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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1684-1698.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32044


Developing new rice lines with ultrashort-duration, long-grain, and fragrance

PEI Fa-Jing1(), ZHANG Wen-Xuan1, ZHANG Xiao1, WANG Xin-Yu1,2, PENG Shao-Bing1, MI Jia-Ming1,*()   

  1. 1National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement / Hubei Hongshan Laboratory / College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
    2Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding of High Quality Rice in Southern China (Co-construction by Ministry and Province), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2023-10-21 Accepted:2024-01-31 Online:2024-07-12 Published:2024-03-09
  • Contact: *E-mail: mjm@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Hubei Key Research and Development Program(2022BBA0034);Hubei Key Research and Development Program(2021BBA225);Science and Technology Major Program of Hubei(2022ABA001)


Developing high-quality and ultrashort-duration rice varieties is of great significance for improving the multiple cropping index in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River to ensure our food security. In this study, the ultrashort-duration rice line CPPC09-180-28-1-5 was used as the recipient parent. The high-quality variety Xiangyaxiangzhan which carrying the fragrance gene fgr and the grain length gene GW7 was used as the donor parent. Three new breeding lines carrying homozygous fgr and GW7 genes were bred with high-quality and ultrashort-duration, via hybridization, backcrossing and genome-wide marker-assisted selection. Fragrance identification, main agronomic characters, and grain quality analysis of the new breeding lines were carried out. The new lines carrying fgr and GW7 genes had obvious fragrance. The grain length of the new lines was significantly increased compared with the recipient parent CPPC09-180-28-1-5, resulting in better grain quality. The whole growth period of the new lines was about 85-98 days, which was basically consistent with the recipient parent CPPC09-180-28-1-5. The new lines could be planted as early or late rice in the rice area of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to improve the multiple cropping index. In addition, plant height, 1000-grain weight, and yield per plant of the new breeding lines were significantly reduced compared with the recipient parent CPPC09-180-28-1-5, indicating that the introgression of two chromosome fragments carrying target genes in this study has a significant effect on the main agronomic traits of CPPC09-180-28-1-5. This study provides the germplasm resources and strategies for breeding high grain quality and ultrashort-duration rice by the molecular breeding.

Key words: rice, high-quality, ultrashort-duration, marker-assisted selection

Fig. 1

Roadmap for genome-wide marker assisted backcross breeding"

Fig. S1

Genetic background analysis of the selected plants in BC3F1 generation 1-12 chromosomes of rice are labeled from 1 to 12. The black dots, the gray, and the blue boxes represent the position of the target genes on the chromosomes, the recipient parent genome fragments, and the heterozygous genome fragments, respectively."

Table 1

KASP labeled primer sequence"

SNP position
Primer name
Primer sequence (5′-3′)

Fig. S2

Genetic background analysis of the selected plants in BC2F1 generation 1-12 chromosomes of rice are labeled from 1 to 12. The black dots, the gray, and the blue boxes represent the position of the target genes on the chromosomes, the recipient parent genome fragments, and the heterozygous genome fragments, respectively."

Fig. 2

Genetic background of new breeding lines 1-12 chromosome of rice is labeled from 1 to 12. The black dots, the gray, and the red boxes represent the position of the target genes on the chromosomes, the recipient parent genome fragments, and the infiltrated donor parent genome fragment, respectively."

Table 2

Fragrance evaluation by KOH method"

Breeding line
Evaluation (2021 Wuhan late season)
Evaluation (2022 Hainan)
CPPC09-180-28-1-5 无香味Non-fragrant 无香味Non-fragrant
FJ2161-1 有香味Fragrant 有香味Fragrant
FJ2161-2 有香味Fragrant 有香味Fragrant
FJ2162-1 有香味Fragrant
象牙香占Xiangyaxiangzhan 有香味Fragrant 有香味Fragrant

Table 3

Grain quality performance of new breeding lines (Wuhan late season in 2022)"

Breeding line
rice rate
rice rate
rice rate
rice rate
Chalkiness degree
Head rice length
Head rice length/width ratio
Amylose content (%)
CPPC09-180-28-1-5 77.4±0.2 66.8±0.4 63.9±0.3 13.8±2.8 3.1±0.7 5.5±0.1 2.7±0.0 13.7±0.3 76.9±0.5
FJ2161-1 73.1±0.8** 61.7±3.6* 56.4±1.8** 31.6±5.5** 9.7±2.6** 6.5±0.4** 3.9±0.2** 12.7±1.7 80.2±4.0
FJ2161-2 72.6±2.4* 60.6±3.1* 53.9±3.6** 20.3±3.4** 8.4±1.8** 6.6±0.3** 3.8±0.3** 13.2±0.8 82.5±1.2**
FJ2162-1 70.5±1.2** 55.8±1.8** 49.4±1.0** 33.6±6.7** 13.0±0.2** 6.2±0.1** 3.6±0.1** 12.7±0.3* 74.9±0.8

Table 4

Grain quality performance of new breeding lines (Hainan in 2022)"

Breeding line
rice rate
rice rate
rice rate
rice rate
Chalkiness degree
rice length
Head rice length/width ratio
Amylose content (%)
CPPC09-180-28-1-5 75.3±0.9 67.4±0.7 64.1±0.5 37.4±3.5 9.6±1.7 6.3±0.1 3.2±0.1 10.0±0.5 79.8±2.5
FJ2161-1 71.5±0.2* 61.9±0.8* 46.8±0.5** 38.7±1.9 13.3±0.1 6.9±0.1** 4.1±0.0** 10.5±0.3 77.5±3.5
FJ2161-2 71.5±0.3* 61.4±0.5** 48.4±0.5** 26.8±0.7 7.4±0.4 6.9±0.0** 4.1±0.1** 10.6±0.4 79.0±2.6
FJ2162-1 72.6±0.2 61.4±0.2** 49.1±0.3** 38.1±2.7 12.8±2.4 6.8±0.1** 4.0±0.1** 9.7±0.4 73.2±1.3*
象牙香占Xiangyaxiangzhan 71.9±0.4* 64.9±0.8 59.1±1.7 0.0±0.0** 0.0±0.0* 7.1±0.1** 4.3±0.0** 18.3±0.2** 60.0±0.0**

Fig. 3

Comparison of rice grain type between new breeding line and parental lines (Hainan in 2022) A: grain shape; B: head rice shape."

Fig. 4

Days from sowing to full heading of both new breeding lines and parental lines"

Table 5

Main agronomic traits performance of new breeding lines (Wuhan late season in 2021)"

Breeding line
Plant height (cm)
Number of panicles per plant
panicle length
Number of spikelets per plant
setting rate
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
per plant
CPPC09-180-28-1-5 91.8±1.8 11.8±1.2 23.5±0.9 153.5±13.4 63.8±6.6 19.9±0.8 23.1±4.3
FJ2161-1 87.9±1.7** 12.4±1.1 25.5±1.3** 149.8±14.8 58.1±2.5* 18.3±0.4** 19.7±3.0
FJ2161-2 86.0±3.0** 12.0±2.3 25.3±0.7** 152.4±8.5 57.8±7.9 18.2±1.0** 19.0±3.0*
FJ2162-1 86.5±1.6** 11.0±1.6 24.6±0.5** 138.9±5.3* 57.1±6.8 17.8±0.6** 15.7±4.4**

Fig. S3

Comparison of plant type between new breeding line and parental lines (Wuhan late season in 2021)"

Table 6

Main agronomic traits performance of new breeding lines (Hainan in 2022)"

Breeding line
Plant height (cm)
Number of panicles per plant
panicle length
Number of spikelets per plant
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
per plant
CPPC09-180-28-1-5 74.6±1.0 9.3±2.3 19.7±0.3 150.4±8.0 63.1±7.4 23.8±1.3 25.2±6.5
FJ2161-1 67.8±3.3* 9.0±1.2 20.7±0.7* 129.3±8.9* 51.6±3.8* 20.2±0.7** 12.1±1.7*
FJ2161-2 65.7±4.1* 8.3±1.3 20.3±0.7 128.7±9.1* 46.9±3.5* 20.1±0.7** 10.1±2.1**
FJ2162-1 70.1±3.3 9.5±2.6 20.6±0.2** 124.5±9.4* 48.0±2.9* 20.9±0.9* 11.8±3.1*
108.5±3.5** 14.0±1.7* 25.4±0.4** 157.1±4.9 70.3±1.7 20.1±0.6* 31.1±3.5
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