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    12 May 2015, Volume 41 Issue 05
    • Cloning and Functional Analysis of Lipid Transfer Protein Gene TaLTP in Wheat
      LI Qian, WANG Jing-Yi, MAO Xin-Guo, Li Ang, GAO Li-Feng, LIU Hui-Min,JING Rui-Lian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  673-682.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00673
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      Lipid transfer protein (LTP) is a kind of small molecular protein, which name stands for its ability to transfer lipid between cell membranes in plant. LTP plays a key role in cuticle synthesis and adaptation to abiotic stress. We cloned a full-length cDNA sequence of TaLTP gene encoding a lipid transfer protein from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which length is 510 bp with a 339 bp open reading frame. The cDNA sequence contains 112 amino acids with a N-terminal signal peptide within the first 25 amino acids. This gene contains eight cysteine residues conserved in amino acid sequences. TaLTP-s was detected to be located between markers WMC449 and WMC93 on chromosome 1A in wheat, with genetic distances of 2.1 cM and 5.9 cM, respectively. The result of subcellular localization exhibited that TaLTP-s is located in the cell membrane and cytoplasm. TaLTP-s was expressed in all tissues at flowering stage, including leaf, root, floret, anther and pistil, and mature seeds of wheat. The highest expression level was identified in the floret, especially in the anther. TaLTP-s was up-regulated by ABA, PEG, NaCl and 4ºC treatments which indicates that TaLTP-s is involved in different signal pathways responding to abiotic stress. Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing TaLTP-s showed higher cell membrane stability and survival rate than the controls under salinity stress. These results provide a candidate gene for wheat improvement in response to salt and other abiotic stresses.

      Identification and Morphological Analysis of a Rice Chromosome Segment Substitution Line Carrying a Major Effect Gene for Late Heading Date and Mapping of Ehd4-2
      XIANG Jia, LI Yan, FAN Ya-Wei, XU Jun-Hong, ZHENG Li-Yuan, HE Guang-Hua, YANG Zheng-Lin, WANG Nan, and ZHAO Fang-Ming*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  683-691.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00683
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      Heading date is an important agronomic trait deciding planting area and seasonal adaptability of rice varieties. Identification of genes for heading date is important for rice production. In this study, a novel chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) named Z315, carrying a single gene for late heading date, was identified by advanced backcrosses between the recipient Nipponbare and donor Xihui 18 and SSR marker-assisted selection. Z315 carried five substitution segments from Xihui 18. They were distributed on chromosomes 1, 3, 6, and 7. The average length of these substitution segments is 7.39 Mb. The chlorophyll content, plant height, panicle length, length of the 1st internode, length of the 2nd and 3rd upper leaf, number of efficient panicles, number of spikilets per panicle and number of grains per panicle in Z315 were significantly higher than those in Nipponbare, suggesting that QTLs (quantitative trait locus) for these traits might be carried on the chromosome substitution segments. Furthermore, F1 and F2 populations from cross of Nipponbare and Z315 were used for genetic analysis and gene mapping for the late heading date. Genetic analysis showed that the late heading date phenotype was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, which was mapped between SSR markers RM14283 and RM6349 on chromosome 3, with a physical distance of 233 kb. By gene prediction and candidate gene sequencing, a gene (LOC_Os03g02160) related to heading date was found existing differences between Nipponbare and Z315. The gene encoded zinc finger protein, which might be an allele of Ehd4, named Ehd4-2. The results in the paper have important applications for further dissection of other QTLs in Z315 and breeding for gene pyramiding because chromosome segment substitution lines have the same genetic background besides substitution segments compared with the recipient parent.

      Evaluation of Selective Efficiency of Molecular Markers Linked with a Novel Gene Xa39 Resistant to Bacterial Blight in Rice
      ZHUO Da-Long,HU Dan-Dan,ZHANG Fan,ZHANG Fan,SHI Ying-Yao,GAO Yong-Ming,ZHOU Yong-Li,LI Zhi-Kang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  692-697.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00692
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       Xa39 is a novel and dominant resistance gene with broad spectrum for bacterial leaf blight in rice. In previous study, this gene was mapped on chromosome 11. In present study, FF329 carrying Xa39 gene as donor parent and BT4, BT6, BT12, BT18 as recipients were used to develop four F2 segregation populations (4FL10, 4FL14, 4FL17, 4FL21). Combining artificial inoculation with phenotype identification of bacterial leaf blight, the validity of three molecular markers tightly linked with Xa39, and two co-dominant molecular markers was investigated for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The results showed that the accuracy of marker RM26985 for MAS was 95.81% and that of marker RM206 was 93.61% in the four populations. The accuracy of two markers RM26985 and RM206 used simultaneously for MAS was up to 95.35%. Therefore, RM26985 and RM206 can be used as effective markers in MAS for Xa39 in rice breeding program.

      Community Structure of Methanogens from Double-rice Rhizosphere Soil as Affected by Green Manure Incorporation
      ZHAO Xiao-Meng,LIU Jing-Na,YI Li-Xia,ZHU Bo,DAI Hong-Cui,HU Yue-Gao,ZENG Zhao-Hai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  698-707.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00698
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       With the potential to prevent nitrogen loss through nitrate leaching and resulted non-point source pollution, green manure incorporation is widely regarded as an important soil management practice. However, massive input of organic matters from green manure supplies sufficient substrate for methanogens and may change the methanogenic archaeal community structure. To investigate the variation of methanogenic archaeal community structure as influenced by green manure incorporation, we designed four treatments of urea application, Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) incorporation, ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) incorporation and control (without nitrogen fertilizer). Rhizosphere soil at different double-rice growing periods (tillering stage, jointing stage and mature stage for early rice; tillering stage, flowering stage and mature stage for late rice) was collected. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis technology (PCR-DGGE) and clone library method were employed to analyze methanogenic archaeal community structure. Methanogenic archaeal 16S rRNA gene was amplified using the 1106F/1378R primer set. A GC-clamp was added to the forward primers, 1106F, to enable denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses. Selected Electrophoresis bands were cloned with pEASY-T3 vectors and sequenced. Relative band intensity and positions were used for principal component analysis (PCA). Methanotrophic bacterial community diversity was evaluated by the Richness index (R) and Shannon-Weiner index (H) from DGGE band data. The obtained sequences were analyzed with DNAMAN software and manually aligned with the sequences from GenBank database using the BLAST search program on NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) web site. The phylogenetic trees were constructed by 1000-fold bootstrap analysis using a neighbor-joining method with Mega 4.0. Results indicated that methanogenic community structure was relative stable with high diversity and had small variations among sampling stages and treatments. Dominant populations were Methanomicrobiales, RC-I, Methanosaetaceae and Methanobacterium over the entire double-rice season. Methanohalophilus mahii only showed in early-rice season and fewer methanogens affiliated to Crenarchaeota in late-rice season. Methanogenic community structure in mature stages of early-rice and late-rice showed slightly low similarity with that in other growth stages of double-rice, which may caused by the decrease of organic matter content in soil. Higher Shannon-Weiner index (H) and Richness index (R) were observed in late-rice season by comparison with those in early-rice season. This may due to the improved activity of soil microbe and methanogens caused by increased average temperature in late-rice season. Additionally, three different fertilizer treatments increased Shannon-Weiner index and Richness index of methanogenic community structure by comparison with control, especially treatments with green manure incorporation. Increasing soil organic matter and ammonium nitrogen content, development of soil reducing conditions may contribute to this result. Whereas they didn’t have a crucial impact on methanogenic community structure in this study

      Cloning of a Maize Molecular Chaperone Gene, ZmBiP2, and Its Functional Analysis under Abiotic Stress
      SONG Zhong-Jian,ZHANG Deng-Feng*,LI Yong-Xiang,SHI Yun-Su,SONG Yan-Chun,WANG Tian-Yu,LI Yu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  708-716.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00708
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      BiP gene, coding an important molecular chaperone, plays an important role in response to stress conditions. In our study, ZmBiP2 gene was identified and characterized in maize “Han21” inbred line. ZmBiP2 gene has an ORF of 1989 bp and encodes a protein containing 663 amino acids. The deduced protein of ZmBiP2 was predicted to contain a TVIGIDLGTTYSC domain, which was highly conserved in HSP70 protein family, and an ATP-binding site. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that ZmBiP2 gene had different expression patterns in different organs, with the high expression level in tassel and ovaries. Under mannitol and NaCl stress conditions, ZmBiP2 showed an up-regulated expression in shoots. Overexpression of ZmBiP2 in Arabidopsis showed hypersensitivities to mannitol stresses at the germination stage. Overexpression of ZmBiP2 in Arabidopsis conferred hypersensitivities to salt stress at both germination stage and seedling stage. These results suggested that overexpression of ZmBiP2 might function as a negative protein in response to abiotic stresses.

      Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Transcriptional Activators ScCBF1 Gene from Sugarcane
      CHENG Wei,ZHENG Yan-Ru,GE Dan-Feng,CHENG Guang-Yuan,ZHAI Yu-Shan,DENG Yu-Qing,PENG Lei,TAN Xiang-Yao,XU Jing-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  717-724.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00717
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      C-repeat/dehydration-responsive element binding factor (CBF) plays an important role in improving plant stress resistance. The CBF can induce a series of abiotic stress responsive gene expression when the plants are subjected to low temperature, high salt, drought or other abiotic stresses. In this paper, a new CBF-like gene, designed as ScCBF1, was cloned by bioinformatics and RT-PCR method from sugarcane. Sequence analysis showed that ScCBF1 contained a 603 bp open reading frame (ORF) and encoded a deduced protein of 200 amino acids. Its molecular weight and isoelectric point were predicted as 22.80 kD and 10.31, respectively. The amino acid sequence alignment results showed that ScCBF1 shared the similarity of 96% and 94% with the CBF1 protein from Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays, respectively. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that ScCBF1 had closer relationships with Sorghum bicolor. qRT-PCR showed that ScCBF1 expressed in root, stem and leaf in sugarcane with the highest expression level in roots. ScCBF1 gene was induced by low temperature, drought or abscisic acid (ABA), but was downregulated under high salinity. The protokaryotic expression vector pGEX-6P-1-ScCBF1 was successfully constructed and transformed into E. coli. Under the induction of IPTG, ScCBF1was successfully expressed in E. coli. This study sheds light on the understanding of the function of ScCBF1.

      Cloning and Expression Analysis of Defensin Genes from Brassica napus
      ZHENG Xiao-Min,GUO Nan,GAO Tian-Shu,GONG Hui-Ming,ZHANG Tao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  725-732.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00725
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      Plant defensins show a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, which not merely have antifungal activity, antibacterial activity, proteinase inhibitory activity and insect amylase inhibitory activity, but play roles in regulating plant growth and development as well. According to the sequences of B. rapa defensin genes, specific primers were designed to clone five B. napus defensin genes. The lengths of cDNA sequence were between 325 and 461 bp, with 177 to 243 bp of open reading frames (ORFs), encoding polypeptides of 58 to 80 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequences of plant defensins showed a big difference, but the six to eight conservative cysteine residues contained were stable. All the five cloned B. napus defensin genes contained a conservative Knot1 function domain. Phylogenetic analysis showed that BnPDF2.1, BnPDF2.3, BnPDF2.5 and Arabidopsis thaliana PDF2 were clustered into a group, which indicates they may have a protease inhibitory activity. RTFQ PCR analysis indicated that B. napus defensin genes were expressed in various organs, but the levels of expression were obviously different. The higher expression appeared in the bud and leaf, following silique. During the flowering stage, 1 mmol L–1 SA was used to treat B. napus for 2 hours, which caused the expression levels of defensin genes to be increased in varying degrees in the stem, bud, and silique, but decreased in the leaf, and even no remarked change in the root.

      Effects of Relay Strip Intercropping Years between Flue-cured Tobacco and Soybean on Rhizospheric Microbes Quantities 
      TU Yong,YANG Wen-Yu,LIU Wei-Guo,YONG Tai-Wen,JIANG Lian-Qiang,WANG Xiao-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  733-742.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00733
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      To overcome obstacles from continuous tobacco cropping and improve the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, we studied the effects of flue-cured tobacco and soybean relay intercropping years on the population changes of three classifiable microorganism and functional microorganisms related to nitrogen metabolism in rhizospheric soil, and their relationship with the occurrence of major soil-borne disease of flue-cured tobacco in this research. Results showed that the flue-cured tobacco-soybean relay strip intercropping markedly increased the population of bacteria (B), actinomycetes (A), B/F, and A/F, while reduced the fungi (F) quantity in rhizospheric soil. Meanwhile, the flue-cured tobacco-soybean relay intercropping enhanced the quantity of functional microorganisms related to nitrogen metabolism, such as ammonifier, nitrobacteria, nitrite bacteria and free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria. In addition, it alleviated the occurrence level of soil-borne disease of flue-cured tobacco, and the severity indexes of soil-borne disease had significantly negative correlation with the quantities of bacteria and actinomycetes respectively, but were positively correlated with the increasing of fungi. With increasing the number of years for relay intercropping, the quantities of bacteria (B), actinomycetes (A), and value of B/F and A/F, ammonifier, nitrobacteria, nitrite bacteria and free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria were raised largely, while the quantities of the fungi (F) and the denitrifying bacteria were significantly declined, and there was a marked improvement in the relative control efficiency to soil-borne disease of flue-cured tobacco. These effects showed a trend of flue-cured tobacco relay strip intercropping with soybean for three years (A3) > that intercropping for two years (A2) > that intercropping for one year (A1).

      Effect of Planting Density of Mechanically Transplanted Pot Seedlings on Yield, Plant Type and Lodging Resistance in Rice with Different Panicle Types
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  743-757.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00743
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      In order to identify the suitable planting density and high-yielding charcteristices of mechanically transplanted pot seedlings of rice (PS) with different panicle types, and clarify the effect of planting density on plant type and loding resitance, a field experiment was conducted using rice cultivar with three panicle types in 2012 and 2013. By setting high, medium and low planting density treatments and using mechanically transplanted carpet seedling as control (CK), we investigated yield and its components, panicle traits, canopy leaf system configuration, physical properties of culm and lodging resistance. Resluts showed as follows: (1) With decreasing planting density, yield of three density treatments in the large panicle cultivar increased firstly and then reduced which was higher than that of CK;,and yield of three density treatments reduced progressively for the medium and small panicle cultivar. With decreasing planting density, number of panicles in all cultivars reduced significantly, and spikelets per panicle increased markedly, but there was no significant difference in grain-filled percentage and 1000-grain weight. (2) With decreasing planting density, in all cultivars with PS, panicle length, grain density, grain weight per panicle, No. of primary branch, No. of secondary branch, No. of grains of primary branch and No. of grains of secondary branch showed a tendency of increase, and were higher than those in CK, but it showed a decreasing tendency in ratio of No. of primary branch to No. of secondary branch and ratio of No. of grains of primary branch to No. of grains of secondary branch. (3) Leaf length, leaf width, leaf basal angle, drooping angle of top three leaves and specific leaf weight from flag leaf to the 3rd leaf in all cultivars with PS were enhanced with decreasing planting density, and were higher than those in CK except for leaf basal angle and drooping angle. (4) With decreasing planting density, length of basal 1st, 2nd, and 3rd internodes were shortened, and culm diameter, culm wall thickness, dry matter weight per unit internode of basal inernodes, neck internode length, stalk length, plant height and gravity center height were increased. (5) The breaking resistance and bending moment of basal 1st, 2nd and 3rd internodes were increased with decreasing planting density, but lodging index was decreased. Therefore, for increasing yield with PS, the large panicle cultivar should reduce planting density appropriately, and increase grain number per panicle; the medium panicle cultivar should coordinate number of panicles and spikelets per panicle, getting a large amount of the total spikelets; the small panicle cultivar should depend on number of panicles. When the plant density reduced in PS, panicle traits and top three leaves area could be improved, but leaf basal angle and drooping angle could be increased; meanwhile, it was benefical to shorten the length of basal internodes and increase culm diameter, culm wall thickness and dry matter weight per unit internode, resulting in enhanced breaking resistance and reduced lodging index.

      Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Planting Density on Canopy Structure and Population Characteristic of Rapeseed with Direct Seeding Treatment
      ZUO Qing-Song,KUAI Jie,YANG Shi-Fen,CAO Shi,YANG Yang,WU Lian-Rong,SUN Ying-Ying,ZHOU Guang-Sheng,WU Jiang-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  758-765.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00758
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      Cultivar Huayouza 62 was planted by mechanical seeding on 5 October with two nitrogen rates (180 and 270 kg ha–1) and five planting densities (15×104, 30×104, 45×104, 60×104, and 75×104 plant ha–1). The differences of yield, canopy structure, agronomic traits and photosynthetic characteristics were studied. The results showed that with the increase of density, starting point of branch and lodging angle of canopy enhanced, while root collar diameter and height of canopy declined. In the density range of 45×104 plant ha–1, the low effective branch proportion lowered with the increase of density. Densities of 45×104 and 60×104 plant ha–1 resulted in higher yield from 2921.2 to 3109.8 kg ha–1 than other densities under middle nitrogen rate. Densities of 30×104 and 45×104 plant ha–1 did higher yield from 3607.2 to 3772.4 kg ha–1 than other densities under high nitrogen rate, and the corresponding suitable values of leaf area index (LAI) at beginning flowering stage, pod area index (PAI) at seed filling stage, light transmittance of bottom at beginning flowering stage, light transmittance of canopy at seed filling stage, and effective pod number were within the ranges from 3.72 to 3.94, from 4.21 to 4.34, from 6.1% to 7.4%, from 16.4% to 18.1% and from 65.5×106 to 68.7×106 ha–1, respectively. Compared with traditional transplanting rapeseed, the direct seeding rapeseed could obtain high yield exceeding 3600 kg ha–1 by reducing nitrogen rate and increasing density with 270 kg ha–1 nitrogen fertilizer under both densities of 30×104 and 45×104 plant ha–1. Reasonable plant density can effectively reduce the root collar diameter and the height of canopy, and concentrate pod maturing, which would help promote mechanical harvesting in rapeseed production.

      Dynamic Simulation Model for Growth Duration of Rapeseed (Brassica napus)
      ZHANG Ya-Jie,LI Jing,PENG Hong-Kun,CHEN Xiu-Bin,ZHENG Hong-Yu,CHEN Sheng-Bei,LIU An-Guo,HU Li-Yong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  766-777.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00766
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      Field experiments with different sowing dates were carried out for two successive years using 13 rapeseed (Brassica napus) varieties with different growth durations to focus on the growth and development processes of the varieties under different photoperiod-temperature conditions. A dynamic simulation model for predicting growth duration of rapeseed was developed by a combined analysis on different factors. The theory of rapeseed physiological ecology, the principle of constant physiological development time (PDT), and the relationships between different growth and development stages and environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod were the basis for simulating the model. Logistic curve was used to simulate photoperiod effect, harmonic analysis was used to analyze the changes of day and night temperatures, and piecewise functions of sine exponent equation was adopted to describe thermal and vernalization effects. Four parameters with genetic characteristics, including photoperiod susceptibility, temperature sensitivity, physiological vernalization time and pod period factor, were determined and verified for the accuracy of the model. The test results showed the average of the root mean square errors (RMSE) between the observed and simulated values was 2.67 days for different sowing dates, and 3.74 days for different varieties, respectively. Clustering analysis using four genetic parameters verified the classification of 13 varieties and conformed to their characteristics. The results indicated the model can reveal relative accurately within certain range the response of rapeseed to temperature and photoperiod. Therefore, it can be used as a reliable tool for predicting the growth duration of rapeseed.

      Effects of Plastic Mulching and Irrigation on Yield of Corn in Arid Oasis Irrigation Area
      YU Ai-Zhong,CHAI Qiang*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  778-786.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00778
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      The knowledge on coupling effect of plastic film mulching and limited water supply on corn yield in inland irrigation area is essential in developing effective cropping systems. A field experiment was conducted to reveal yield formation process and mechanism of corn under different plastic film mulching patterns (full-film, half-film and no mulching) and irrigation quota treatments (7200, 6450, and 5700 m3 ha-1) in Shiyanghe River Basin of Gansu Hexi Corridor. The results showed that plastic film mulching patterns and irrigation levels had significant effect on grain yield, harvest index, double-ear rate, seed number per ear, seed weight and water use efficiency(WUE). The grain yield reached 13 275.5 and 12 880.5 kg ha-1 under full-film mulching with high and moderate irrigation levels, respectively, which was 7.0% to 31.0% higher than that under half-film mulching and no mulching with the same irrigation level.The WUE reached 16.9 kg mm-1 hm-2 under full-film mulching treatment, which was 12.7% and 6.3% higher than that under half-film mulching and no mulching treatments respectively.Full-film mulching with high irrigation level had the greatest double-ear rate, seed number per ear and seed weight, which were 23.9%, 658.6 per ear and 36.4 g per 100 grain respectively. The average leaf area index (LAI) achieved 2.8 and 2.7 under full-film and half-film mulching with high irrigation level, respectively, which were significantly higher than that with low irrigation level. Moreover, soil water content in the soil layer from 0 to 30 cm and accumulated soil temperature of 0 to 25 cm was up to 23.9% and 3717.9°C, which was significantly higher than that in other treatments. It can be concluded that plastic film mulching increased the grain yield by improving seed number per ear and seed weight, resulting from the enhancement of double-ear rate and average LAI due to improving soil thermal characteristics.

      Effects of Plastic Mulching Mode on Soil Moisture and Grain Yield in Dryland Winter Wheat
      YANG Chang-Gang,CHAI Shou-Xi,ZHANG Shu-Fang,CHEN Heng-Hong,CHANG Lei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  787-796.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00787
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      Mulching strategies and practices are required to increase crop yields in arid and semiarid rainfed areas. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different mulching modes on soil moisture, grain yield, and water use efficiency for winter wheat in a semiarid rainfed region of Loess Plateau, Northwest China during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 growing seasons. Winter wheat was grown under four cultivation patterns: whole field plastic mulching with soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T1), whole field plastic mulching without soil cover on the top of the plastic mulch and bunch-seeding (T2), ridges mulched with plastic film and row-seeding in the furrow (T3), and non-mulching with row-seeding as control (CK). Compared with CK, the three plastic mulching treatments showed the increase of water storage in the 0–200 cm soil layer before booting stage by 2.3% in the 2008–2009 season and 1.7% in the 2009–2010 season and the decrease of 0–200 cm soil water storage from booting to harvest by 14.7% and 7.6% in the two seasons, respectively. In the three plastic mulching treatments, the 0–20 cm soil moisture during the whole growth season was obviously higher than that in CK, however the 20–90 cm soil moisture after jointing and the 90–200 cm soil moisture during the whole growth season were lower than that in CK. As a result, the 0–200 cm soil water storage at harvest in the plastic mulching treatments was 64.7 mm (2008–2009 growing season) and 47.0 mm (2009–2010 growing season) lower than that in CK. Although T1, T2 and T3 consumed 64.6 mm and 77.2 mm more soil water than CK in two growing seasons, the 0–200 cm soil water storage was 29.8 mm and 22.8 mm higher at seeding stage in autumn after the summer fallowing. This result indicated that soil water storage was restored rapidly during summer fallow in plastic mulching treatments. Compared with CK, plastic mulching treatments enhanced wheat yield by 49.4% in 2008–2009 season and 53.2% in 2009–2010 season and water use efficiency by 11.8% in 2008–2009 season and 14.3% in 2009–2010 season. In a comprehensive consideration of yield, water use efficiency and economical return, T1 is recommended as a simple and applicable technique in semiarid rainfed wheat production aiming at high yield and high efficiency.

      Population Quality Indexes for Waxy Wheat Yangnuomai 1 with Yield Higher than 8000 kg ha–1
      ZI Yan,DING Jin-Feng,HUANG Zheng-Jin,WANG Li-Ai,JU Feng,ZHAI Chao-Yue,JIANG Wei,ZHU Xin-Kai,LI Chun-Yan,GUO Wen-Shan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  797-805.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00797
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      Waxy wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a promising production due to its specific quality and wide uses in many fields. However, the cultivation techniques for high-yielding waxy wheat have seldom been studied. In this study, we conducted a three-year field experiment from November 2010 to June 2013 to make clear the population characters of Yangnuomai 1, a waxy wheat variety, at the yield level of 8000 kg ha–1. With different grain yields were constructed by different levels of seedling density and nitrogen application amount, as well as different ratios of nitrogen applied before seeding and at the growth stages of tillering, elongation, and booting in waxy wheat variety Yangnuomai 1, three types of populations were designed under the co-regulation of plant density, nitrogen application rate and split ratio. The HY population ( ≥8000 kg ha–1) was characterized with 5.2–5.5 million spikes ha–1, 43–46 grains per spike and thousand-grain yield of 32–37 g. In HY population at jointing stage, the number of main stem and tillers was 2.3–2.5 folds over the final spike number, the earing percentage of main stem and tillers was 44–49% and the earing percentage of tillers was 25–33%. At booting and milk stage, the suitable leaf area indices (LAI) of HY population were 6.2–6.5 and 3.2–4.0, respectively. The dry matter accumulation amount at anthesis was 10 000–11 600 kg ha-1, and the dry matter accumulated from anthesis to maturity was higher than 5900 kg ha–1. At maturity stage, the grain/leaf ratios of HY population were 0.36 grains per square centimeter leaf and 12.40 mg grain per square centimeter leaf. Compared to MHY (moderately-high-yielding population, 7500–8000 kg ha–1) and MY (middle-yielding population, <7500 kg ha–1), HY population exhibited higher LAI at various stages, lager dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis, and higher values of both grain/leaf ratios. The common plot for HY population in three years was designed with seedling density of 2.25 ´ 106 ha–1 and total nitrogen amount of 240 kg ha-1 with splitting application at before seeding, tillering, jointing, and booting stages (5:1:2:2).

      Identification of Resistance to Brown Rust and Molecular Detection of Bru1 Gene in 31 Wild Core Sugarcane Germplasms
      LI Wen-Feng, WANG Xiao-Yan, HUANG Ying-Kun*, ZHANG Rong-Yue, SHAN Hong-Li, YIN Jiong,LUO Zhi-Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  806-812.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00806
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      The objectives of this study was to clarify the level of resistance to Puccinia melanocephala and the distribution of Bru1 in sugarcane wild germplasm collections. Resistance of 31 wild core germplasm from National Nursery of Sugarcane Germplasm Resources (NNSGR, Kaiyuan, China) was identified at seedling stage, and the resistance gene Bru1 was detected in 2013. The results showed that 28 out of 31 materials (90.3%) were highly resistant (Grade 1) or moderately resistant (Grade 3). Of them, nineteen (61.3%) were highly resistant (Grade 1), three (9.7%) were resistant (Grade 2) and six (19.4%) were moderately resistant. Bru1 was detected in eight (25.8%) resistant materials (Guizhou 78-2-12, Yunnan 97-4, E. rockii 95-19, E. rockii 95-20, Yunnan 83-224, Guangxi 79-8, Yunnan 95-35, and Guangxi 89-13). The absence of Bru1 in other 20 resistant and three susceptible entries suggests they may contain brown rust resistance-associated genes other than Bru1. Therefore the elite brown rust resistance gene should be contained in numerous sugarcane wild core germplasm collections of NNSGR, and be valuable for future brown rust resistant breeding programs in sugarcane.

      Effects of Full Sunlight after Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Xiaoyan 54 and 8602, and Their Hybrids
      ZHOU Lian-Jie,XIE Yan-Qing,XU Wen,GUO Qian-Huan,DAI Shuang,ZHAO Shi-Jie,SONG Jian-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  813-819.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00813
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      Shading problem often occurs at the late growing period of winter wheat in the Huang-Huai Plain of China. The objective of this study was to explose the effect of full sunlight after the shading treatment on photosynthetic characteristics in wheat. In a filed experiment with 10-day shading (40% of natural light intensity) from heading to anthesis, the photosynthetic characteristics of wheat varieties Xiaoyan 54 and 8602 and their hybrids Xiaoyan 81 and 212 were measured at 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days after shading treatment. Photoinhibition was observed in all genotypes when the shading ended, and the photosynthetic rate (Pn), ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b, intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (Gs), maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), actually photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII), nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) and efficiency that an electron moves to QA downstream (Ψo) were lower than those of the control (no shading treatment). However, such reductions were alleviated gradually with the time lasting after shading. The hybrid Xiaoyan 81 had the highest Pn, ΦPSII, and Ψo as compared with other tested genotypes, showing its good adaptability to the change of light intensity. The higher Pn in Xiaoyan 81 than in its parents after shading probably resulted from the higher photochemical efficiency of PSII in Xiaoyan 81. These results suggest that Xiaoyan 81 is a wheat variety suitable to growing in the Huang-Huai Plain with low light intensity problem at late growth period of winter wheat.

      Foundation Analysis
      Analysis of NSFC Program Applications in Rice and Wheat Crops Genetics and Breeding Fields in Recent 15 Years
      ZOU Hua-Wen,WANG Dao-Jie,BIAN Xiu-Xiu,SHANG Hai-Hong,YANG Xin-Quan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2015, 41(05):  820-828.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00820
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      The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is one of the main channels of our country to support basic research. In order to provide references for determining the priority fields and directions in the disciplines of genetics and breeding of rice and wheat crops supported by NSFC, the research status and trends in rice and wheat crops genetics and breeding fields were analyzed based on their application data. The data showed that the application numbers in both rice and wheat genetics and breeding fields kept on increasing in recent 15 years, in which, the number of applications about rice was more than that about wheat. The data on research fields showed that the most applications in rice were about development biology, accounting for 37.4%, followed by resistance, accounting for 27.6%. The most applications in wheat were about resistance, accounting for 38.1%, followed by development and quality, accounting for 23.7% and 21.5%, respectively. The data on research levels showed that the most applications in rice were about gene clone and function analysis, accounting for 41.6%, the next was about molecular marker and gene mapping, accounting for 28.8%. The most applications in wheat was about molecular marker and gene mapping, accounting for 36.5%, the next was about gene clone and function analysis, accounting for 28.2%. Based on the domestic and foreign research status, suggestions were proposed that the funding to the researches about high productivity, high quality, and resistance should be continually strengthened, furthermore, the basic researches combining genomics, biotechnology and bioinformatics with traditional biology should be encouraged.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
