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Characteristics of AMF community in maize and peanut rhizosphere soil and its response to phosphate application

ZHAO Wei, HU Xiao-Na, ZHENG Yan, LIANG Na, ZHENG Bin, WANG Xiao-Xiao, WANG Jiang-Tao, LIU Ling, FU Guo-Zhan, SHI Zhao-Yong,JIAO Nian-Yuan*   

  1. College of Agriculture, Henan University of Science and Technology / Henan Dryland Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center, Luoyang 471023, Henan, China
  • Received:2024-01-21 Revised:2024-06-20 Accepted:2024-06-20 Published:2024-07-11
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32272231).


To elucidate the diversity and community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere soil of maize and peanut, and their response to phosphate application, we utilized high-throughput sequencing technology to study the diversity, composition, and structure of AMF communities under both phosphorus application and phosphorus-deficient conditions. We also conducted correlation analysis of soil physicochemical factors and AMF community traits. The results showed that the α diversity of the AMF community in maize rhizosphere soil was higher than that in peanut rhizosphere soil. Phosphorus application reduced the α diversity of AMF communities in both maize and peanut rhizosphere soils compared to the phosphorus-deficient condition. The dominant family (genus) of AMF communities in the rhizosphere soil of both maize and peanut was Glomeraceae (Glomus), although there were significant differences in the composition of dominant species and the relative abundance of dominant communities. Specifically, the relative abundances of Claroideoglomeraceae, Claroideoglomus, GlBb12, Torrecillas12b_Glo_G5, and Lamellosum in maize rhizosphere soil were significantly higher than in peanut by 17.38%, 16.97%, 5.90%, 3.29%, and 7.79%, respectively. Compared to the phosphorus-deficient condition, phosphorus application significantly decreased the relative abundance of Claroideoglomeraceae and Claroideoglomus in maize rhizosphere soil and Glomeraceae in peanut rhizosphere soil by 16.89%, 16.88%, and 11.00%, respectively. It also significantly increased the relative abundance of Viscosum and Yamato09_A1 in maize rhizosphere soil. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that available phosphorus (AP), available iron (AFe), organic matter (OM), total phosphorus (TP), and pH values were the main factors affecting the α diversity and community structure of AMF at the family and genus levels in both maize and peanut rhizosphere soils. In conclusion, maize and peanut exhibit distinct preferences for recruited AMF communities and respond differently to phosphate application. The primary factors influencing this response include the contents of AP, AFe, OM, TP, and pH value in the rhizosphere soil. This study provides a theoretical basis for improving the AMF community structure in maize and peanut, thereby enhancing high yield through phosphorus fertilizer application.

Key words: maize, peanut, rhizosphere soil, phosphorus fertilization, high-throughput sequencing, , AMF community 

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