
作物学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 534-547.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.41030

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


王鹏博(), 张冬霞(), 乔唱唱, 黄明, 王贺正()   

  1. 河南科技大学农学院 / 牡丹学院, 河南洛阳 471000
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-22 接受日期:2024-10-25 出版日期:2025-02-12 网络出版日期:2024-11-13
  • 通讯作者: 王贺正, E-mail: wanghezh@163.com
  • 作者简介:王鹏博, E-mail: wpb6765@163.com;
    张冬霞, E-mail: 913286558@qq.com第一联系人:**同等贡献
  • 基金资助:

Effects of straw returning and phosphorus application on soil enzyme activity and yield formation of wheat in dry land of western Henan, China

WANG Peng-Bo(), ZHANG Dong-Xia(), QIAO Chang-Chang, HUANG Ming, WANG He-Zheng()   

  1. College of Agriculture / Tree Peony, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, Henan, China
  • Received:2024-04-22 Accepted:2024-10-25 Published:2025-02-12 Published online:2024-11-13
  • Contact: E-mail: wanghezh@163.com
  • About author:First author contact:**Contributed equally to this work
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31801297);Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province(212102110309)

摘要: 为了明确秸秆还田和施磷量对豫西旱地小麦土壤酶活性和产量形成的影响规律, 2020年10月至2022年6月, 以洛旱22为材料, 采用裂区试验设计, 主区为玉米秸秆还田: 秸秆不还田(S0)、秸秆全量还田(S1), 副区为施磷量: P0 (0 kg hm-2)、P1 (75.0 kg hm-2)、P2 (112.5 kg hm-2)、P3 (150.0 kg hm-2)和P4 (187.5 kg hm-2), 测定了土壤酶活性以及小麦干物质转运特征、籽粒灌浆动态和产量及其构成因素。结果表明, 0~20 cm与20~40 cm土层中土壤速效磷含量及土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶活性, 以及小麦籽粒最大灌浆速率(Vmax)、最大灌浆速率出现时间(Tmax)、灌浆速率达到最大时的籽粒生长量(Wmax)、平均灌浆速率(Vmean)、灌浆渐增期持续时间(T1)以及快增期持续时间(T2)在同一施磷水平下均表现为S1高于S0, 在同一秸秆还田处理下均随施磷水平的提高呈先升后降趋势, 总体表现为P3处理最高。同一施磷量下, 花后干物质同化量及其对籽粒的贡献率也均表现为S1高于S0, 且在最高的P3处理分别显著提高38.67%和5.76%。秸秆还田和施磷量互作对土壤速效磷含量、土壤酶活性、小麦干物质转运特征、籽粒灌浆动态和产量的影响均达显著水平, 且多在S1P3处理达到最大值。S1P3与S0P3相比, 前后两年度土壤速效磷含量及土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶活性分别显著提高5.32%、5.04%、10.30%、2.92%和7.37%、3.88%、11.64%、3.31%。秸秆还田和增施磷肥均能提高小麦穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量, 且除千粒重外同一秸秆还田下均随施磷量的提高呈先升后降趋势。S1P3与S0P3相比, 小麦穗数和产量在2020—2021年度分别提高4.74%和3.78%, 在2021—2022年度分别提高9.06%和4.51%, 且2021—2022年度的穗粒数也提高5.25%。综上, 秸秆还田配施150 kg hm-2磷肥(S1P3)是豫西旱地及其类似生态区小麦适宜种植方式。

关键词: 秸秆还田, 施磷量, 土壤酶活性, 小麦, 产量形成


This study aimed to clarify the effects of straw return and phosphorus application rates on soil enzyme activity and yield formation of dryland wheat in western Henan. A split-plot experimental design was conducted from October 2020 to June 2022, using the wheat variety Luohan 22. The main plot treatments were based on maize straw return: no straw return (S0) and full straw return (S1). The sub-plot treatments included four phosphorus application rates: P0 (0 kg hm-2), P1 (75.0 kg hm-2), P2 (112.5 kg hm-2), P3 (150.0 kg hm-2), and P4 (187.5 kg hm-2). Soil enzyme activity, dry matter transport characteristics, grain filling dynamics, and yield and yield components were measured. The results showed that under the same phosphorus application rates, available phosphorus content and the activities of soil urease, sucrase, catalase, and alkaline phosphatase in the 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layers, as well as key grain filling dynamics parameters (Vmax, Tmax, Wmax, Vmean, T1, and T2), were higher in the S1 treatment compared to S0. Similarly, under the same straw return treatment, these parameters initially increased and then decreased with increasing phosphorus application rates, with the highest values observed under the P3 treatment. In terms of dry matter transport, post-flowering dry matter assimilation and its contribution to grain in the S1 treatment were greater than in the S0 treatment. In the highest performing treatment (P3), these parameters showed significant increases of 38.67% and 5.76%, respectively. The interaction between straw return and phosphorus application rates had a significant impact on available phosphorus content, soil enzyme activities, dry matter transport characteristics, grain filling dynamics, and grain yield, with the highest values observed in the S1P3 treatment. Compared to S0P3, available phosphorus content and the activities of urease, sucrase, and catalase in the S1P3 treatment increased by 5.32%, 5.04%, 10.30%, and 2.92% in the first year, and by 7.37%, 3.88%, 11.64%, and 3.31% in the second year. Both straw return and increased phosphorus application rates improved spike numbers, grains per spike, thousand-grain weight, and overall grain yield. Except for thousand-grain weight, these indicators initially increased and then declined with increasing phosphorus rates under the same straw return treatment. Compared to S0P3, the S1P3 treatment significantly increased spike numbers and grain yield by 4.74% and 3.78% in 2020-2021, and by 9.06% and 4.51% in 2021-2022, respectively. S1P3 also significantly increased grains per spike by 5.25% in 2021-2022. In conclusion, full straw return combined with a phosphorus application rate of 150 kg hm-2 (S1P3) is an optimal cultivation practice for dryland wheat in western Henan and similar ecological regions.

Key words: straw returning, phosphorus application rate, soil enzyme activity, wheat, yield formation





Soil depth
处理Treatment 2020-2021 2021-2022
拔节期Jointing 开花期Anthesis 灌浆期Grouting 成熟期Maturity 拔节期Jointing 开花期Anthesis 灌浆期Grouting 成熟期Maturity
0-20 cm S0P0 12.43 h 11.14 f 10.79 e 9.36 f 11.46 e 10.31 h 10.05 f 9.42 f
S0P1 12.94 g 11.62 e 11.29 cd 9.83 de 12.64 d 11.67 f 10.56 e 9.96 e
S0P2 13.88 e 12.54 d 11.60 c 10.23 d 13.76 c 12.60 d 11.45 d 10.62 d
S0P3 14.98 b 13.65 b 12.24 b 11.53 b 14.42 b 13.34 c 12.38 b 11.37 c
S0P4 14.34 d 13.14 c 11.69 c 10.75 c 13.48 c 12.22 e 10.80 e 10.48 d
S1P0 13.24 f 11.45 ef 10.93 de 9.76 ef 12.12 d 11.18 g 10.67 e 9.79 e
S1P1 14.18 d 12.41 d 11.42 c 10.27 d 13.25 c 12.62 d 11.21 d 10.79 d
S1P2 15.12 b 13.60 b 12.13 b 11.38 b 14.69 b 14.01 b 12.02 c 11.74 b
S1P3 15.74 a 14.33 a 13.30 a 12.50 a 15.30 a 14.81 a 13.10 a 12.31 a
S1P4 14.68 c 13.88 b 12.53 b 12.09 a 13.82 c 13.52 c 11.87 c 11.49 bc
方差分析ANOVA S 26.90** 34.92** 8.47* 20.62** 35.99** 94.49** 64.75** 44.22**
P 26.54** 66.01** 12.22* 22.12* 86.89** 84.09** 80.03** 34.33**
S × P 14.74** 3.38* 4.37* 4.23** 0.86 3.68* 1.72 4.10*
20-40 cm S0P0 10.55 f 10.23 g 9.51 f 8.88 f 9.59 f 9.14 g 8.79 g 7.99 e
S0P1 11.29 e 11.07 f 10.02 e 9.30 e 10.62 d 9.76 f 9.27 f 8.69 d
S0P2 12.56 d 11.65 e 10.52 d 9.96 bc 11.29 c 10.37 e 9.68 de 9.29 c
S0P3 13.14 bcd 12.33 b 11.12 b 10.49 a 12.70 b 11.83 c 9.73 de 9.65 b
S0P4 12.82 cd 12.11 bc 10.74 cd 9.83 bcd 10.36 de 11.25 d 10.46 c 8.94 d
S1P0 11.78 e 10.44 g 9.66 f 8.98 f 10.31 e 10.39 e 9.48 ef 8.86 d
S1P1 12.92 cd 11.23 f 10.54 d 9.56 de 11.45 c 11.35 d 9.85 d 9.27 c
S1P2 13.48 bc 11.94 cd 11.13 b 10.10 b 12.58 b 12.59 a 10.78 b 9.62 b
S1P3 14.20 a 12.66 a 11.48 a 10.56 a 13.33 a 12.17 b 11.32 a 10.11 a
S1P4 13.71 ab 11.76 de 10.91 bc 9.73 cd 12.47 b 11.26 d 10.47 c 9.74 b
方差分析ANOVA S 72.38** 1.06 15.49** 2.83 16.49** 7.12 152.34** 35.36**
P 45.13** 36.39** 40.94* 85.39** 13.63** 3.69 70.89** 22.82**
S × P 0.93 5.25** 2.96** 1.03 18.56** 136.05** 16.74** 2.25



Soil depth
处理Treatment 2020-2021 2021-2022
0-20 cm S0P0 0.97 f 1.77 h 2.53 g 1.6 e 1.06 h 1.74 h 2.46 h 1.88 g
S0P1 1.08 de 1.87 g 2.76 ef 1.75 d 1.19 f 1.91 g 2.61 f 2.03 f
S0P2 1.19 c 1.96 e 3.02 c 1.96 c 1.28 d 2.07 e 2.82 d 2.17 e
S0P3 1.33 b 2.12 c 3.11 bc 2.13 b 1.39 c 2.21 c 2.91 c 2.28 c
S0P4 1.21 c 2.05 d 2.91 d 2.00 c 1.24 e 2.13 d 2.78 de 2.20 d
S1P0 1.05 ef 1.90 f 2.67 f 1.71 a 1.14 g 1.96 f 2.54 g 2.03 f
S1P1 1.17 cd 2.06 d 2.84 de 1.96 c 1.28 d 2.15 d 2.75 e 2.22 d
0-20 cm S1P2 1.45 a 2.13 c 3.20 b 2.17 b 1.39 c 2.27 b 3.12 a 2.31 b
S1P3 1.40 ab 2.27 a 3.31 a 2.25 a 1.49 a 2.32 a 2.91 c 2.37 a
S1P4 1.32 b 2.18 b 3.07 c 2.10 b 1.42 b 2.25 b 2.96 b 2.18 e
方差分析ANOVA S 11.39* 166.61** 50.02** 35.67** 41.84** 45.85* 30.90** 9.22*
P 13.08* 108.02** 112.18** 57.55** 44.44** 30.12* 51.24* 12.17*
S × P 3.24* 5.73** 0.89 2.93 29.57** 26.06** 6.77** 79.82**
20-40 cm S0P0 0.80 h 1.63 h 2.39 g 1.43 d 0.91 h 1.52 h 2.34 h 1.58 g
S0P1 0.91 f 1.72 fg 2.51 f 1.55 cd 1.02 f 1.68 g 2.47 f 1.72 f
S0P2 1.07 d 1.81 d 2.64 cd 1.63 c 1.24 b 1.78 e 2.58 d 1.85 d
S0P3 1.19 b 1.85 c 2.71 bc 1.82 b 1.25 b 1.87 c 2.69 b 1.88 c
S0P4 1.03 e 1.74 f 2.63 de 1.78 b 1.17 d 1.82 d 2.54 e 1.77 e
S1P0 0.87 g 1.70 g 2.46 f 1.56 cd 0.97 g 1.72 f 2.41 g 1.73 f
S1P1 1.04 e 1.77 e 2.58 e 1.77 b 1.11 e 1.86 c 2.53 e 1.83 d
S1P2 1.23 a 1.89 b 2.67 bcd 1.99 a 1.25 b 2.01 a 2.71 b 1.94 b
S1P3 1.17 b 1.98 a 2.81 a 1.89 ab 1.29 a 1.95 b 2.76 a 2.03 a
S1P4 1.10 c 1.84 c 2.74 b 1.83 b 1.21 c 1.92 b 2.64 c 1.96 b
方差分析ANOVA S 7.81* 46.89** 31.62** 8.19* 15.43* 34.93* 40.60* 69.33**
P 17.96** 47.95** 76.00** 5.36 107.88** 16.28* 83.26** 39.76**
S × P 187.49** 5.40** 1.09 3.94* 11.30* 16.80** 2.672 9.10**



Soil depth
处理Treatment 2020-2021 2021-2022
0-20 cm S0P0 23.59 b 41.91 f 54.84 e 46.06 f 26.93 h 30.40 h 40.18 g 31.91 g
S0P1 31.47 ab 48.88 e 62.22 d 50.44 de 30.14 g 39.44 g 43.22 fg 40.55 f
S0P2 36.03 ab 57.76 cd 70.74 c 56.38 c 35.36 f 47.38 e 57.41 d 46.43 e
S0P3 40.56 a 60.59 bc 76.48 b 60.57 ab 42.89 c 52.57 c 63.15 c 55.25 bc
S0P4 38.93 ab 53.97 d 68.62 c 58.83 bc 39.93 d 45.49 f 50.62 e 50.64 d
S1P0 30.49 ab 46.63 e 60.78 d 48.20 ef 29.16 g 39.87 g 46.12 f 42.29 f
S1P1 36.05 ab 54.99 d 69.96 c 51.93 d 37.05 e 48.93 de 54.29 d 49.33 d
S1P2 39.86 ab 65.87 a 78.31 b 59.14 bc 45.53 b 56.14 b 65.21 bc 57.20 b
S1P3 45.63 a 63.35 ab 83.75 a 63.28 a 48.63 a 60.95 a 72.98 a 62.02 a
S1P4 43.57 a 57.76 cd 76.69 b 59.50 b 41.24 d 49.84 d 68.49 b 53.42 c
方差分析ANOVA S 94.85** 29.87** 395.84* 24.57** 10.72** 29.25** 26.53** 70.87**
P 125.15** 50.58** 433.92** 191.19** 14.75** 25.12** 19.43** 57.87**
S × P 0.05 1.14 0.45 0.43 24.46** 9.31** 7.83** 6.06**
20-40 cm S0P0 18.69 e 34.27 h 39.48 f 30.17 g 15.69 g 23.51 g 26.81 f 24.27 h
S0P1 23.32 d 40.85 f 45.80 e 36.48 f 22.99 e 31.81 e 33.47 e 31.52 f
S0P2 29.71 c 46.86 cd 50.78 d 41.45 e 24.71 d 38.79 c 42.92 c 39.53 d
S0P3 33.27 b 45.21 de 57.36 b 45.38 cd 30.93 b 43.72 a 46.69 b 46.55 b
S0P4 30.56 bc 49.80 b 52.92 cd 42.97 de 28.23 c 41.30 b 37.45 d 43.47 c
S1P0 20.76 de 37.16 g 47.41 e 34.81 f 19.09 f 26.15 f 34.41 e 27.83 g
S1P1 27.48 c 44.45 e 53.66 c 41.24 e 26.15 d 34.91 d 40.66 c 34.45 e
S1P2 32.75 b 49.15 bc 60.74 a 47.28 bc 31.42 b 40.61 bc 48.41 b 50.64 a
S1P3 37.34 a 54.95 a 62.56 a 51.77 a 35.00 a 44.11 a 54.89 a 47.62 b
S1P4 34.38 a 48.64 bc 57.78 b 48.05 b 29.05 c 35.05 d 46.79 b 42.15 c
方差分析ANOVA S 76.14** 3.85 57.03** 255.80** 14.80* 0.04 143.40** 2.75*
P 200.89** 9.23* 36.34** 289.55** 30.35** 14.53* 121.32** 14.66*
S × P 0.02 13.22** 3.17 0.39 7.36* 16.06** 1.00 19.83**



Soil depth
处理Treatment 2020-2021 2021-2022
0-20 cm S0P0 3.58 f 3.49 g 3.24 g 3.26 f 3.39 g 3.30 g 3.17 g 3.25 g
S0P1 3.72 e 3.53 f 3.38 e 3.36 e 3.49 f 3.46 ef 3.32 e 3.35 f
S0P2 3.85 d 3.73 c 3.50 c 3.50 cd 3.65 d 3.59 c 3.41 cd 3.48 e
S0P3 3.96 c 3.63 d 3.57 b 3.56 bc 3.76 bc 3.66 b 3.46 bc 3.53 de
S0P4 3.83 d 3.59 e 3.49 cd 3.54 cd 3.57 ef 3.48 de 3.34 e 3.61 bc
S1P0 3.72 e 3.59 e 3.31 f 3.33 e 3.53 f 3.42 f 3.26 f 3.39 f
S1P1 3.86 d 3.63 d 3.46 d 3.48 d 3.64 de 3.53 cd 3.37 de 3.55 cd
S1P2 4.01 b 3.77 b 3.64 a 3.62 b 3.80 b 3.69 b 3.57 a 3.63 b
S1P3 4.12 b 3.84 a 3.60 b 3.72 a 3.89 a 3.75 a 3.47 b 3.72 a
S1P4 3.94 c 3.76 bc 3.51 c 3.56 bc 3.69 cd 3.58 c 3.43 bc 3.56 cd
方差分析ANOVA S 299.46** 18.26* 10.14* 15.68** 832.30** 215.63** 10.53* 8.69*
P 256.02** 8.36* 30.14** 23.49** 674.63** 329.30** 15.54* 6.03
S × P 1.34 12.38** 6.91** 3.30** 0.09 0.32 4.62** 13.52**
20-40 cm S0P0 3.58 b 3.25 g 3.10 g 3.13 f 3.26 f 3.21 f 2.97 g 3.08 e
S0P1 3.55 b 3.46 d 3.26 e 3.35 c 3.42 d 3.36 de 3.02 f 3.20 d
S0P2 3.75 ab 3.34 f 3.33 cd 3.22 e 3.51 c 3.45 bc 3.28 b 3.31 c
S0P3 3.74 ab 3.51 c 3.40 b 3.41 b 3.60 b 3.51 b 3.16 de 3.43 bc
S0P4 3.66 ab 3.39 e 3.31 d 3.29 d 3.56 bc 3.47 bc 3.20 cd 3.34 c
S1P0 3.54 b 3.34 f 3.18 f 3.19 e 3.34 e 3.29 e 3.11 e 3.21 d
S1P1 3.66 ab 3.49 cd 3.20 f 3.30 cd 3.50 c 3.40 cd 3.27 b 3.33 c
S1P2 3.78 ab 3.57 b 3.34 c 3.47 a 3.61 b 3.52 b 3.32 b 3.45 bc
S1P3 3.86 a 3.61 a 3.44 a 3.43 ab 3.71 a 3.59 a 3.39 a 3.52 a
S1P4 3.73 ab 3.52 c 3.31 d 3.34 c 3.57 bc 3.48 b 3.22 c 3.30 c
方差分析ANOVA S 4.28 11.42* 0.36 19.50* 18.01* 17.59* 13.24* 7.40
P 10.03* 6.21 16.87** 37.07** 47.81** 60.36** 7.13* 10.87*
S × P 0.40 22.10** 25.30** 2.32 1.23 0.82 10.62** 6.35**



Soil depth
0-20 cm S0P0 2.56 d 2.35 e 2.14 d 1.08 e
S0P1 2.68 cd 2.46 de 2.25 cd 1.19 cde
S0P2 2.76 cd 2.50 cd 2.30 bc 1.33 b
S0P3 2.89 bc 2.61 bc 2.34 abc 1.24 bcd
S0P4 2.72 cd 2.54 cd 2.24 cd 1.25 bc
S1P0 2.88 bc 2.47 d 2.23 cd 1.13 de
S1P1 3.11 a 2.57 bcd 2.32 bc 1.28 bc
S1P2 3.04 ab 2.63 abc 2.37 abc 1.32 b
S1P3 3.14 a 2.74 a 2.47 a 1.48 a
S1P4 3.07 ab 2.68 ab 2.41 ab 1.34 b
S 60.45** 26.34* 14.34** 17.73**
P 5.28** 12.96* 6.76** 19.15**
S × P 7.25* 9.34** 0.46 11.57*
20-40 cm S0P0 2.34 d 2.16 d 1.86 d 0.89 d
S0P1 2.42 cd 2.27 cd 1.97 cd 0.99 cd
S0P2 2.58 abc 2.34 bc 2.15 ab 1.07 bc
S0P3 2.55 bc 2.45 ab 2.06 bc 1.16 ab
S0P4 2.51 bc 2.36 abc 2.09 bc 1.11 b
S1P0 2.45 cd 2.32 bcd 1.98 cd 0.98 cd
S1P1 2.53 bc 2.38 abc 2.10 bc 1.09 bc
20-40 cm S1P2 2.72 a 2.43 abc 2.19 ab 1.23 a
S1P3 2.63 ab 2.53 a 2.26 a 1.12 ab
S1P4 2.59 abc 2.46 ab 2.18 ab 1.19 ab
S 10.58** 9.65** 20.13* 12.06*
P 7.81** 6.38** 13.95** 16.48**
S × P 4.09* 1.19 8.08** 9.15*



处理Treatment 花前干物质 Pre-anthesis dry matter 花后干物质 Post-anthesis dry matter
TA (kg hm-2)
ACG (%)
AQ (kg hm-2)
ACG (%)
2020-2021 S0P0 1741.07 fh 32.98 cd 3537.43 f 67.02 d
S0P1 2023.87 cde 34.80 bc 3787.88 e 65.20 ef
S0P2 2534.71 a 39.33 a 4071.81 d 63.23 g
S0P3 2088.87 cd 31.29 de 4587.16 c 68.71 c
S0P4 2129.11 c 33.63 bc 4200.88 d 66.37 de
S1P0 1888.34 eg 34.21 bc 3631.59 f 65.79 def
S1P1 2291.41 b 35.32 b 4199.29 d 64.68 f
S1P2 1963.37 de 28.92 fg 4826.05 b 71.08 b
S1P3 1892.73 ef 27.32 g 5035.93 a 72.67 a
S1P4 1987.34 cde 30.30 ef 4570.79 c 69.70 c
S 10.32** 55.34** 166.09** 111.52**
P 23.24** 22.17** 169.52** 56.96**
S × P 22.66** 23.35** 10.63** 42.18**
2021-2022 S0P0 1860.09 f 34.62 a 3511.98 g 65.38 d
S0P1 1954.56 cd 31.79 b 4191.83 e 68.21 c
S0P2 2060.27 a 31.27 b 4529.54 d 68.73 c
S0P3 2060.65 a 29.53 c 4915.21 bc 70.47 b
S0P4 2028.08 ab 29.59 c 4819.43 c 70.41 b
S1P0 1798.18 g 31.88 b 3840.28 f 68.12 c
S1P1 1915.48 de 29.73 c 4528.08 d 70.27 b
S1P2 1875.76 ef 26.81 e 5129.79 ab 73.19 a
2021-2022 S1P3 2067.00 a 28.35 d 5223.14 a 71.65 ab
S1P4 1979.48 bc 28.30 d 5016.95 abc 71.70 ab
S 36.88** 187.24** 40.54** 54.40**
P 52.37** 95.91** 82.87** 27.87**
S × P 8.72** 12.18** 1.43 3.54*



R2 A
(mg grain-1 d-1)
(mg grain-1 d-1)
2020-2021 S0P0 0.99 38.78 16.63 19.39 1.92 39.79 1.28 10.00 16.52 13.27
S0P1 1.00 39.88 17.51 19.94 2.04 39.97 1.36 11.07 16.32 12.58
S0P2 0.99 43.95 17.83 21.98 2.26 40.17 1.51 11.43 17.74 11.01
S0P3 0.99 46.87 18.06 23.43 2.41 40.39 1.61 11.66 18.43 10.30
S0P4 0.99 42.98 17.72 21.49 2.20 40.18 1.47 11.28 17.92 10.98
S1P0 1.00 39.55 17.20 19.77 1.95 40.50 1.30 10.52 16.82 13.15
S1P1 0.99 41.78 17.89 20.89 2.11 40.62 1.41 11.37 17.12 12.13
S1P2 0.99 45.25 18.27 22.63 2.33 40.71 1.55 11.87 18.24 10.60
S1P3 0.99 47.89 18.39 23.94 2.48 40.89 1.65 12.13 18.93 9.82
S1P4 0.99 45.65 18.00 22.83 2.29 40.77 1.53 11.44 17.82 11.51
2021-2022 S0P0 0.98 40.18 17.82 20.09 2.22 38.64 1.48 10.42 14.37 13.85
S0P1 0.99 40.88 17.92 20.44 2.19 39.35 1.46 10.68 15.29 13.38
S0P2 0.98 46.13 17.88 23.06 2.43 39.69 1.62 10.79 15.56 13.34
S0P3 0.99 47.67 18.00 23.83 2.50 39.93 1.66 11.12 15.65 13.16
S0P4 0.98 42.58 17.99 21.29 2.16 40.59 1.44 10.91 15.74 13.93
S1P0 1.00 41.55 18.29 20.77 2.37 38.43 1.58 10.85 14.86 12.73
S1P1 0.98 42.08 18.62 21.04 2.44 38.43 1.63 11.26 15.38 11.80
S1P2 0.98 45.35 18.36 22.68 2.45 39.67 1.63 11.27 15.75 12.65
S1P3 0.99 48.89 18.97 24.44 2.64 40.28 1.76 11.74 16.12 12.41
S1P4 0.98 44.65 17.71 22.33 2.34 39.65 1.56 11.13 15.65 12.86



Yield (kg hm-2)
Spikes (×104 hm-2)
Grains per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
2020-2021 S0P0 5278.50 h 439.51 g 30.47 f 47.50 c
S0P1 5811.75 f 476.35 ef 32.58 de 48.76 abc
S0P2 6439.85 d 504.01 cd 33.41 cd 49.45 ab
S0P3 6676.03 b 531.02 abc 34.77 ab 49.15 ab
S0P4 6329.99 e 508.68 cd 33.98 bcd 48.65 ab
S1P0 5461.18 g 451.68 fg 31.69 ef 48.00 bc
S1P1 6192.79 de 492.18 dc 33.36 cd 48.99 ab
S1P2 6844.75 a 545.01 ab 35.71 a 49.25 ab
S1P3 6928.66 a 556.20 a 34.80 ab 49.60 a
S1P4 6458.12 c 522.51 bc 34.41 abc 48.99 ab
S 423.50** 15.70** 14.39** 0.54
P 690.54** 39.81** 27.10* 5.00*
S × P 12.35** 0.96 2.09 0.35
2021-2022 S0P0 5372.07 f 445.86 e 32.49 e 41.28 c
S0P1 6146.39 e 487.52 d 33.78 de 45.05 b
S0P2 6589.81 cd 514.19 bc 36.00 bc 46.76 ab
S0P3 6975.86 b 524.20 b 35.78 bc 47.49 ab
S0P4 6847.51 bc 510.86 bc 35.30 bcd 46.65 ab
S1P0 5638.46 f 462.52 e 34.70 cd 42.24 c
S1P1 6443.56 d 495.86 cd 35.52 bc 45.39 b
S1P2 7005.55 b 531.70 b 36.63 ab 48.52 a
S1P3 7290.14 a 571.70 a 37.66 a 48.08 a
S1P4 6996.43 b 519.19 b 34.93 cd 46.70 ab
S 45.10** 7.40* 6.54 6.20
P 183.64** 19.19** 5.62 56.59**
S × P 11.53* 2.48* 7.63** 0.39
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