
作物学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 609-620.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.41021

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


展宗冰1(), 靳奇峰2, 刘迪3, 吕迎春4, 郭莹1, 张雪婷1, 虎梦霞1, 王尚1,5, 杨芳萍1,*()   

  1. 1甘肃省农业科学院小麦研究所, 甘肃兰州 730070
    2甘肃农业大学草业学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
    3中国农业热带科学院广州实验站, 广东广州 510000
    4甘肃省农业科学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
    5甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-13 接受日期:2024-10-25 出版日期:2025-03-12 网络出版日期:2024-11-14
  • 通讯作者: *杨芳萍, E-mail: yfp1023@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Molecular characterization and evaluation of important traits of landrace wheat Laomangmai in Gansu province, China

ZHAN Zong-Bing1(), JIN Qi-Feng2, LIU Di3, LYU Ying-Chun4, GUO Ying1, ZHANG Xue-Ting1, HU Meng-Xia1, WANG Shang1,5, YANG Fang-Ping1,*()   

  1. 1Wheat Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    2College of Pratacultural Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    3Guangzhou Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China
    4Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    5Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-03-13 Accepted:2024-10-25 Published:2025-03-12 Published online:2024-11-14
  • Contact: *E-mail: yfp1023@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Regional Collaborative Innovation Project of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2024GAAS05);Key Research and Development Plan(23YFNA0033);Special Mission Project of Gansu Province Science and Technology Plan Project(22CX8NA027);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32060481);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32260485)


为了解同名不同来源老芒麦的异质性, 对其主要农艺性状、抗逆性进行了多年、多点田间鉴定和AFLP指纹图谱分析, 并对其4个春化基因、1个光周期基因、4个矮秆基因和3个病害兼抗基因的等位变异、面筋强度和色素基因等位变异进行分子检测。结果表明: (1) 10份同名不同来源老芒麦品种的遗传相似度极低/异质性高。(2) 全部材料的春化基因Vrn-A1Vrn-B1Vrn-B3均为隐性等位变异; 6份老芒麦和卷芒和尚头携带显性等位变异Vrn-D1, 这些品种春播后抽穗期明显提早, 但秋播时未表现早抽穗。仅1个品种(代号5)携带光周期非敏感等位变异Ppd-D1aRht-B1Rht-D1Rht8矮秆基因位点均携带高秆等位变异; 5个品种在Rht-24位点携带矮秆等位变异Rht-24b, 且降秆作用不明显, 但穗粒数多于高秆等位变异品种。(3) 所有材料抗倒性差, 仅4份老芒麦品种抗寒性强, 其中3份为冬性品种, 1份为春性品种。2份老芒麦品种(代号7和9)和对照卷芒和尚头携带抗性基因Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38, 3份品种(代号1、4和10)高抗条锈病。(4) 面筋强度弱, 仅4份品种(代号5、6、7和8)携带低PPO活性等位变异, 所有材料携带高黄色素含量和高过氧化物酶活性等位变异。(5) 携带春化基因显性等位变异的材料可在甘肃中西部春麦区、嘉陵江上游冬麦区及类似生态区域应用; 5份携带矮秆等位变异Rht-24b的品种可在赤霉病常发区甘肃陇南及长江中下游抗赤霉病育种中应用; 携带Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38和高抗条锈病的品种可在陇南、天水、陇东等条锈病常发区的抗病育种中应用; 4份低PPO等位变异品种可在彩色小麦育种中应用。研究结果明确了甘肃省同名不同来源地方品种老芒麦的异质性, 评价了其重要性状的优劣, 提出了研究品种的应用方向。

关键词: 小麦, 地方种, 老芒麦, AFLP, 分子标记检测, 异质性, 性状评价


This study aimed to clarify the heterogeneity of ten Laomangmai landrace wheat varieties from Gansu, which share the same name but originate from different regions. Agronomically important traits and disease resistance were evaluated in the field, and AFLP markers were used to create genetic fingerprints. Alleles at four vernalization loci, one photoperiod locus, four dwarfing loci, three multi-resistance loci, and key alleles related to gluten strength and pigment content were detected. The results were as follows: (1) The genetic similarity among the ten Laomangmai landraces was very low, indicating high heterogeneity. (2) In terms of yield-related traits, all materials carried recessive alleles at the vernalization loci Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, and Vrn-B3. Seven landraces, including six Laomangmai varieties and the check variety Juanmangheshangtou, had the dominant allele at Vrn-D1, resulting in significantly earlier heading after spring sowing, but no effect on heading date under autumn sowing conditions. Only one variety (code 5) contained the photoperiod-insensitive allele Ppd-D1a. Of the four dwarfing genes studied, five landraces carried the dwarfing allele at the Rht-24 locus, while the remaining landraces exhibited high allelic variation. The Rht-24 dwarfing allele did not significantly reduce plant height but was associated with a higher number of grains per spike compared to the tall genotypes. (3) All materials showed poor lodging resistance. Four Laomangmai landraces exhibited strong cold tolerance, including three winter and one spring growth habit varieties. Three Laomangmai landraces (codes 1, 4, and 10) were highly resistant to stripe rust, despite not carrying known stripe rust resistance genes. Additionally, three other landraces, including two Laomangmai varieties (codes 7 and 9) and the check variety, contained the pleiotropic resistance gene Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38. (4) The gluten strength of the studied landraces was weak. Only four varieties (codes 5, 6, 7, and 8) carried low PPO-activity alleles, while all materials carried alleles for high yellow pigment content and high peroxidase activity. (5) The varieties carrying the dominant allele at Vrn-D1 could be useful for spring wheat cultivation in central and western Gansu Province, the upstream Jialing River winter wheat region, and similar ecological areas. The five varieties carrying the dwarfing allele Rht-24b could be employed for breeding fusarium head blight resistance in Gansu Longnan, and the middle and lower Yangtze River valley. Landraces carrying Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38, with high resistance to stripe rust, hold potential for breeding disease-resistant varieties in Longnan, Tianshui, Longdong, and other stripe rust hot spots. Additionally, the four varieties with alleles for low polyphenol oxidase activity could be useful for improving pigment content in wheat breeding. This study clarified the genetic characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of important traits in the Laomangmai varieties from different regions in Gansu province, providing guidance for their application in wheat breeding programs.

Key words: common wheat, landrace, Laomangmai, AFLP, molecular marker detection, heterogeneity, character evaluation



Seed bank number
unified code
Landrace name
品种代号Landrace code 原产地
Source area

Shell color
Grain color
0002 ZM004681 老芒麦Laomangmai 1 永登Yongdeng 长Long 白White 红Red
0050 ZM004723 老芒麦Laomangmai 2 临洮Lintao 长Long 红Red 红Red
0251 ZM005060 老芒麦Laomangmai 3 岷县 Minxian 长Long 红Red 红Red
0252 ZM005047 老芒麦Laomangmai 4 秦安Qin’an 长Long 红Red 红Red
0314 ZM004955 老芒麦Laomangmai 5 宁县Ningxian 长Long 白White 红Red
0456 ZM020682 老芒麦Laomangmai 6 徽县Huixian 长Long 红Red 红Red
0486 ZM020683 老芒麦Laomangmai 7 漳县Zhangxian 长Long 红Red 红Red
0523 老芒麦Laomangmai 8 顶Tip 红Red 红Red
0572 ZM020685 老芒麦Laomangmai 9 两当Liangdang 长Long 白White 红Red
0804 老芒麦Laomangmai 10 定西Dingxi 长Long 白White 红Red
0014 ZM004701 卷芒和尚头
Juanmang heshangtou
11 宕昌Tanchang 中Medium 白White 红Red
Seed bank number
National unified code
Landrace name
品种代号Landrace code 冬春性
Winter and spring habit
Maturity stage
Plant height (cm)
千粒重1000-grain weight (g)
0002 ZM004681 老芒麦Laomangmai 1 弱冬Weak winter 中Medium 106 35
0050 ZM004723 老芒麦Laomangmai 2 弱冬Weak winter 中Medium 109 27
0251 ZM005060 老芒麦Laomangmai 3 冬Winter 晚Late 126 27
0252 ZM005047 老芒麦Laomangmai 4 弱冬Weak winter 中Medium 115 31
0314 ZM004955 老芒麦Laomangmai 5 强冬Strong winter 晚Late 73 0
0456 ZM020682 老芒麦Laomangmai 6 强冬Strong winter 中Medium 102 17
0486 ZM020683 老芒麦Laomangmai 7 强冬Strong winter 中Medium 108 24
0523 老芒麦Laomangmai 8 冬Winter 63 22
0572 ZM020685 老芒麦Laomangmai 9 春Spring 晚Late 110 26
0804 老芒麦Laomangmai 10 130 28
0014 ZM004701 卷芒和尚头
Juanmang heshangtou
11 春Spring 中Medium 94 25



Pst I引物
Pst I primer
Sequence (5'-3')
Mse I引物
Mse I primer
Sequence (5'-3')


P36/M32引物组合AFLP指纹图谱 1 ~10分别代表来自不同地方的老芒麦品种(种子库编号分别为0002、0050、0251、0252、0314、0456、0486、0523、0572和0804), 11代表卷芒和尚头(0014)。"



Variety code
P36/M32 P47/M31 P78/M33
of bands
多态性带Polymorphic bands 多态性占比
Polymorphic band percentage
Number of bands
Polymorphic bands
band percentage (%)
Number of bands
Polymorphic bands
band percentage (%)
1 26 3 11.54 23 8 34.78 8 3 37.50
2 32 12 37.50 17 8 47.06 23 12 52.17
3 30 10 33.33 22 13 59.09 19 9 47.37
4 26 4 15.38 20 12 60.00 20 13 65.00
5 31 11 35.48 17 9 52.94 14 4 28.57
6 32 11 34.38 12 4 33.33 29 21 72.41
7 28 8 28.57 20 9 45.00 26 12 46.15
8 29 6 20.69 23 15 65.22 31 20 64.52
9 30 8 26.67 16 8 50.00 11 3 27.27
10 29 9 31.03 19 7 36.84 12 8 66.67
11 26 5 19.23 11 4 36.36 32 22 68.75
合计Total 319 87 27.27 200 97 48.50 225 127 56.44







Variety code
1 2 3 4 5 6
种子库库号Seed bank number 0002 0050 0251 0252 0314 0456
冬春性Winter and spring growth habit
Weak spring


Strong winter
Strong winter
Heading time (month/day)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 05/19 05/18 05/19 05/09 05/10 05/21
2023清水2023 Qingshui 05/21 05/14 05/24 05/18 05/18 05/18
2023武威2023 Wuwei 06/09 06/09 06/13 06/11 06/29 06/26
VGLA Vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1
Vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1
Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 vrn-D1 vrn-D1
Vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3
PGLA Ppd-D1 Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1a Ppd-D1b
Variety code
7 8 9 10 11
种子库库号Seed bank number 0486 0523 0572 0804 0014
冬春性Winter and spring growth habit 强冬
Strong winter




Heading time (month/day)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 05/23 05/13 05/21 05/26 05/15
2023清水2023 Qingshui 05/18 05/25 05/22 05/23 05/26
2023武威2023 Wuwei 06/26 06/27 06/15 06/11 06/09
VGLA Vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1 vrn-B1
Vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1 vrn-A1
Vrn-D1 vrn-D1 vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1 Vrn-D1
Vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3 vrn-B3
PGLA Ppd-D1 Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b Ppd-D1b



Variety code
1 2 3 4 5 6
Markers and alleles of dwarfing gene
S1066954 Rht-24a Rht-24b Rht-24a Rht-24a Rht-24b Rht-24b
S983322 Rht-24a Rht-24b Rht-24a Rht-24a Rht-24b Rht-24b
Rht-B1 Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a
Rht-D1 Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a
DG273 rht8 rht8 rht8 rht8 rht8 rht8
Plant height (cm)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 108.0 83.0 99.5 101.5 128.3 110.0
2023清水2023 Qingshui 139.0 138.0 137.0 129.0 142.0 140.0
2023武威2023 Wuwei 122.0 120.0 108.0 113.5 137.0
Kernels per spike
2022清水2022 Qingshui 29.00 29.30 26.80 41.45
2023清水2023 Qingshui 25.75 31.00 43.10 26.65 30.60 41.20
2023武威2023 Wuwei 29.00 33.00 27.00 32.00 70.00
Thousand seeds weight (g)
2022清水2023 Qingshui 27 21 23 28 23 20
2023清水2023 Qingshui 37 30 22 24 25 26
2023武威2023 Wuwei 42 39 30 46 30
Spike length (cm)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 11 10 10 9 8 8
2023清水2023 Qingshui 10 9 10 8 6 6
2023武威2023 Wuwei 9 8 10 10 7 8
Spikelet number
2022清水2022 Qingshui 10 9 10 9 7 5
2023清水2023 Qingshui 17 19 19 17 15 14
2023武威2023 Wuwei 14 16 12 14 17 20
Variety code
7 8 9 10 11
Markers and alleles of dwarfing gene
S1066954 Rht-24b Rht-24b Rht-24a Rht-24a Rht-24a
S983322 Rht-24b Rht-24a Rht-24a
Rht-B1 Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a Rht-B1a
Rht-D1 Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a Rht-D1a
DG273 rht8 rht8 rht8 rht8 rht8
Plant height (cm)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 104.0 106.0 110.0 99.0 104.0
2023清水2023 Qingshui 146.0 137.0 137.0 129.0
2023武威2023 Wuwei 123.5 120.0 116.0 113.0
Kernels per spike
2022清水2022 Qingshui 32.50 31.60 24.05 29.90
2023清水2023 Qingshui 28.65 20.50 21.40 25.00
2023武威2023 Wuwei 51.00 32.00 39.00 32.00 34.00
Thousand seeds weighs (g)
2022清水2023 Qingshui 20.0 20.0 18.0 28.6
2023清水2023 Qingshui 30.0 22.0 28.0 31.9
2023武威2023 Wuwei 30.0 22.0 37.0 39.0 36.6
Spike length (cm)
2022清水2022 Qingshui 11.0 8.0 11.0 15.0 101.0
2023清水2023 Qingshui 9.0 7.0 9.0 9.0
2023武威2023 Wuwei 10.0 7.0 11.0 10.0 9.4
Spikelet number
2022清水2022 Qingshui 9 8 10 11 19
2023清水2023 Qingshui 16 18 17 18
2023武威2023 Wuwei 23 18 15 14 15



Variety code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Stripe rust gene
Yr9/Lr26/Sr31/Pm8 - - - - - - - - - - -
Yr29/Lr46/Sr58/Pm39 - - - - - - - - - - -
Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38 - - - - - - + - + - +
Stripe rust severity (%)
2022 Qingshui
5 60 40 5 90 60 100 100 90 1 30
2023 Qingshui
5 90 60 10 60 60 80 70 90 / 40
Cold hardiness
2023 Qingshui
5 4 4 5 1 2 1 1 4 4 5



Variety code
1 2 3 4 5 6
HMW-GS type and allelic variation
Ax N N N N N N
Chromosome and allelic variations of yellow pigment gene
Yellow pigment/2D
TaPds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a
Yellow pigment/7A
Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a
Peroxidase gene locus and allelic variations
Pod-A1 TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a
Polyphenol oxidase gene locus and allelic variations
Ppo-A1 Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1b Ppo-A1b
Variety code
7 8 9 10 11
HMW-GS type and allelic variation
Ax N N N N N
Chromosome and allelic variations of yellow pigment gene
Yellow pigment/2D
TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a TaZds-D1a
Yellow pigment/7A
Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a Psy-A1a
Peroxidase gene locus and allelic variations
Pod-A1 TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a TaPod-A1a
Polyphenol oxidase gene locus and allelic variations
Ppo-A1 Ppo-A1b Ppo-A1b Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1a Ppo-A1a
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