.88 -0.233 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-6A-SnRK3.84 TraesCS6B02G006000.1 863 97,559.70 5.95 33.02 90.71 -0.316 细胞膜 Cell Membrane
Ta-6A-SnRK3.85 TraesCS6B02G163100.1 491 55,735.96 9.12 45.84 87.98 -0.485 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-6A-SnRK3.86 TraesCS6B02G179100.1 439 48,837.15 8.17 38.90 98.15 -0.181 质体 Plastid
Ta-6A-SnRK3.87 TraesCS6D02G124200.1 486 55,169.05 8.99 46.39 84.67 -0.547 质体 Plastid
Ta-6A-SnRK3.88 TraesCS6D02G141000.1 446 49,653.72 6.19 39.56 96.61 -0.224 细胞核 Nucleus
Ta-6A-SnRK3.89 TraesCS7A02G352200.1 456 50,799.38 8.61 49.67 85.13 -0.311 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-6A-SnRK3.90 TraesCS7A02G377600.1 446 50,054.68 8.87 34.29 90.07 -0.214 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-7B-SnRK3.91 TraesCS7B02G275800.1 555 61,507.58 8.96 48.36 82.43 -0.323 叶绿体 Chloroplast
Ta-7B-SnRK3.92 TraesCS7B02G279300.1 446 49,921.74 8.78 33.58 92.04 -0.180 细胞质 Cytoplasm
Ta-7B-SnRK3.93 TraesCS7D02G374400.1 402 45,089.86 8.90 31.26 88.78 -0.264 细胞核 Nucleus

Fig. 4

Phylogenetic relationship, conserved protein motif structure and gene structure of TaSnRK genes in wheat"

Fig. 5

Identification of conserved sequence of TaSnRK family members in wheat"

Fig. 6

Chromosomal localization of TaSnRK gene in wheat"

Fig. 7

Synteny analysis of wheat TaSnRK family The homologous chromosome region is connected to the TaSnRK gene with a red line; ring 1 is the gene density heat map; and the points and lines of ring 2 and ring 3 indicate the position of the base deletion."

Table S2

Ka/Ks analysis of SnRK gene in wheat"

Sequence 1
Sequence 2
Effective length
Average S-sites
Average N-sites
cN cS pN pS
TraesCS1A02G080500.2 TraesCS1B02G098600.1 0.020 0.093 0.214 1398.000 330.500 1067.500 21.000 29.000 0.020 0.088
TraesCS1A02G080500.2 TraesCS1D02G082200.1 0.026 0.070 0.370 1395.000 330.083 1064.917 27.000 22.000 0.025 0.067
TraesCS1A02G215900.1 TraesCS1B02G229400.1 0.004 0.109 0.035 1026.000 246.000 780.000 3.000 25.000 0.004 0.102
TraesCS1A02G215900.1 TraesCS1D02G218200.1 0.005 0.099 0.052 1026.000 246.917 779.083 4.000 23.000 0.005 0.093
TraesCS1A02G270800.1 TraesCS1B02G281100.1 0.011 0.081 0.133 1080.000 246.083 833.917 9.000 19.000 0.011 0.077
TraesCS1A02G270800.1 TraesCS1D02G271000.1 0.002 0.081 0.030 1080.000 246.500 833.500 2.000 19.000 0.002 0.077
TraesCS1A02G270800.1 TraesCS3A02G381100.1 0.145 0.754 0.193 1080.000 245.250 834.750 110.333 116.667 0.132 0.476
TraesCS1A02G270800.1 TraesCS3B02G413800.1 0.146 0.717 0.203 1080.000 245.750 834.250 110.500 113.500 0.132 0.462
TraesCS1A02G270800.1 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 0.143 0.746 0.192 1080.000 246.083 833.917 108.667 116.333 0.130 0.473
TraesCS1A02G299600.1 TraesCS1B02G309400.1 0.019 0.073 0.256 1416.000 331.250 1084.750 20.000 23.000 0.018 0.069
TraesCS1A02G299600.1 TraesCS1D02G298500.1 0.007 0.025 0.303 1416.000 331.833 1084.167 8.000 8.000 0.007 0.024
TraesCS1A02G299600.1 TraesCS3A02G346100.1 0.194 0.984 0.197 1413.000 327.500 1085.500 185.500 179.500 0.171 0.548
TraesCS1A02G299600.1 TraesCS3B02G377800.1 0.211 1.028 0.205 1413.000 328.750 1084.250 199.083 183.917 0.184 0.559
TraesCS1A02G299600.1 TraesCS3D02G339800.1 0.199 1.023 0.195 1413.000 328.083 1084.917 189.833 183.167 0.175 0.558
TraesCS1A02G333800.1 TraesCS1B02G347100.1 0.006 0.119 0.050 1557.000 382.667 1174.333 7.000 42.000 0.006 0.110
TraesCS1A02G333800.1 TraesCS3A02G305900.1 0.163 0.715 0.228 1551.000 381.833 1169.167 171.000 176.000 0.146 0.461
TraesCS1A02G333800.1 TraesCS3B02G330600.1 0.158 0.723 0.218 1533.000 376.333 1156.667 164.333 174.667 0.142 0.464
TraesCS1A02G333800.1 TraesCS3D02G296000.1 0.210 1.103 0.190 1056.000 250.167 805.833 147.500 144.500 0.183 0.578
TraesCS1A02G350500.1 TraesCS1B02G364800.1 0.000 0.073 0.000 1500.000 345.667 1154.333 0.000 24.000 0.000 0.069
TraesCS1A02G350500.1 TraesCS1D02G353300.1 0.000 0.073 0.000 1500.000 345.417 1154.583 0.000 24.000 0.000 0.069
TraesCS1A02G350500.1 TraesCS3A02G282800.1 0.095 0.875 0.109 1491.000 340.667 1150.333 103.083 175.917 0.090 0.516
TraesCS1A02G350500.1 TraesCS3B02G316500.1 0.095 0.913 0.104 1491.000 340.667 1150.333 103.083 179.917 0.090 0.528
TraesCS1A02G350500.1 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 0.094 0.913 0.103 1491.000 340.667 1150.333 102.083 179.917 0.089 0.528
TraesCS1B02G098600.1 TraesCS1D02G082200.1 0.018 0.090 0.200 1395.000 329.917 1065.083 19.000 28.000 0.018 0.085
TraesCS1B02G229400.1 TraesCS1D02G218200.1 0.006 0.099 0.065 1026.000 246.917 779.083 5.000 23.000 0.006 0.093
TraesCS1B02G281100.1 TraesCS1D02G271000.1 0.008 0.095 0.089 1080.000 245.750 834.250 7.000 22.000 0.008 0.090
TraesCS1B02G281100.1 TraesCS3A02G381100.1 0.146 0.728 0.201 1080.000 244.500 835.500 111.083 113.917 0.133 0.466
TraesCS1B02G281100.1 TraesCS3B02G413800.1 0.147 0.682 0.215 1080.000 245.000 835.000 111.250 109.750 0.133 0.448
TraesCS1B02G281100.1 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 0.144 0.720 0.200 1080.000 245.333 834.667 109.417 113.583 0.131 0.463
TraesCS1B02G309400.1 TraesCS1D02G298500.1 0.019 0.060 0.313 1416.000 331.417 1084.583 20.000 19.000 0.018 0.057
TraesCS1B02G309400.1 TraesCS3A02G346100.1 0.192 0.977 0.197 1410.000 325.917 1084.083 184.000 178.000 0.170 0.546
TraesCS1B02G309400.1 TraesCS3B02G377800.1 0.203 1.080 0.188 1410.000 327.167 1082.833 192.750 187.250 0.178 0.572
TraesCS1B02G309400.1 TraesCS3D02G339800.1 0.193 1.069 0.180 1410.000 326.500 1083.500 184.000 186.000 0.170 0.570
TraesCS1B02G347100.1 TraesCS3A02G305900.1 0.162 0.701 0.231 1545.000 380.083 1164.917 169.833 173.167 0.146 0.456
TraesCS1B02G347100.1 TraesCS3B02G330600.1 0.162 0.681 0.237 1539.000 378.000 1161.000 168.833 169.167 0.145 0.448
TraesCS1B02G347100.1 TraesCS3D02G296000.1 0.211 1.059 0.199 1056.000 250.333 805.667 148.000 142.000 0.184 0.567
TraesCS1B02G364800.1 TraesCS1D02G353300.1 0.000 0.054 0.000 1500.000 345.917 1154.083 0.000 18.000 0.000 0.052
TraesCS1B02G364800.1 TraesCS3A02G282800.1 0.095 0.882 0.108 1491.000 341.167 1149.833 103.083 176.917 0.090 0.519
TraesCS1B02G364800.1 TraesCS3B02G316500.1 0.095 0.941 0.101 1491.000 341.167 1149.833 103.083 182.917 0.090 0.536
TraesCS1B02G364800.1 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 0.094 0.941 0.100 1491.000 341.167 1149.833 102.083 182.917 0.089 0.536
TraesCS1D02G271000.1 TraesCS3A02G381100.1 0.143 0.762 0.188 1080.000 244.917 835.083 108.833 117.167 0.130 0.478
TraesCS1D02G271000.1 TraesCS3B02G413800.1 0.143 0.703 0.204 1080.000 245.417 834.583 109.000 112.000 0.131 0.456
TraesCS1D02G271000.1 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 0.141 0.754 0.187 1080.000 245.750 834.250 107.167 116.833 0.128 0.475
TraesCS1D02G298500.1 TraesCS3A02G346100.1 0.196 0.968 0.202 1410.000 326.500 1083.500 186.500 177.500 0.172 0.544
TraesCS1D02G298500.1 TraesCS3B02G377800.1 0.199 1.047 0.190 1410.000 326.917 1083.083 189.500 184.500 0.175 0.564
TraesCS1D02G298500.1 TraesCS3D02G339800.1 0.194 1.054 0.184 1410.000 326.250 1083.750 185.333 184.667 0.171 0.566
TraesCS1D02G353300.1 TraesCS3A02G282800.1 0.096 0.869 0.110 1491.000 340.917 1150.083 103.583 175.417 0.090 0.515
TraesCS1D02G353300.1 TraesCS3B02G316500.1 0.096 0.907 0.106 1491.000 340.917 1150.083 103.583 179.417 0.090 0.526
TraesCS1D02G353300.1 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 0.095 0.907 0.105 1491.000 340.917 1150.083 102.583 179.417 0.089 0.526
TraesCS2A02G098300.1 TraesCS2B02G114000.1 0.006 0.111 0.053 1341.000 311.417 1029.583 6.000 32.000 0.006 0.103
TraesCS2A02G098300.1 TraesCS4A02G126800.3 0.112 1.430 0.079 1341.000 307.167 1033.833 107.833 196.167 0.104 0.639
TraesCS2A02G098300.1 TraesCS4B02G178100.1 0.112 1.291 0.086 1341.000 308.500 1032.500 107.000 190.000 0.104 0.616
TraesCS2A02G098300.1 TraesCS4D02G179700.2 0.109 1.307 0.084 1341.000 309.000 1032.000 104.833 191.167 0.102 0.619
TraesCS2A02G106400.1 TraesCS2B02G124000.1 0.102 0.346 0.295 462.000 109.333 352.667 33.667 30.333 0.095 0.277
TraesCS2A02G150600.2 TraesCS2D02G155700.1 0.005 0.071 0.067 1353.000 309.167 1043.833 5.000 21.000 0.005 0.068
TraesCS2A02G163800.1 TraesCS2B02G189600.1 0.005 0.153 0.032 1059.000 245.417 813.583 4.000 34.000 0.005 0.139
TraesCS2A02G163800.1 TraesCS2D02G170700.1 0.001 0.089 0.014 1023.000 237.167 785.833 1.000 20.000 0.001 0.084
TraesCS2A02G251800.1 TraesCS2B02G271700.1 0.000 0.052 0.000 1383.000 318.750 1064.250 0.000 16.000 0.000 0.050
TraesCS2A02G251800.1 TraesCS2D02G252600.1 0.001 0.063 0.015 1356.000 312.750 1043.250 1.000 19.000 0.001 0.061
TraesCS2A02G303900.1 TraesCS2B02G320500.1 0.000 0.055 0.000 1071.000 244.833 826.167 0.000 13.000 0.000 0.053
TraesCS2A02G303900.1 TraesCS2D02G302500.1 0.001 0.051 0.024 1071.000 245.000 826.000 1.000 12.000 0.001 0.049
TraesCS2A02G493800.1 TraesCS2B02G521800.1 0.013 0.159 0.084 1026.000 233.667 792.333 10.500 33.500 0.013 0.143
TraesCS2A02G493800.1 TraesCS2D02G493700.1 0.004 0.092 0.048 1026.000 235.583 790.417 3.500 20.500 0.004 0.087
TraesCS2A02G536100.1 TraesCS2B02G566800.1 0.044 0.135 0.325 1296.000 332.250 963.750 41.000 41.000 0.043 0.123
TraesCS2A02G536100.1 TraesCS2B02G567900.1 0.036 0.179 0.202 951.000 229.250 721.750 25.500 36.500 0.035 0.159
TraesCS2A02G536100.1 TraesCS2D02G537400.1 0.026 0.094 0.281 1296.000 329.000 967.000 25.000 29.000 0.026 0.088
TraesCS2A02G566700.1 TraesCS2B02G630000.1 0.007 0.063 0.108 1173.000 283.333 889.667 6.000 17.000 0.007 0.060
TraesCS2A02G566700.1 TraesCS2D02G577000.1 0.002 0.086 0.026 1170.000 282.917 887.083 2.000 23.000 0.002 0.081
TraesCS2B02G114000.1 TraesCS2D02G097700.1 0.009 0.133 0.066 1341.000 310.917 1030.083 9.000 38.000 0.009 0.122
TraesCS2B02G114000.1 TraesCS4A02G126800.3 0.110 1.355 0.081 1341.000 306.583 1034.417 105.833 192.167 0.102 0.627
TraesCS2B02G114000.1 TraesCS4B02G178100.1 0.109 1.316 0.083 1341.000 307.917 1033.083 105.000 191.000 0.102 0.620
TraesCS2B02G114000.1 TraesCS4D02G179700.2 0.106 1.268 0.084 1341.000 308.417 1032.583 102.333 188.667 0.099 0.612
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS2D02G106800.1 0.006 0.154 0.040 1356.000 297.250 1058.750 6.500 41.500 0.006 0.140
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS4A02G136500.2 0.154 1.327 0.116 1323.000 295.333 1027.667 143.250 183.750 0.139 0.622
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS4B02G168200.1 0.137 2.446 0.056 549.000 124.667 424.333 53.083 89.917 0.125 0.721
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.148 1.343 0.110 1314.000 292.167 1021.833 137.417 182.583 0.134 0.625
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.297 1.784 0.167 1293.000 289.000 1004.000 246.333 196.667 0.245 0.681
TraesCS2B02G123900.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.299 1.666 0.179 1290.000 289.000 1001.000 246.750 193.250 0.247 0.669
TraesCS2B02G124000.1 TraesCS2D02G106900.1 0.047 0.097 0.480 462.000 109.417 352.583 16.000 10.000 0.045 0.091
TraesCS2B02G175800.2 TraesCS2D02G155700.1 0.004 0.064 0.060 1353.000 309.833 1043.167 4.000 19.000 0.004 0.061
TraesCS2B02G189600.1 TraesCS2D02G170700.1 0.005 0.169 0.030 1023.000 237.417 785.583 4.000 36.000 0.005 0.152
TraesCS2B02G271700.1 TraesCS2D02G252600.1 0.001 0.063 0.015 1359.000 314.000 1045.000 1.000 19.000 0.001 0.061
TraesCS2B02G320500.1 TraesCS2D02G302500.1 0.001 0.064 0.019 1071.000 245.000 826.000 1.000 15.000 0.001 0.061
TraesCS2B02G521800.1 TraesCS2D02G493700.1 0.015 0.178 0.086 1026.000 233.250 792.750 12.000 37.000 0.015 0.159
TraesCS2B02G566800.1 TraesCS2D02G537400.1 0.042 0.134 0.315 1296.000 330.917 965.083 39.500 40.500 0.041 0.122
TraesCS2B02G630000.1 TraesCS2D02G577000.1 0.007 0.082 0.083 1170.000 282.917 887.083 6.000 22.000 0.007 0.078
TraesCS2D02G097700.1 TraesCS4A02G126800.3 0.116 1.416 0.082 1341.000 306.667 1034.333 110.833 195.167 0.107 0.636
TraesCS2D02G097700.1 TraesCS4B02G178100.1 0.114 1.288 0.089 1341.000 308.000 1033.000 109.500 189.500 0.106 0.615
TraesCS2D02G097700.1 TraesCS4D02G179700.2 0.112 1.322 0.085 1341.000 308.500 1032.500 107.333 191.667 0.104 0.621
TraesCS2D02G106800.1 TraesCS4A02G136500.2 0.154 1.524 0.101 1323.000 294.250 1028.750 143.250 191.750 0.139 0.652
TraesCS2D02G106800.1 TraesCS4B02G168200.1 0.137 2.138 0.064 549.000 124.417 424.583 53.083 87.917 0.125 0.707
TraesCS2D02G106800.1 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.148 1.490 0.099 1314.000 291.417 1022.583 137.417 188.583 0.134 0.647
TraesCS2D02G106800.1 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.290 1.904 0.152 1287.000 287.250 999.750 240.583 198.417 0.241 0.691
TraesCS2D02G106800.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.291 1.543 0.189 1284.000 286.250 997.750 240.750 187.250 0.241 0.654
TraesCS3A02G135500.1 TraesCS3B02G153800.1 0.421 1.498 0.281 1344.000 328.333 1015.667 327.167 212.833 0.322 0.648
TraesCS3A02G135500.1 TraesCS3B02G169300.1 0.012 0.070 0.168 1392.000 322.000 1070.000 12.500 21.500 0.012 0.067
TraesCS3A02G135500.1 TraesCS3D02G151500.1 0.013 0.063 0.202 1392.000 322.167 1069.833 13.500 19.500 0.013 0.061
TraesCS3A02G135500.1 TraesCS3D02G136700.1 0.413 1.526 0.270 1344.000 327.250 1016.750 322.667 213.333 0.317 0.652
TraesCS3A02G200900.1 TraesCS3B02G225800.1 0.008 0.023 0.345 1347.000 314.667 1032.333 8.000 7.000 0.008 0.022
TraesCS3A02G200900.1 TraesCS3D02G203000.4 0.007 0.013 0.531 1347.000 314.333 1032.667 7.000 4.000 0.007 0.013
TraesCS3A02G282800.1 TraesCS3B02G316500.1 0.002 0.051 0.034 1509.000 343.500 1165.500 2.000 17.000 0.002 0.049
TraesCS3A02G282800.1 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 0.002 0.061 0.028 1509.000 343.500 1165.500 2.000 20.000 0.002 0.058
TraesCS3A02G305900.1 TraesCS3B02G330600.1 0.010 0.092 0.113 1554.000 382.667 1171.333 12.000 33.000 0.010 0.086
TraesCS3A02G305900.1 TraesCS3D02G296000.1 0.015 0.134 0.113 1059.000 253.417 805.583 12.000 31.000 0.015 0.122
TraesCS3A02G305900.1 TraesCS3D02G136700.1 0.358 0.687 0.521 1479.000 373.667 1105.333 314.833 168.167 0.285 0.450
TraesCS3A02G306000.1 TraesCS3B02G330500.1 0.026 0.082 0.315 1410.000 347.583 1062.417 27.000 27.000 0.025 0.078
TraesCS3A02G306000.1 TraesCS3D02G295900.1 0.016 0.056 0.283 1431.000 350.917 1080.083 17.000 19.000 0.016 0.054
TraesCS3A02G346100.1 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.270 4.908 0.055 1278.000 289.417 988.583 224.250 216.750 0.227 0.749
TraesCS3A02G346100.1 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.291 NaN NaN 1302.000 299.750 1002.250 241.583 230.417 0.241 0.769
TraesCS3A02G346100.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.271 NaN NaN 1266.000 290.500 975.500 221.750 218.250 0.227 0.751
TraesCS3A02G381100.1 TraesCS3B02G413800.1 0.002 0.046 0.052 1089.000 247.167 841.833 2.000 11.000 0.002 0.045
TraesCS3A02G381100.1 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 0.002 0.054 0.044 1089.000 247.500 841.500 2.000 13.000 0.002 0.053
TraesCS3A02G446800.1 TraesCS3B02G482200.1 0.008 0.066 0.128 1296.000 334.417 961.583 8.000 21.000 0.008 0.063
TraesCS3A02G446800.1 TraesCS3D02G439400.1 0.009 0.037 0.255 1296.000 333.000 963.000 9.000 12.000 0.009 0.036
TraesCS3B02G153800.1 TraesCS3D02G136700.1 0.009 0.072 0.119 1557.000 396.667 1160.333 9.833 27.167 0.008 0.068
TraesCS3B02G169300.1 TraesCS3D02G151500.1 0.006 0.060 0.102 1392.000 322.333 1069.667 6.500 18.500 0.006 0.057
TraesCS3B02G225800.1 TraesCS3D02G203000.4 0.007 0.010 0.708 1347.000 314.167 1032.833 7.000 3.000 0.007 0.010
TraesCS3B02G316500.1 TraesCS3D02G282800.1 0.002 0.039 0.044 1509.000 343.500 1165.500 2.000 13.000 0.002 0.038
TraesCS3B02G330500.1 TraesCS3D02G295900.1 0.019 0.073 0.261 1410.000 345.833 1064.167 20.000 24.000 0.019 0.069
TraesCS3B02G330600.1 TraesCS3D02G296000.1 0.011 0.101 0.111 1059.000 253.833 805.167 9.000 24.000 0.011 0.095
TraesCS3B02G413800.1 TraesCS3D02G374300.1 0.002 0.076 0.031 1089.000 248.000 841.000 2.000 18.000 0.002 0.073
TraesCS3B02G482200.1 TraesCS3D02G439400.1 0.010 0.053 0.199 1296.000 334.250 961.750 10.000 17.000 0.010 0.051
TraesCS3B02G544300.1 TraesCS3D02G491700.1 0.102 0.174 0.586 480.000 106.500 373.500 35.500 16.500 0.095 0.155
TraesCS3D02G339800.1 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.268 NaN NaN 1278.000 288.833 989.167 222.917 220.083 0.225 0.762
TraesCS4A02G108700.1 TraesCS4B02G195900.1 0.019 0.056 0.336 1050.000 241.167 808.833 15.000 13.000 0.019 0.054
TraesCS4A02G108700.1 TraesCS4D02G196100.1 0.018 0.043 0.411 1050.000 241.333 808.667 14.000 10.000 0.017 0.041
TraesCS4A02G126800.3 TraesCS4B02G178100.1 0.002 0.098 0.020 1347.000 305.667 1041.333 2.000 28.000 0.002 0.092
TraesCS4A02G136500.2 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.012 0.075 0.159 1314.000 295.500 1018.500 12.000 21.000 0.012 0.071
TraesCS4A02G187300.1 TraesCS4B02G131000.1 0.005 0.093 0.053 1317.000 296.917 1020.083 5.000 26.000 0.005 0.088
TraesCS4A02G187300.1 TraesCS4D02G126200.1 0.000 0.063 0.000 1317.000 297.833 1019.167 0.000 18.000 0.000 0.060
TraesCS4A02G194800.1 TraesCS4B02G120400.1 0.007 0.072 0.095 1332.000 306.250 1025.750 7.000 21.000 0.007 0.069
TraesCS4A02G194800.1 TraesCS4D02G118500.2 0.008 0.054 0.144 1347.000 308.750 1038.250 8.000 16.000 0.008 0.052
TraesCS4A02G194800.1 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.098 0.507 0.194 1305.000 299.833 1005.167 92.500 110.500 0.092 0.369
TraesCS4A02G194800.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.100 0.482 0.207 1290.000 296.333 993.667 92.667 105.333 0.093 0.355
TraesCS4A02G194800.1 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 0.101 0.467 0.216 1305.000 298.667 1006.333 95.167 103.833 0.095 0.348
TraesCS4A02G200000.1 TraesCS4B02G115400.1 0.006 0.102 0.061 1317.000 344.917 972.083 6.000 33.000 0.006 0.096
TraesCS4A02G200000.1 TraesCS4D02G113100.1 0.007 0.057 0.126 1317.000 344.500 972.500 7.000 19.000 0.007 0.055
TraesCS4A02G235600.2 TraesCS4B02G079300.1 0.001 0.107 0.011 1083.000 249.833 833.167 1.000 25.000 0.001 0.100
TraesCS4A02G235600.2 TraesCS4D02G078100.2 0.000 0.080 0.000 1083.000 249.000 834.000 0.000 19.000 0.000 0.076
TraesCS4A02G235600.2 TraesCS5A02G069500.1 0.081 0.764 0.107 1068.000 245.250 822.750 63.500 117.500 0.077 0.479
TraesCS4A02G235600.2 TraesCS5B02G075800.1 0.087 0.707 0.124 1083.000 249.333 833.667 68.833 114.167 0.083 0.458
TraesCS4A02G235600.2 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 0.092 0.746 0.124 1083.000 251.083 831.917 72.333 118.667 0.087 0.473
TraesCS4B02G079300.1 TraesCS4D02G078100.2 0.001 0.112 0.011 1083.000 249.500 833.500 1.000 26.000 0.001 0.104
TraesCS4B02G079300.1 TraesCS5A02G069500.1 0.081 0.821 0.099 1068.000 245.750 822.250 63.333 122.667 0.077 0.499
TraesCS4B02G079300.1 TraesCS5B02G075800.1 0.087 0.760 0.115 1083.000 249.833 833.167 68.667 119.333 0.082 0.478
TraesCS4B02G079300.1 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 0.092 0.801 0.115 1083.000 251.583 831.417 72.167 123.833 0.087 0.492
TraesCS4B02G115400.1 TraesCS4D02G113100.1 0.003 0.073 0.042 1317.000 344.750 972.250 3.000 24.000 0.003 0.070
TraesCS4B02G120400.1 TraesCS4D02G118500.2 0.008 0.047 0.166 1332.000 306.000 1026.000 8.000 14.000 0.008 0.046
TraesCS4B02G120400.1 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.099 0.513 0.194 1305.000 299.750 1005.250 93.667 111.333 0.093 0.371
TraesCS4B02G120400.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.101 0.479 0.212 1290.000 296.250 993.750 94.167 104.833 0.095 0.354
TraesCS4B02G120400.1 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 0.103 0.483 0.213 1305.000 298.583 1006.417 96.667 106.333 0.096 0.356
TraesCS4B02G131000.1 TraesCS4D02G126200.1 0.005 0.093 0.053 1317.000 297.250 1019.750 5.000 26.000 0.005 0.087
TraesCS4B02G168200.1 TraesCS4D02G170700.1 0.075 0.198 0.378 549.000 125.583 423.417 30.167 21.833 0.071 0.174
TraesCS4B02G178100.1 TraesCS4D02G179700.2 0.002 0.079 0.024 1347.000 307.167 1039.833 2.000 23.000 0.002 0.075
TraesCS4B02G195900.1 TraesCS4D02G196100.1 0.001 0.017 0.049 1527.000 348.667 1178.333 1.000 6.000 0.001 0.017
TraesCS4B02G319900.1 TraesCS4D02G316500.1 0.003 0.098 0.030 1329.000 303.500 1025.500 3.000 28.000 0.003 0.092
TraesCS4B02G319900.1 TraesCS5A02G492000.1 0.002 0.113 0.017 1329.000 304.000 1025.000 2.000 32.000 0.002 0.105
TraesCS4D02G078100.2 TraesCS5A02G069500.1 0.081 0.812 0.100 1068.000 244.917 823.083 63.500 121.500 0.077 0.496
TraesCS4D02G078100.2 TraesCS5B02G075800.1 0.087 0.740 0.118 1083.000 249.000 834.000 68.833 117.167 0.083 0.471
TraesCS4D02G078100.2 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 0.092 0.781 0.118 1083.000 250.750 832.250 72.333 121.667 0.087 0.485
TraesCS4D02G118500.2 TraesCS5A02G148000.1 0.101 0.518 0.195 1305.000 299.583 1005.417 95.000 112.000 0.094 0.374
TraesCS4D02G118500.2 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.101 0.498 0.203 1290.000 296.250 993.750 94.167 107.833 0.095 0.364
TraesCS4D02G118500.2 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 0.103 0.477 0.215 1305.000 298.417 1006.583 96.667 105.333 0.096 0.353
TraesCS4D02G316500.1 TraesCS5A02G492000.1 0.004 0.094 0.041 1335.000 305.000 1030.000 4.000 27.000 0.004 0.089
TraesCS5A02G057400.1 TraesCS5B02G059300.1 0.008 0.069 0.121 1296.000 333.667 962.333 8.000 22.000 0.008 0.066
TraesCS5A02G057400.1 TraesCS5D02G068700.1 0.008 0.046 0.181 1299.000 335.167 963.833 8.000 15.000 0.008 0.045
TraesCS5A02G069500.1 TraesCS5B02G075800.1 0.006 0.117 0.052 1080.000 250.083 829.917 5.000 27.000 0.006 0.108
TraesCS5A02G069500.1 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 0.006 0.111 0.054 1080.000 251.000 829.000 5.000 26.000 0.006 0.104
TraesCS5A02G148000.1 TraesCS5B02G146500.1 0.011 0.089 0.124 1299.000 297.500 1001.500 11.000 25.000 0.011 0.084
TraesCS5A02G148000.1 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 0.012 0.081 0.147 1314.000 299.500 1014.500 12.000 23.000 0.012 0.077
TraesCS5A02G225200.1 TraesCS5B02G223800.1 0.006 0.084 0.073 1338.000 352.167 985.833 6.000 28.000 0.006 0.080
TraesCS5A02G225200.1 TraesCS5D02G232500.1 0.006 0.068 0.085 1170.000 307.333 862.667 5.000 20.000 0.006 0.065
TraesCS5A02G225300.1 TraesCS5B02G223900.1 0.006 0.071 0.084 1341.000 338.000 1003.000 6.000 23.000 0.006 0.068
TraesCS5A02G225300.1 TraesCS5D02G232600.1 0.009 0.062 0.146 1341.000 337.667 1003.333 9.000 20.000 0.009 0.059
TraesCS5A02G377900.1 TraesCS5B02G381500.1 0.007 0.056 0.131 1293.000 334.583 958.417 7.000 18.000 0.007 0.054
TraesCS5A02G377900.1 TraesCS5B02G059300.1 0.182 0.547 0.332 1269.000 327.083 941.917 152.000 127.000 0.161 0.388
TraesCS5A02G377900.1 TraesCS5D02G387900.1 0.004 0.056 0.075 1293.000 333.833 959.167 4.000 18.000 0.004 0.054
TraesCS5A02G377900.1 TraesCS5D02G068700.1 0.182 0.524 0.347 1272.000 328.417 943.583 152.167 123.833 0.161 0.377
TraesCS5A02G401700.1 TraesCS5B02G406400.1 0.000 0.068 0.000 1098.000 247.417 850.583 0.000 16.000 0.000 0.065
TraesCS5A02G401700.1 TraesCS5D02G411900.1 0.000 0.072 0.000 1098.000 247.250 850.750 0.000 17.000 0.000 0.069
TraesCS5B02G059300.1 TraesCS5B02G381500.1 0.184 0.548 0.336 1269.000 328.333 940.667 153.417 127.583 0.163 0.389
TraesCS5B02G059300.1 TraesCS5D02G068700.1 0.006 0.053 0.119 1296.000 334.167 961.833 6.000 17.000 0.006 0.051
TraesCS5B02G059300.1 TraesCS5D02G387900.1 0.180 0.548 0.329 1269.000 327.583 941.417 150.667 127.333 0.160 0.389
TraesCS5B02G075800.1 TraesCS5D02G081700.1 0.005 0.097 0.049 1089.000 252.250 836.750 4.000 23.000 0.005 0.091
TraesCS5B02G146500.1 TraesCS5D02G144800.1 0.014 0.086 0.165 1299.000 296.667 1002.333 14.000 24.000 0.014 0.081
TraesCS5B02G223800.1 TraesCS5D02G232500.1 0.005 0.068 0.068 1170.000 307.500 862.500 4.000 20.000 0.005 0.065
TraesCS5B02G223900.1 TraesCS5D02G232600.1 0.003 0.055 0.054 1341.000 337.500 1003.500 3.000 18.000 0.003 0.053
TraesCS5B02G381500.1 TraesCS5D02G387900.1 0.005 0.046 0.113 1293.000 335.083 957.917 5.000 15.000 0.005 0.045
TraesCS5B02G381500.1 TraesCS5D02G068700.1 0.184 0.523 0.352 1272.000 329.667 942.333 153.917 124.083 0.163 0.376
TraesCS5B02G406400.1 TraesCS5D02G411900.1 0.000 0.054 0.000 1098.000 247.333 850.667 0.000 13.000 0 0.053
TraesCS5D02G068700.1 TraesCS5D02G387900.1 0.180 0.523 0.345 1272.000 328.917 943.083 151.167 123.833 0.160 0.376
TraesCS6A02G135100.1 TraesCS6B02G162900.1 0.201 0.459 0.437 738.000 174.083 563.917 99.250 59.750 0.176 0.343
TraesCS6A02G135100.1 TraesCS6D02G124200.1 0.004 0.044 0.082 1443.000 329.000 1114.000 4.000 14.000 0.004 0.043
TraesCS6A02G151000.1 TraesCS6B02G179100.1 0.029 0.144 0.205 1203.000 286.750 916.250 26.500 37.500 0.029 0.131
TraesCS6A02G151000.1 TraesCS6D02G141000.1 0.044 0.117 0.379 1227.000 292.000 935.000 40.333 31.667 0.043 0.108
TraesCS6B02G162900.1 TraesCS6D02G124200.1 0.198 0.458 0.433 738.000 174.250 563.750 98.250 59.750 0.174 0.343
TraesCS6B02G179100.1 TraesCS6D02G141000.1 0.010 0.086 0.111 1317.000 314.417 1002.583 9.500 25.500 0.009 0.081
TraesCS7A02G352200.1 TraesCS7B02G275800.1 0.006 0.159 0.037 1368.000 335.167 1032.833 6.000 48.000 0.006 0.143
TraesCS7A02G377600.1 TraesCS7B02G279300.1 0.008 0.119 0.066 1332.000 309.500 1022.500 8.000 34.000 0.008 0.110
TraesCS7A02G377600.1 TraesCS7D02G374400.2 0.006 0.107 0.055 1338.000 311.833 1026.167 6.000 31.000 0.006 0.099
TraesCS7B02G279300.1 TraesCS7D02G374400.2 0.006 0.057 0.104 1332.000 310.500 1021.500 6.000 17.000 0.006 0.055

Fig. 8

Predicting cis-regulatory elements in TaSnRK promoters"

Fig. 9

Expression levels of 139 TaSnRK genes in different tissues of wheat"

Fig. 10

Expression patterns of nine genes in leaves of Yumai 2 (YM2) and Zhengyin 1 (ZY1) under drought and split-root drought stress CK: leaves under control treatment; T1: leaves under whole root drought treatment; T2: leaves under split-root drought treatment. * indicates that there were significant differences between treatments (P < 0.05)."

Fig. 11

The expression patterns of nine genes in roots of Yumai 2 (YM2) and Zhengyin 1 (ZY1) under drought and split-root drought stress CK : root under control treatment; T1 : roots under whole root drought treatment; T2.1: roots on the drought side under split-root drought treatment; T2.2: roots on the side of full water application under split-root drought treatment. * indicates that there were significant differences between treatments (P < 0.05)."

Fig. 12

Interaction network between TaSnRK protein and related proteins A-C: the interaction of SnRK1, SnRK2 and SnRK3 subfamily proteins. The color of the connection represents the relationship between the two proteins. Rose red and sky blue represent known interactions determined from the experimental and management databases, and red and dark blue represent predicted gene fusion and gene coexistence interactions. The black, blue-violet, and light green lines represent the interactions of co-expression, homologous protein and text mining, respectively."

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doi: 10.1073/pnas.040577697 pmid: 10725350
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