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  1. 中国水稻研究所 / 水稻生物育种全国重点实验室, 浙江杭州311400
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-17 修回日期:2024-05-21 接受日期:2024-05-21 网络出版日期:2024-06-06
  • 基金资助:
    本研究由国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFD2301304, 2023YFD2301404, 2022YFD2300700)资助。

Effect of planting uniformity with machine on yield construction and quality formation of rice

TANG Cheng-Han**,CHEN Hui-Zhe**,YE Tian-Cheng,ZHANG Yu-Ping,XIANG Jing,ZHANG Yi-Kai,WANG Zhi-Gang,WANG Ya-Liang*   

  1. China National Rice Research Institute / State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breeding, Hangzhou 311400, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2024-01-17 Revised:2024-05-21 Accepted:2024-05-21 Published online:2024-06-06
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2023YFD2301304, 2023YFD2301404, 2022YFD2300700).


水稻种植均匀度对产量和品质有显著的影响,本试验旨在明确均匀度的提高协同产量和品质提升的机理。试验选用籼粳杂交稻甬优1540,常规粳稻浙禾香2号,杂交籼稻华浙优210为供试品种,设置4种不同种植均匀度处理T1 (条播机插,种植均匀度65%~75%)T2 (撒播机插,种植均匀度45%~55%)T3 (人工模拟机插,种植均匀度100%)T4 (人工模拟机插,种植均匀度50%),比较不同种植均匀度群体的分蘖动态变化、叶面积光合效能、干物质积累与转运、产量形成及稻米品质的变化。结果表明:(1) 种植均匀度提高通过促进分蘖增加了群体有效分蘖数,3个品种平均分蘖高峰苗数表现为T3>T1>T2>T4,不同品种在处理间变化趋势一致。(2) 种植均匀度的提高增加了群体叶面积指数,同时显著提高了抽穗期上三叶高效叶面积指数。而且,增加均匀度显著提高了干物质积累并促进了植株干物质转运,成熟期干物质积累量表现为T3>T1>T2>T4,品种间趋势一致,但是T2T4差异不明显。均匀度提高对灌浆期茎鞘物质运转有一定促进作用,品种间存在差异,T1T2T4间差异不明显。(3) 不同均匀度处理下每穗粒数无显著性差异,但高均匀度下一次枝梗和二次枝梗的着粒分布更均匀。(4) 高均匀度群体主要通过有效穗数提高产量,品种间趋势一致,T3分别比T1T2T4平均产量高8.16%15.41%15.61%(5) 提高种植均匀度提高了稻米糙米率、精米率、整精米率和蛋白质含量,降低了稻米垩白米率和垩白度。以上结果表明,提高种植均匀度能够促进群体分蘖,增加群体叶面积指数和干物质积累,提高有效穗数,从而提升了稻谷产量和出米率,并一定程度上改善了稻米品质。试验结果明确生产上采用精准条播育秧机插能够通过提高种植均匀度协同提升稻谷产量和稻米品质。

关键词: 水稻, 种植均匀度, 播种方式, 产量, 稻米品质


Planting uniformity plays a crucial role in determining the yield and quality of rice. This experiment aimed to elucidate the mechanism behind the simultaneous improvement of uniformity, yield, and quality. Three varieties were used in the study: Yongyou 1540 (indica-japonica hybrid rice), Zhehexiang 2 (inbred japonica rice), and Huazheyou 210 (hybrid indica rice). Four treatments with varying planting uniformity were established: T1 (drill sowing, planting uniformity of 65%–75%), T2 (broadcast sowing, planting uniformity of 45%–55%), T3 (manual simulated mechanical rice transplanting, planting uniformity of 100%), and T4 (manual simulated mechanical rice transplanting, planting uniformity of 50%). The study compared and analyzed the dynamic changes in tiller number, leaf area photosynthetic efficiency, dry matter accumulation and transport, yield formation, and rice quality across different planting uniformity groups. The results showed as follows: (1) Enhanced planting uniformity increased the number of productive tillers by promoting tillering. The average number of tillers at the tillering peak stage was highest in T3, followed by T1, T2, and T4, with a consistent trend across different varieties. (2) Enhanced planting uniformity led to an increase in population leaf area index, particularly in the highly effective leaf area index of the top three leaves at the heading stage. Additionally, improved uniformity enhanced dry matter accumulation and facilitated its transportation. Dry matter accumulation at maturity followed the order T3 > T1 > T2 > T4, with consistent trends observed among different varieties. However, there was no significant difference between T2 and T4. The effect of uniformity on stem sheath material movement during the filling stage varied among varieties, with no significant differences found between T1, T2, and T4. (3) The number of grains per panicle did not significantly differ under different uniformity treatments. However, high planting uniformity resulted in a more uniform distribution of grains on primary and secondary branches. (4) Increased yield in high uniformity populations was primarily attributed to the effective panicle number, with consistent trends observed among different varieties. The average yield of T3 was 8.16%, 15.41%, and 15.61% higher than that of T1, T2, and T4, respectively. (5) Improving planting uniformity increased the brown rice rate, milled rice rate, head rice rate, and protein content, while decreasing chalkiness and chalky rice rate. These findings indicate that improving planting uniformity can promote tillering, increase leaf area index and dry matter accumulation, enhance effective panicle number, and ultimately improve yield and milled rice rate, as well as rice quality to some extent. The experimental results highlight the potential of precision sowing machines to improve rice yield and quality by enhancing planting uniformity.

Key words: rice, planting uniformity, sowing method, yield, rice quality

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