Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (11): 2724-2732.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.14201
HU Mei-Ling1(), XUE Xiao-Meng1, WU Jie1, ZHI Chen-Yang1, LIU Nian1, CHEN Xiao-Ping2, WANG Jin3, YAN Li-Ying1, WANG Xin1, CHEN Yu-Ning1, KANG Yan-Ping1, WANG Zhi-Hui1, HUAI Dong-Xin1,*(
), JIANG Hui-Fang1, LEI Yong1,*(
), LIAO Bo-Shou1
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[1] | ZHANG Sheng-Zhong, HU Xiao-Hui, CI Dun-Wei, YANG Wei-Qiang, WANG Fei-Fei, QIU Jun-Lan, ZHANG Tian-Yu, ZHONG Wen, YU Hao-Liang, SUN Dong-Ping, SHAO Zhan-Gong, MIAO Hua-Rong, CHEN Jing. QTLs analysis for reticulation thickness based on reconstruction of three dimensional models in peanut pods [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 1894-1904. |
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[3] | XU Yang, ZHANG Zhi-Meng, DING Hong, QIN Fei-Fei, ZHANG Guan-Chu, DAI Liang-Xiang. Regulation of peanut seed germination and spermosphere microbial community structure by calcium fertilizer in acidic red soil [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(8): 2088-2099. |
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[6] | DING Hong, XU Yang, ZHANG Guan-Chu, QIN Fei-Fei, DAI Liang-Xiang, ZHANG Zhi-Meng. Effects of drought at different growth stages and nitrogen application on nitrogen absorption and utilization in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(3): 695-703. |
[7] | HUANG Li, CHEN Yu-Ning, LUO Huai-Yong, ZHOU Xiao-Jing, LIU Nian, CHEN Wei-Gang, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou, JIANG Hui-Fang. Advances of QTL mapping for seed size related traits in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(2): 280-291. |
[8] | WANG Yi-Xuan, JIA Hao, LU Jie, SHI Xiao-Yu, ZHAO Ming-Yu, GAO Zhen-Zhen, ZHAO Jiong-Chao, CHU Qing-Quan. Water footprint and water consumption structure of peanut production in Yellow-Huaihe-Hai agricultural area [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(12): 3203-3214. |
[9] | WANG Jian-Guo, GENG Yun, YANG Dian-Qing, GUO Feng, YANG Sha, LI Xin-Guo, TANG Zhao-Hui, ZHANG Jia-Lei, WAN Shu-Bo. Effects of single seed precision sowing on population quality, nutrient utilization of peanut in medium and high yield drylands [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(11): 2866-2878. |
[10] | SUN Qi-Qi, ZHENG Yong-Mei, YU Tian-Yi, WU Yue, YANG Ji-Shun, WU Zheng-Feng, WU Ju-Xiang, LI Shang-Xia. Responses of soil diazotrophic diversity and community composition of nodulating and non-nodulating peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) to nitrogen fertilization [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(10): 2575-2587. |
[11] | WANG Ying, GAO Fang, LIU Zhao-Xin, ZHAO Ji-Hao, LAI Hua-Jiang, PAN Xiao-Yi, BI Chen, LI Xiang-Dong, YANG Dong-Qing. Identification of gene co-expression modules of peanut main stem growth by WGCNA [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(9): 1639-1653. |
[12] | WANG Jian-Guo, ZHANG Jia-Lei, GUO Feng, TANG Zhao-Hui, YANG Sha, PENG Zhen-Ying, MENG Jing-Jing, CUI Li, LI Xin-Guo, WAN Shu-Bo. Effects of interaction between calcium and nitrogen fertilizers on dry matter, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, and yield in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(9): 1666-1679. |
[13] | SHI Lei, MIAO Li-Juan, HUANG Bing-Yan, GAO Wei, ZHANG Zong-Xin, QI Fei-Yan, LIU Juan, DONG Wen-Zhao, ZHANG Xin-You. Characterization of the promoter and 5'-UTR intron in AhFAD2-1 genes from peanut and their responses to cold stress [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(9): 1703-1711. |
[14] | GAO Fang, LIU Zhao-Xin, ZHAO Ji-Hao, WANG Ying, PAN Xiao-Yi, LAI Hua-Jiang, LI Xiang-Dong, YANG Dong-Qing. Source-sink characteristics and classification of peanut major cultivars in North China [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(9): 1712-1723. |
[15] | ZHANG He, JIANG Chun-Ji, YIN Dong-Mei, DONG Jia-Le, REN Jing-Yao, ZHAO Xin-Hua, ZHONG Chao, WANG Xiao-Guang, YU Hai-Qiu. Establishment of comprehensive evaluation system for cold tolerance and screening of cold-tolerance germplasm in peanut [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(9): 1753-1767. |