
作物学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 526-533.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.43024

所属专题: 玉米遗传育种/种质资源/分子遗传学 玉米耕作栽培·生理生化

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈琛1(), 付修义1, 陈传永1, 吴珊珊1, 张华生1, 张春原1, 陈绍江2, 赵久然1, 王元东1,*()   

  1. 1北京市农林科学院玉米研究所, 北京 100097
    2中国农业大学农学院国家玉米改良中心, 北京 100193
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-13 接受日期:2024-09-18 出版日期:2025-02-12 网络出版日期:2024-10-10
  • 通讯作者: 王元东, E-mail: wyuandong@126.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: chenc71@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Study on the haploid breeding performance of maize inbred lines

CHEN Chen1(), FU Xiu-Yi1, CHEN Chuan-Yong1, WU Shan-Shan1, ZHANG Hua-Sheng1, ZHANG Chun-Yuan1, CHEN Shao-Jiang2, ZHAO Jiu-Ran1, WANG Yuan-Dong1,*()   

  1. 1Maize Research Institute, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China
    2National Maize Improvement Center of China, College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
  • Received:2024-06-13 Accepted:2024-09-18 Published:2025-02-12 Published online:2024-10-10
  • Contact: E-mail: wyuandong@126.com
  • Supported by:
    BAAFS Youth Research Fund(QNJJ202430);BAAFS Science and Technology Innovation Capability Improvement Project(KJCX20230103);BAAFS Science and Technology Innovation Capability Improvement Project(KJCX20230433);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-02-11)

摘要: 单倍体育种技术在玉米商业化育种中得到广泛应用, 对亲本自交系的单倍体育种性能评价是提升单倍体育种效率的重要手段之一。本研究对来源于不同杂种优势群的17个自交系的单倍体诱导、鉴别与加倍性能进行系统评价。结果表明, 瑞德种质在单倍体诱导和鉴别方面均具有明显优势, 其平均单倍体诱导率和鉴别准确率分别可达12.23%~15.31%和95.27%~96.37%。不同自交系间平均单倍体诱导率与平均单穗单倍体数差异显著, 平均单倍体诱导率变异范围为9.68%~17.51%, 平均单穗单倍体数变异范围为8.44~23.66粒。郑58和B73的单倍体化学加倍性能较高, 郑58的DH生产效率高达74.36%, 而B73的单倍体平均结实数最高, 为53.80粒。综合单倍体诱导、鉴别和加倍性能进行聚类分析发现, 郑58、京1110、京724和JG296在单倍体育种性能方面均处于较高水平, Mo17、4F1和齐319则均处于较低水平。相关结果有助于单倍体育种流程设计, 并为提升单倍体育种效率奠定基础。

关键词: 单倍体, 诱导, 鉴别, 染色体加倍, 玉米


Doubled haploid (DH) technology is widely applied in commercial maize breeding, and the efficiency of haploid breeding can be improved by evaluating the haploid breeding performance of common germplasm. In this study, 17 genotypes were used to assess haploid breeding performance through haploid induction, identification, and chromosomal doubling. The results showed that the Reid germplasm exhibited a significant advantage in haploid induction and identification, with the mean haploid induction rate (HIR) ranging from 12.23% to 15.31% and the accuracy of haploid selection ranging from 95.27% to 96.37%. Substantial differences were observed among the inbred lines in terms of HIR and the number of haploids per ear (HPE), with HIR ranging from 9.68% to 17.51% and HPE ranging from 8.44 to 23.66. Zheng 58 and B73 showed significant advantages in haploid chromosome doubling, with DH productivity in Zheng 58 reaching 74.36% and B73 achieving the highest average seed set per haploid at 53.80. Cluster analysis revealed that Zheng 58, Jing 1110, Jing 724, and JG296 were more suitable for haploid breeding, whereas Mo17, 4F1, and Qi 319 were less efficient. These findings will aid in the planning of haploid breeding programs and provide a foundation for enhancing the efficiency of DH technology.

Key words: haploid, induction, identification, chromosomal doubling, maize



Total of haploids
Mean of SPE
Mean of HPE
Mean of AR (%)
Mean of HIR (%)
CAU5 瑞德 Reid 181 143.96±14.29 ab 17.96±0.71 a 96.21±2.01 ab 12.23±1.90 ab
兰卡斯特 LAN 260 120.14±27.19 b 14.81±2.86 ab 96.86±1.19 ab 12.43±1.92 a
黄改系 HIL 151 117.42±12.31 b 12.19±1.38 ab 95.44±1.22 b 9.96±0.45 b
改良瑞德 IR 255 105.69±11.35 b 12.14±1.73 b 98.89±0.62 a 11.48±0.83 ab
X群 X 265 156.52±19.79 a 17.33±2.30 a 95.43±1.38 b 10.64±0.39 b
P群 P 209 123.55±14.45 ab 15.33±0.93 ab 95.81±3.50 ab 11.81±1.09 ab
CAU6 瑞德 Reid 141 123.42±7.08 ab 20.00±1.00 a 95.27±1.22 ab 15.31±0.36 a
兰卡斯特 LAN 199 119.92±32.65 ab 17.08±5.65 ab 95.52±0.74 a 12.85±2.48 ab
黄改系 HIL 174 154.47±7.94 a 17.72±2.66 ab 93.96±1.35 ab 10.74±1.62 b
改良瑞德 IR 225 92.36±17.31 b 12.10±1.79 b 96.65±1.25 a 12.94±0.52 ab
X群 X 288 139.64±15.76 a 17.21±2.92 ab 92.92±1.70 b 11.43±0.85 b
P群 P 208 99.65±13.02 b 15.06±1.44 ab 93.53±4.64 ab 13.73±0.96 ab
CS2 瑞德Reid 95 103.67±19.67 c 15.83±3.83 ab 96.37±1.93 b 14.34±1.13 a
兰卡斯特 LAN 137 113.42±24.13 bc 14.03±2.53 ab 96.96±0.85 b 12.23±0.70 ab
黄改系 HIL 514 149.23±23.47 a 18.03±3.91 a 97.85±0.07 ab 11.57±0.89 ab
改良瑞德 IR 548 106.78±23.97 bc 12.16±4.15 b 98.52±0.74 a 10.71±1.25 b
X群 X 256 136.17±24.57 b 16.04±3.72 a 97.41±0.77 ab 11.26±1.34 ab
P群 P 72 105.33±23.00 bc 12.00±1.67 b 96.34±3.66 b 11.16±1.30 ab
CHOI4 瑞德Reid 170 128.58±2.75 ab 20.25±4.08 ab 96.22±2.41 b 15.28±3.02 ab
兰卡斯特 LAN 295 104.31±36.34 b 17.25±4.76 ab 98.17±0.73 a 17.24±3.09 a
黄改系 HIL 259 149.72±12.72 a 23.22±4.07 a 98.81±0.15 a 15.10±1.36 ab
改良瑞德 IR 261 113.82±6.50 ab 16.82±0.94 ab 97.78±1.12 a 14.41±0.46 ab
X群 X 297 127.98±17.31 ab 17.78±2.94 ab 97.65±0.69 ab 13.55±0.68 ab
P群 P 100 98.53±16.28 b 10.85±2.35 b 97.73±2.27 ab 10.67±0.60 b


不同自交系的单倍体诱导率与单穗单倍体数 HIR: 诱导率; HPE: 单穗单倍体数; C7-2: 昌7-2; Qi319: 齐319; S3336: 沈3336; Z58: 郑58; J2416K: 京2416K; J724: 京724; J92GH: 京92GH; J1110: 京1110; JJ2418: 京J2418; JMC01: 京MC01。不同字母代表组内差异显著, P < 0.05 (采用Tukey HSD法)。"



Total number
AER (%)
PPR (%)
SSR (%)
Mean of seeds
DH productivity (%)
京2416K J2416K SD 123 23.58 18.70 30.43 4.86 5.69
AD 89 75.28 75.28 50.75 13.79 38.20
昌7-2 C7-2 SD 88 19.32 12.50 27.27 2.67 3.41
AD 60 55.00 55.00 75.76 5.20 41.67
京92GH J92GH SD 130 22.31 16.92 40.91 6.78 6.92
AD 74 64.86 59.46 63.64 22.39 37.84
京1110 J1110 SD 122 21.31 18.03 54.55 11.25 9.84
AD 77 79.22 71.43 74.55 28.17 53.25
京724 J724 SD 86 26.74 20.93 44.44 8.50 9.30
AD 92 81.52 78.26 59.72 37.65 46.74
JG296 SD 101 29.70 25.74 42.31 7.82 10.89
AD 101 64.36 64.36 64.62 35.79 41.58
京MC01 JMC01 SD 77 22.08 19.48 40.00 9.33 7.79
AD 96 73.96 69.79 52.24 25.71 36.46
PH4CV SD 81 33.33 22.22 55.56 9.30 12.35
AD 71 49.30 45.07 62.50 23.90 28.17
PH6WC SD 99 25.25 19.19 36.84 6.57 7.07
AD 81 59.26 51.85 69.05 18.62 35.80
京J2418 JJ2418 SD 82 24.39 15.85 38.46 4.20 6.10
AD 71 71.83 63.38 68.89 16.81 43.66
B73 SD 67 32.84 32.84 72.73 32.25 23.88
AD 98 83.67 80.61 77.22 53.80 62.24
C229 SD 137 16.79 10.95 46.67 3.29 5.11
AD 68 83.82 63.24 62.79 16.41 39.71
郑58 Z58 SD 232 14.66 12.07 32.14 2.33 3.88
AD 117 92.31 90.60 82.08 25.33 74.36
4F1 SD 73 27.40 21.92 56.25 3.11 12.33
AD 77 92.21 83.12 62.50 15.33 23.38
Mo17 SD 88 15.91 9.09 25.00 5.00 2.27
AD 97 57.73 46.39 40.00 16.50 18.56
齐319 Qi319 SD 92 18.48 5.43 40.00 1.50 2.17
AD 87 82.76 79.31 60.87 13.90 48.28
沈3336 S3336 SD 68 7.35 7.35 80.00 8.00 5.88
AD 89 84.27 71.91 79.69 19.75 57.30



Number of lines
Mean of HIR (%)
Mean of HPE
Mean of AR (%)
均值Mean 变异范围Range 均值Mean 变异范围Range 均值Mean 变异范围Range
1 3 13.01 12.08-13.81 22.51 21.19-23.66 97.14 96.04-97.76
2 5 13.94 11.49-17.51 18.11 16.53-20.42 98.02 97.10-99.78
3 5 11.17 9.69-12.68 14.22 12.08-16.60 94.19 92.33-96.39
4 4 12.08 11.47-12.53 10.89 8.43-12.04 97.19 95.29-99.37


单倍体育种性能聚类图 A: 单倍体诱导与鉴别性能聚类图; B: 单倍体加倍性能聚类图。缩写同图1。"



Number of lines
PPR (%)
SSR (%)
Mean of seeds
DH productivity (%)
1 2 85.61 80.61-90.60 79.65 77.22-82.08 39.57 25.33-53.80 68.30 62.24-74.36
2 4 71.49 64.36-78.26 69.64 59.72-79.69 30.34 19.75-35.79 49.72 41.58-57.30
3 5 58.59 51.85-63.38 68.02 62.79-75.76 15.89 5.20-22.39 39.73 35.80-43.66
4 4 76.87 69.79-83.12 56.59 50.75-62.50 17.18 13.79-25.71 36.58 23.38-48.28
5 2 45.73 45.06-46.39 51.25 40.00-62.50 20.20 16.50-23.90 23.36 18.56-28.17
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